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Game of July 8, 2011 at 06:39, 3 players
1. 470 pts slebbarc
2. 209 pts jimbo
3. 121 pts drabble

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. eegnrtx   H3    42    42   extern
 2. beeoruv   9G    31    73   bever
 3. egnostu  10B    81   154   tongues
 4. abclnor   8K    32   186   acorn
 5. ?eegjpu   N7   116   302   prejudge
 6. deeikms  15L    61   363   kids
 7. adiloos   E4    90   453   solidago
 8. ?efistv  12C    93   546   festive
 9. agilmnq  11K    32   578   maqui
10. abeefry   8A    39   617   feyed
11. acnootu   D1    26   643   cotan
12. adirtuw   G3    35   678   waid
13. emnrtuw   1D    33   711   centrum
14. abglnot   B2    30   741   notable
15. adhillo  13I    41   782   hidalgo
16. aiilorw   A1    31   813   wili
17. aegiprz   2I    45   858   gazier
18. ahopruy   1L    47   905   pruh

Remaining tiles: aoy

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: novice
  1.5428 Fileslebbarc    0 15:22  -435  470     1.5428 slebbarc    0 15:22  -435  470 
  2.4807 Filejimbo       0 12:22  -696  209     2.5095 drabble     0  5:39  -784  121 
  3.5095 Filedrabble     0  5:39  -784  121            Group: not rated
                                             1.4807 jimbo       0 12:22  -696  209 

On 1st draw, EXTERN H3 42 --- EXTERN a non-resident of an institution [n]
Other moves: EXTERN H4 28, EXTERN H7 28, EXTERN H8 28, EXERT H4 26, EXERT H8 26

On 2nd draw, BEVER 9G 31 --- BEVER a snack taken between meals [n]
Other tops: BEVOR 9G 31, BEVUE 9G 31
Other moves: BEER G3 29, BEVER 9E 29, BREVE 9F 29, BREVE 9D 28, VERB 9G 28
BREVE 3F 15 slebbarc

On 3rd draw, TONGUES 10B 81 --- TONGUE to touch with the tongue (an organ of the mouth) [v]
Other moves: TONGUES L3 79, STURGEON K6 68, STURGEON 7E 62, GOUTTES 5E 32, TOGUES 8J 31
SONG L9 21 slebbarc

On 4th draw, ACORN 8K 32 --- ACORN the fruit of the oak tree [n]
Other moves: BOAR G3 29, BORAX 4D 28, BACONER 3C 26, BOA G3 26, CORBAN C9 26
BORAX 4D 28 slebbarc

On 5th draw, PREJU(D)GE N7 116 --- PREJUDGE to judge beforehand [v]
Other moves: REJU(D)GE N8 60, JUNG(L)E D8 42, JEU 9C 40, JOUG(S) C9 40, PUGAREE K5 40
J(O) 9C 34 slebbarc

On 6th draw, KIDS 15L 61 --- KID to tease [v]
Other tops: KEDS 15L 61
Other moves: DEMARKS K5 56, DEMISE 15J 54, DESK 15L 51, DISK 15L 51, MEDS 15L 49
DISK 15L 51 slebbarc

On 7th draw, SOLIDAGO E4 90 --- SOLIDAGO n a flowering plant [n]
Other moves: SOLIDAGO 13H 72, DIALOGS E5 36, AXOIDS 4G 28, SOLARIA K5 28, ADIOS I2 26
DIAL I3 25 slebbarc

On 8th draw, F(E)STIVE 12C 93 --- FESTIVE of or befitting a festival [adj]
Other tops: FESTIV(E) 12C 93
Other moves: FIVES 12A 41, F(A)VEST 12A 41, V(O)TARIES K5 40, FIV(E)S 12A 39, F(A)VES 12A 39
FESTIVE 3G 36 slebbarc
FESTIV(E) B7 12 jimbo

On 9th draw, MAQUI 11K 32 --- MAQUI a thick underbrush [n]
Other moves: GEMINAL 3G 30, MAIN G3 29, MEALING 3G 28, GLAM 13A 27, QI D7 27
QI D3 26 jimbo
MAGIC L4 20 slebbarc

On 10th draw, FEYED 8A 39 --- FEY to clean out [v]
Other tops: BEARDY 8A 39, BREADY 8A 39, FAYED 8A 39
Other moves: FEARE G3 38, FEEB G3 37, BAYED 8A 36, ABYE 13A 35, BAYE 13A 35
FREED 8A 30 slebbarc
BEEFY 3G 17 jimbo

On 11th draw, COTAN D1 26 --- COTAN a trigonometrical function of an angle [n]
Other moves: COONTY C3 24, COUNTY C3 24, COAT 13A 23, ACTON D1 22, ECONUT 3H 22
CAT 13B 21 slebbarc
COONS 4A 20 jimbo

On 12th draw, WAID G3 35 --- WEIGH to determine the weight of [v]
Other moves: WAIR G3 33, WAIT G3 33, WAUR G3 33, WAI G3 30, TWA G2 28
WAD 13B 26 slebbarc
TREAD 3F 8 jimbo

On 13th draw, CENTRUM 1D 33 --- CENTRUM the body of a vertebra [n]
Other moves: CENTUM 1D 30, CRUMEN 1D 30, MEW C2 30, RUME I1 30, WEM C2 30
WET 13B 23 slebbarc
CRUET 1D 21 jimbo

On 14th draw, NOTABLE B2 30 --- NOTABLE a person of distinction [n]
Other moves: BATON C2 28, AXONAL 4G 26, OBANG 2J 26, ABOIL 7B 24, BAG C2 24
BOAT 13A 23 jimbo
VOLT H12 21 slebbarc
FLAB C12 18 drabble

On 15th draw, HIDALGO 13I 41 --- HIDALGO a minor Spanish nobleman [n]
Other moves: HALID A1 40, HALOID 2I 35, HILLOA 2I 33, HILA A1 31, HI(D) 12L 31
HI(D) 12L 31 drabble
DOH A1 28 slebbarc
DIAL 13A 21 jimbo

On 16th draw, WILI A1 31 --- WILI the spirit of a maiden [n]
Other tops: WALI A1 31
Other moves: AW 12K 28, OW 12K 28, LAW A1 25, LOW A1 25, OW C2 25
ROW A1 25 slebbarc
FLAW C12 20 drabble
MORAL J1 9 jimbo

On 17th draw, GAZIER 2I 45 --- GAZY given to gazing [adj]
Other moves: AGRIZE 2J 42, IZAR 13A 37, ZEA 13B 35, ZEA 13A 34, FAZE C12 32
FAZE C12 32 drabble, jimbo, slebbarc

On 18th draw, PRUH 1L 47 --- PRUH a call for a horse to stop [interj]
Other tops: PRAY 1L 47
Other moves: HOAR 1L 46, HOUR 1L 46, AHOY 1L 43, HUP 10J 39, OPAH 1L 39
HAY 1M 34 slebbarc
FRAY C12 20 jimbo
HA 1L 20 drabble

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