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Game sheet of JohnQuale (file), Game of July 8, 2011 at 04:21

Word find
Word played
1 ?AELLTU             (U)LULATE H3 64 64  
2 AEIMORT             AMITROLE 4B 70 134  
3 ?AEILRT             TRA(C)TILE E4 78 212  
4 ADEHIIS             EDHS 3A 35 247  
5 DEEEKRU             EKED G6 36 283  
6 AEINSTZ             SIZE J4 44 327  
7 AGNNOPR             NONPAR K5 33 360  
8 AINSTUY             PYATS 8K 42 402  
9 DGIRTVY             YRIVD D11 33 435  
10 ABHNOPT             OPAH C10 38 473  
11 FINRTUW             UNWIT 8A 27 500  
12 BEFGNNU RUNG 10K 9 -18 9 5/5 DEBUG 15D 27 527 7/7
13 EGINORW WORN I9 22 -68 31 2/4 TOWERING N8 90 617 6/7
14 AILMOUV MAIL 14G 15 -21 46 4/5 VAGI 15L 36 653 5/7
15 AEFGNNT             FANG B12 28 681 5/7
16 CEELNOU             ENCOLURE 12H 74 755 5/7
17 CDEJORT             J(U)D 3G 42 797 5/7
18 AIMOSTT             ATOMISTS O1 89 886 5/7
19 BCEFIOX             REX F4 55 941 5/7
20 BCFIOQR             FIB N1 29 970 5/7

Total: 46/970 or -924 for 4.742%
Rank: -

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