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Game of July 6, 2011 at 05:39, 5 players
1. 381 pts Hasni
2. 121 pts drabble
3. 79 pts scrablehed

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. beinotv   H4    28    28   bovine
 2. ?aaeoru   8A    74   102   aurorean
 3. eiorstt   5D    82   184   tortoise
 4. ?aiknrz   D1    54   238   zakat
 5. deegnst   B7    74   312   nutsedge
 6. aegimpx   1A    48   360   maize
 7. deeinsy   F1    36   396   sneery
 8. adfglor   2A    27   423   alfa
 9. aabdirw   G7    33   456   bawd
10. elnnowy  12B    36   492   dowlney
11. egiiopt  H12    27   519   yipe
12. cefhnor  C11    36   555   hoof
13. adgimtu   4K    25   580   datum
14. aceiopr   O2    39   619   compare
15. dilnott   9L    21   640   olid
16. anortuv  14H    28   668   provant
17. agiinuu  15L    30   698   gain
18. ehiqrru   J5    37   735   squirr
19. ghiilsx  11J    36   771   six
20. cegijlt   8L    40   811   jete

Remaining tiles: cghilu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: novice
  1.5658 FileHasni       0 22:40  -430  381     1.5658 Hasni       0 22:40  -430  381 
  2.5069 Filedrabble     1  7:29  -690  121     2.5069 drabble     1  7:29  -690  121 
  3.5649 Filescrablehed  0  6:17  -732   79     3.5649 scrablehed  0  6:17  -732   79 
  4.4792 Filelyndyloo    0  0:37  -797   14            Group: not rated
  5.  -  Filelynmoore    0  0:24  -800   11     1.4792 lyndyloo    0  0:37  -797   14 
                                             2.  -  lynmoore    0  0:24  -800   11 

On 1st draw, BOVINE H4 28 --- BOVINE an animal of the cattle family [n]
Other moves: BOVINE H3 24, BOVINE H7 24, BOVINE H8 24, BOVINE H5 22, BOVINE H6 22
BOVINE H4 28 drabble
VEIN H5 14 lyndyloo

On 2nd draw, AU(R)OREAN 8A 74 --- AURORA the rising light of the morning [adj] --- AUROREAN relating to the dawn [adj]
Other tops: AURO(R)EAN 8A 74
Other moves: AUREO(L)A G7 67, AURO(R)AE G7 67, AU(R)ORAE G7 64, AUREO(L)A G9 61, AUREO(L)A I9 61
AREA(S) 10D 17 drabble
(S)EAR 10H 16 Hasni

On 3rd draw, TORTOISE 5D 82 --- TORTOISE any of an order of reptiles having the body enclosed in a bony shell [n]
Other moves: STOITER 10H 73, BORTIEST 4H 72, TUTORISE B7 70, RO(R)TIEST C6 68, ROOTIEST 5F 66
SITTER 10H 20 Hasni
STORE 10H 19 drabble

On 4th draw, ZAK(A)T D1 54 --- ZAKAT an Islam tax [n]
Other tops: Z(A)KAT D1 54
Other moves: KAZI(S) L1 52, ZA(Y)IN 4A 52, ZINKI(E)R 7G 52, ZI(G)AN 4A 52, ZIRA(M) 4A 51
ZIN(S) 7G 44 Hasni
ZIN(S) L2 32 drabble

On 5th draw, NUTSEDGE B7 74 --- NUTSEDGE nutgrass [n]
Other moves: INGESTED 7H 62, ZESTED 1D 48, GEEZ 1A 42, ESNE 6C 30, SEE 6D 29
GEES 6A 25 drabble
TENS 6A 24 Hasni

On 6th draw, MAIZE 1A 48 --- MAIZE an American cereal grass [n]
Other moves: AXE 9F 37, PREMIX E7 34, XI I9 34, ADMIX 12A 32, APEX 4J 32
MAXI 4K 30 Hasni

On 7th draw, SNEERY F1 36 --- SNEERY marked by sneering [adj]
Other moves: SYE 6D 35, YEDES L1 35, YEEDS L1 35, ENSKYED 3A 34, DINKEYS 3A 32
DEENS L1 25 Hasni

On 8th draw, ALFA 2A 27 --- ALFA a communications code word for the letter A [n]
Other moves: OFLAG 4J 25, OFLAG 4K 24, OFLAG 6J 24, ARF A13 23, FIDO 7G 23

On 9th draw, BAWD G7 33 --- BAWD a female brothel-keeper [n]
Other moves: BAWR G7 32, ABRAID 4J 28, DAW G7 27, AWA A13 26, DRAWBAR E7 26
AWED 9F 25 Hasni

On 10th draw, DOWLNEY 12B 36 --- DOWLNEY fluffily soft [adj]
Other moves: BLOWY 4H 35, WENNY 4K 35, NOWY 11D 34, OWLY 11D 34, NEWLY 4K 32
DOWNY 12B 24 scrablehed

On 11th draw, YIPE H12 27 --- YIPE used to express fear or surprise [interj]
Other moves: YGOE H12 24, YOGI H12 24, YETI H12 21, YITE H12 21, BOITE 4H 20
PE A14 16 Hasni
PIG 4K 16 scrablehed

On 12th draw, HOOF C11 36 --- HOOF the hard covering on the feet of certain animals [n] --- HOOF to dance [v]
Other moves: HERON 6J 33, FEH I13 31, FOH I13 31, HERN 6J 30, HERO 6J 30
FER I13 25 scrablehed
CHOSE J2 18 Hasni

On 13th draw, DATUM 4K 25 --- DATUM something used as a basis for calculating [n]
Other moves: ATOM E3 22, MIDGUT 13G 22, TUMID 4K 22, ADMIT 4J 21, AMID 13F 21
DIM 13G 16 Hasni
STADIUM J5 14 scrablehed

On 14th draw, COMPARE O2 39 --- COMPARE to scrutinise for similarities [v]
Other tops: CAMPIER O2 39, COMPEAR O2 39, MEROPIC O4 39
Other moves: CRIPE 3I 36, CRAMP O1 33, CRIMP O1 33, EMPORIA O3 33, MEROPIA O4 33
MACER O4 27 Hasni

On 15th draw, OLID 9L 21 --- OLID rank-smelling [adj]
Other tops: LIND 9L 21, LOID 9L 21, NODI 3J 21, TIND 9L 21, TOLD 9L 21
Other moves: LID 9M 20, LOD 9M 20, NID 9M 20, NOD 9M 20, OLD 9M 20
DO A14 16 Hasni

On 16th draw, PROVANT 14H 28 --- PROVANT inferior [adj]
Other moves: VORANT L8 26, TRONA 3I 22, VAPOUR 14F 21, VAPOR 14F 20, ANT A13 19

On 17th draw, GAIN 15L 30 --- GAIN near [adj] --- GAIN to acquire [v]
Other tops: GUAN 15L 30
Other moves: AGON E3 20, IGUANA 6J 20, ANI A13 19, GONIA L8 16, AGO 3M 15
GAIN M11 10 Hasni

On 18th draw, SQUIRR J5 37 --- SQUIRR to scour [v]
Other tops: SQUIER J5 37, SQUIRE J5 37
Other moves: HEIR 6J 32, HIRE 6J 32, HER 6J 31, HIE 6J 31, HE 6J 30
QUAG L12 28 Hasni

On 19th draw, SIX 11J 36 --- SIX a number [n]
Other moves: EX G12 34, XI 13G 34, SHY 6D 32, SIGH 11J 32, SIXTH M1 30
EX G12 34 Hasni
HILL M7 11 lynmoore

On 20th draw, JETE 8L 40 --- JETE a ballet leap [n]
Other moves: TICE 12K 32, TIC 12K 30, TIGE 12K 30, ICE 12L 28, TIG 12K 28
TICE 12K 32 Hasni

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