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Game sheet of nderera (file), Game of July 5, 2011 at 16:00

Word find
Word played
1 AOOPRTW PROW H5 18 -10 18 10/11 WRAPT H4 28 28 10/11
2 ACELOUY YEA I6 19 -5 37 1/12 CALOYER 5B 24 52 4/12
3 ?ADEFRV FAVER 6G 18 -60 55 12/13 FLAV(O)RED D4 78 130 9/13
4 AIKLOTZ             KAZ(O)O 8A 51 181 10/13
5 ADEFGRS FARDS 6G 18 -66 73 12/13 FARDAGES B7 84 265 10/14
6 ?ABGIRS BAR(E)S A11 32 -62 105 3/10 DIR(T)BAGS 11D 94 359 10/14
7 ACDEHMO HAMED A11 51   156 2/12       410 6/15
8 EGIOTUV             OUTGIVES K4 74 484 7/15
9 AADELOS MEAD 13A 14 -16 170 13/13 ABODES H10 30 514 9/15
10 IILNNOS LIONS L1 18 -9 188 11/13 YINS F5 27 541 9/15
11 ELOPTUY             YELP L1 34 575 9/15
12 CEILNOR CORNY 1H 30 -31 218 3/10 INCLOSER 15C 61 636 9/15
13 EIMNOQT MONEY 1H 30 -6 248 7/11 OMNEITY 1F 36 672 8/15
14 BEEIINX NIX 2D 51 -8 299 6/11 NIXIE 2D 59 731 8/15
15 EILRTUW WITE 1A 27 -3 326 6/11 WILIER 8J 30 761 7/15
16 ABEIQUU QUEUE N6 36 -9 362 5/11 QUAI 1A 45 806 7/15
17 BHNOOTU HOO 7M 23 -7 385 6/11 NOB 3E 30 836 7/15
18 JNOTTUU JOE N6 26 -8 411 6/10 OUTJUT 14J 34 870 6/15

Total: 411/870 or -459 for 47.24%
Rank: 6515

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