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Game sheet of nderera (file), Game of July 7, 2011 at 22:50

Word find
Word played
1 BDEINNY BENDY H4 28 -2 28 5/8   H8 30 30 4/8
2 ?AHIIOS HAI(N)S G9 30 -10 58 1/8 HO(O)DIAS 11E 40 70 1/8
3 ADEINTU DATE 12B 15 -53 73 6/8 AUDIENTS K4 68 138 4/8
4 AACDHNO NOAH 10C 33 -6 106 3/8 DONAH 10B 39 177 4/8
5 DFOORUW DOW 9A 23 -15 129 5/8 FROW L1 38 215 4/8
6 ?AILORX FL(E)X 1L 39 -33 168 6/9 (U)XORIAL I3 72 287 5/9
7 AENPRSU FARE 1L 21 -68 189 9/9 SUPERFAN 1G 89 376 5/9
8 ADEIILO DOOLE C9 16 -10 205 5/8 ILIAD M3 26 402 5/9
9 AEFIKNT KA 9C 24 -18 229 3/7 KENTIA 12A 42 444 4/10
10 BEGORTV BOG N6 25 -9 254 5/9 VORTEX 4D 34 478 5/10
11 ACEFGMU             KAME A12 30 508 5/10
12 EGLNQUW             WEN N6 30 538 5/10
13 CORTUVY YURT O7 34 -8 288 3/8 YOURT O8 42 580 5/10
14 ACGLLOR GOAL N10 20 -3 308 4/7 EGAL B12 23 603 5/10
15 BEEMRST SEEM O1 69 -3 377 4/7 STEME O1 72 675 5/10
16 CEGILPU GUILE N10 31   408 2/7       706 5/10
17 CIJOORT JO 9C 36 -5 444 3/6 ROJI 9A 41 747 5/10
18 BEFISVZ BIZES 15J 33 -18 477 2/5 VEZIR A5 51 798 4/10
19 BCCEFOT BET M12 21 -8 498 2/5 FER 2J 29 827 4/10
20 BCCOQST BOOTS E3 14 -20 512 5/5 COST 15L 34 861 4/10

Total: 512/861 or -349 for 59.46%
Rank: 6862

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