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Game of July 5, 2011 at 20:30, 14 players
1. 531 pts arlo805
2. 459 pts nderera
3. 449 pts Grace_Tjie

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?cdmmuz   H6    28    28   cuz
 2. ?aegotu   I8    71    99   outrage
 3. fimnptu  H12    39   138   muti
 4. eiloops  10B    64   202   loopiest
 5. abeimnr  11A    92   294   mirbane
 6. aeilrtv   6C    67   361   vertical
 7. adhiort  12C    36   397   doh
 8. aafikns   K1    40   437   nakfas
 9. aiiorrt   4H    76   513   triforia
10. aeinprt  14B    80   593   patienter
11. ?dglrux  15A    42   635   dex
12. abdegln   N2    82   717   blindage
13. acehist   O7   102   819   aitches
14. dgijnoy   M9    68   887   joying
15. eelnosw   9C    35   922   slow
16. deenoqy   1H    39   961   donny
17. eefqruv   E2    28   989   queer
18. eeefrvw   4A    32  1021   weever

Remaining tiles: ef

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6095 Filearlo805     4 21:35  -490  531     1.6095 arlo805     4 21:35  -490  531 
  2.5799 Filenderera     1 20:51  -562  459     2.6621 sunshine12  3 14:13  -606  415 
  3.4593 FileGrace_Tjie  1 16:23  -572  449     3.6991 mylover81   1 11:44  -700  321 
  4.5889 FileGLOBEMAN    3 16:28  -587  434            Group: novice
  5.5325 Filenaomiari    1 20:36  -600  421     1.5799 nderera     1 20:51  -562  459 
  6.6621 Filesunshine12  3 14:13  -606  415     2.5889 GLOBEMAN    3 16:28  -587  434 
  7.4796 FileBouncingS   1 18:23  -624  397     3.5325 naomiari    1 20:36  -600  421 
  8.  -  Filenadeem21    1 25:20  -655  366     4.5647 sherrymoon  2  7:19  -829  192 
  9.4177 Filepickrose    1 17:40  -691  330     5.5412 narisa      2  6:06  -836  185 
 10.6991 Filemylover81   1 11:44  -700  321            Group: not rated
 11.  -  Filebigmama     1 18:40  -737  284     1.4593 Grace_Tjie  1 16:23  -572  449 
 12.5647 Filesherrymoon  2  7:19  -829  192     2.4796 BouncingS   1 18:23  -624  397 
 13.5412 Filenarisa      2  6:06  -836  185     3.  -  nadeem21    1 25:20  -655  366 
 14.  -  FileJaneane     0  0:47 -1007   14     4.4177 pickrose    1 17:40  -691  330 
                                             5.  -  bigmama     1 18:40  -737  284 
                                             6.  -  Janeane     0  0:47 -1007   14 

On 1st draw, CUZ H6 28 --- CUZ a cousin [n]
Other tops: CUZ H7 28, CUZ H8 28, MUZ(Z) H5 28, MUZ(Z) H6 28, MUZ(Z) H7 28, MUZ(Z) H8 28, MU(Z)Z H5 28, MU(Z)Z H6 28, MU(Z)Z H7 28, MU(Z)Z H8 28
Other moves: C(A)Z H6 26, C(A)Z H7 26, C(A)Z H8 26, C(O)Z H6 26, C(O)Z H7 26
Z(E)D H6 24 naomiari, nderera
Z(E)D H7 24 nadeem21
MUM H6 14 BouncingS, arlo805
(S)CUM H8 14 Grace_Tjie
DUM(B) H7 12 bigmama

On 2nd draw, OUT(R)AGE I8 71 --- OUTRAGE to arouse anger or resentment in [v]
Other moves: OUTAGE(S) I8 70, OU(T)GATE I8 70, OUTGA(T)E I8 69, OUTGA(V)E I8 69, OUTGA(Z)E I8 69
GOATE(E) I7 25 Grace_Tjie, arlo805
GOAT I7 24 naomiari
TOGE(S) I7 22 nderera
GAUZE 8E 15 bigmama
TO(P)AZ 8D 14 nadeem21
G(R)AZE 8E 14 BouncingS
CAGE 6H 11 pickrose

On 3rd draw, MUTI H12 39 --- MUTI a South African traditional medicine [n]
Other tops: MUNI H12 39, MUNT H12 39, PUNT H12 39
Other moves: TUMP H12 37, IF J13 29, TUMP J12 29, FANUM 12H 28, FUM H12 28
MUNT H12 39 arlo805
FAINT 12H 24 nadeem21
MI J14 20 nderera
MUT J12 18 Grace_Tjie
PI H14 16 naomiari
CUMIN 6H 15 BouncingS
TEMP 14H 14 pickrose
P(R)INT 11H 12 bigmama

On 4th draw, LOOPIEST 10B 64 --- LOOPY full of loops [adj]
Other moves: SPIEL J8 35, SLOPE J6 31, PILOSE J5 30, LOOSIE J6 29, SPIE J8 29
SLOPE J6 31 naomiari
LOOSE J6 27 nderera
POO J6 23 Grace_Tjie
POOLS J4 21 arlo805
PISTOLE 10F 17 nadeem21
SPICE 6E 15 BouncingS
STOP 10H 8 pickrose

On 5th draw, MIRBANE 11A 92 --- MIRBANE a name for nitrobenzene [n]
Other moves: BARMEN 11A 38, AIRMEN 11A 34, MABE G7 33, ABRIN 11B 32, BRINE 11C 32
BROMINE D8 28 nadeem21
BANE 11D 28 Grace_Tjie
BROMINE C8 24 nderera
BALMIER B8 22 arlo805
MAN J7 19 naomiari
PRIME E10 18 pickrose
MACER 6F 17 BouncingS
MAILER B7 8 bigmama

On 6th draw, VERTICAL 6C 67 --- VERTICAL something that is vertical (extending up and down) [n]
Other moves: MAVIE A11 33, TAV 12C 33, TAEL 12B 29, TAIL 12B 29, TEAL 12B 29
MATER A11 24 sunshine12, naomiari
METAL A11 24 bigmama
LIVER B10 16 Grace_Tjie, pickrose
VETTER 14E 13 arlo805
CARVEL 6H 13 nadeem21

On 7th draw, DOH 12C 36 --- DOH a musical note [n]
Other tops: DAH 12C 36
Other moves: MIRTH A11 33, AH 12D 28, HAD G13 28, HORRID C9 28, OH 12D 28
HAIRDO 5I 27 nderera
HARD 5I 23 arlo805
HOI 5D 23 sunshine12
OH J8 22 naomiari
HAD 5I 21 Grace_Tjie
THROAT F1 17 nadeem21
HAIR E3 14 pickrose
THUG 13F 12 BouncingS
RATH F4 7 bigmama

On 8th draw, NAKFAS K1 40 --- NAKFA the standard currency unit of Eritrea [n]
Other tops: SIFAKA K6 40
Other moves: FAIK 5D 39, FAIKS K2 38, FANKS K2 38, FINKS K2 38, KAIFS K2 38
KAIFS K2 38 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
FINKS K2 38 nderera, arlo805
MAKIS A11 36 naomiari
FANKS 5I 31 Grace_Tjie
AKEE G8 25 mylover81
FAKES D3 24 BouncingS, pickrose
KITES 14F 21 bigmama
FAINTS F2 17 nadeem21

On 9th draw, TRIFORIA 4H 76 --- TRIFORIA galleries in a church [n] --- TRIFORIUM a gallery in a church [n]
Other moves: ROAR L2 28, TIAR L2 28, MAROR A11 24, MARRI A11 24, MOIRA A11 24
OAT L3 24 mylover81
MORAT A11 24 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12
RATION 1F 18 arlo805
KART 3K 16 naomiari
TRAIN 1G 15 BouncingS, nadeem21, nderera
RATIO 2J 14 bigmama
F*RT 4K 14 Grace_Tjie
TORN 1H 12 pickrose

On 10th draw, PATIENTER 14B 80 --- PATIENT able to endure disagreeable circumstances without complaint [adj]
Other tops: ANTIRAPE O4 80
REPAINT 1F 30 nderera, BouncingS
PAINTER 1H 30 arlo805, mylover81
PAINTER O3 27 nadeem21
PARENT O3 24 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
TAPEN 1G 21 pickrose
RIPEN 1G 21 Grace_Tjie
PATENT 14F 16 naomiari

On 11th draw, D(E)X 15A 42 --- DEX a sulfate used as a central nervous system stimulant [n]
Other tops: G(O)X 15A 42
Other moves: L(A)X 15A 39, L(E)X 15A 39, L(O)X 15A 39, R(A)X 15A 39, R(E)X 15A 39
D(E)X 15A 42 mylover81, sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
L(A)X 15A 39 Grace_Tjie, arlo805
R(E)LAX O1 33 pickrose
X(I) 15A 27 nderera
AX(E)D 2K 22 BouncingS
GLUT H1 15 bigmama
LAX 2J 12 naomiari
LAX O3 10 nadeem21

On 12th draw, BLINDAGE N2 82 --- BLINDAGE a temporary wooden screen(military) [n]
Other moves: BRANGLED M3 80, BAGMEN A8 48, LEGMAN A8 42, BANGLED 1I 39, BANDAGE O3 33
BANGLE 2J 30 mylover81
BLAND 1H 30 Grace_Tjie, sunshine12, arlo805
BLEND 1H 30 naomiari
BANGED O3 30 pickrose
BANNED 1H 30 nderera
GLAND 1H 27 nadeem21
BALING N1 26 BouncingS
BANAL O1 21 bigmama
BRAG M3 14 sherrymoon

On 13th draw, AITCHES O7 102 --- AITCH the letter H [n]
Other moves: AITCHES O9 97, ASTHENIC 1F 92, ACHIEST O9 91, HICATEES D1 86, ACHIEST M9 79
CHAINES 1G 39 BouncingS
HITS O7 37 nderera, sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
HIST O7 37 mylover81, Grace_Tjie
CHAINS 1G 36 arlo805
HEATS M9 33 naomiari
CAGE 8L 30 sherrymoon, bigmama
SITE O7 25 nadeem21
SCANT 1H 24 pickrose
BLINDAGES N2 15 narisa

On 14th draw, JOYING M9 68 --- JOY to rejoice [v]
Other moves: DJINNY 1G 63, JINGO M9 60, JOYING 1G 57, DJINNY 1H 54, DJINN 1H 42
JOYING M9 68 arlo805
JOYING 1G 57 sunshine12, BouncingS, narisa, GLOBEMAN
JOY M9 39 Grace_Tjie, sherrymoon, nderera
JOIN 1H 33 pickrose, naomiari, nadeem21
JO O1 31 mylover81
JAG 2J 27 bigmama

On 15th draw, SLOW 9C 35 --- SLOW moving with little speed [adj] --- SLOW to lessen the speed of [v]
Other moves: LOWN 9D 33, LOWS 9D 33, LOWNES 1H 30, LOW 9D 27, LOWNE 1H 27
WEENS 1H 27 sunshine12, arlo805, narisa, GLOBEMAN
LOWNS 1H 27 BouncingS
WOS L10 26 mylover81
SWOT H1 21 Grace_Tjie
WENT H1 21 sherrymoon
WE O1 19 nderera
SWORE E3 16 pickrose, naomiari
WISE 12L 14 bigmama
WONS 1I 8 nadeem21

On 16th draw, DONNY 1H 39 --- DONNY the hand [n]
Other moves: DOYENNE 1F 36, DOYENNE 1G 36, YODE L10 34, YENNED 1H 33, YEED 5D 30
DONNY 1H 39 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12, narisa
OY J1 28 mylover81, sherrymoon, arlo805, nderera
QI 12L 22 BouncingS, naomiari, bigmama, Grace_Tjie, pickrose
DEEN 1H 15 nadeem21

On 17th draw, QUEER E2 28 --- QUEER deviating from the expected or normal [adj] --- QUEER to spoil the effect or success of [v]
Other tops: QUEER D3 28, QUIRE 12K 28
Other moves: REEF M4 26, VERVE C3 24, FEE 5D 23, FEU 5D 23, EF M6 22
QUEER E2 28 BouncingS, narisa, sherrymoon, nadeem21, pickrose, nderera, bigmama, Grace_Tjie, arlo805
QUIRE 12K 28 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12
QUEER D3 28 naomiari
FEVER D3 22 mylover81

On 18th draw, WEEVER 4A 32 --- WEEVER a marine fish [n]
Other moves: FEER D4 26, FREE D4 26, REEF M4 26, WEER D4 26, FEE D4 24
WEEVER 4A 32 arlo805, sherrymoon
WEER D4 26 mylover81
VERVE C3 24 nadeem21
WEE D4 24 nderera
FEVER 4B 22 Grace_Tjie, sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
WIVE 12L 20 BouncingS
WE O1 19 narisa, naomiari
FREE 4C 14 Janeane
VEER 4C 14 bigmama
FUR 3D 6 pickrose

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