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Game of July 7, 2011 at 06:47, 9 players
1. 460 pts ksong
2. 444 pts Bez
3. 408 pts drabble

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ceeimpr   H4    28    28   crimp
 2. eeoorsv   3H    32    60   soever
 3. aefinoy   4L    30    90   fey
 4. ?benopt   J1    69   159   teenybop
 5. ?eefisu   5A    70   229   fusileer
 6. aaelnos   C2    70   299   seasonal
 7. agmnoqr   A5    39   338   frogman
 8. adggosw  B10    49   387   woads
 9. egnrtty   1G    42   429   gentry
10. aeilnou   8J    27   456   pineal
11. abeiiot   D1    32   488   boatie
12. aegrttu  C11    26   514   grate
13. dhjkouw   F2    37   551   juked
14. adlortw   M7    78   629   leadwort
15. dhilnoq   B1    28   657   qi
16. ehiiilt  L12    30   687   heil
17. iotuuvx   D8    36   723   xi
18. ahituuv   G7    28   751   hutia
19. cintuvz  K10    43   794   cuz
20. diinotv  J12    33   827   divi

Remaining tiles: not

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6231 Fileksong       1 26:23  -367  460     1.6231 ksong       1 26:23  -367  460 
  2.5525 FileBez         2 19:51  -383  444     2.6315 reyna       1 18:28  -428  399 
  3.5084 Filedrabble     1 25:35  -419  408     3.6964 mylover81   3 16:03  -547  280 
  4.6315 Filereyna       1 18:28  -428  399            Group: novice
  5.4819 Filejimbo       2 18:34  -487  340     1.5525 Bez         2 19:51  -383  444 
  6.6964 Filemylover81   3 16:03  -547  280     2.5084 drabble     1 25:35  -419  408 
  7.5832 Filenderera     1  9:39  -701  126     3.5832 nderera     1  9:39  -701  126 
  8.3202 Filestrykyster  0 10:40  -732   95            Group: not rated
  9.  -  Filemorak87     0  7:24  -774   53     1.4819 jimbo       2 18:34  -487  340 
                                             2.3202 strykyster  0 10:40  -732   95 
                                             3.  -  morak87     0  7:24  -774   53 

On 1st draw, CRIMP H4 28 --- CRIMP to pleat [v]
Other tops: CRIMP H8 28
Other moves: EMPIRE H3 26, EPIMER H3 26, EREMIC H7 26, PERMIE H4 26, PIECER H4 26
CRIMP H4 28 drabble, jimbo
PIERCE H4 26 Bez
PRIME H4 24 ksong

On 2nd draw, SOEVER 3H 32 --- SOEVER at all [adv]
Other moves: SOEVER I6 25, CORVEES 4H 24, CROOVES 4H 24, EREVS 3D 24, EREVS 9D 24
COVERS 4H 22 Bez
ROVES 9D 21 jimbo, drabble
SEVER 9H 21 ksong
ME 7H 5 morak87

On 3rd draw, FEY 4L 30 --- FEY slightly mad [adj] --- FEY to clean out [v]
Other moves: FAYNE 9F 29, FOYNE 9F 29, FENI 4L 28, FY 9G 28, FY I6 28
OF 2I 28 Bez
FY 9G 28 drabble
YIN I7 26 ksong
FAIRY 5E 22 jimbo
FEE L1 10 morak87

On 4th draw, TEEN(Y)BOP J1 69 --- TEENYBOP pertaining to a young teenager [adj]
Other moves: TEEN(Y)BOP J2 63, BE(D)ROPT 5E 40, BE(S)POT 5J 33, ENTROP(Y) 5E 32, OPER(A)NT 5E 32
BOP(S) O1 30 reyna
POT(S) O1 24 jimbo
OB 2I 22 Bez
(R)OPE 2L 18 ksong
NET 5M 11 morak87
FEY(S) 4L 9 drabble

On 5th draw, FUSI(L)EER 5A 70 --- FUSILEER a soldier armed with a fusil [n]
Other moves: PIPEFU(L)S 8H 54, FEU(D)IST 1D 39, FU(M)IEST 1D 39, F(L)UIEST 1D 39, F(R)ISEE O1 38
FEES O1 35 reyna
FETES 1H 27 ksong
FISTE(D) 1G 24 jimbo
FESTE(R) 1G 24 drabble
FIST 1G 21 Bez

On 6th draw, SEASONAL C2 70 --- SEASONAL an employee or product associated with a time of the year [n] --- SEASONAL occurring at a certain time of the year [adj]
Other moves: SEASONAL C5 60, SALON O4 29, SLANE O4 29, SLOAN O4 29, SOLAN O4 29
SLANE O4 29 reyna
FLANES A5 27 ksong
FANES A5 24 Bez
FLOES A5 24 drabble
FLEAS A5 24 jimbo
NOS 6B 13 morak87
POLES 8J 8 strykyster

On 7th draw, FROGMAN A5 39 --- FROGMAN a person equipped for extended periods of underwater swimming [n]
Other moves: FOGMAN A5 36, FOGRAM A5 36, QAT 1H 36, GRAMA 8A 33, MAINOR D3 33
QAT 1H 36 Bez, drabble
GRAMA 8A 33 ksong
FARM A5 27 reyna
MOAN 8A 21 jimbo
ORGAN I8 14 morak87

On 8th draw, WOADS B10 49 --- WOAD a blue dye [n]
Other moves: DAWS O1 38, DOWS O1 38, WADS O1 38, WAGS O1 38, W*GS O1 38
WAGS O1 38 reyna
WAG B10 30 ksong
WAGS 9E 23 jimbo
SWAT 1G 21 Bez
SWAG 10C 21 drabble
GAS 4B 15 strykyster

On 9th draw, GENTRY 1G 42 --- GENTRY people of high social class [n]
Other moves: ENTRY 1H 36, NETTY 1H 36, PRETTY 8J 36, YAGER 4B 32, AGENTRY 12B 30
GENTRY 1G 42 Bez, jimbo, reyna, mylover81
YET 1H 18 ksong
PETTY 8J 11 drabble

On 10th draw, PINEAL 8J 27 --- PINEAL a gland in the brain [n] --- PINEAL shaped like a pinecone [adj]
Other tops: PAULIN 8J 27, PENIAL 8J 27, PINOLE 8J 27
Other moves: OLEIN C11 23, NAOI C11 21, AINE K5 20, ALINE D3 20, EINA K5 20
ONE C11 17 ksong
ALINE K8 14 Bez
EON A13 14 reyna
DEAL 13B 10 jimbo
DELI 13B 10 strykyster
AIN 2M 9 mylover81
UN G8 7 drabble

On 11th draw, BOATIE D1 32 --- BOATIE a boating enthusiast [n]
Other moves: BOATIE D8 31, BIOTA C11 29, BIOTA D8 29, BOITE D8 29, OBIIT C11 29
BIO C12 22 mylover81
BIO D4 20 reyna
ADOBE 13A 16 jimbo
BI D4 16 ksong
AB A14 14 drabble, Bez
ATE 4C 11 strykyster

On 12th draw, GRATE C11 26 --- GRATE to reduce to shreds by rubbing [v]
Other moves: GEAT C11 24, GRAT C11 24, (Y)ATTER 5J 24, GATER D8 23, AGREE F1 21
TEAR 5L 18 reyna
(Y)ATE 5J 15 mylover81
SCRIMPER H3 14 drabble
GRATE N6 12 ksong
GEAR M7 8 Bez
TEAR M7 6 jimbo
LEAR O8 4 strykyster

On 13th draw, JUKED F2 37 --- JUKE to fake out of position [v]
Other tops: HOWK G7 37, JOKED F2 37
Other moves: JOWED F2 36, HOW G7 32, HADJ N7 31, JOKE F2 31, JUKE F2 31
JOKED F2 37 ksong
JO 2F 28 reyna, drabble
J*W M7 25 strykyster, nderera, Bez
HOW D8 24 mylover81
JOWL O5 14 jimbo

On 14th draw, LEADWORT M7 78 --- LEADWORT a tropical plant [n]
Other moves: TWAL 5L 24, AWL 7L 23, OWL 7L 23, OWT 7L 23, TWA 5L 23
WAR D8 21 mylover81
OW 7L 20 ksong
WAR 5M 17 reyna
ARROW 12B 16 drabble, nderera
STRAW 14B 16 strykyster
AWARD N6 15 jimbo
DEW M7 13 Bez

On 15th draw, QI B1 28 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other tops: HOD G7 28, HOLD G7 28, HOND G7 28
Other moves: DHOTI 14J 26, HOI G7 26, HOI L12 26, HON G7 26, OH L11 25
QI B1 28 mylover81
OH L11 25 reyna, ksong
HOOD 12L 20 jimbo
HOW 11K 18 drabble
HIND 10J 16 Bez
HOA N6 16 nderera

On 16th draw, HEIL L12 30 --- HEIL to salute [v]
Other moves: HEIL N12 25, LITHITE 14H 24, EH D12 23, THE 5L 23, HE L12 22
HEIL L12 30 Bez, nderera
THE 5L 23 reyna
HE L12 22 mylover81, ksong
TILTH 14J 20 jimbo
THEW 11J 20 drabble

On 17th draw, XI D8 36 --- XI the fourteenth letter of the Greek alphabet [n]
Other moves: OX N11 27, VOX 5M 24, XU 5M 24, OX 2M 21, OX G8 21
XI D8 36 mylover81
OX N11 27 ksong, nderera
OX 2M 21 drabble
EXIT 15C 19 Bez
XI K7 18 reyna
LOX O8 10 jimbo

On 18th draw, HUTIA G7 28 --- HUTIA the hog-rat [n]
Other moves: HUIA G7 27, HUI G7 26, HUT G7 26, VITAL 15H 24, AHA N8 18
HIT K10 18 drabble
YAH N4 17 mylover81
AHA 9M 13 Bez
HOH 12L 9 ksong
ART 12B 6 strykyster

On 19th draw, CUZ K10 43 --- CUZ a cousin [n]
Other moves: (Y)UTZ 5J 42, ZINC 10F 35, ZITI 10F 33, ZIN 10F 32, ZINC F11 32
ZINC 10F 35 reyna, ksong, drabble
ZITI 10F 33 mylover81
ZINC F11 32 Bez
REZ M3 12 nderera

On 20th draw, DIVI J12 33 --- DIVI short for dividend [n]
Other tops: DIVOT H11 33
Other moves: DIV J12 32, EDITION 15C 30, IDIOT H11 26, DINO J12 24, DINT J12 24
VIAND 11E 18 Bez
VIA N6 16 ksong
VINT 10F 15 drabble
DIV 10F 11 mylover81

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