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Game of July 7, 2011 at 12:49, 9 players
1. 497 pts reyna
2. 473 pts margalang
3. 247 pts gmills0

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?enorrt   H8    64    64   torrent
 2. defrtuv   I7    24    88   def
 3. ?afhino  15F   107   195   fashion
 4. aelptvy  11E    48   243   pteryla
 5. aiiklrs  14H    40   283   taki
 6. aeesttu   L7    27   310   tutees
 7. acenoru   F5    64   374   courante
 8. benoruv  14A    29   403   unrove
 9. aeiilor   8A    21   424   oilier
10. egnrsxy  15F    45   469   fashioners
11. ahintuw  A12    33   502   haut
12. degijos   8K    42   544   judge
13. adiopsy   C3    34   578   soapily
14. abgimsu   A1    92   670   subimago
15. additwz   D1    52   722   zati
16. abeilno   5F    74   796   coinable
17. delnoqr   1D    45   841   zoned
18. cilmvwx   6J    54   895   xi

Remaining tiles: cdglmqrvww

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6355 Filereyna       2 18:36  -398  497     1.6355 reyna       2 18:36  -398  497 
  2.6148 Filemargalang   3 14:17  -422  473     2.6148 margalang   3 14:17  -422  473 
  3.3980 Filegmills0     1 19:00  -648  247     3.6417 rn.roselle  2  1:45  -796   99 
  4.5354 Fileneyetifu    0 10:17  -757  138     4.6210 ksong       1  1:28  -841   54 
  5.6417 Filern.roselle  2  1:45  -796   99            Group: novice
  6.  -  FileMrEdmund    1  1:17  -837   58     1.5354 neyetifu    0 10:17  -757  138 
  7.6210 Fileksong       1  1:28  -841   54     2.5525 Bez         0  1:34  -845   50 
  8.5525 FileBez         0  1:34  -845   50     3.5379 annelhynz   0  1:51  -850   45 
  9.5379 Fileannelhynz   0  1:51  -850   45            Group: not rated
                                             1.3980 gmills0     1 19:00  -648  247 
                                             2.  -  MrEdmund    1  1:17  -837   58 

On 1st draw, TORREN(T) H8 64 --- TORRENT a rapid stream of water [n]
Other tops: NORT(H)ER H2 64, NORT(H)ER H3 64, NORT(H)ER H4 64, NORT(H)ER H6 64, NORT(H)ER H7 64, ORN(A)TER H2 64, ORN(A)TER H3 64, ORN(A)TER H4 64, ORN(A)TER H6 64, ORN(A)TER H7 64, ORN(A)TER H8 64, RE(F)RONT H3 64, RE(F)RONT H4 64, RE(F)RONT H6 64, RE(F)RONT H7 64, RE(F)RONT H8 64, TORREN(T) H2 64, TORREN(T) H3 64, TORREN(T) H4 64, TORREN(T) H7 64, (F)RONTER H2 64, (F)RONTER H3 64, (F)RONTER H6 64, (F)RONTER H7 64, (F)RONTER H8 64, (H)ORRENT H2 64, (H)ORRENT H3 64, (H)ORRENT H6 64, (H)ORRENT H7 64, (H)ORRENT H8 64, (S)NORTER H2 64, (S)NORTER H3 64, (S)NORTER H6 64, (S)NORTER H7 64, (S)NORTER H8 64, (T)ORRENT H2 64, (T)ORRENT H3 64, (T)ORRENT H6 64, (T)ORRENT H7 64, (T)ORRENT H8 64
Other moves: NORT(H)ER H5 62, NORT(H)ER H8 62, ORN(A)TER H5 62, RE(F)RONT H2 62, RE(F)RONT H5 62
TORREN(T) H4 14 reyna
(H)ORRENT H8 14 gmills0
(S)TONER H3 12 neyetifu

On 2nd draw, DEF I7 24 --- DEF excellent [adj]
Other moves: TREF I6 23, TURFED G4 23, TURFED I4 23, FEUTRED 12C 22, FEUTRED 12G 22
REF I7 22 reyna
FE I9 20 neyetifu
FORT 9G 12 gmills0

On 3rd draw, FA(S)HION 15F 107 --- FASHION to give a particular shape or form to [v]
Other moves: INFO(B)AHN 13G 86, INFO(B)AHN 13A 84, FA(S)HION J2 78, FA(S)HION J9 75, FOHN(S) 15D 60
FAIN(S) 15D 51 reyna
FON J6 20 margalang
RHINO(S) 11H 16 gmills0
HON(E)R 11D 14 neyetifu

On 4th draw, PTERYLA 11E 48 --- PTERYLA the feathered area on the skin of a bird [n]
Other tops: PEARTLY 11E 48
Other moves: PLATY 14J 46, PEAVY M11 42, PLATE 14J 40, PLEAT 14J 40, LEAVY M11 38
PLATY 14J 46 reyna
LEVY M12 36 margalang
PAVE 14K 24 neyetifu
LOFTY 9G 12 gmills0

On 5th draw, (T)AKI 14H 40 --- TAKI a wild horse [n]
Other tops: (T)AKS 14H 40
Other moves: KSAR 14J 38, (T)AK 14H 37, (T)SK 14H 37, KI 14J 34, SKAIL 14J 34
(T)AKI 14H 40 reyna
LARKS M11 31 neyetifu
RAIKS M11 31 margalang
NARKS 13H 10 gmills0

On 6th draw, TUTEES L7 27 --- TUTEE one who is being tutored [n]
Other tops: SUTTEE L7 27, TUTEES L8 27
Other moves: TATES L8 25, TETES L8 25, TUTEE L8 25, TUTEES M10 25, ASTUTE 14A 23
TATES M11 23 margalang, reyna
TEAS M12 21 neyetifu
PEST E11 6 gmills0

On 7th draw, COURANTE F5 64 --- COURANTE an old, lively dance [n]
Other moves: CORNEA 12A 28, CONURE 14A 27, ROUNCE 14A 27, CANOE 14B 25, COURE 14B 25
CRANE 12A 24 margalang
OUNCE 8K 21 reyna
CRONE M3 19 Bez
CARE 12B 16 neyetifu
TOUR 9L 5 gmills0

On 8th draw, UNROVE 14A 29 --- UNREEVE to withdraw a rope from an opening [v]
Other moves: BOURNE 14A 27, BURNER 8A 27, UNBORE 14A 27, UNROBE 14A 27, BORNE 14B 25
BURNER 8A 27 margalang
ROVE K4 16 Bez
TUBE 9L 7 reyna

On 9th draw, OILIER 8A 21 --- OILY covered or soaked with oil [adj]
Other tops: AIRIER 8A 21, OARIER 8A 21, RAILER 8A 21, RILIER 8A 21
Other moves: OILIER M3 19, ROE 15A 19, CALORIE 5F 18, CARIOLE 5F 18, COALIER 5F 18
ROE 15A 19 reyna
RECOIL 5D 16 gmills0
LOUR A12 15 Bez
LEE 12D 10 margalang

On 10th draw, FA(S)HIONERS 15F 45 --- FASHIONER [n]
Other tops: YEX 15B 45
Other moves: NYES 15A 40, RYES 15A 40, SYEN 15A 40, SYRINX B5 40, GYRUS A11 39
EX 15C 36 margalang, reyna
XIS B7 10 gmills0

On 11th draw, HAUT A12 33 --- HAUT high-class [adj]
Other moves: HA 15A 32, UNWITCH 5A 30, UNTHAW J3 29, AHINT J5 28, WAUCHT 5C 28
HA 15A 32 reyna, margalang
WAIT B6 15 gmills0

On 12th draw, JUDGE 8K 42 --- JUDGE to decide on critically [v]
Other moves: JUDOS 8K 39, JIG J6 34, JOG J6 34, SJOE J5 33, JOE J6 32
JUDGE 8K 42 gmills0, margalang
JOE B10 31 reyna

On 13th draw, SOAPILY C3 34 --- SOAPILY in a soapy manner [adv]
Other moves: DASYPOD M2 33, NYS 13H 30, COPAYS 5F 26, PIOY D12 26, ANDS 13G 24
YO 14M 19 reyna
PLAIDS C7 13 gmills0

On 14th draw, SUBIMAGO A1 92 --- SUBIMAGO a stage in the life of a mayfly [n]
Other moves: BIGAMOUS A3 64, SCUMBAG 5E 56, SIMBA D2 36, BISMAR N10 32, GAMBIR N10 30
MIBS D2 28 reyna
MAG B2 17 margalang
GARS C12 10 gmills0

On 15th draw, ZATI D1 52 --- ZATI the bonnet-monkey [n]
Other moves: WAZIR N11 34, ZA J6 34, ZAG N6 33, ZIG N6 33, WAID D1 32
ZA J6 34 margalang
ZAG N6 33 reyna
SAID 12L 7 gmills0

On 16th draw, COINABLE 5F 74 --- COIN to make coins (metal currency) [adj] --- COINABLE able to be coined [adj]
Other moves: ZINEB 1D 48, AZIONE 1C 45, ZOEAL 1D 42, ZONAE 1D 42, ZONAL 1D 42
ZONAL 1D 42 margalang
ALBINO 2D 14 gmills0

On 17th draw, ZONED 1D 45 --- ZONE to arrange in zones (areas distinguished from other adjacent areas) [v]
Other moves: ZONER 1D 42, DOEN 4J 23, DOER 4J 23, OLDENED M2 23, DROLER N10 22
ZONED 1D 45 margalang, rn.roselle
QI H4 21 reyna, annelhynz
GOLDEN N8 10 gmills0
LEER O7 4 MrEdmund

On 18th draw, XI 6J 54 --- XI the fourteenth letter of the Greek alphabet [n]
Other moves: XI 4H 36, CLIMAX J1 35, CIMEX M2 32, LIMAX J2 32, MAXI J4 32
XI 6J 54 reyna, margalang, rn.roselle, MrEdmund, ksong
CLIMAX J1 35 gmills0
MIX 4M 24 annelhynz

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