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Game of July 6, 2011 at 17:12, 12 players
1. 624 pts musdrive
2. 494 pts worsie
3. 494 pts matrix

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. egnrruy   H7    28    28   gurney
 2. eghstuy  13F    28    56   gushy
 3. aabfotu  14J    31    87   abaft
 4. adefmoo  15G    59   146   foamed
 5. aceiist  10F    68   214   canities
 6. aehlsuw   K5    52   266   shawlie
 7. ?aeegno   M3    70   336   peonages
 8. abenotz   J2    45   381   zonae
 9. ?iloqtu   5C    84   465   toquillas
10. aimnnor   N1    85   550   ironman
11. dioprtw   H1    42   592   prowl
12. adilrtv   1L    33   625   vril
13. deioprr   D2    74   699   droopier
14. aeijstx   I2    47   746   ex
15. abeinos   O6    32   778   besoin
16. deeiklt  13L    35   813   deek
17. ciilttu   2B    28   841   ludic
18. adijttv   8A    48   889   jived

Remaining tiles: aittt

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7085 Filemusdrive    5 17:37  -265  624     1.7085 musdrive    5 17:37  -265  624 
  2.5272 Fileworsie      4 18:19  -395  494            Group: intermediate
  3.6225 Filematrix      2 20:33  -395  494     1.6225 matrix      2 20:33  -395  494 
  4.5464 Filenarisa      1 18:02  -433  456     2.6508 jeff        3 18:35  -441  448 
  5.6508 Filejeff        3 18:35  -441  448     3.6638 SuperH      3  7:16  -644  245 
  6.4701 FileGrace_Tjie  0 12:41  -462  427            Group: novice
  7.6638 FileSuperH      3  7:16  -644  245     1.5272 worsie      4 18:19  -395  494 
  8.4786 Filejimbo       1  9:07  -646  243     2.5464 narisa      1 18:02  -433  456 
  9.4605 Filetonikay     0  6:34  -764  125     3.5819 nderera     0  1:41  -853   36 
 10.  -  Filebarbottawa  1  2:37  -818   71            Group: not rated
 11.  -  Filejoancm      0  5:31  -840   49     1.4701 Grace_Tjie  0 12:41  -462  427 
 12.5819 Filenderera     0  1:41  -853   36     2.4786 jimbo       1  9:07  -646  243 
                                             3.4605 tonikay     0  6:34  -764  125 
                                             4.  -  barbottawa  1  2:37  -818   71 
                                             5.  -  joancm      0  5:31  -840   49 

On 1st draw, GURNEY H7 28 --- GURNEY a wheeled cot [n]
Other moves: GURRY H8 26, GURNEY H4 24, GURNEY H3 22, GURNEY H8 22, GURRY H4 22
GURNEY H7 28 worsie
GURRY H8 26 musdrive, narisa
GURNEY H8 22 joancm
GREY H8 16 Grace_Tjie, jeff
GUY H8 14 matrix

On 2nd draw, GUSHY 13F 28 --- GUSHY overly sentimental [adj]
Other moves: TUSHY 13F 27, HEYS I8 26, SHUTEYE 11B 26, SHUTEYE 11D 26, SYTHE 13H 26
GUSHY 13F 28 worsie, musdrive, jeff
HEYS I11 24 Grace_Tjie
SHY 13H 24 narisa
GUSHY 12D 24 matrix
URGES 9G 9 joancm

On 3rd draw, ABAFT 14J 31 --- ABAFT towards the stern [adv]
Other moves: ABAFT 12J 25, ABOUT 14J 25, BAFT 12J 25, BUFO 12J 25, FAB 12J 24
BAFT 12J 25 jeff, musdrive
OAF 14I 20 worsie
BAT 12J 17 narisa
BUT 12J 17 matrix
ABOUT 14C 16 Grace_Tjie
TOFU 8E 7 joancm

On 4th draw, FOAMED 15G 59 --- FOAM to form foam (a light, bubbly, gas and liquid mass) [v]
Other moves: FAMED 15H 56, DEFOAM 15E 44, MEAD 15L 44, FOAMED 15E 43, DEAF 15L 42
FOAMED 15G 59 musdrive, matrix, worsie
FAMED 15H 56 jeff
FAME G6 22 Grace_Tjie
DREAM 9G 11 joancm
MAD L13 8 narisa

On 5th draw, CANITIES 10F 68 --- CANITIES the turning gray of the hair [n]
Other moves: ANTICISE 10G 64, ACUITIES 8F 61, CEAS 13L 30, CIST 13L 30, CIS 13L 28
CIST 13L 30 narisa
CITE I6 17 Grace_Tjie
CANIEST 10F 17 musdrive
CITIES 11D 16 worsie
IS 13M 16 matrix
SCAD L12 14 jeff
STIE 11E 8 tonikay

On 6th draw, SHAWLIE K5 52 --- SHAWLIE women who wear shawl while working [n]
Other moves: AWHEELS L6 34, HEAL 13L 33, WEAL 13L 33, AWHEEL L7 32, WHEELS L7 32
HEAL 13L 33 jeff
HES 13L 31 narisa
WHEEL L8 30 musdrive
HE 13L 27 matrix
SHELF M10 22 worsie
HEALS 9K 19 Grace_Tjie
WHALES M5 14 tonikay

On 7th draw, (P)EONAGES M3 70 --- PEONAGE the condition of being a peon [n]
Other moves: (P)EONAGES 5D 66, EWG(H)EN 8J 33, AWE(I)NG 8J 30, WAGON 8K 30, WENGE 8K 30
WAGON 8K 30 jeff, musdrive, worsie
WAGE(D) 8K 27 matrix
(S)ANG 12K 21 tonikay
AGE L6 19 Grace_Tjie
(H)OE L4 11 narisa

On 8th draw, ZONAE J2 45 --- ZONA a transparent substance surrounding the ovum of mammals [n]
Other moves: AZO J6 37, AZOTE J1 36, BEZANTS 5E 36, BONZA 12B 35, ZETA J2 35
ZONAE J2 45 musdrive
ZONE N2 31 Grace_Tjie
WAGON 8K 30 worsie, tonikay
ZEE 4L 24 narisa
BE 13L 24 matrix

On 9th draw, TOQUIL(L)AS 5C 84 --- TOQUILLA a fibre [n]
Other tops: TOQUI(L)LAS 5C 84
Other moves: LOQUITU(R) 8B 76, QUO(D) L1 47, QUO(P) L1 47, (S)QUIT 12K 41, QUITC(H) F6 36
QUO(D) L1 47 musdrive
QUIT N1 29 matrix, worsie
QUAD L12 28 tonikay
Q(A)T N2 24 narisa
QUIZ 2G 22 Grace_Tjie, jeff

On 10th draw, IRONMAN N1 85 --- IRONMAN a man of great strength and stamina [n]
Other moves: NIM 6D 34, RIM 6D 34, NORMAN N2 33, AMINO 6C 32, RAMIN 6B 32
NIM 6D 34 musdrive
WAGON 8K 30 worsie
WIGAN 8K 30 matrix
MAIN 4A 24 tonikay, narisa, Grace_Tjie
QI E5 11 jimbo

On 11th draw, PROWL H1 42 --- PROWL to move about stealthily [v]
Other moves: DIPT 6D 39, RIPT 6D 37, DIP 6D 36, TORPID O7 36, TRIPOD O7 36
RIP 6D 34 musdrive
WRIT 1L 33 matrix, jimbo
DRIP 4A 28 narisa
DROW O7 28 jeff
PIT 6D 26 Grace_Tjie
POW K1 24 worsie

On 12th draw, VRIL 1L 33 --- VRIL electric fluid represented as the common origin of the forces in matter [n]
Other tops: VAIL 1L 33, VAIR 1L 33
Other moves: DAVIT O7 31, DAVIT 1K 30, LIVID 1K 30, VALID 1K 30, VIRID 1K 30
VAIR 1L 33 SuperH
VAIL 1L 33 musdrive
DIAL 13L 27 jeff
DIT 6D 24 Grace_Tjie
DRAIL O7 22 narisa
LAID 1L 18 jimbo
AVOID D3 18 worsie

On 13th draw, DROOPIER D2 74 --- DROOPY drooping [adj]
Other tops: DROOPIER D3 74
Other moves: PORRIDGE 7B 66, REDIP 6B 42, DIP 6D 36, PERIOD O6 35, DOPIER O7 34
DROOPIER D3 74 jimbo
REDIP 6B 42 SuperH, musdrive
DIP 6D 36 Grace_Tjie
DOPIER O7 34 jeff
PIER 13L 30 matrix
DRIP O7 25 narisa
PORTED C2 22 worsie

On 14th draw, EX I2 47 --- EX the letter X [n] --- EX to cross out, EXED, EXES, EXING [v]
Other moves: AXITES O7 45, TAXIES O6 45, TAXIES O7 45, SIXTE O6 42, TAJES O6 42
TAXIES O6 45 musdrive
JAI G3 40 SuperH
TAXIS O7 39 Grace_Tjie, matrix
TAXES O7 39 narisa
TAXES 8A 36 jimbo
TUX F4 26 jeff
EXITS 7B 20 worsie

On 15th draw, BESOIN O6 32 --- BESOIN need [n]
Other tops: BASION O6 32, BEANOS O6 32
Other moves: BEAN 13L 30, BEIN 13L 30, BIAS 13L 30, BIEN 13L 30, BISE 13L 30
BEANOS O6 32 SuperH
BISE 13L 30 narisa
BANES O6 29 musdrive, matrix
SNOB 12K 26 jeff
PIS 6D 22 worsie
NOISE O7 18 jimbo
BASIN C8 15 Grace_Tjie

On 16th draw, DEEK 13L 35 --- DEEK look at that [interj]
Other moves: KEPI 6B 33, LEEK 13L 32, TEEK 13L 32, EIKED 8A 30, KEEL C7 30
DEEK 13L 35 jeff
LEEK 13L 32 SuperH
LIKED 8A 30 musdrive, worsie, matrix
KITED 8A 30 Grace_Tjie
DIET 13L 27 narisa
KITE 8A 24 jimbo
KID 2B 16 barbottawa

On 17th draw, LUDIC 2B 28 --- LUDIC aimlessly playful [adj]
Other moves: CULTI 14B 23, PIT 6D 22, CULET 8A 21, TIPI 6B 21, TITULI 14A 21
PIT 6D 22 musdrive
CITE 8A 18 SuperH, Grace_Tjie
CUTE 8A 18 worsie, narisa, jimbo, matrix
CUP 1F 7 barbottawa

On 18th draw, JIVED 8A 48 --- JIVE to dance to jazz or swing music [v]
Other moves: JIVE 8A 42, JADE 8A 36, JAP 6B 30, JA 1A 29, DIVE 8A 24
JIVED 8A 48 musdrive, barbottawa, matrix, narisa, worsie, jeff, SuperH
JADE 8A 36 nderera
JA 1A 29 Grace_Tjie
DA 1A 11 jimbo

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