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Game of July 8, 2011 at 23:27, 11 players
1. 480 pts yab
2. 451 pts GLOBEMAN
3. 442 pts ksong

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. abeemor   H4    26    26   beamer
 2. eginosu  10B    73    99   igneous
 3. enoprrt   I3    27   126   porter
 4. diinops   F7    63   189   iodopsin
 5. efiklns  15A    63   252   knifes
 6. aellotv  13A    74   326   volatile
 7. ?eeootu   J1    26   352   bootee
 8. aafnoru  12H    33   385   fauna
 9. aaemruw  12B    37   422   wames
10. ehilorw   1J    45   467   behowl
11. ?ceiity   L1    88   555   helicity
12. agilorr   A6    27   582   argil
13. eghjrtu   B2    47   629   teugh
14. cdjorsu   A1    47   676   judo
15. abdinsz  11J    45   721   nazis
16. acdirtv   C1    29   750   tav
17. adinqry   E5    33   783   qadi
18. bcdnrxy   3L    26   809   lynx

Remaining tiles: bcdrr

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6704 Fileyab         2 21:47  -329  480     1.6704 yab         2 21:47  -329  480 
  2.6005 FileGLOBEMAN    2 19:16  -358  451     2.6005 GLOBEMAN    2 19:16  -358  451 
  3.6223 Fileksong       1 24:00  -367  442     3.6223 ksong       1 24:00  -367  442 
  4.5432 Fileneyetifu    2 19:51  -432  377            Group: novice
  5.5373 Fileworsie      0 24:33  -440  369     1.5432 neyetifu    2 19:51  -432  377 
  6.4343 FileDbuggle     0 15:01  -483  326     2.5373 worsie      0 24:33  -440  369 
  7.4663 Filetonikay     1 18:22  -503  306            Group: not rated
  8.4790 FileAJ0711      1 10:57  -598  211     1.4343 Dbuggle     0 15:01  -483  326 
  9.3549 Filejoshyo1     0  7:54  -732   77     2.4663 tonikay     1 18:22  -503  306 
 10.2932 Filedong        0  1:07  -787   22     3.4790 AJ0711      1 10:57  -598  211 
 11.4185 Filepickrose    0  1:01  -790   19     4.3549 joshyo1     0  7:54  -732   77 
                                             5.2932 dong        0  1:07  -787   22 
                                             6.4185 pickrose    0  1:01  -790   19 

On 1st draw, BEAMER H4 26 --- BEAMER a yarn machine [n]
Other tops: AMBEER H3 26
Other moves: BERME H4 24, BRAME H4 24, BREAM H4 24, BREAM H8 24, BREEM H4 24
AMBEER H3 26 yab
BEAMER H4 26 neyetifu
BREAM H8 24 Dbuggle
BREEM H8 24 ksong
BEAMER H7 22 dong
AMBER H8 20 worsie
BARM H5 16 tonikay
MOB H8 14 joshyo1
MORE H6 12 AJ0711

On 2nd draw, IGNEOUS 10B 73 --- IGNEOUS pertaining to fire [adj]
Other moves: GEMINOUS 7F 64, IGNEOUS 5E 32, GENIUS I3 25, SENGI I3 22, SINGE I3 22
IGNEOUS 10B 23 yab
SIGN 10H 20 AJ0711, tonikay, neyetifu
SINGE 10H 19 worsie
USING 10G 19 ksong
BINGES 4H 18 joshyo1
BISON 4H 14 Dbuggle

On 3rd draw, PORTER I3 27 --- PORTER to act as a porter (one who carries luggage) [v]
Other tops: PERRON I3 27, PORTER G3 27
Other moves: OPTER G4 25, PONENT D8 22, TRONE I5 21, NEP 11E 20, OPEN G5 20
REPORT I1 19 ksong
PORTER 5D 16 AJ0711
GROPE C10 16 Dbuggle
PRONER 5D 16 joshyo1, neyetifu
BORER 4H 14 worsie
BETON 4H 14 yab
PORT F9 6 tonikay

On 4th draw, IODOPSIN F7 63 --- IODOPSIN a pigment in the retina [n]
Other moves: PIONIES E5 36, DINEROS 5E 32, IODINES E5 32, IONISED E5 32, PIDGINS C7 32
PODS J2 26 neyetifu
POD J2 22 yab
SPIN J1 21 tonikay
SPIN 2I 21 worsie
PINS 2F 21 ksong
PONDERS 5D 20 AJ0711
SPIED E7 16 Dbuggle
BOND 4H 7 joshyo1

On 5th draw, KNIFES 15A 63 --- KNIFE to cut with a knife [v]
Other moves: LIKENS A10 54, SKELF 15F 48, INKLES 15A 45, LIKENS 15A 45, SKELF A7 45
SILKEN 15F 42 AJ0711
SLINK 15F 39 ksong
SILK 15F 36 neyetifu
FINKS D8 32 tonikay
SKEIN 2I 28 worsie
SKINS 12B 18 Dbuggle
KILN 14C 8 joshyo1

On 6th draw, VOLATILE 13A 74 --- VOLATILE a winged creature [n]
Other moves: VOLATILE B5 63, OLLAV A8 45, LAVOLT A6 36, VALET A8 36, VOLAE A8 36
VOTE J2 27 neyetifu, GLOBEMAN
TAEL J4 24 yab
OVA J1 18 ksong
VOLTS 12B 16 Dbuggle
LOVES 12B 16 AJ0711
VETS 12C 14 joshyo1
VAST 12D 14 worsie
LIVE 13E 11 tonikay

On 7th draw, (B)OOTEE J1 26 --- BOOTEE a baby's sock [n]
Other moves: OU(V)ERTE 5E 24, TO(P)EE J2 24, (C)OOEE J2 23, O(G)EE J4 22, TEE(D) J4 22
TEE(M) J4 22 yab
TO(N)E J2 16 neyetifu
(D)OTE J2 15 tonikay
POUTE(D) 3I 14 worsie
POUTE(R) 3I 14 ksong
BOOT(H) 4H 12 Dbuggle, AJ0711

On 8th draw, FAUNA 12H 33 --- FAUNA the animal life of a particular region [n]
Other tops: FEAR H12 33, FERN H12 33, FURAN 12H 33
Other moves: OAF 12B 26, FANON 14D 24, FAS 12D 24, FU(B)AR 1H 24, FAA K2 22
FEAR H12 33 ksong, GLOBEMAN, neyetifu, tonikay
FERN H12 33 AJ0711
ERF H13 18 worsie
UR(B)AN 1H 15 yab
FANG C7 13 Dbuggle

On 9th draw, WAMES 12B 37 --- WAME the belly [n]
Other tops: WAMUS 12B 37
Other moves: WEM 12B 31, MAWR 13J 29, MANAWA D8 28, FEME H12 27, FERM H12 27
FEME H12 27 GLOBEMAN, ksong
UM(B)RAE 1H 24 yab
FEAR H12 21 tonikay, neyetifu
POWER 3I 20 AJ0711
MAW 13L 20 worsie
WARN K9 14 Dbuggle

On 10th draw, (B)EHOWL 1J 45 --- BEHOWL to howl at [v]
Other moves: WHILE A7 42, WHIRL A6 42, WHOLE A7 42, WHORL A6 42, HOWLER M9 41
HOWLER 13J 36 yab
(B)LOWER 1J 27 worsie
WHO 13L 23 ksong
BOTHER 4H 22 Dbuggle
POWER 3I 20 AJ0711
WIRE 14H 18 neyetifu
WE(B) 1H 15 tonikay

On 11th draw, HE(L)ICITY L1 88 --- HELICITY a component of a particle's spin [n]
Other moves: WITC(H)Y N1 42, WI(N)CEY N1 42, TI(G)EREYE 5E 40, WIT(N)EY N1 38, Wh*T*Y N1 38
FEY(S) H12 27 ksong, GLOBEMAN
YE 2M 25 neyetifu
CY(S)T M10 24 worsie
YETI(S) 13K 21 yab
WIT(T)Y N1 20 Dbuggle
CITIE(S) M7 19 tonikay

On 12th draw, ARGIL A6 27 --- ARGIL a potter's clay [n]
Other tops: ARGOL A6 27, GORAL A6 27, GRAIL A6 27, GYRAL 8K 27, RIGOL A6 27
Other moves: GAOL A7 24, GILA A8 24, GIRL A7 24, GOAL A7 24, RORAL A6 24
YOGA 8L 24 Dbuggle
YAGI 8L 24 yab
FEAR H12 21 GLOBEMAN, worsie, ksong
FEAL H12 21 neyetifu
GRAIL L10 6 tonikay

On 13th draw, TEUGH B2 47 --- TEUGH tough [adj]
Other moves: JEHU M11 37, HUGER M9 35, EUGH B3 29, JET M11 29, JEU M11 29
HE B6 28 neyetifu
JEHU 11L 23 yab
JUG B4 22 worsie
HUG 14H 20 ksong
JET 11L 19 tonikay
HUNG K10 16 Dbuggle

On 14th draw, JUDO A1 47 --- JUDO a form of jujitsu [n]
Other moves: JUCOS 4A 44, JUCO 4A 42, JUDOS 4A 42, JUDO 4A 40, JUDS 4A 40
JUDO 4A 40 yab
JUD A1 38 ksong
YODS 8L 24 neyetifu
YOUR 8L 21 Dbuggle
JARS L11 11 worsie

On 15th draw, NAZIS 11J 45 --- NAZI a type of fascist [n]
Other moves: NAZI 11J 43, NAZIS 14H 40, NAZI 14H 39, SAZ 14H 38, ADZ J8 36
ZINS M9 32 yab
WIZ N1 30 worsie
ZIN 14H 29 ksong
ZAS 11L 23 tonikay
SAND M12 19 neyetifu
BANDS K10 16 Dbuggle

On 16th draw, TAV C1 29 --- TAV a Hebrew letter [n]
Other tops: CAID C1 29
Other moves: VAIR C1 28, RAID C1 25, VRAICS N6 25, DAVIT 14H 24, DIACT C4 24
YARD 8L 24 GLOBEMAN, ksong, Dbuggle
YIRD 8L 24 yab
FEAR H12 21 neyetifu
WART N1 14 worsie

On 17th draw, QADI E5 33 --- QADI a Muslim judge [n]
Other moves: QAID E4 31, QI 10M 28, RANDY E4 26, RINDY E4 26, ADRY D3 24
QI 10M 28 tonikay, yab, worsie, GLOBEMAN, ksong
WINDY N1 24 Dbuggle

On 18th draw, (L)YNX 3L 26 --- LYNX a short-tailed wildcat [n]
Other moves: FEND H12 24, DRY 14H 22, LYNX O1 22, OXEN 2J 22, OXER 2J 22
FEND H12 24 worsie
FERN H12 21 tonikay
ZAX L11 19 yab, pickrose
OX M1 18 GLOBEMAN, ksong
ZANY L11 16 Dbuggle

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