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Game of July 6, 2011 at 21:40, 14 players
1. 449 pts mylover81
2. 437 pts SuperH
3. 408 pts AJ0711

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. adenrty   H3    80    80   tyraned
 2. ?deeino   5D    82   162   indorsee
 3. deiijrs   L1    51   213   jedis
 4. ailprsw   8A    98   311   slipware
 5. ?allntu   A1    74   385   gallnuts
 6. abborst   1L    39   424   jabs
 7. aefgior   2J    42   466   fiere
 8. bdeghis   K4    84   550   besighed
 9. cmortuw  J10    33   583   worm
10. enotuvy  14F    42   625   envoy
11. gilortt   8K    24   649   gigot
12. cegorrz  15A    83   732   crozer
13. aefmtux  H12    42   774   fave
14. agioptt  D11    32   806   topaz
15. aeehino   E8    34   840   wahine
16. cegilou   1F    29   869   cogue
17. aeimnqt  B10    70   939   qintar
18. aeimotv   O6    64  1003   motivate

Remaining tiles: kluux

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6968 Filemylover81   3 14:05  -554  449     1.6968 mylover81   3 14:05  -554  449 
  2.6648 FileSuperH      1 13:50  -566  437     2.6648 SuperH      1 13:50  -566  437 
  3.4702 FileAJ0711      0 19:49  -595  408     3.6165 shanice     0  2:41  -922   81 
  4.4594 Filetonikay     0 20:27  -600  403     4.6621 sunshine12  0  1:17  -968   35 
  5.4316 FileDbuggle     1 10:18  -699  304            Group: novice
  6.3102 Filedong        0 19:45  -759  244     1.5449 narisa      1  6:47  -845  158 
  7.2762 Fileding        0 16:53  -841  162            Group: not rated
  8.5449 Filenarisa      1  6:47  -845  158     1.4702 AJ0711      0 19:49  -595  408 
  9.6165 Fileshanice     0  2:41  -922   81     2.4594 tonikay     0 20:27  -600  403 
 10.4507 Filemagictwig   0  2:28  -942   61     3.4316 Dbuggle     1 10:18  -699  304 
 11.4171 Filepickrose    0  2:10  -963   40     4.3102 dong        0 19:45  -759  244 
 12.6621 Filesunshine12  0  1:17  -968   35     5.2762 ding        0 16:53  -841  162 
 13.  -  Filesassyj777   0  2:18  -978   25     6.4507 magictwig   0  2:28  -942   61 
 14.  -  Filesiskuh      0  3:08  -981   22     7.4171 pickrose    0  2:10  -963   40 
                                             8.  -  sassyj777   0  2:18  -978   25 
                                             9.  -  siskuh      0  3:08  -981   22 

On 1st draw, TYRANED H3 80 --- TYRAN to play the oppressor [v]
Other tops: DENTARY H6 80
Other moves: DENTARY H4 76, TRAYNED H6 76, TYRANED H6 76, DENTARY H2 74, DENTARY H3 74
TRENDY H7 28 Dbuggle, dong, AJ0711
TRENDY H4 22 tonikay
ENTRY H7 16 ding

On 2nd draw, INDOR(S)EE 5D 82 --- INDORSEE a person to whom a bill is assigned [n]
Other moves: DO(M)INEE G6 70, DO(M)INEE I6 70, ENTOI(L)ED 3F 70, O(R)IENTED 3C 70, (S)IDENOTE 3B 70
NEEDY 4D 18 Dbuggle
TENDE(R) 3H 14 AJ0711
(F)IEND G8 11 tonikay
T(R)IED 3H 5 dong
DINE 8E 5 ding

On 3rd draw, JEDIS L1 51 --- JEDI a follower of Jedi philosophy (Star Wars film) [n]
Other tops: JIRDS L1 51
Other moves: JIRD 4A 46, JEDI 4B 32, JIRDS F2 31, JERIDS D2 28, JIRD F2 28
JEED J3 16 tonikay
JEDIS 9F 15 ding
RIDES D4 14 Dbuggle
JINS E3 11 dong
DIRE D4 10 AJ0711

On 4th draw, SLIPWARE 8A 98 --- SLIPWARE a type of pottery [n]
Other moves: PRAWLINS 7B 66, JAWS 1L 42, JAPS 1L 39, JARP 1L 39, JASP 1L 39
JAWS 1L 42 mylover81, Dbuggle, dong, AJ0711, SuperH
JAPS 1L 39 tonikay
WAILS D3 16 ding

On 5th draw, (G)ALLNUTS A1 74 --- GALLNUT an abnormal swelling of plant tissue [n]
Other moves: NUT(G)ALLS A1 71, PLANTUL(E) D8 68, UNLET(H)AL J2 61, JAN(E) 1L 30, JAN(N) 1L 30
JA(I)L 1L 30 Dbuggle, mylover81, SuperH
(S)AUNT I8 22 tonikay
PLANT D8 14 AJ0711
TULLE J1 7 dong

On 6th draw, JABS 1L 39 --- JAB to poke sharply [v]
Other tops: JOBS 1L 39
Other moves: JARS 1L 33, JATO 1L 33, JORS 1L 33, JOTA 1L 33, JOTS 1L 33
JABS 1L 39 SuperH, mylover81, Dbuggle
BREAST 2J 28 AJ0711
ABORTS 2A 20 tonikay
ABORTS F8 10 ding, dong

On 7th draw, FIERE 2J 42 --- FIERE a companion [n]
Other moves: GOIER B2 32, FIER 9C 31, GOAF 7C 29, FA 6J 28, FAE 9C 28
FOE 9C 28 mylover81
WAFER E8 22 Dbuggle, AJ0711
FIG C7 13 tonikay
SAGE O1 6 dong
(G)ORE 1A 4 ding

On 8th draw, BESIGHED K4 84 --- BESIGH to sigh over [v]
Other moves: BESIGHED J4 69, ABEIGH 2A 40, BEIGY 4D 38, DESHI 1F 32, SIDHE 1F 32
HIDE 1G 29 mylover81, SuperH
WISHED E8 26 AJ0711
SI I8 21 tonikay
WEBS E8 18 Dbuggle
WEDS E8 16 ding
WIDE E8 16 sassyj777
BEGINS E1 9 dong

On 9th draw, WORM J10 33 --- WORM to rid of worms (small, limbless invertebrates) [v]
Other moves: MUCRO 1F 32, MUCRO J7 32, OW J9 31, WORT J10 31, WOT J10 30
WORM J10 33 mylover81
WOT J10 30 SuperH
GROUT 8K 21 tonikay, AJ0711, Dbuggle
PROW D8 9 sassyj777, dong
PORT D8 6 ding

On 10th draw, ENVOY 14F 42 --- ENVOY a representative [n]
Other moves: ENVY 14G 39, TONEY 14F 39, EYOT 14I 36, TOEY 14G 36, TONY 14G 36
TONEY 14F 39 tonikay
ENVY 14G 39 SuperH, AJ0711
DEY 3L 28 mylover81
WOVEN E8 22 Dbuggle, dong
LEVY 3A 20 ding

On 11th draw, GIGOT 8K 24 --- GIGOT a leg of lamb [n]
Other tops: RIGOL E10 24, RIVO H12 24
Other moves: TRIGO 1F 23, GIRL E11 22, TOIT L7 22, TRIOL E10 22, GRIOT 8K 21
PILOT D8 14 Dbuggle
GRIT 13C 12 AJ0711, SuperH
GO I11 10 tonikay
GO 3N 9 mylover81
WIG E8 7 dong

On 12th draw, CROZER 15A 83 --- CROZER a tool used in barrel-making [n]
Other moves: CROZE 1F 53, COZE 1G 50, ZERO 1G 44, GROCER 15A 38, COOZE N7 36
ZERO 1G 44 SuperH
COVE H12 36 AJ0711
OOZE N8 33 dong
ZOO N6 32 mylover81, tonikay
ZORRO N7 16 Dbuggle
ZOO N7 12 ding

On 13th draw, FAVE H12 42 --- FAVE teenage slang for a favourite person or thing [n] --- FAVE teenage slang for favourite [adj]
Other moves: AXE 4C 40, XU 4D 38, XU 7C 38, TAX 7A 37, TEX 7A 37
FAVE H12 42 mylover81
TAX 7A 37 SuperH
FIXATE C7 28 AJ0711
LEX B8 26 narisa
EXIT C6 20 Dbuggle
FAXED F1 18 dong, tonikay
TAX O8 10 ding

On 14th draw, TOPAZ D11 32 --- TOPAZ a mineral [n]
Other moves: GOATY 4D 31, GALIPOT B6 29, IGAPO 1F 29, GALOP B6 27, PILAO B6 27
TOPAZ D11 32 narisa
PATIO 1F 26 SuperH
POA 7C 24 tonikay
AGIO 1G 20 mylover81
PIG D4 12 AJ0711
PIT C7 9 dong

On 15th draw, WAHINE E8 34 --- WAHINE a Hawaiian woman [n]
Other moves: HALON B6 33, HELIO B6 33, HALE B6 30, HALO B6 30, HELE B6 30
WHEEN E8 28 narisa
HOE 4D 27 SuperH
HONE 1G 26 mylover81
HOPE 13B 18 AJ0711
HOA 13F 16 tonikay
THEN O8 7 dong
HOE 12C 6 ding

On 16th draw, COGUE 1F 29 --- COGUE a type of wooden vessel [n]
Other tops: COGIE 1F 29
Other moves: COILER B10 28, DECALOG F5 28, CALIGO F7 27, LEUCO 1F 26, OCULI 1F 26
CLUE 1G 23 mylover81
DEG 3L 22 tonikay
GOLE 1G 20 SuperH
OGLE 1G 20 magictwig
LOGIC D2 16 AJ0711
CLOUT O4 10 siskuh
LUG 3A 8 narisa
GLUTE O5 6 dong
GOE M8 5 ding

On 17th draw, QINTAR B10 70 --- QINTAR a monetary unit of Albania [n]
Other moves: QI 4D 46, MEANY 4D 35, MEATY 4D 35, MEINY 4D 35, AMMINE 13H 33
QI 4D 46 SuperH, mylover81, narisa, tonikay, shanice
QI D4 22 pickrose, AJ0711
QI C7 21 magictwig
QAT O6 12 ding, siskuh
MEAT O5 6 dong

On 18th draw, MOTIVATE O6 64 --- MOTIVATE to provide with an incentive [v]
Other moves: MEATY 4D 35, MOIETY 4C 33, MAVIE L10 32, AVO C13 30, AIM F8 26
MEATY 4D 35 shanice, sunshine12
MET L10 22 mylover81
MOVIE 13J 20 AJ0711
MOVIE D2 20 magictwig
MOVE 13J 18 narisa, pickrose
MEMO 13J 16 SuperH
QI 10B 11 tonikay
GAVE M8 9 ding, dong

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