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Game of July 8, 2011 at 22:43, 13 players
1. 499 pts yab
2. 493 pts dannyboy
3. 455 pts neyetifu

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aeimpwy   H8    38    38   wimpy
 2. degilmr  11E    48    86   rimpled
 3. ?abeeir   K4    70   156   ebriated
 4. ceinrsy   D8    43   199   yince
 5. ?aaeior   C2    69   268   olearia
 6. acefosv   8J    48   316   favose
 7. aentuuz   B2    63   379   zante
 8. adehkoo   D1    50   429   hoaed
 9. aaoprtw   A6    32   461   pawa
10. ehnnstu   4H    76   537   unnethes
11. beklotv   G9    41   578   kembo
12. cegqrtu   M7    44   622   rocquet
13. efginoo   1D    42   664   hoofing
14. aalosuv  14I    35   699   ovals
15. aejrstt  15E    38   737   tajes
16. dgginor   O4    64   801   sodgering
17. diittuu   2B    28   829   zooid
18. ilrtuux  C12    22   851   tux

Remaining tiles: illrtu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6705 Fileyab         5 20:09  -352  499     1.6705 yab         5 20:09  -352  499 
  2.6443 Filedannyboy    3 21:44  -358  493     2.6443 dannyboy    3 21:44  -358  493 
  3.5425 Fileneyetifu    0 22:35  -396  455     3.6205 cipka_616   1 11:45  -483  368 
  4.6205 Filecipka_616   1 11:45  -483  368     4.6202 ksong       1 13:08  -622  229 
  5.4348 FileDbuggle     1 15:25  -495  356     5.6005 GLOBEMAN    1  5:12  -790   61 
  6.4660 Filetonikay     0 23:29  -531  320            Group: novice
  7.6202 Fileksong       1 13:08  -622  229     1.5425 neyetifu    0 22:35  -396  455 
  8.5351 Fileworsie      1  6:37  -722  129     2.5351 worsie      1  6:37  -722  129 
  9.4790 FileAJ0711      1  6:00  -756   95     3.5746 Faeythe     0  0:41  -821   30 
 10.3352 Filejoshyo1     1  5:21  -759   92            Group: not rated
 11.6005 FileGLOBEMAN    1  5:12  -790   61     1.4348 Dbuggle     1 15:25  -495  356 
 12.5746 FileFaeythe     0  0:41  -821   30     2.4660 tonikay     0 23:29  -531  320 
 13.2932 Filedong        0  2:56  -831   20     3.4790 AJ0711      1  6:00  -756   95 
                                             4.3352 joshyo1     1  5:21  -759   92 
                                             5.2932 dong        0  2:56  -831   20 

On 1st draw, WIMPY H8 38 --- WIMPY weak, ineffectual [adj]
Other tops: WIMPY H4 38
Other moves: PYEMIA H3 34, PYEMIA H4 32, WIMPY H5 30, WIMPY H6 30, WIMPY H7 30
WIMPY H4 38 cipka_616, Dbuggle
WAY H8 18 neyetifu
PAW H6 16 tonikay

On 2nd draw, RIMPLED 11E 48 --- RIMPLE to wrinkle [v]
Other moves: GLIMED I4 25, GRIMED I4 25, GIMPED 11E 24, GRIMLY 12C 24, MIDGY 12D 24
RIMPLED 11E 48 yab
MED I7 21 neyetifu
GIMP 11E 18 tonikay
MILD G12 15 cipka_616
MILDER 10H 11 Dbuggle

On 3rd draw, EBRIA(T)ED K4 70 --- EBRIATED intoxicated [adj]
Other tops: BRAE(H)EID K4 70, REBAI(T)ED K4 70
Other moves: BEAR(D)IER E4 68, B(L)EARIER E4 68, EBRIA(T)E I2 66, BEAR(D)IE I2 65, BEWAI(L)ER 8F 63
MABE 10H 29 neyetifu
BAM 10F 27 cipka_616
BEER 10J 25 dannyboy
(S)ABERED K5 18 yab
BEER(S) J10 12 Dbuggle

On 4th draw, YINCE D8 43 --- YINCE once [adv]
Other moves: RAYNES 8J 39, SCRYNE D10 39, AYINS 8K 36, AYRES 8K 36, AYRIE 8K 36
CARNEY 8J 36 yab
YENS 10J 28 neyetifu
CRY L3 27 cipka_616
YE J10 26 dannyboy
CRIS L1 22 tonikay
EYES 4K 14 Dbuggle

On 5th draw, O(L)EARIA C2 69 --- OLEARIA an Australian daisy-tree [n]
Other tops: AERO(B)IA C2 69
Other moves: AERO(B)IA E2 67, O(L)EARIA E2 67, AERO(B)IA G2 63, O(L)EARIA G2 62, ARAY(S)E 8A 24
(V)ARY 8A 18 Dbuggle
(W)ARY 8A 18 cipka_616
RI(M)Y 8A 18 yab
ARO(S)E 8K 15 neyetifu
ARIA(S) 8K 15 dannyboy
(S)EA L3 12 tonikay

On 6th draw, FAVOSE 8J 48 --- FAVOSE honeycombed [adj]
Other moves: FOVEA L1 38, FECES 10J 33, FECES J10 33, *F*YS 8A 33, CAFE L2 32
FOES L4 32 dannyboy
CAFE L2 32 cipka_616
FACES 4H 28 Dbuggle
FEES J10 28 neyetifu
FACES 5B 20 tonikay

On 7th draw, ZANTE B2 63 --- ZANTE satinwood [n]
Other moves: ZANTE L1 56, ZETA B2 53, ZETA L1 50, ZEA B2 49, ZEA 7M 47
ZETA B2 53 dannyboy
ZA B2 45 cipka_616, tonikay, yab
ZA 7M 44 neyetifu
ZONE 2B 26 Dbuggle

On 8th draw, HOAED D1 50 --- HOA to stop [v]
Other tops: DOEK D1 50, KAED D1 50
Other moves: KADE A1 49, HOOKED A6 48, HADE A1 46, HAED D1 46, HOED D1 46
HOOKED A6 48 yab, dannyboy
HAD A1 36 cipka_616
HEED 10J 29 neyetifu
HOA D1 24 tonikay
HOOK M7 16 Dbuggle

On 9th draw, PAWA A6 32 --- PAWA abalone [n]
Other tops: PROW A6 32
Other moves: AWAY 8A 30, TWAY 8A 30, WEPT 10J 30, WEPT J10 30, PAW A6 29
PAWA A6 32 dannyboy
PROW A6 32 yab
WEPT 10J 30 cipka_616
WEAR J10 28 neyetifu
AT E1 20 tonikay
WRAPS N4 12 Dbuggle
SPORT N8 9 dong

On 10th draw, UNNETHES 4H 76 --- UNNETHES difficult [adv]
Other moves: UNHONEST M5 66, UNNETHES O2 62, UNNETHES O5 62, HEM 10F 33, HETHS 1D 33
HEM 10F 33 neyetifu
HENS J10 28 ksong
HENS 10J 28 cipka_616
SHE L3 26 dannyboy
HUNTS 1D 24 yab
HOST M7 12 Dbuggle
SHUNT N8 10 tonikay

On 11th draw, KEMBO G9 41 --- KEMBO to set akimbo [v]
Other moves: KEMB G9 39, BELOVE 10J 35, BELOVE J10 35, NEK 10D 35, BOOKLET M7 34
NEK 10D 35 dannyboy
KOBS O1 30 cipka_616
BOKS O1 30 Faeythe
KO 7M 24 neyetifu
ELKS O1 24 yab
BELT J10 22 ksong
BOTH M1 18 Dbuggle
BOLT M7 10 tonikay

On 12th draw, ROCQUET M7 44 --- ROCQUET a linen vestment [n]
Other moves: QUEST O1 42, TUQUE H1 42, ECRU 3L 32, QUEER N2 32, SUQ N8 32
QUEST O1 42 cipka_616, ksong, yab, Dbuggle, dannyboy
QUEER N1 28 neyetifu
GUT F13 9 tonikay

On 13th draw, HOOFING 1D 42 --- HOOF to dance [v]
Other moves: FEEING J10 33, FEIGN J10 32, FIFE J8 32, INFO N10 31, FIGO L12 30
HOOFING 1D 42 ksong, dannyboy
FEIGN J10 32 yab
EF 3M 25 neyetifu
FIGS O1 24 Dbuggle
FINE 3F 14 tonikay
QI 10M 13 worsie
FINE 12A 11 AJ0711

On 14th draw, OVALS 14I 35 --- OVAL an oval (egg-shaped) figure or object [n]
Other tops: VASAL 14K 35
Other moves: VAUS 14J 34, VOLS 14J 34, VASA 14K 33, SAV 14M 31, SOV 14M 31
OVALS 14I 35 worsie
VASAL 14K 35 yab
LAVS 14J 28 dannyboy
ALSO 14K 27 ksong
SOL 14M 25 tonikay
SO 14M 23 neyetifu
VOLES N1 16 AJ0711
VEAL 12L 16 Dbuggle
SALSA O1 15 joshyo1

On 15th draw, TAJES 15E 38 --- TAJ a tall, conical cap worn in Muslim countries [n]
Other tops: JEATS 15E 38, RAJES 15E 38
Other moves: JARS 15F 35, JETS 15F 35, JARS F6 34, JETS F6 34, JARS O1 33
TAJES 15E 38 yab
JARS 15F 35 worsie
JETS O1 33 dannyboy
JARS O1 33 Dbuggle, tonikay
JESS O1 33 joshyo1
JAR 15G 32 ksong, neyetifu
JOT I13 18 AJ0711
JEST O7 11 dong

On 16th draw, SODGERING O4 64 --- SODGER to soldier [v]
Other moves: ZOOID 2B 28, INRO N10 25, OGGIN 14B 24, GORING B9 23, GR*NG* B9 23
GR*NG* B9 23 yab
GIGS O1 18 AJ0711, tonikay, dannyboy
DIGS O1 18 worsie
DOGS O1 18 Dbuggle, neyetifu, GLOBEMAN
DORS O1 15 ksong
DENI 12L 12 joshyo1

On 17th draw, ZOOID 2B 28 --- ZOOID an organic cell or body capable of independent movement [n]
Other moves: DUIT 2H 17, TID 14D 17, DUI 2H 16, ID 14E 16, TILT L12 16
UT 3M 16 dannyboy
DUH M2 14 yab
DIET N2 12 neyetifu
DUET N2 12 ksong
DITE N1 10 joshyo1
TIDE N1 10 Dbuggle, AJ0711
TUTU B9 8 worsie
TUTU H3 4 tonikay

On 18th draw, TUX C12 22 --- TUX a tuxedo [n]
Other tops: LUXE N1 22, TIX C12 22, XI 15K 22, XI 3H 22, XU 3H 22
Other moves: XI B9 20, XU B9 20, REX J10 16, RILL L12 16, TEX J10 16
LUXE N1 22 AJ0711, joshyo1, dannyboy
XU 3H 22 yab
XU B9 20 tonikay
XI B9 20 neyetifu, worsie
XU H3 9 ksong
TRUE N1 8 Dbuggle

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