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Game of July 8, 2011 at 08:53, 10 players
1. 609 pts PIThompson
2. 542 pts jeff
3. 442 pts Bez

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?ahoooo   H4    24    24   hoodoo
 2. aelrtuu   4H    20    44   hauteur
 3. ?dikstu  10B    80   124   kidults
 4. eeinrtz   L2    77   201   eternize
 5. abimnov   8L    51   252   zimb
 6. deeglmp   M8    91   343   impledge
 7. acilnsu  15G    83   426   lunacies
 8. adehqrv   E9    36   462   quaver
 9. abfilsx  15A    58   520   axils
10. abeeeor  14A    34   554   boa
11. eelnstv   O1    36   590   vees
12. aeehiot   N2    38   628   earth
13. eijortw  13C    42   670   jeer
14. afiinty  14H    31   701   nay
15. acdeinp   B5    69   770   panicked
16. aegnotw   C2    32   802   towage
17. gilorry   F6    29   831   gorily
18. dfilnot   D1    39   870   fido
19. filnrtw  12H    26   896   wintle

Remaining tiles: fnr

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7381 FilePIThompson  6 17:17  -287  609     1.7381 PIThompson  6 17:17  -287  609 
  2.6596 Filejeff        2 18:34  -354  542            Group: intermediate
  3.5539 FileBez         0 15:10  -454  442     1.6596 jeff        2 18:34  -354  542 
  4.4396 Filemarigold    1 12:44  -638  258     2.6723 yab         0  2:36  -846   50 
  5.5746 FileFaeythe     2  9:17  -641  255            Group: novice
  6.5664 FileHasni       1  9:26  -670  226     1.5539 Bez         0 15:10  -454  442 
  7.  -  Fileanja650     0  6:31  -801   95     2.5746 Faeythe     2  9:17  -641  255 
  8.4824 Filejimbo       0  4:54  -808   88     3.5664 Hasni       1  9:26  -670  226 
  9.6723 Fileyab         0  2:36  -846   50     4.5307 BouncingS   0  1:48  -858   38 
 10.5307 FileBouncingS   0  1:48  -858   38            Group: not rated
                                             1.4396 marigold    1 12:44  -638  258 
                                             2.  -  anja650     0  6:31  -801   95 
                                             3.4824 jimbo       0  4:54  -808   88 

On 1st draw, HOO(D)OO H4 24 --- HOODOO to bring bad luck to [v]
Other tops: HOO(P)OO H4 24, HOO(R)OO H4 24
Other moves: HOO(K)A H4 22, HOO(D)OO H3 18, HOO(D)OO H7 18, HOO(D)OO H8 18, HOO(P)OO H3 18
HOO(K)A H4 22 jeff
(Y)AHOO H8 16 PIThompson
HOO(D) H8 12 anja650

On 2nd draw, HAUTEUR 4H 20 --- HAUTEUR a haughty manner or spirit [n]
Other moves: HALERU 4H 18, HALTER 4H 18, HAULER 4H 18, HURTLE 4H 18, THALER 4G 18
HAULER 4H 18 jeff
HALTER 4H 18 PIThompson
HURTLE 4H 18 Bez
THALER 4G 18 anja650

On 3rd draw, KIDU(L)TS 10B 80 --- KIDULT a film for children or adults [n]
Other moves: KIDU(L)TS G9 77, KIDU(L)TS G8 72, DIT(O)KOUS 9C 70, DITOK(O)US 9E 68, DITOK(O)US 6E 64
SKIT(E)D O4 45 jeff
SKID(S) O4 42 PIThompson
STRIK(E) N2 38 anja650, BouncingS
KUD(O)S M3 20 Bez

On 4th draw, ETERNIZE L2 77 --- ETERNIZE to make everlasting [v]
Other moves: ENTREZ N1 70, ETERNIZE L4 68, NERTZ N2 68, DZEREN D10 34, ZANIER I3 34
DITZ D10 28 Bez
ZINE C9 23 PIThompson
ZA I3 21 jeff

On 5th draw, ZIMB 8L 51 --- ZIMB an Ethiopian insect [n]
Other moves: ZONA 8L 39, VOEMA 2J 36, MAVIN M9 33, NOMA M7 31, ABRIM N2 30
ZIMB 8L 51 PIThompson
ZONA 8L 39 jeff
OM M8 25 Bez
ABOVE 2H 12 anja650

On 6th draw, IMPLEDGE M8 91 --- IMPLEDGE to pawn [v]
Other moves: PERMED 5J 36, IMPEDE M8 35, IMPLED M8 35, MEDLE 10J 35, GERMED 5J 33
PED 10J 31 PIThompson
MED 10J 31 Faeythe
PEELED 2J 30 Bez
PILED C9 22 jeff
GLUED J2 15 anja650

On 7th draw, LUNACIES 15G 83 --- LUNACY insanity [n]
Other moves: LUNACIES 12G 72, LUNACIES 2F 68, CLUSIA O1 39, CUSPAL 10J 36, INLACES 15H 36
UNLACES 15H 36 PIThompson
CANS O1 33 jeff
SP*C 10L 28 Faeythe
SINCE 12I 14 Bez

On 8th draw, QUAVER E9 36 --- QUAVER to tremble [v]
Other tops: HAVERED 12H 36
Other moves: HAVERED 2I 32, HIVED C9 32, DAH 11C 30, HAVER K9 30, HIVER C9 30
QUAVER E9 36 jeff, Faeythe
HIVED C9 32 PIThompson
QUAVER J3 26 Bez
QUAD J3 18 marigold

On 9th draw, AXILS 15A 58 --- AXIL the angle between the upper side of a leaf and its supporting stem [n]
Other tops: FLABS 15A 58
Other moves: ALIFS 15A 55, FAIX I6 49, AXIS O1 48, FAILS 15A 46, BAILS 15A 43
AXILS 15A 58 PIThompson
AXIS O1 48 jeff, marigold
FLAXES 12I 32 Bez
FLEX 12K 28 Faeythe

On 10th draw, BOA 14A 34 --- BOA a large snake [n]
Other moves: AB 14B 30, BA 14A 30, BE 14A 30, BO 14A 30, OB 14B 30
BOA 14A 34 PIThompson
BO 14A 30 Bez
BA 14A 30 jeff
BOX B13 24 marigold
BEER N1 12 Faeythe

On 11th draw, VEES O1 36 --- VEE the letter V [n]
Other tops: EVES O1 36, STEEVE 13B 36, VETS O1 36
Other moves: SLEEVE 13C 32, STEEVE 13C 32, LENSE O1 30, TENSE O1 30, VELVETS 12B 28
VETS O1 36 jeff, marigold, Faeythe, Hasni
EVENTS 2J 22 PIThompson
SLEEVE 12H 20 Bez

On 12th draw, EARTH N2 38 --- EARTH to cover with earth (soil) [v]
Other tops: TORAH N2 38
Other moves: TERAOHM N2 34, HEROE N2 32, THRAE N2 29, THREE N2 29, THROE N2 29
HEROE N2 32 PIThompson
THIEVE 12A 26 Faeythe
HERO N2 26 jeff
HART N2 26 Hasni
HAVE 12C 20 Bez
HIVE 12C 20 marigold

On 13th draw, JEER 13C 42 --- JEER to mock [v]
Other moves: JEE 13C 40, JOE 13C 40, OWRIE 13A 40, JO 3I 36, OWT 13A 36
JEER 13C 42 PIThompson
JOE 13C 40 Hasni
JO 3I 36 jeff
JIVER 12C 30 Faeythe, Bez
J*W 12L 26 marigold

On 14th draw, NAY 14H 31 --- NAY a negative vote [n]
Other moves: NIFTI(L)Y F5 30, AY 14I 28, IF 14I 28, NAIF I6 27, FAY K9 26
NAY 14H 31 PIThompson
AY 14I 28 Faeythe
IF 14I 28 jeff, Bez
FAY I3 18 Hasni
FEY 12L 18 marigold

On 15th draw, PANICKED B5 69 --- PANIC to experience great terror [v]
Other moves: APNEIC 12J 26, PICENE 12H 26, PEACOD 5D 25, CANDIE 12H 24, CNIDAE 12H 24
PIECED 12I 22 marigold
PACED 12J 20 jeff, PIThompson
PEDAL 11I 16 Bez

On 16th draw, TOWAGE C2 32 --- TOWAGE the price paid for towing [n]
Other moves: AWETO A1 31, WING 8A 30, TANGO A1 28, AWE L11 27, AWETO C3 27
WING 8A 30 Bez, jimbo, jeff, PIThompson, Hasni
WIG 8A 21 marigold

On 17th draw, GORI(L)Y F6 29 --- GORILY in a gory manner [adv]
Other moves: GIRO D1 28, LOG A6 28, OY D4 28, LOGI(L)Y F6 27, RORY I6 27
OY D4 28 PIThompson
GLORY 6F 21 Bez
PARRY 5B 20 Hasni
WILY 4C 20 jimbo

On 18th draw, FIDO D1 39 --- FIDO a defective coin [n]
Other moves: FINO D1 36, FON D3 32, FLINTED 12H 30, IDOL D2 30, DINO D1 28
FIDO D1 39 PIThompson
FON D3 32 jeff, Hasni
FLINTED 12H 30 Bez
DOT A6 26 yab
WILT 4C 14 jimbo
AGING 6B 7 marigold

On 19th draw, WINTLE 12H 26 --- WINTLE to stagger [v]
Other moves: FLINT 1D 24, FLINT K9 24, FLIRT 1D 24, FLIRT K9 24, TREIF 12K 24
FLINT 1D 24 Bez, Hasni, PIThompson, yab
FLIRT 1D 24 jimbo
WIFE 12J 20 jeff
FILTER 12I 18 marigold

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