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Game of July 6, 2011 at 06:27, 4 players
1. 438 pts Hasni
2. 409 pts lyndyloo
3. 200 pts lynmoore

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. eijlntw   H4    26    26   wintle
 2. ?eijluv   6D    77   103   juvenile
 3. abdeelr   5G    82   185   rideable
 4. aaehnrs   L1    42   227   rehabs
 5. aciorty   F6    72   299   voracity
 6. adehiit   8A    42   341   dither
 7. enooswy   2I    40   381   sweeny
 8. aegintz   1C   133   514   tzigane
 9. eggnosu   A6    62   576   gudgeons
10. ?ciioox  B10    52   628   xi
11. aanoprt   1K    32   660   prana
12. deeilrs  13F    78   738   yielders
13. ?bdmoov  H12    36   774   vehm
14. aeooott   3K    31   805   thae
15. adfooru  12K    33   838   faurd
16. cimoort   O7    89   927   microdot
17. abknooq   D1    34   961   zonk
18. abfioop   K8    28   989   piaffe

Remaining tiles: boooqu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: novice
  1.5671 FileHasni       2 20:54  -551  438     1.5671 Hasni       2 20:54  -551  438 
  2.4801 Filelyndyloo    0 15:44  -580  409            Group: not rated
  3.  -  Filelynmoore    0 11:19  -789  200     1.4801 lyndyloo    0 15:44  -580  409 
  4.  -  FileWordie      0  2:06  -948   41     2.  -  lynmoore    0 11:19  -789  200 
                                             3.  -  Wordie      0  2:06  -948   41 

On 1st draw, WINTLE H4 26 --- WINTLE to stagger [v]
Other tops: J*W H6 26, J*W H7 26, J*W H8 26
Other moves: JILT H5 22, JILT H6 22, JILT H7 22, JILT H8 22, JET H6 20
J*W H8 26 Hasni
JILT H5 22 lyndyloo
LINT H8 8 lynmoore

On 2nd draw, JUV(E)NILE 6D 77 --- JUVENILE a young person [n]
Other tops: JUVENIL(E) 6D 77
Other moves: JUVE(N)ILE 9A 72, JUVE(N)ILE 9E 71, JE(D)I 10F 35, JU(D) 10F 34, JU(S) 10F 34
JIVE(R) 5G 28 lyndyloo
JUI(C)E 9D 11 Hasni

On 3rd draw, RIDEABLE 5G 82 --- RIDEABLE capable of being ridden [adj]
Other moves: BEDERAL 10F 79, BLEARED 10B 79, BEDERAL G9 71, BLEARED G9 71, DEVERBAL F4 66
RAJ D4 20 Hasni
BREAD K4 16 lyndyloo
BEE K4 10 lynmoore

On 4th draw, REHABS L1 42 --- REHAB to restore to a good condition [v]
Other moves: RAJAHS D4 40, HERBS L2 38, RAJAH D4 38, HAARS 4K 36, HANJARS D3 36
HAJ D4 26 Hasni
SHEAR 10H 20 lyndyloo
HALE M3 14 lynmoore

On 5th draw, VORACITY F6 72 --- VORACITY the quality or state of being ravenous [n]
Other moves: CARROTY 1I 36, COREY N2 36, RICEY N2 36, YACHT 3I 34, ORACY 1K 30
RAJ D4 20 Hasni
TRACE N1 14 lyndyloo
TORE 9E 5 lynmoore

On 6th draw, DITHER 8A 42 --- DITHER to act nervously or indecisively [v]
Other moves: DAHL M2 34, HEAD E11 33, HADJI D3 32, DEATH E11 31, HAIL M2 31
HAJ D4 26 Hasni
THEIR 1H 24 lyndyloo
HATED 12D 22 lynmoore
DIET 2J 9 Wordie

On 7th draw, SWEENY 2I 40 --- SWEENY atrophy of the shoulder muscles in horses [n]
Other tops: WEENSY 2J 40
Other moves: WEENY 2J 38, ENSEW N2 32, NOSEY N2 32, SOOEY N2 32, WEENS 2J 32
SWOONY 10H 24 lyndyloo
ROWS 1L 21 lynmoore
WEY 2K 9 Hasni

On 8th draw, TZIGANE 1C 133 --- TZIGANE a gypsy [n]
Other moves: TEAZING I9 72, TZIGANE I9 72, TZIGANE C8 54, AGNIZE 1D 53, AZINE 1E 44
GAZE 1F 44 Hasni
ZANY 13C 32 lyndyloo

On 9th draw, GUDGEONS A6 62 --- GUDGEON to dupe [v]
Other moves: GUNGE E11 27, ONUS 2D 26, ZONE D1 26, GENUS E11 25, GEOS 2B 25
SNUG 10H 17 lyndyloo
SONG 10H 17 Hasni
EGGS N5 10 lynmoore, Wordie

On 10th draw, XI B10 52 --- XI the fourteenth letter of the Greek alphabet [n]
Other moves: XI 6N 50, X(I) B10 50, X(U) B10 50, X(I) 6N 49, X(U) 6N 49
XI B10 52 Hasni
TOXIC 12F 22 Wordie
AXE 9F 18 lyndyloo
T(A)X 12F 17 lynmoore

On 11th draw, PRANA 1K 32 --- PRANA the breath of life [n]
Other moves: RAJAH D4 30, PANTO E11 29, PANT E11 27, ANOA 2D 26, ZONA D1 26
SPORTY 13A 22 lyndyloo
RAJ D4 20 Hasni
TAP 12F 8 lynmoore

On 12th draw, YIELDERS 13F 78 --- YIELDER one that yields [n]
Other tops: HIRSELED D8 78
Other moves: RESILED I9 63, ELDERLIES J5 62, SHIED 3K 35, RHIES 3K 33, SHEEL 3K 33
ZEDS D1 28 lyndyloo
ZEES D1 26 Hasni
SEED 13A 10 lynmoore

On 13th draw, VE(H)M H12 36 --- VEHM a medieval German court [n]
Other tops: VE(R)B H12 36
Other moves: BEV(Y) H12 33, BO(T)TOM 12C 33, MEV(E) H12 33, VE(L)D H12 33, VE(N)D H12 33
MED(S) H12 27 Hasni
MOOVED K9 24 lyndyloo
MOOVE K9 20 lynmoore

On 14th draw, THAE 3K 31 --- THAE these; those [adj]
Other moves: HAET 3L 26, ZETA D1 26, ZOEA D1 26, ZOOT D1 26, HAE 3L 24
ZOOT D1 26 lyndyloo, lynmoore
TOOT 2B 23 Hasni

On 15th draw, FAURD 12K 33 --- FAURD favoured [adj]
Other moves: FOOD 2B 32, ROOF 2B 32, ZARF D1 32, ZURF D1 32, ODOR 2D 28
FOOD 2B 32 Hasni
FOUR L10 14 lynmoore
FORDS M9 13 lyndyloo

On 16th draw, MICRODOT O7 89 --- MICRODOT a copy of printed matter reduced to the size of a dot [n]
Other moves: CORMOID O6 36, TOMCOD O7 33, ZOIC D1 30, ZOOM D1 30, COOT 2B 27
ZOOM D1 30 lyndyloo
DOOM O12 21 Hasni
DOOR O12 15 lynmoore

On 17th draw, ZONK D1 34 --- ZONK to stupefy [v]
Other moves: KAON 2B 31, KOAN 2B 31, ZOBO D1 30, ABOON 2A 29, KOBAN C11 29
ZOON D1 26 lyndyloo
QAT 12D 24 Hasni

On 18th draw, PIAFFE K8 28 --- PIAFFE to perform a movement in horsemanship [v]
Other moves: P**F 2B 25, FAB I9 21, FAP I9 21, FIB I9 21, FOB I9 21
P**F 2B 25 lyndyloo
IF N14 14 Hasni

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