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Game of July 6, 2011 at 04:09, 5 players
1. 366 pts johnny55
2. 305 pts Faeythe
3. 85 pts monthree

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ahiijps   H4    38    38   hajis
 2. ddeinot   G7    71   109   dentoid
 3. adehmtu  H12    35   144   dame
 4. flnotuw   I5    38   182   wof
 5. ?abeiru   3D    78   260   exurbia
 6. befioor   2J    49   309   fibre
 7. aclnops   J2    37   346   fanals
 8. ?oprtuy  15H    89   435   eutrophy
 9. cemostz   4A    50   485   zest
10. agknnry   A1    63   548   karzy
11. adeglot   8A    33   581   dogeates
12. eghnovw  F12    29   610   hove
13. aegnotu   O8    92   702   autogeny
14. iinprst   E5    36   738   spraint
15. agllnou   2A    33   771   analog
16. aceiilr  15A    27   798   relace
17. eilmnqv  12J    24   822   meving
18. ceiloqw  11I    30   852   cow
19. eeiilqu   6B    35   887   quep

Remaining tiles: eiiilx

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.4841 Filejohnny55    0 19:16  -521  366     1.6628 monthree    1  3:47  -802   85 
  2.5798 FileFaeythe     0 15:21  -582  305            Group: novice
  3.6628 Filemonthree    1  3:47  -802   85     1.5798 Faeythe     0 15:21  -582  305 
  4.  -  Filenorm26      0  4:28  -813   74            Group: not rated
  5.  -  FileKandi       0  5:24  -825   62     1.4841 johnny55    0 19:16  -521  366 
                                             2.  -  norm26      0  4:28  -813   74 
                                             3.  -  Kandi       0  5:24  -825   62 

On 1st draw, HAJIS H4 38 --- HAJI a person who has made a hadj [n]
Other moves: HAJIS H8 32, HAJIS H5 30, HAJIS H6 30, HAJIS H7 30, APISH H8 28
JAPS H8 26 johnny55

On 2nd draw, DENTOID G7 71 --- DENTOID resembling a tooth [adj]
Other moves: NODDIEST 8B 62, DONATED 5E 36, IODATED 5E 36, NIDATED 5E 36, NODATED 5E 36
HINTED 4H 20 johnny55
DINED 7G 10 Kandi

On 3rd draw, DAME H12 35 --- DAME a matron [n]
Other moves: HAM I5 34, MEAD I4 34, THEMA I2 32, DAM I5 30, HAD I5 30
HAMED 13C 22 johnny55
MED I3 17 Kandi

On 4th draw, WOF I5 38 --- WOF a nobody,a fool (a waste of flesh) [n]
Other moves: LOFT I5 36, OFT I6 33, WOF I13 33, WONT I5 30, FOWL F12 29
WOF G3 23 Faeythe
MOWN 14H 17 johnny55

On 5th draw, E(X)URBIA 3D 78 --- EXURBIA a residential area beyond the suburbs in a city [n]
Other tops: (D)AUBIER 3E 78
Other moves: AUBRETI(A) 10B 63, AUBRIET(A) 10A 63, BRAU(N)ITE 10A 63, URBA(N)ITE 10A 63, (A)UBRIETA 10A 63
(D)RAB J3 35 Kandi
BR(E)E J3 24 Faeythe
AWARE 5H 16 johnny55

On 6th draw, FIBRE 2J 49 --- FIBRE a threadlike cell or filament [n]
Other tops: FIBER 2J 49, FIBRO 2J 49
Other moves: BRIEF 2J 42, ERF J5 37, EF J6 30, FORB 2J 30, FRIB 2J 30
EF J6 30 Faeythe
BEEF D2 18 johnny55

On 7th draw, FANALS J2 37 --- FANAL a lighthouse [n]
Other moves: ALSO J5 32, ALS J5 31, CAPON 2B 31, LOANS 1K 29, CLASP I9 28
SCALP O2 21 johnny55

On 8th draw, EUTROP(H)Y 15H 89 --- EUTROPHY healthful nutrition [n]
Other moves: (E)UTROPY F9 84, EUTROP(H)Y D3 80, EUTROP(H)Y N2 64, T(E)POY 2B 52, ROP(E)Y 2B 51
TROY 2C 31 Faeythe
(S)PORTY O2 21 johnny55

On 9th draw, ZEST 4A 50 --- ZEST to fill with zest (invigorating excitement) [v]
Other moves: ZEES D1 46, COZE F12 45, MOZE F12 45, COZ F12 44, MOZ F12 44
ZOS 14L 41 Faeythe
BEST L2 12 johnny55

On 10th draw, KARZY A1 63 --- KARZY a lavatory [n]
Other moves: KAY 2D 39, KYU I13 35, GAY 2D 33, GRAY 2C 33, AY K4 32
RANGY M2 18 johnny55
AN 5A 15 Faeythe

On 11th draw, DOGEATES 8A 33 --- DOGEATE the office of a doge [n]
Other moves: ODAL O1 30, ODEA O1 30, ADO O1 24, AGEE B1 24, BLOATED L2 24
BLOATED L2 24 Faeythe
BOLTED L2 18 johnny55

On 12th draw, HOVE F12 29 --- HEAVE to lift forcefully [v] --- HOVE to swell [v]
Other tops: HOWE F12 29
Other moves: HEW I11 28, HOW F12 28, VEGO 2D 28, VOW F12 28, GNOW F11 27
OW B1 26 Faeythe
VOWER K11 22 johnny55
NOTE 10E 6 norm26

On 13th draw, AUTOGENY O8 92 --- AUTOGENY the production of living organisms from inanimate matter [n]
Other moves: GAUNT 1K 33, TAUON 1K 29, TONGUE 15A 27, AEON 1L 24, AGEE B1 24
AG B1 18 Faeythe
ABOUT L1 16 johnny55
TONG 10G 9 norm26

On 14th draw, SPRAINT E5 36 --- SPRAINT otter's dung [n]
Other moves: PINITE 15A 27, PIRNIE 15A 27, SPRITE 15A 27, STRIPE 15A 27, ISIT O1 26
SPRIT O2 19 johnny55
PROST B6 15 Faeythe
POINTS B7 10 norm26

On 15th draw, ANALOG 2A 33 --- ANALOG something that bears a resemblance to something else [n]
Other moves: LANGUE 15A 27, HIDALGO 12F 24, LAGUNE 15A 24, LOUNGE 15A 24, ULLAGE 15A 24
AG B1 18 Faeythe
GALLOP M10 18 johnny55
BALL L2 12 norm26

On 16th draw, RELACE 15A 27 --- LACE to fasten by means of a lace (a cord for drawing together two edges) [v] --- RELACE to do up again [v]
Other tops: ALERCE 15A 27
Other moves: AREIC D11 22, GLACIER C8 22, GRACILE C8 22, ILEAC D11 22, ILIAC D11 22
LACIER K10 16 johnny55
RACER M2 14 norm26
REACT 10K 13 monthree
GRACE C8 9 Faeythe

On 17th draw, MEVING 12J 24 --- MEVE to move [v]
Other moves: AWAVE 5H 22, MEL 14B 22, MEN 14B 22, BLIVE L2 20, MEL I11 20
BLIVE L2 20 johnny55
MING 12L 14 monthree
TILE 10G 6 norm26

On 18th draw, COW 11I 30 --- COW the female of the bovine animals [n] --- COW to intimidate [v]
Other moves: LEW 11I 26, LOW 11I 26, OWE 14A 26, OWE 1M 25, OWL 1M 25
COW 11I 30 monthree
WE 1N 20 Faeythe
BLOW L2 18 johnny55
GLOW C8 9 norm26

On 19th draw, QUEP 6B 35 --- QUEP expressing derision [interj]
Other tops: QUIP 6B 35
Other moves: RELIQUE M2 34, QUIN 10B 33, QUELL C11 28, QUILL C11 28, EEL 3L 16
QUILL C11 28 monthree, johnny55
QI M11 11 Faeythe
REEL M2 8 norm26

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