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Game of July 6, 2011 at 04:55, 7 players
1. 433 pts Hasni
2. 243 pts TwoFold
3. 241 pts lyndyloo

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ellorst   H8    66    66   tollers
 2. aaemrsu   8E    61   127   amateurs
 3. eeilopp  14B    26   153   peoples
 4. abefgst   L1    82   235   gabfests
 5. cdeinuv   E5    52   287   incaved
 6. ?inostv   1F    83   370   stovings
 7. ?hhilnr  15A    53   423   hish
 8. agknotu   D1    32   455   nogaku
 9. bdennuw   C2    28   483   wud
10. aacdgnw   G7    24   507   caw
11. bdeeooy   3I    32   539   yobbo
12. aaegino   K3    29   568   bonier
13. adilnot  13G    75   643   trinodal
14. aegijry  N10    58   701   jailer
15. aaeiirt   O7    26   727   terai
16. eginrtu   C7    74   801   genitures
17. adeirxy   B6    64   865   radix
18. aefmqyz  15L    78   943   zarf

Remaining tiles: eemqy

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.5673 FileHasni       0 24:19  -510  433     1.6263 TwoFold     0  9:34  -700  243 
  2.6263 FileTwoFold     0  9:34  -700  243            Group: novice
  3.4794 Filelyndyloo    0 13:37  -702  241     1.5673 Hasni       0 24:19  -510  433 
  4.5080 Filedrabble     0 11:22  -765  178     2.5080 drabble     0 11:22  -765  178 
  5.  -  Filenorm26      0 13:38  -798  145     3.5783 Faeythe     0  5:21  -872   71 
  6.5783 FileFaeythe     0  5:21  -872   71            Group: not rated
  7.  -  Fileiamjoni     0  3:54  -921   22     1.4794 lyndyloo    0 13:37  -702  241 
                                             2.  -  norm26      0 13:38  -798  145 
                                             3.  -  iamjoni     0  3:54  -921   22 

On 1st draw, TOLLERS H8 66 --- TOLLER a collector of tolls [n]
Other tops: TOLLERS H2 66, TOLLERS H3 66, TOLLERS H4 66, TOLLERS H6 66, TOLLERS H7 66
Other moves: TOLLERS H5 64, LORELS H3 14, LORELS H4 14, LORELS H7 14, LORELS H8 14
TOLLERS H4 16 Hasni
STORE H8 12 norm26

On 2nd draw, AMATEURS 8E 61 --- AMATEUR one that engages in an activity for pleasure [n]
Other moves: MAULERS 11E 36, ASMEAR G7 27, MAARE G9 27, MAARE I9 27, ARMURES 13G 26
TRAMS 8H 8 Hasni
RATES 8F 5 norm26

On 3rd draw, PEOPLES 14B 26 --- PEOPLE to furnish with inhabitants [v]
Other tops: LOPPIES 14B 26
Other moves: PEP 7E 25, POP 7E 25, LOPPIER 13B 24, PEEP 7D 24, PEOPLER 13B 24
PIPES L4 18 Hasni
PILES L4 14 norm26
ELOPES 14C 14 lyndyloo

On 4th draw, GABFESTS L1 82 --- GABFEST an informal gathering for general talk [n]
Other moves: GABFESTS L3 78, BEFLAGS 11E 52, GABLETS 11E 40, SAFE 15A 36, TEFS 15A 36
FATE 15A 33 Hasni
FABLES 11E 22 lyndyloo
BEETS 12G 7 norm26

On 5th draw, INCAVED E5 52 --- INCAVE to secrete [v]
Other moves: VEND 15A 41, VIED 15A 41, INCLUDE 11E 40, NUCLIDE 11E 40, VIDE 15A 37
VIDE 15A 37 Hasni
CEDING 1G 30 lyndyloo
MINE F8 8 norm26

On 6th draw, STOVING(S) 1F 83 --- STOVING drying paint with heat quickly [n]
Other tops: (S)TOVINGS 1F 83
Other moves: STOVAIN(E) 2H 74, STOV(A)INE C7 74, NOVIT(I)ES C8 72, NOV(I)TIES C8 72, VENOSIT(Y) 12G 70
VINO 15A 33 Hasni
VOTINGS 1G 33 lyndyloo
STONE 10A 7 norm26
LOT 11H 3 iamjoni

On 7th draw, HI(S)H 15A 53 --- HISH to hiss [v]
Other moves: HIL(C)H 2B 49, AMATEURSHI(P) 8E 45, (S)INH 15A 45, LI(T)H 15A 44, NI(S)H 15A 44
HIN(D) 15A 25 Hasni
HIS 6J 14 lyndyloo
HURLIN(G) J7 11 iamjoni
HIP B12 8 norm26

On 8th draw, NOGAKU D1 32 --- NOGAKU a type of Japanese drama [n]
Other tops: KONBU 3I 32
Other moves: KNOUT D1 30, TAKA G7 27, KNOUT 2B 26, KOBANG 3J 26, OTAKU D2 26
BONK 3L 20 lyndyloo
KANT D2 18 Hasni
FONT 4L 8 iamjoni
LONG 10H 7 norm26

On 9th draw, WUD C2 28 --- WUD insane [adj] --- WUD to cover with trees [v]
Other moves: BEDEW I5 26, BEDEW 10B 25, BONNE 9G 25, BUD C2 25, DUB C2 25
WREN 13G 21 Faeythe
WEED 5K 16 Hasni
BEND 5K 14 norm26

On 10th draw, CAW G7 24 --- CAW to utter the sound of a crow [v]
Other moves: ADAW G6 23, WON 9G 23, WRANG 13G 23, CAWED 5I 22, CAWED I5 22
WON 9G 23 TwoFold
WANED 10B 21 lyndyloo
BAWD 3L 20 Faeythe
LAW 10H 14 norm26
WANDS 6H 11 Hasni

On 11th draw, YOBBO 3I 32 --- YOBBO a lout [n]
Other tops: BEERY K5 32
Other moves: BOOBY 3I 30, DEBBY 3I 30, DOBBY 3I 30, EYE M3 30, OBOE 13C 30
YOB D10 24 Faeythe
BOY D10 23 TwoFold
BODY 3L 20 Hasni
BOODY 11B 11 lyndyloo
TEE 7L 4 norm26

On 12th draw, BONIER K3 29 --- BON good [adj] --- BONEY having bones [adj]
Other moves: BENI K3 23, BINE K3 23, BONA K3 23, BONE K3 23, ORIGANE 13G 23
REGAIN K8 14 Hasni
FINE 4L 10 TwoFold
SAGE 6L 9 drabble
SING 6L 7 norm26
NOH D13 6 Faeythe

On 13th draw, TRINODAL 13G 75 --- TRINODAL having three nodes [adj]
Other moves: DELATION 12G 68, ORDINAL 13G 25, DENIAL I7 23, DETAIL I7 23, DETAIN I7 23
DRAIN 13G 14 TwoFold, drabble
LAND 10H 7 norm26
LIST 6J 6 Hasni

On 14th draw, JAILER N10 58 --- JAILER a keeper of a jail [n]
Other moves: JAYGEE(S) C9 50, JAY 12K 46, GAYER 12K 36, YEAR 14J 35, GJU J6 33
JAY 12K 46 TwoFold, Hasni, drabble
RISE 6J 6 norm26

On 15th draw, TERAI O7 26 --- TERAI a sun hat with a wide brim [n]
Other moves: ATRIA O6 24, RAITA O6 24, REATA O6 24, RETIA O6 24, RIATA O6 24
TEAR O8 23 Hasni
ERA O8 18 TwoFold
TREE(S) C11 8 drabble
RIDE 11C 5 norm26

On 16th draw, GENITURE(S) C7 74 --- GENITURE birth [n]
Other moves: TRUEING C6 63, TWONIE 2B 28, ENGIRT 15J 27, UNGIRT 15J 27, GRUNT J6 23
ET B1 16 drabble
TIRE 15L 15 Hasni
GIN N6 12 TwoFold
LUNG 11H 10 lyndyloo
TINE J11 6 norm26

On 17th draw, RADIX B6 64 --- RADIX the root of a plant [n]
Other moves: YEX B8 61, DEX B8 57, AXE B9 55, RAX B8 55, REX B8 55
YEX B8 61 TwoFold
REX B8 55 Hasni
XI F10 53 drabble
AXE 8A 30 lyndyloo
DIALED 11E 8 norm26

On 18th draw, ZARF 15L 78 --- ZARF a metal holder for a coffee cup [n]
Other moves: MAZEY N4 46, FARM 15L 39, FERM 15L 39, FEZ F10 39, ZA 12K 39
ZA 12K 39 Hasni
LAZY 10H 36 lyndyloo
MARY 15L 36 TwoFold
QIS 6J 32 drabble
MANE 5I 6 norm26

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