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Game of July 5, 2011 at 22:44, 8 players
1. 598 pts dannyboy
2. 399 pts narisa
3. 265 pts BouncingS

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ceenors   H2    74    74   necrose
 2. ?imnnor   8A    77   151   noncrime
 3. aginrtu   A8    80   231   naturing
 4. aepstty   4D    80   311   typecast
 5. aeeilrv   D6    70   381   receival
 6. bijosty   L1    76   457   joys
 7. adeegmu   1L    36   493   jade
 8. adinuuv   3A    25   518   divan
 9. eelmort  11C    76   594   overmelt
10. ?aegiot   J7    62   656   cogitate
11. abeiklx  H11    60   716   exile
12. ahilsuw  K11    47   763   sha
13. bcdehou   2J    50   813   boohed
14. abgiktz   3G    55   868   bez
15. ciknotw  L12    37   905   ikon
16. aefotuw   3L    37   942   yaw
17. acdituw   A1    33   975   wadd
18. egloqtu   B6    42  1017   quote
19. cfgloru  B13    24  1041   fou
20. cfgilpu   8J    33  1074   oilcup

Remaining tiles: fgir

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6328 Filedannyboy    5 19:08  -476  598     1.6328 dannyboy    5 19:08  -476  598 
  2.5451 Filenarisa      3 14:10  -675  399            Group: novice
  3.4825 FileBouncingS   1 15:09  -809  265     1.5451 narisa      3 14:10  -675  399 
  4.2729 Fileding        1 22:10  -821  253     2.5665 scrablehed  0  3:35 -1044   30 
  5.4344 FileBiddy       1 11:54  -876  198            Group: not rated
  6.4584 Filetonikay     0  4:09 -1024   50     1.4825 BouncingS   1 15:09  -809  265 
  7.5665 Filescrablehed  0  3:35 -1044   30     2.2729 ding        1 22:10  -821  253 
  8.  -  Filesimonsays   0  0:25 -1056   18     3.4344 Biddy       1 11:54  -876  198 
                                             4.4584 tonikay     0  4:09 -1024   50 
                                             5.  -  simonsays   0  0:25 -1056   18 

On 1st draw, NECROSE H2 74 --- NECROSE to affect with necrosis [v]
Other tops: ENCORES H2 74
Other moves: ENCORES H3 70, ENCORES H4 70, ENCORES H6 70, ENCORES H7 70, ENCORES H8 70
CORNS H4 20 dannyboy
SCREEN H7 18 simonsays
CENSOR H8 18 ding

On 2nd draw, NON(C)RIME 8A 77 --- NONCRIME something that is not a crime [n]
Other moves: NON(C)RIME 3A 74, NONCRIM(E) 4E 72, MORNIN(G) G6 69, MORNIN(G) I6 69, NORIM(O)N G6 67
MORNIN(G) I6 19 dannyboy
MINOR(S) 5D 14 ding

On 3rd draw, NATURING A8 80 --- NATURING creative [adj]
TARRING 5E 32 dannyboy

On 4th draw, TYPECAST 4D 80 --- TYPECAST to cast in an acting role befitting one's own nature [v]
Other moves: TAPESTRY 5B 76, TAPESTRY E2 76, TYPE(C)AST D4 74, ESPY 9G 28, TYPESET 3C 28
PAY G1 23 dannyboy
RESTY 12A 16 ding

On 5th draw, RE(C)EIVAL D6 70 --- RECEIVAL the act of receiving [n]
Other moves: RELIEVE 3G 34, TYPECASTER 4D 34, VIAE 5C 30, EARLIER 5F 28, REVIE 5A 28
VIE 5C 24 dannyboy
TEAR K4 8 ding

On 6th draw, JOYS L1 76 --- JOY to rejoice [v]
Other moves: JIBS L1 74, JOBS L1 74, JOIST L1 72, JOTS L1 70, BITSY L1 58
JOYS L1 76 narisa, dannyboy
JOIST F6 30 Biddy
JOBS 6G 15 ding

On 7th draw, JADE 1L 36 --- JADE to weary [v]
Other tops: JEED 1L 36, JUGA 1L 36
Other moves: GUDEMAN 2B 34, GUDEMEN 2B 34, AMU M1 33, GLAUMED 13C 32, GLEAMED 13C 32
JADE 1L 36 dannyboy, narisa, Biddy
JAM 1L 12 ding

On 8th draw, DIVAN 3A 25 --- DIVAN a sofa or couch [n]
Other moves: VIVDA 11D 24, NID 9F 23, VAPID F2 23, DIVAN 9H 21, NUDE 3E 21
ANA M1 18 dannyboy
AVOID 6F 15 ding
VAIN 11D 14 narisa

On 9th draw, OVERMELT 11C 76 --- OVERMELT to melt too much [v]
Other moves: MOOTER 2J 38, TOOMER 2J 32, EMOTER 2J 30, MEDLE A1 27, MODEL A1 27
MODEL A1 27 narisa, dannyboy, Biddy
MODER A1 27 BouncingS
DEEM N1 14 ding

On 10th draw, (C)OGITATE J7 62 --- COGITATE to ponder [v]
Other moves: GOATIE(S)T J8 60, LATIGOE(S) 13D 60, LEGATIO(N) 13D 60, AGEI(S)T K7 38, EGOI(S)T K7 38
(S)TAGE K11 36 BouncingS
GADE A1 21 dannyboy
EG(R)ET H11 21 narisa
MATE(S) G11 7 ding

On 11th draw, EXILE H11 60 --- EXILE to banish from one's own country [v]
Other moves: OXLIKE 8J 54, BOLIX 2K 45, AXIAL 12G 43, AX 2A 39, AXE M1 39
EXILE H11 60 dannyboy
PIX F4 28 narisa
TAXI 13J 22 ding
AXE 12J 20 BouncingS

On 12th draw, SHA K11 47 --- SHA used to urge silence [interj]
Other moves: SH K11 43, DAWISH N1 42, SAIL K11 42, SIAL K11 42, OWLISH 8J 39
SHA K11 47 dannyboy
WADS A1 27 narisa
(C)LAWS 7J 11 BouncingS
TAILS 13J 10 ding

On 13th draw, BOOHED 2J 50 --- BOOH to show disapproval by making this sound [v]
Other moves: DOUCHE 15J 49, OUCHED 8J 45, CHODE 2J 43, DEBOUCH N1 42, H*B* 3G 34
BOTCH K2 33 Biddy
CODED A1 30 narisa, BouncingS
CODE 2K 23 dannyboy
DEB A3 7 ding

On 14th draw, BEZ 3G 55 --- BEZ the second tine of a deer's horn [n]
Other moves: IKAT L12 37, ZIMB G6 35, MAK G11 34, IZAR 6A 33, RITZ F11 33
BIZ B2 28 BouncingS
KID A1 24 dannyboy
ZIT B2 24 Biddy
ZO B7 11 ding

On 15th draw, IKON L12 37 --- IKON a symbol or image [n]
Other moves: WOK 2D 32, WRICK F10 32, KOW 2D 31, INDOW A1 30, TINTACK 13G 30
WICK B2 26 BouncingS
KID A1 24 dannyboy, narisa
WINK B2 22 tonikay
(C)OIN 7J 4 ding

On 16th draw, YAW 3L 37 --- YAW to deviate from an intended course [v]
Other moves: AWE M13 35, AW M13 31, EF M13 31, FAW 2D 29, WOF 2D 29
EF M13 31 dannyboy
WADE A1 27 narisa, Biddy
NEWT 15L 21 BouncingS
TAKE 13J 16 ding
WAE 12C 13 tonikay

On 17th draw, WADD A1 33 --- WADD an earthy ore [n]
Other tops: ADDICT A1 33, ADDUCT A1 33, DIDACT A1 33
Other moves: AW M13 31, CAW 2D 27, WADI A1 27, WADT A1 27, AD M13 25
AD M13 25 dannyboy
WAD A1 21 narisa
AUDIT A1 21 Biddy
WRIT F10 15 tonikay
WAITED 15D 14 BouncingS

On 18th draw, QUOTE B6 42 --- QUOTE to repeat the words of [v]
Other moves: QUIT F6 33, ERGO 5G 25, QUOTE 15D 24, (C)LOQUE 7J 24, QUAT D1 23
QUOTE B6 42 narisa, BouncingS, dannyboy, ding

On 19th draw, FOU B13 24 --- FOU a bushel [n] --- FOU drunk [adj]
Other moves: FOG 2D 23, MOG G11 22, COG 2D 21, GROUF F10 21, FOR 2D 20
FLOG 13C 16 narisa
MO G11 13 dannyboy
FOULER 15D 13 scrablehed
GOLF 9J 12 ding

On 20th draw, OILCUP 8J 33 --- OILCUP a closed cup for supplying lubricant [n]
Other moves: IF M13 31, GIMP G6 19, GUMP G6 19, FLIC F6 17, FLIP F6 17
FLOP 6F 17 scrablehed
IF I14 13 dannyboy
TIP K4 10 narisa
GULP 9J 10 ding, BouncingS

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