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Game of July 7, 2011 at 08:19, 10 players
1. 526 pts reyna
2. 523 pts ksong
3. 365 pts remij

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. alrtuuv   H3    26    26   uvular
 2. aceegwy   I7    28    54   wey
 3. ??ajopz   G7    62   116   jazzbo
 4. defisty  H12    51   167   feys
 5. eghilot   5E    44   211   ghoulie
 6. aceiort   J9    72   283   erotica
 7. aemnopx   K8    54   337   apex
 8. egioost  13B    40   377   egotise
 9. abdeino   8K    33   410   abide
10. cilnort   M2    78   488   nitrolic
11. adeintw   B8    78   566   antiweed
12. bemostu   A8    48   614   mesto
13. ahiorsv   C3    89   703   haviors
14. diilmnt  15J    30   733   amidin
15. abegntu  14J    41   774   cubage
16. adfkort   2J    40   814   frank
17. aennpqt   D2    33   847   qat
18. delnoru   1E    26   873   rundle

Remaining tiles: ennop

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6334 Filereyna       3 14:05  -347  526     1.6334 reyna       3 14:05  -347  526 
  2.6217 Fileksong       2 23:49  -350  523     2.6217 ksong       2 23:49  -350  523 
  3.4424 Fileremij       0 18:01  -508  365     3.6961 mylover81   2 12:06  -537  336 
  4.6961 Filemylover81   2 12:06  -537  336     4.6437 rn.roselle  1 10:26  -638  235 
  5.6437 Filern.roselle  1 10:26  -638  235     5.6241 matrix      1  9:40  -696  177 
  6.5633 FileJennyB      0 10:11  -691  182            Group: novice
  7.6241 Filematrix      1  9:40  -696  177     1.5633 JennyB      0 10:11  -691  182 
  8.4850 Filelyndyloo    0  9:54  -740  133            Group: not rated
  9.  -  Fileanilkher    1  0:38  -840   33     1.4424 remij       0 18:01  -508  365 
 10.  -  FilemoreDu5     0  6:29  -841   32     2.4850 lyndyloo    0  9:54  -740  133 
                                             3.  -  anilkher    1  0:38  -840   33 
                                             4.  -  moreDu5     0  6:29  -841   32 

On 1st draw, UVULAR H3 26 --- UVULAR a uvularly produced sound [n]
Other moves: VAULT H4 24, UVULAR H4 20, UVULAR H7 20, UVULAR H8 20, UVULA H4 18
VAULT H4 24 reyna, ksong, remij

On 2nd draw, WEY I7 28 --- WEY a measure or weight for dry goods [n]
Other tops: YAW G7 28, YEW G7 28, YEW I7 28
Other moves: AWEE I6 25, GAY G5 25, GAY I5 25, GEY G5 25, YAG G7 24
YEW G7 28 reyna
WEY I7 28 ksong
YAW 7G 17 remij

On 3rd draw, JAZ(Z)(B)O G7 62 --- JAZZBO a devotee of jazz (a style of lively syncopated music) [n]
Other moves: JAZ(Y) G7 61, JAZ(Z) G7 61, JAZ(Z)(Y) G7 61, J(A)Z(Y) G7 59, J(A)Z(Z) G7 59
JAZ(Z) G7 61 reyna
(D)OZ(E) J8 38 ksong
Z(E)L 6F 31 remij

On 4th draw, FEYS H12 51 --- FEY to clean out [v]
Other moves: EDIFY H11 48, FEDS H12 45, FIDS H12 45, Y*DS H12 45, DEFY H12 44
FEYS H12 51 reyna
FEYS J4 32 ksong
FIZ 9E 15 remij

On 5th draw, GHOULIE 5E 44 --- GHOULIE a demon [n]
Other moves: THE I12 30, THO I12 30, EIGHTVO 4C 28, HET I13 26, HOI I13 26
THE I12 30 reyna
THO I12 30 ksong
HOY 14F 17 remij

On 6th draw, EROTICA J9 72 --- EROTICA literature or art dealing with sexual love [n]
Other moves: AORTIC 4J 26, CERIA 6B 25, CORIA 6B 25, TRIAC 4B 24, CERIA 4A 23
TEA I12 18 reyna
COYER 14F 18 ksong
CRATES 15C 9 remij

On 7th draw, APEX K8 54 --- APEX the highest point [n]
Other moves: AXEMAN 15J 48, EXON K10 46, EXO K10 42, OXEN K8 41, EX K10 38
APEX K8 54 ksong
EXON K10 46 mylover81
EX K10 38 reyna
POX 11I 24 remij

On 8th draw, EGOTISE 13B 40 --- EGOTISE to talk about oneself a lot [v]
Other moves: OTIOSE 13C 36, SOOGIE L9 36, STOGIE L9 36, STOOGE L9 36, SOOTE L9 32
GOOSE L10 26 ksong
GOES L10 24 mylover81
GOT L10 22 remij
GOES L2 22 reyna

On 9th draw, ABIDE 8K 33 --- ABIDE to accept without objection [v]
Other tops: ABAND 8K 33, ABODE 8K 33
Other moves: ADOBE 14A 31, BEAD 12A 31, BONED L10 31, DOAB 12A 31, ADOBE 8K 30
ABIDE 8K 33 mylover81
BODE L10 29 reyna, ksong
DOB L10 26 remij
BIND 4K 18 JennyB

On 10th draw, NITROLIC M2 78 --- NITROLIC pertaining to a class of acids [adj]
Other moves: NITROLIC M7 74, CORTIN L10 33, ONTIC L11 30, COLIN L10 29, CORNI L10 29
COLT L10 27 JennyB, reyna
CORN L10 27 ksong
TON L10 19 remij

On 11th draw, ANTIWEED B8 78 --- ANTIWEED concerned with the destruction of weeds [adj]
Other tops: ANTIWEED B7 78
Other moves: ANTIWEED O2 63, ANTIWEED O3 63, WAINED 14A 46, DIWAN 14B 42, ATWAIN 15J 39
WADE L1 33 mylover81
DAW 12B 30 rn.roselle
WAD N6 30 ksong
DOWN D12 18 remij
LAW 7M 14 JennyB
AWAIT 15J 9 lyndyloo

On 12th draw, MESTO A8 48 --- MESTO sad (music) [adj]
Other tops: BESOM A4 48, EMBOST A6 48
Other moves: EMBOST A3 45, EMBUS A6 43, MEBOS A6 43, MOBES A6 43, OMBUS A6 43
MOST A8 36 mylover81, rn.roselle, reyna
SAMBO 8A 36 lyndyloo
BUM A6 33 ksong
MOBS L10 31 JennyB
BAMS 8A 27 remij
ODE 15A 12 matrix

On 13th draw, HAVIORS C3 89 --- HAVIOR behavior [n]
Other moves: HAVIORS C2 83, HAVIOURS 3C 82, ADVISORS 15A 39, ODAHS 15A 39, ODAH 15A 36
ADVISORS 15A 39 rn.roselle
HORAS L10 32 mylover81
HAD N6 30 reyna, matrix, ksong
HASH F2 18 remij
VOX 11I 13 JennyB
SHOVER O4 13 lyndyloo

On 14th draw, AMIDIN 15J 30 --- AMIDIN the soluble matter of starch [n]
Other moves: MIDI L1 29, IMID D1 27, DIM D2 25, DIM D6 25, LIMN D1 25
DIM D2 25 rn.roselle, matrix, ksong
MI A14 25 JennyB
MID N6 24 mylover81
MID D2 23 reyna
MOD D12 12 remij
TIMED O5 8 lyndyloo

On 15th draw, CUBAGE 14J 41 --- CUBAGE cubical content [n]
Other moves: BANNET 2J 28, BUNNET 2J 28, BEAN D1 27, BEAT D1 27, BUAT D1 27
BEAT D1 27 matrix
BE A14 25 reyna
BATE 14L 25 mylover81
GAB D2 25 rn.roselle
TAB D2 23 ksong
BAG D2 23 JennyB
BED M13 12 remij
BEGUN 2I 10 lyndyloo
BEAN O12 9 moreDu5

On 16th draw, FRANK 2J 40 --- FRANK honest and unreserved in speech [adj] --- FRANK to mark (a piece of mail) for free delivery [v]
Other moves: KRONA 2J 38, AFRONT 2I 34, FROND 2J 34, DOF 14D 33, DROOK 6J 33
FRANK 2J 40 matrix
FRAT D1 31 ksong
FA A14 29 reyna
FA 6J 28 mylover81
OF 14E 28 rn.roselle
DOF N1 23 remij
FORKED O4 18 lyndyloo
KID J4 12 moreDu5

On 17th draw, QAT D2 33 --- QAT an evergreen shrub [n]
Other tops: ADEPT 15A 33
Other moves: QAT B2 31, QI 6B 31, PEAN D1 27, PEAT D1 27, PANNE 1F 26
ADEPT 15A 33 anilkher, rn.roselle
QAT D2 33 mylover81, reyna
QI 6B 31 lyndyloo, remij
QAT B2 31 JennyB
PAD N6 24 ksong
PANE 1G 23 matrix
ONE 6M 5 moreDu5

On 18th draw, RUNDLE 1E 26 --- RUNDLE a rung [n]
Other tops: ENDURO 1E 26, NODULE 1E 26, NOULDE 1E 26, NURDLE 1E 26
Other moves: ODDER 15A 24, UDDER 15A 24, DROLE 1F 23, DRONE 1F 23, RONDE 1F 23
DOE L10 22 mylover81, reyna
DO A14 21 ksong
DOLE 1G 20 remij, matrix
LOUD 1I 19 rn.roselle
HARD 3C 8 lyndyloo
TED 4M 6 moreDu5

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