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Game sheet of Hasni (file), Game of July 6, 2011 at 10:17

Word find
Word played
1 AEJLOSU             JEALOUS H4 94 94  
2 ?AEELRR             RA(V)ELER 11E 89 183  
3 AENOOST             SATE 12H 28 211  
4 AEEGINV VANG I3 26 -40 26 1/5 INVEAGLE 7B 66 277 5/8
5 ?ADNOTY DAY(S) J4 27 -61 53 2/4 TOADYIN(G) B2 88 365 4/8
6 ADEEGIQ DAG L12 22 -35 75 3/4 QAID A1 57 422 4/8
7 CIMSTWY             MITY L12 40 462 4/8
8 EGIKLPT             PIKELET 5E 52 514 5/8
9 CEHIRSW             SWITCHER K2 66 580 5/8
10 DEGMNOU             EUMONG A8 37 617 5/8
11 ABDEFRT             BEFRET 8J 45 662 5/8
12 AGHNOSU             TOHUNGAS O8 89 751 5/8
13 AEEINVX             VEX 12D 37 788 5/9
14 ABENOOR             BARONY 15G 33 821 5/9
15 AEFIORT             REIF 10C 39 860 5/9
16 CDIOOTZ             ZIT 14J 65 925 5/10
17 ADNOPTU             UPSTAND 2I 32 957 5/10
18 DIILOOW             WOW 3K 30 987 6/10
19 CDIILOO             COO 1M 34 1021 6/10

Total: 75/1021 or -946 for 7.345%
Rank: -

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