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Game of July 8, 2011 at 01:10, 4 players
1. 423 pts BouncingS
2. 226 pts SPIDER767
3. 137 pts GLOBEMAN

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aehnosv   H3    32    32   shaven
 2. beeiopr   H1    42    74   reshaven
 3. ?lmotux   I7    36   110   xu
 4. ?blorvw   2B    92   202   overblew
 5. aaimopt   J4    28   230   impot
 6. ?fjnoor   K3    45   275   jomon
 7. degilnr   D1    74   349   reedling
 8. aakoosy   L1    41   390   kaas
 9. adeeflp   M1    42   432   alp
10. acioryz   1L    51   483   kazi
11. adeerty   F2    66   549   betrayed
12. abeimqt   1A    35   584   qi
13. abdeiir   2L    28   612   ala
14. aelnoou   8A    21   633   langue
15. adefmrw   B6    24   657   dwarf
16. aegintt  A10    32   689   ingate
17. aceiotu  14A    28   717   tietac
18. efgioot  C10    27   744   fogie
19. cdehino  15F   105   849   hedonic
20. boostuy  D11    40   889   butty
21. eimrstu   L7    34   923   smiter
22. eeeoosu   3K    25   948   japs

Remaining tiles: eeeoou

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.5184 FileBouncingS   1 17:43  -525  423     1.6005 GLOBEMAN    3  3:33  -811  137 
  2.5827 FileSPIDER767   1 10:38  -722  226            Group: novice
  3.6005 FileGLOBEMAN    3  3:33  -811  137     1.5184 BouncingS   1 17:43  -525  423 
  4.5095 Filedrabble     0  2:40  -890   58     2.5827 SPIDER767   1 10:38  -722  226 
                                             3.5095 drabble     0  2:40  -890   58 

On 1st draw, SHAVEN H3 32 --- SHAVE to sever the hair close to the roots [v]
Other tops: HAVENS H4 32, HOVEAS H4 32
Other moves: HAVEN H4 30, HAVES H4 30, HOVEA H4 30, HOVEN H4 30, HOVES H4 30
SHAVEN H3 32 BouncingS

On 2nd draw, RESHAVEN H1 42 --- RESHAVE to shave again [v]
Other moves: EPHEBOI 4F 28, BEPROSE 3C 26, PHOEBE 4G 26, REBOPS 3C 26, BOP G7 22
PROBES 3C 22 BouncingS

On 3rd draw, XU I7 36 --- XU a monetary unit of Vietnam [n]
Other moves: X(U) I7 34, MOX(A) G7 32, MOX(A) I7 32, MULAT(T)O 5E 32, MULA(T)TO 5E 32
VOX 6H 29 BouncingS

On 4th draw, OV(E)RBLEW 2B 92 --- OVERBLOW to give excessive importance to [v]
Other moves: OVERBL(E)W 2F 73, OVERBL(O)W 2F 73, (O)VERBLOW 2F 71, ROWABL(E) 5E 44, ROW(A)BLE 2B 34
VEX 7G 17 BouncingS

On 5th draw, IMPOT J4 28 --- IMPOT a punishment task given to schoolchildren [n]
Other moves: MOTI J6 25, MOT J6 24, POT J6 24, SOMATA 3H 24, VAMP C2 22
VOMIT C2 20 BouncingS

On 6th draw, JO(M)ON K3 45 --- JOMON (Japanese) a particular era in Japanese history. No -S [n] --- JOMON pertaining to a Japanese cultural period [adj]
Other moves: J(E)F(E) D1 40, J(E)F(F) D1 40, J(E)(F)F D1 40, FO(E)N K4 39, FO(I)N K4 39
WO I2 9 BouncingS

On 7th draw, R(E)EDLING D1 74 --- REEDLING a marsh bird [n]
Other moves: (E)NGIRDLE D2 70, JERID 3K 26, JEDI 3K 24, JIRD 3K 24, VERLIG C2 24
GRINDER E1 18 drabble

On 8th draw, KAAS L1 41 --- KAAS a large cupboard [n]
Other tops: KOAS L1 41
Other moves: JOKY 3K 36, OKAS L1 33, JOOKS 3K 32, KY 1A 32, JAKS 3K 30
JOYS 3K 28 BouncingS
R(E)EDLINGS D1 10 drabble

On 9th draw, ALP M1 42 --- ALP a high mountain [n]
Other moves: KEEF 1L 33, FADGE 8A 30, JAPED 3K 30, KEEP 1L 30, KELP 1L 30
KEEP 1L 30 BouncingS
KELP 1L 30 drabble

On 10th draw, KAZI 1L 51 --- KAZI a lavatory [n]
Other moves: AZOIC 6A 36, ZO 1A 35, ZOIC 6B 35, KAYO 1L 33, COLZA 5B 32

On 11th draw, BETRAYED F2 66 --- BETRAY to disclose in breach of trust [v]
Other moves: ZEE N1 43, ALA 2L 28, EERY N3 28, ZA N1 28, EYED N3 25
ZA N1 28 SPIDER767
DRAG 8A 18 BouncingS

On 12th draw, QI 1A 35 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: ALA 2L 28, ZA N1 28, QI C6 26, QAID 4A 24, IAMB E8 23
ZA N1 28 SPIDER767
AT E5 13 BouncingS

On 13th draw, ALA 2L 28 --- ALA in biology, any flat winglike projection [n]
Other tops: ZA N1 28
Other moves: ABIDER C8 27, BARGEE 8A 27, DRAGEE 8A 24, EARD N3 22, ERBIA N3 22
ZA N1 28 SPIDER767
BRAG 8A 21 BouncingS

On 14th draw, LANGUE 8A 21 --- LANGUE a type of language [n]
Other tops: LEAGUE 8A 21, LUNGEE 8A 21
Other moves: VAE C2 19, VOE C2 19, AEON E7 17, AUE E7 16, AEON E8 15
LONG 8A 15 BouncingS

On 15th draw, DWARF B6 24 --- DWARF an extremely small person [n] --- DWARF extremely small [adj] --- DWARF to cause to appear small [v]
Other moves: AFEARD B5 22, ALF G1 22, ELF G1 22, FRAMED B6 22, AMEND C5 20
FLAMED A7 14 BouncingS

On 16th draw, INGATE A10 32 --- INGATE a channel by which molten metal enters a mold [n]
Other moves: EATING A10 29, EATING C10 19, VAE C2 19, WINGY 7B 19, AGENT C10 17
EATING A10 29 BouncingS

On 17th draw, TIETAC 14A 28 --- TIETAC a tie clip [n]
Other moves: OAT E4 19, OUT E4 19, VAE C2 19, VOE C2 19, AEON C5 18
ACE 13A 10 BouncingS, SPIDER767

On 18th draw, FOGIE C10 27 --- FOGIE a person with an old-fashioned outlook [n]
Other moves: FET 13C 26, FIE 13C 26, FIT 13C 26, TEF 13C 23, ELF G1 22
FIT 13C 26 BouncingS

On 19th draw, HEDONIC 15F 105 --- HEDONIC pertaining to pleasure [adj]
Other moves: HOIDEN 15F 37, HONIED 15F 37, HONED 15F 34, HEID 15F 31, HEND 15F 31
GIN 12C 8 BouncingS

On 20th draw, BUTTY D11 40 --- BUTTY a fellow workman [n]
Other tops: BOOTY D11 40, BOTTY D11 40, BUSTY D11 40
Other moves: BOYOS M11 34, BUOYS M11 34, SOOTY D11 34, YOU D10 33, BOYS M12 32
BOYS M12 32 BouncingS

On 21th draw, SMITER L7 34 --- SMITER one that smites [n]
Other moves: MERITS M10 30, MITERS M10 30, MITRES M10 30, MURTIS M10 30, REMITS M10 30
TIMERS M10 30 BouncingS

On 22th draw, JAPS 3K 25 --- JAP to spatter [v]
Other tops: ZAS N1 25
Other moves: OES E10 20, OES M13 20, OOS E10 20, OOS M13 20, OSE E10 20
OUS M13 20 BouncingS

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