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Game of July 8, 2011 at 07:23, 9 players
1. 539 pts jeff
2. 512 pts kellybelly
3. 508 pts drabble

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?dnnsuz   H4    50    50   zounds
 2. elmnoot   I9    66   116   toolmen
 3. aeiirst  15H   131   247   inertias
 4. afioost  N10    34   281   fatsia
 5. dehimov   O7    44   325   hoved
 6. ?aaberw   8A    98   423   waybread
 7. aeginor   4B    86   509   organize
 8. agrtuwy   J2    46   555   warty
 9. aceglpy  14F    41   596   cagey
10. ceiilos   1H    36   632   cosie
11. deflmno  11E    44   676   onefold
12. gilnort   2J    22   698   wongi
13. abeijlu  12A    48   746   jelab
14. eiimpuu  A12    45   791   jump
15. adeiirx   3E    41   832   dex
16. eeinpru  B10    42   874   peerie
17. aeknqru   B2    56   930   quonk
18. ahioruv   2E    31   961   oh
19. eilrttu   C1    27   988   titre

Remaining tiles: ailruv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.6598 Filejeff        3 16:24  -449  539     1.7218 kellybelly  6 12:47  -476  512 
  2.7218 Filekellybelly  6 12:47  -476  512            Group: intermediate
  3.5105 Filedrabble     3 24:05  -480  508     1.6598 jeff        3 16:24  -449  539 
  4.4803 Filejimbo       2 21:03  -597  391     2.6129 margalang   0  7:24  -787  201 
  5.5751 FileFaeythe     0 12:05  -706  282            Group: novice
  6.6129 Filemargalang   0  7:24  -787  201     1.5105 drabble     3 24:05  -480  508 
  7.4919 FileLucylulu    1  3:38  -899   89     2.5751 Faeythe     0 12:05  -706  282 
  8.  -  Fileanja650     0  6:07  -935   53            Group: not rated
  9.  -  Filecfoster     0  4:11  -975   13     1.4803 jimbo       2 21:03  -597  391 
                                             2.4919 Lucylulu    1  3:38  -899   89 
                                             3.  -  anja650     0  6:07  -935   53 
                                             4.  -  cfoster     0  4:11  -975   13 

On 1st draw, Z(O)UNDS H4 50 --- ZOUNDS expressing astonishment [interj]
Other moves: Z(O)UNDS H8 34, Z(O)UNDS H7 32, NUDZ(H) H4 30, Z(O)UNDS H3 30, Z(O)UNDS H5 30
Z(O)UNDS H4 50 drabble
(A)DZ H7 24 jeff
Z(O)S H7 22 Faeythe

On 2nd draw, TOOLMEN I9 66 --- TOOLMAN a man who works with tools [n]
Other moves: MOONLETS 9A 62, MONTE I3 28, ZLOTE 4H 28, LOOM I3 23, MOON I3 23
MOON I3 23 Faeythe
MOUNT 6F 15 drabble
ZONE 4H 13 jimbo

On 3rd draw, INERTIAS 15H 131 --- INERTIA the tendency of a body to resist acceleration [n]
Other moves: SATIRIZE 4B 84, IRISATED 8A 80, RAINIEST 15F 77, SERIATIM 13B 72, AIRTIMES 13D 61
ARE H13 21 Faeythe
SNARE 15H 18 jimbo
TRAINS 15E 18 jeff
RENTS 15G 15 drabble

On 4th draw, FATSIA N10 34 --- FATSIA an evergreen shrub [n]
Other moves: SOFA 14L 30, SOFTA I3 30, TEF 14H 29, ZATIS 4H 28, ZOIST 4H 28
FE J14 26 Faeythe, jeff
FLOATS 12H 26 jimbo
FAST I3 25 drabble

On 5th draw, HOVED O7 44 --- HOVE to swell [v]
Other tops: HIVED O7 44
Other moves: HOMIE M9 43, HOMED O7 41, MOVED O7 41, VIDEO M9 40, HIVE O7 35
HIVED O7 44 jeff
HOVED O7 44 kellybelly
VIED O8 32 Faeythe
HOME M9 24 drabble
VOTE 12L 16 jimbo
NO 7H 3 cfoster

On 6th draw, WA(Y)BREAD 8A 98 --- WAYBREAD a common plantain [n]
Other moves: BEARWA(R)D 8A 92, BEA(R)WARD 8A 89, BA(R)WARE N1 81, WAR(H)ABLE 12C 80, WEARABL(E) 12C 80
BRA(I)ZE 4D 32 kellybelly
ZEBRA 4H 32 Faeythe, jeff
BRAW I2 25 drabble
BRAZE(N) 4E 16 jimbo
STEAR 9H 5 cfoster

On 7th draw, ORGANIZE 4B 86 --- ORGANIZE to form into an orderly whole [v]
Other moves: ORIGANE N1 75, ABORIGEN D7 72, GERANIOL 12B 70, REGIONAL 12B 70, ORANGIER E1 68
ZEROING 4H 34 jeff, Faeythe
ORGAN I1 20 drabble
GON I3 18 kellybelly
GROANER E2 16 jimbo
STEAR 9H 5 cfoster

On 8th draw, WARTY J2 46 --- WARTY covered with warts [adj]
Other moves: GRAYOUT 11E 44, WARTY 3I 39, WARY J2 37, YURTA J2 37, GRAY J3 35
WARTY J2 46 jimbo
WARTY 3I 39 jeff
WARY J2 37 drabble, kellybelly
YAR J2 33 Faeythe

On 9th draw, CAGEY 14F 41 --- CAGEY shrewd [adj]
Other moves: PACEY 3I 37, AGLEY 14F 34, ELOGY B2 34, ALEYE 14G 33, PALACE 3I 33
PACEY 3I 37 kellybelly, jeff
PACEY N4 28 drabble
YE 5E 22 margalang
AE K5 13 Faeythe
TAPE 5J 12 jimbo

On 10th draw, COSIE 1H 36 --- COSIE a covering for a teapot [n]
Other tops: CEILIS 1E 36, COLIES 1E 36, ILICES 1E 36
Other moves: CEILS 1F 33, CELS K1 33, CIELS 1F 33, CLIES 1F 33, CLOSE 1G 33
CELS K1 33 jeff, kellybelly
SO K4 28 margalang
COLS 6L 21 jimbo
SLICE 1J 20 drabble
SLOW 2G 7 Faeythe

On 11th draw, ONEFOLD 11E 44 --- ONEFOLD constituting a single, undivided whole [adj]
Other moves: FANDOM 3I 41, FAMED 3I 39, MALFED 3I 37, FEOD 5B 32, MOF(O) 5E 31
FAMED 3I 39 Faeythe, kellybelly
FE J10 28 margalang
DEMON M1 25 jeff, drabble
FLAMED B6 22 jimbo

On 12th draw, WONGI 2J 22 --- WONGI to chat [v]
Other tops: ROTING M1 22
Other moves: RANGOLI 3I 21, RATLING 3I 21, ANTILOG B8 20, LINGOT 10B 20, RIGOL M1 20
ROTING M1 22 kellybelly
GROIN 12A 18 margalang
RING M1 18 jeff
WRING A8 11 jimbo
GRIN C3 10 drabble

On 13th draw, JELAB 12A 48 --- JELAB a Middle Eastern hooded cloak [n]
Other moves: JAB N6 37, JEU I3 37, JEU 3B 36, MAJLIS 13I 36, MEJLIS 13I 36
JAB N6 37 margalang, drabble
JA 3B 31 jeff, kellybelly
JAB 12C 28 jimbo
JAIL E3 22 anja650

On 14th draw, JUMP A12 45 --- JUMP to spring off the ground [v]
Other tops: JIMP A12 45
Other moves: JUPE A12 39, GUIMPE M2 24, PUMIE 10C 24, UMU 5D 23, MEU M11 22
JUMP A12 45 jeff, kellybelly, drabble, Lucylulu, jimbo
PE 1N 16 margalang

On 15th draw, DEX 3E 41 --- DEX a sulfate used as a central nervous system stimulant [n]
Other moves: AXE 13C 38, EXORDIA B2 38, RAXED N4 37, AX 3F 36, AXED N5 36
DEX 3E 41 kellybelly
XI 1N 36 margalang, drabble
MAXI 14A 26 Lucylulu
TAXED 5J 26 jimbo
AXE E4 20 jeff

On 16th draw, PEERIE B10 42 --- PEERIE a wooden spinning top [n] --- PEERIE small [adj]
Other moves: PEIN 5B 29, EPEE B12 28, PENIE B11 28, EERIE B11 24, EINE 5C 24
EPEE B12 28 jeff, kellybelly
PRONE B2 18 drabble, Lucylulu
PE 1N 16 margalang
PILE C10 12 jimbo
POUR B3 8 anja650

On 17th draw, QUONK B2 56 --- QUONK to make an accidental disturbing noise [v]
Other moves: NEUK 5B 39, QUARK C1 36, UKE 5D 36, EUK 5C 35, QUA B6 32
QUONK B2 56 kellybelly, drabble
QUARK C1 36 jimbo, jeff
TAKER 5J 18 anja650

On 18th draw, OH 2E 31 --- OH to exclaim in surprise, pain, or desire [v]
Other moves: MOHURS 13I 28, OH 5D 27, UH 5D 27, HAO M11 25, HUI M11 25
OH 2E 31 jeff, kellybelly
THRU 5J 14 drabble
THAR 5J 14 jimbo

On 19th draw, TITRE C1 27 --- TITRE the strength of a chemical solution [n]
Other tops: ILLER C10 27, LITRE C1 27
Other moves: METRIST 13I 24, TIRR C1 23, MERILS 13I 22, MERITS 13I 22, URITE 13A 21
GLITTER M2 18 kellybelly, jeff
TI C1 13 jimbo
PETIT 15A 8 drabble
STILE 9H 5 anja650

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