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Game of July 7, 2011 at 04:26, 4 players
1. 422 pts drabble
2. 396 pts lyndyloo
3. 169 pts Faeythe

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. abeiikm   H4    32    32   kibei
 2. aeinnrt   I6    68   100   entrain
 3. ?aiovxy   J9    53   153   exo
 4. aegimov   G7    28   181   mavie
 5. ?clqrsu   4D    40   221   quacks
 6. dmnostu  F10    31   252   mounds
 7. aehstwz  15D    72   324   zests
 8. aeeeort  D12    26   350   trez
 9. egghirt   5B    37   387   grith
10. aadegpu   E7    29   416   eupad
11. aaceiny   B5    78   494   gynaecia
12. delorvy  A12    45   539   yode
13. aejlorw   A8    56   595   jo
14. ahnortu   D7    26   621   hour
15. aadeior   K5    26   647   roadie
16. aefllrw   8K    48   695   dwarf
17. aefglnp   N2    30   725   flanger
18. aeglnpw   M7    47   772   pawnage
19. eillost  14J    30   802   tolsel
20. biilotv  O12    33   835   vill

Remaining tiles: biot

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: novice
  1.5050 Filedrabble     1 23:26  -413  422     1.5050 drabble     1 23:26  -413  422 
  2.4822 Filelyndyloo    1 20:18  -439  396     2.5758 Faeythe     0  9:13  -666  169 
  3.5758 FileFaeythe     0  9:13  -666  169     3.5977 miaanne     2  4:24  -719  116 
  4.5977 Filemiaanne     2  4:24  -719  116            Group: not rated
                                             1.4822 lyndyloo    1 20:18  -439  396 

On 1st draw, KIBEI H4 32 --- KIBEI one born in America of immigrant Japanese parents and educated in Japan [n]
Other moves: BIKIE H4 28, BIKIE H8 24, KEMB H5 24, KEMB H6 24, KEMB H7 24
MAKE H8 20 drabble
BIKE H6 20 lyndyloo
MAKE H5 20 Faeythe

On 2nd draw, ENTRAIN I6 68 --- ENTRAIN to board a train [v]
Other moves: TRIENNIA 5B 66, TRIENNIA 5F 66, ENTRAIN I7 65, TRANNIE G8 61, TRANNIE I8 61
KITER 4H 18 Faeythe
INERT 5H 10 lyndyloo
TRAIN 5E 10 drabble

On 3rd draw, (E)XO J9 53 --- EXO excellent (Australian slang) [adj]
Other moves: (E)X J9 50, O(N)YX H12 45, O(R)YX H12 45, VAI(R)Y J2 42, VIBEX 6F 41
(E)XO J9 53 miaanne
(E)X J9 50 Faeythe, drabble
OXY J12 23 lyndyloo

On 4th draw, MAVIE G7 28 --- MAVIE a songbird [n]
Other moves: EGMA H12 27, OGAM H12 27, OGAM G6 26, VOGIE J2 26, AMOVE K6 25
MOVIE J2 25 drabble
R(E)MOVE 9I 14 lyndyloo
AVENGE 7F 14 miaanne

On 5th draw, QU(A)CKS 4D 40 --- QUACK to utter the characteristic cry of a duck [v]
Other tops: QU(I)CKS 4D 40
Other moves: QU(A)CK 4D 38, QU(I)CK 4D 38, QU(A)RKS 4D 36, QU(I)RKS 4D 36, SQU(A)RK 4C 36
QU(I)CKS 4D 40 lyndyloo, miaanne
QU(A)CKS 4D 40 drabble

On 6th draw, MOUNDS F10 31 --- MOUND to heap in a pile [v]
Other moves: MOUND F10 30, MOUNDS 12B 29, OSMUND 13H 29, MODUS F10 28, MOUNTS F10 28
DONUTS 12B 25 drabble
QUODS D4 16 lyndyloo

On 7th draw, ZESTS 15D 72 --- ZEST to fill with zest (invigorating excitement) [v]
Other moves: HAZES K7 61, ZEST K9 53, STANZE 13C 50, WASHES 15A 48, WASHES 15D 48
STEWS 15F 24 lyndyloo
ZESTS 15B 15 drabble

On 8th draw, TREZ D12 26 --- TREZ threepence [n]
Other moves: RATO E9 21, TARO E9 21, TEAR E8 19, ATE J5 18, REE J5 18
ORATE K6 17 lyndyloo
QAT D4 12 drabble
BERET 6H 9 miaanne

On 9th draw, GRITH 5B 37 --- GRITH sanctuary for a limited period of time [n]
Other moves: THIG 5B 33, RIGG 5C 31, THEIR 5A 31, HIRE 5C 30, GRIG 5B 29
HIRE 5C 30 drabble

On 10th draw, EUPAD E7 29 --- EUPAD an antiseptic powder [n]
Other moves: PEAG E8 27, PUGGED B2 26, EGAD E8 25, PAD E9 25, AGA E10 24
GADE K7 19 lyndyloo

On 11th draw, GYNAECIA B5 78 --- GYNAECIA gynecia [n] --- GYNAECIUM the pistil of a flower [n]
Other moves: AYE J5 36, NYE J5 36, YE J6 35, ENIAC K10 30, AY J5 29
CAGY B3 18 lyndyloo
AXE 10I 10 drabble

On 12th draw, YODE A12 45 --- YEAD to go or proceed [v] --- YEDE to go or proceed [v]
Other tops: YELD A12 45, YERD A12 45, YOLD A12 45
Other moves: YORE A12 42, ODYLE A11 40, DYE J5 37, OYE A7 37, LEVY A12 36
DOVE A12 35 drabble
DAY 8A 21 lyndyloo

On 13th draw, JO A8 56 --- JO a Scottish sweetheart [n]
Other tops: JA A8 56
Other moves: JAW 8A 39, JAR 8A 30, RAJ 8A 30, JA 8A 27, AW A8 26
JAW 8A 39 lyndyloo, drabble

On 14th draw, HOUR D7 26 --- HOUR a period of sixty minutes [n]
Other moves: AUTHOR 3I 23, ROAR C5 23, NORTH K11 22, AH B14 21, NORTH K5 21
NOT K11 12 drabble
HATS I1 8 lyndyloo

On 15th draw, ROADIE K5 26 --- ROADIE a person who works for travelling entertainers [n]
Other moves: ADO J5 24, IDE J5 24, ODE J5 24, DE J6 23, DO J6 23
RODE K7 18 lyndyloo
ENTRAINED I6 11 drabble

On 16th draw, DWARF 8K 48 --- DWARF an extremely small person [n] --- DWARF extremely small [adj] --- DWARF to cause to appear small [v]
Other moves: DWALE 8K 39, DWELL 8K 39, FLAW L9 37, FLEW L9 37, FLARE L9 33
FLEW L3 27 drabble
LAWER L10 27 lyndyloo

On 17th draw, FLANGER N2 30 --- FLANGER one that flanges [n]
Other moves: FAE 7M 26, GANEF L2 25, LEAF L10 25, DEFEND 14A 24, FANEGA M3 24
LEAP L10 23 lyndyloo
FE 7M 20 Faeythe
FAG M7 13 drabble

On 18th draw, PAWNAGE M7 47 --- PAWNAGE the act of pawning [n]
Other moves: PEAG O1 39, WEAL O1 34, WEAN O1 34, PEAL O1 31, PEAN O1 31
LAW L10 23 lyndyloo
PAWN M7 23 Faeythe
PLAN 4L 14 drabble

On 19th draw, TOLSEL 14J 30 --- TOLSEL a merchants' meeting place [n]
Other tops: ILLEST 14I 30
Other moves: TOISE 14J 28, LEIS O1 25, SEIL O1 25, TEIL O1 25, LISLE 14K 24
LOSE 14K 22 lyndyloo
ROADIES K5 22 drabble
EFS O7 11 Faeythe

On 20th draw, VILL O12 33 --- VILL a village [n]
Other tops: VOLT O12 33
Other moves: BILL O12 27, BOLL O12 27, BOLT O12 27, VILLI O11 27, BOI O4 20
BOLT O12 27 Faeythe
BOAT 4L 14 lyndyloo
BOIL 3K 12 drabble

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