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Game of July 5, 2011 at 07:29, 4 players
1. 488 pts renmar
2. 444 pts michele
3. 427 pts remij

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aadnrsy   H8    26    26   randy
 2. adehosw  11E   114   140   shadowed
 3. ??cgirt   F7    72   212   torching
 4. aeefimo  12K    29   241   fame
 5. aaceent   E1    70   311   catenae
 6. aaklosy   O8    50   361   okays
 7. aeiilno   1C    27   388   ancile
 8. benoqrt   D4    31   419   bento
 9. egmnoor  13L    29   448   gem
10. egistuu  15D    40   488   gustie
11. aelostv   C7    81   569   solvate
12. eiorvwz  12A    46   615   zite
13. finootu  A12    39   654   zoon
14. ailopux  B14    38   692   xu
15. bdilnqu  14M    28   720   dub
16. aehnprw   I6    31   751   phew
17. finopqr   2D    29   780   oaf
18. eijnopu   N6    28   808   jin
19. aioprrv   J2    24   832   parvo
20. diilqrt   5J    30   862   virid
21. eillqru   3I    34   896   lalique

Remaining tiles: irrt

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6004 Filerenmar      5 24:58  -408  488     1.6004 renmar      5 24:58  -408  488 
  2.5718 Filemichele     3 23:37  -452  444            Group: novice
  3.4384 Fileremij       2 22:26  -469  427     1.5718 michele     3 23:37  -452  444 
  4.  -  Filetrina       1 13:51  -686  210            Group: not rated
                                             1.4384 remij       2 22:26  -469  427 
                                             2.  -  trina       1 13:51  -686  210 

On 1st draw, RANDY H8 26 --- RANDY a rude person [n] --- RANDY lustful [adj]
Other tops: SANDY H8 26, YARDS H4 26
Other moves: DAYANS H4 24, SNARY H8 24, YAARS H4 24, YARNS H4 24, DAYAN H4 22
RANDY H8 26 michele
SANDY H8 26 remij
SANDY H4 20 trina
YARDS H7 18 renmar

On 2nd draw, SHADOWED 11E 114 --- SHADOW to make dark or gloomy [v]
Other moves: SHADOWER 8A 101, SHADOWED 11A 82, HOAED I9 34, SHADOWY 12B 34, HOWDY 12D 30
SHEW I6 29 renmar
SHOWED G4 26 michele
WANDS 10F 19 remij
SHOWER 8C 16 trina

On 3rd draw, T(O)RCHI(N)G F7 72 --- TORCH to set on fire [v] --- TORCHING the act of setting alight [n]
Other tops: R(A)TCHI(N)G F7 72, R(E)TCHI(N)G F7 72
Other moves: CIG(A)R(E)TS E4 68, CITR(A)(N)GE K4 68, G(E)(N)TRICE K4 68, RICHT(I)(N)G F8 68, R(I)CHTI(N)G F8 68
CIG(A)R(E)TS E4 18 renmar
DIC(E)R L11 16 remij

On 4th draw, FAME 12K 29 --- FAME to make famous [v]
Other tops: FEME 12K 29, FOAM 12K 29
Other moves: FEM 12K 27, EME 12J 25, EMO 12J 25, FEM I7 24, FAE 12K 23
FAME 12K 29 renmar
FEE 12K 23 remij
FAME 10K 19 michele
FOAMED L6 13 trina

On 5th draw, CATENAE E1 70 --- CATENA a closely linked series [n]
Other moves: CATENAE G1 64, CATENAE I2 63, TEEN 13K 28, CTENE N10 26, ETNA 13J 26
TEEN 13K 28 renmar
MACE M12 16 remij
CENT N11 12 michele

On 6th draw, OKAYS O8 50 --- OKAY to approve [v]
Other tops: KAYOS O8 50, YOLKS O8 50
Other moves: SKY 13K 48, YACKAS 1C 48, YOLKS D4 47, KOALAS 15A 46, KOALAS O7 44
KAY D2 38 michele
CLOAKS 1E 36 renmar
SAY 15F 31 remij
SKY D7 18 trina

On 7th draw, ANCILE 1C 27 --- ANCILE the shield that fell from heaven in Roman mythology [n]
Other tops: ALNICO 1A 27, INLACE 1A 27
Other moves: ACINI 1D 24, CINEOL 1E 24, ENIAC 1A 24, ILEAC 1A 24, ILIAC 1A 24
OCEAN 1D 24 renmar
CLONE 1E 21 trina
CANE 1E 18 remij, michele

On 8th draw, BENTO D4 31 --- BENTO a Japanese meal packed in a box [n]
Other moves: ONBEAT 2A 30, BENT D4 27, BOET D4 27, BOET N10 27, BEN 13L 26
BENT D4 27 renmar
BENT 7H 19 michele
BEEN 4D 12 remij
BONE D7 12 trina

On 9th draw, GEM 13L 29 --- GEM to adorn with gems (precious stones) [v]
Other moves: GORM C3 27, MOER N10 27, MEN 13L 26, MOE 13L 26, MOE N10 26
MO 13L 22 michele
MONO 8A 18 remij
MONGO 2H 14 renmar
GROOM C8 12 trina

On 10th draw, GUSTIE 15D 40 --- GUSTIE tasty [adj]
Other moves: SUET 14L 29, SUITE 15F 28, SUE 14L 27, TEGUAS 2A 27, SEG 15F 25
GUSTIE 15D 40 renmar
SUITE 15F 28 remij
GUEST 15C 20 michele
GUST N5 9 trina

On 11th draw, SOLVATE C7 81 --- SOLVATE to convert into a type of ion [v]
Other moves: SOLVATE 2H 76, SOLVATE C8 74, SOLVATE I2 64, AVOSET 14J 43, VOLES 14K 37
VETO 8A 21 renmar
STOVE I4 14 trina
STOVE C8 11 michele
BEST 4D 6 remij

On 12th draw, ZITE 12A 46 --- ZITE a type of pasta like macaroni [n]
Other tops: VOWER 14K 46
Other moves: ZERO B11 41, OWER 14L 38, OWE 14L 36, WIZ B13 35, REZ 2H 34
ZERO B11 41 michele
ZA 10N 31 remij

On 13th draw, ZOON A12 39 --- ZOON the whole product of one fertilized egg, pl ZOA or ZOONS [n] --- ZOON to zoom [v]
Other tops: ZOOT A12 39
Other moves: OAF 2D 29, ONO 14L 27, FOOT 14J 26, FUTON 14I 26, UNFIT 7K 25
ZOOT A12 39 michele, remij
ZOON A12 39 renmar, trina

On 14th draw, XU B14 38 --- XU a monetary unit of Vietnam [n]
Other moves: LOX 14M 35, LUX 14M 35, PAX 14H 34, POX 14H 34, PAX 2A 33
XU B14 38 renmar, michele
POX 2A 33 remij
AXIL 9H 19 trina

On 15th draw, DUB 14M 28 --- DUB to confer knighthood no [v]
Other moves: BEMUD N11 27, NUB 14M 25, DUI 14M 24, DUN 14M 24, QI 2B 24
QUID N5 19 michele
QUIN N5 17 trina
MELD M12 7 remij
AB 9H 7 renmar

On 16th draw, PHEW I6 31 --- PHEW used to express relief, fatigue, or disgust [interj]
Other moves: HEW I7 28, PAEAN 2B 26, PEH I7 26, PEW I7 26, HEWN 14H 25
PHEW I6 31 renmar
HA 10N 13 remij
PAWN N5 13 michele

On 17th draw, OAF 2D 29 --- OAF a clumsy, stupid person [n]
Other moves: FOP C3 26, POTIN 3C 24, QI 2B 24, FOIN J5 23, PRION J4 23
QI 2B 24 michele
OF J7 16 renmar
FA 10N 13 remij

On 18th draw, JIN N6 28 --- JIN a supernatural being in Muslim mythology [n]
Other tops: JOE C3 28, JUN N6 28, PUNJI J2 28
Other moves: JEON J5 27, JOIN J5 27, JA 10N 25, JO C3 23, JOE J5 23
JA 10N 25 remij
JOE J5 23 renmar
JOE J4 18 michele

On 19th draw, PARVO J2 24 --- PARVO a contagious disease of dogs [n]
Other moves: OVA J7 23, PAV 14H 22, PARVO O2 20, VOR C3 20, ARVO 14H 19
VIA O4 19 michele
PA 10N 10 remij

On 20th draw, VIRID 5J 30 --- VIRID verdant [adj]
Other moves: QADI 3I 24, QAID 3I 24, QAT 3I 22, QI 7M 21, DIT 7M 19
QAT 3I 22 michele, renmar, remij

On 21th draw, LALIQUE 3I 34 --- LALIQUE a style of cut glass or crystal [n]
Other moves: PIQUE 2J 32, QUIRE L2 28, QI 7M 21, EQUALI 3G 17, EQUAL 3G 16
QUIRE L2 28 renmar
QI 7M 21 remij

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