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Game of July 7, 2011 at 23:38, 7 players
1. 603 pts GLOBEMAN
2. 601 pts sunshine12
3. 566 pts jeff

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. beerttw   H4    28    28   weber
 2. adennuw   5E    98   126   unweaned
 3. eemoryz   4L    58   184   oyez
 4. ?cemnpt   O1    42   226   prez
 5. fimnost   3K    32   258   smote
 6. ?eenrrs   L3    76   334   moderniser
 7. acdenos   8G    86   420   ordnances
 8. abdeooy   6F    48   468   yobbo
 9. eeijlos  13L    35   503   sjoe
10. aaeilor   2E    63   566   olearia
11. afilrtu  11E    94   660   filature
12. adglnov   1D    42   702   gland
13. ceimpux  10B    68   770   cimex
14. aghilpr  H10    42   812   raphia
15. dghituv  O12    36   848   heid
16. egiklot  15F    68   916   goatlike
17. afgittv   C9    26   942   vigia
18. afnqttu  12A    54   996   quint
19. afiittu  A12    39  1035   quit

Remaining tiles: afitv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.5983 FileGLOBEMAN    3 24:29  -432  603     1.6689 sunshine12  2 15:53  -434  601 
  2.6689 Filesunshine12  2 15:53  -434  601     2.6599 jeff        3 15:39  -469  566 
  3.6599 Filejeff        3 15:39  -469  566     3.6226 ksong       3 19:36  -486  549 
  4.6226 Fileksong       3 19:36  -486  549            Group: novice
  5.5098 FileBouncingS   1  6:02  -901  134     1.5983 GLOBEMAN    3 24:29  -432  603 
  6.5435 FileELCEE       1  0:34  -996   39     2.5098 BouncingS   1  6:02  -901  134 
  7.5511 Filenarisa      0  0:23 -1002   33     3.5435 ELCEE       1  0:34  -996   39 
                                             4.5511 narisa      0  0:23 -1002   33 

On 1st draw, WEBER H4 28 --- WEBER a unit of magnetic flux [n]
Other moves: BEWET H4 26, WETTER H4 26, BETTER H4 22, BEWET H8 22, WEBER H8 22
WEBER H4 28 jeff, ksong, GLOBEMAN
WETTER H4 26 sunshine12

On 2nd draw, UNWEANED 5E 98 --- UNWEANED not weaned [adj] --- WEAN to withhold mother's milk from and substitute other nourishment [adj]
Other moves: UNWEANED 5B 74, UNWEANED 7E 67, UNWEANED 7B 66, UNWARNED 8D 63, DAWEN G5 32
WANNED G7 26 jeff
WADE G7 25 sunshine12
AWED I2 20 ksong

On 3rd draw, OYEZ 4L 58 --- OYEZ a cry used to introduce the opening of a court of law [n]
Other moves: OYEZ 4J 45, ZYME 4C 42, ENZYME F4 40, ENZYME J4 40, MEZE 4K 40
MOZE 4K 40 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
ENZYME F4 40 jeff
MOZED L1 40 ksong

On 4th draw, P(R)EZ O1 42 --- PREZ a president [n]
Other tops: C(H)EZ O1 42, ME(Z)Z O1 42, P(U)TZ O1 42
Other moves: Z(A)NTE O4 39, T(R)EZ O1 36, (A)CME 3K 36, T(Y)MP 3K 35, C(O)EMPT N2 34
P(U)TZ O1 42 ksong
P(R)EZ O1 42 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
P(A)M 3L 30 jeff

On 5th draw, SMOTE 3K 32 --- SMIGHT to strike [v] --- SMITE to strike heavily [v]
Other moves: FOE 3M 30, MOTE 3L 30, NOME 3L 30, SOME 3L 30, TOME 3L 30
MOE 3M 26 ksong
T*MS 9E 20 jeff
FIST 6B 17 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN

On 6th draw, MODERN(I)SER L3 76 --- MODERNISER
Other moves: NER(V)ERS 9B 69, REE(A)RNS 9B 69, REN(D)ERS 9B 69, REN(T)ERS 9B 69, SER(E)NER 9H 69
SER(E)NE 9H 18 jeff
SNEER 9H 17 sunshine12
R(I)SER 9F 16 ksong

On 7th draw, ORDNANCES 8G 86 --- ORDNANCE artillery; a cannon [n]
Other moves: ACNODES 13F 77, DEACONS 13F 77, ACNODES 9B 75, DEACONS 9B 73, DEACONS G7 71
CASED 13J 29 jeff
SCAD 13L 27 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
SCAN 13L 25 ksong

On 8th draw, YOBBO 6F 48 --- YOBBO a lout [n]
Other moves: OBEY 6G 37, YOB 6F 34, BEADY 4A 33, BOODY 4A 33, BAYED K11 32
YOB 6F 34 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
BEADY K11 32 jeff
YO K11 22 ksong

On 9th draw, SJOE 13L 35 --- SJOE wow (S Africa) [interj]
Other tops: SIJO 13L 35
Other moves: JEELIES N6 32, JEES 13I 32, JOES 13I 32, JOLS 13I 32, JEELIE N6 31
JOES 13I 32 jeff
JO 2J 27 sunshine12, ksong

On 10th draw, OLEARIA 2E 63 --- OLEARIA an Australian daisy-tree [n]
Other moves: OLEARIAS 10E 62, AIA 14M 21, AIL 14M 21, AIR 14M 21, ARE 14M 21
ORE 14M 21 jeff, ksong, GLOBEMAN, sunshine12

On 11th draw, FILATURE 11E 94 --- FILATURE the reeling of silk from cocoons [n]
Other moves: FAULTIER 11F 72, FAULT 1G 42, ARF 1F 37, FAT 1H 37, FAUT 1G 36
FAT 1H 37 jeff, sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
ARF 1F 37 ksong

On 12th draw, GLAND 1D 42 --- GLAND a secreting organ [n]
Other moves: GALVO 1A 41, VEGA O12 36, VEGO O12 36, VELD O12 36, VEND O12 36
VEND O12 36 jeff
DAG 1H 29 sunshine12
DOG 10D 21 ksong
LA H1 6 BouncingS

On 13th draw, CIMEX 10B 68 --- CIMEX a bedbug [n]
Other moves: MIXES 10H 63, MUXES 10H 63, PIXES 10H 63, MIX 10H 59, MUX 10H 59
MIX 10D 58 jeff
PIX 10D 58 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
EX 10E 55 ksong

On 14th draw, RAPHIA H10 42 --- RAPHIA a palm tree [n]
Other moves: HEAP O12 39, HELP O12 39, PEGH O12 39, PARIAH H10 36, ALEPH O11 33
HEAP O12 39 jeff, BouncingS
HELP O12 39 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12
HERL O12 33 narisa
AH 14M 29 ksong

On 15th draw, HEID O12 36 --- HEID a head [n]
Other moves: DIGHT 12A 30, HUT 9C 29, DIVOT N10 26, DIGHT C9 24, DIGHT 3A 23
GUSH 10J 21 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12
HUG 3C 18 ksong

On 16th draw, GOATLIKE 15F 68 --- GOATLIKE resembling a goat [adj]
Other moves: GOOK N11 35, KET 9C 33, KLIEG 4A 33, LOOK N11 33, TOOK N11 33
GOOK N11 35 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
KILT 3B 19 ksong
KITE C9 13 jeff

On 17th draw, VIGIA C9 26 --- VIGIA a warning on a navigational chart [n]
Other moves: FA(R) 2M 25, VIGA 4C 25, VITTA 14B 25, VITTA C9 24, GIF 12C 23
GAT 9C 21 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
AFT I13 18 ksong
TAT 9C 17 BouncingS
VIE N6 14 jeff

On 18th draw, QUINT 12A 54 --- QUINT a group of five [n]
Other moves: QUIN 12A 46, QUIT 12A 46, QAT B12 37, QUEAN N6 36, QUENA N6 36
QUINT 12A 54 jeff
QUIT 12A 46 sunshine12, ksong, GLOBEMAN
QUAT J10 33 BouncingS

On 19th draw, QUIT A12 39 --- QUIT to end one's engagement in or occupation with [v]
Other tops: QUAI A12 39, QUAT A12 39
Other moves: IXIA F9 26, FA(R) 2M 25, FU(R) 2M 25, TUFT 3D 21, FAUT 3C 20
QUIT A12 39 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN, ksong, jeff, ELCEE, BouncingS

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