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Game of July 9, 2011 at 02:29, 3 players
1. 447 pts ceosickey
2. 135 pts trina
3. 31 pts hayleyjm

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?beeknv   H2    90    90   beknave
 2. ?aaeeot   5E    24   114   taeniae
 3. degmnor   3B    80   194   mongered
 4. beefrtu   6J    37   231   bereft
 5. aeglnpt   O4    33   264   pattle
 6. aciisuw   6C    32   296   scaw
 7. dgiiotu   9G    25   321   idiot
 8. elstxyy   4A    53   374   sexy
 9. ailmnqu   A4    45   419   squail
10. ioorstu   N9    70   489   riotous
11. cdinors   2H    37   526   bicrons
12. aegjnot   1L    78   604   jean
13. ademopy   M9    51   655   payed
14. afgnoou   2C    49   704   goaf
15. adhiiow  15J    51   755   dawish
16. ilmnotz   4K    36   791   zin
17. ghiinor   D6    80   871   choiring
18. ellortu  C11    20   891   loure

Remaining tiles: lmtuv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6702 Fileceosickey   2 13:53  -444  447     1.6702 ceosickey   2 13:53  -444  447 
  2.  -  Filetrina       0  9:35  -756  135            Group: not rated
  3.  -  Filehayleyjm    0  1:30  -860   31     1.  -  trina       0  9:35  -756  135 
                                             2.  -  hayleyjm    0  1:30  -860   31 

On 1st draw, BEKN(A)VE H2 90 --- BEKNAVE to treat as a knave [v]
Other moves: BEKN(A)VE H7 88, BEKN(A)VE H4 86, BEKN(A)VE H3 82, BEKN(A)VE H6 82, BEKN(A)VE H5 80
KNEE(D) H4 26 ceosickey
KEN H7 14 hayleyjm

On 2nd draw, TAEN(I)AE 5E 24 --- TAENIA a headband worn in ancient Greece [n]
Other tops: E(M)ANATE 5E 24, (N)EONATE 5E 24
Other moves: TEA(D)E 9E 21, TEA(S)E 9E 21, A(S)EA 9G 20, EA(S)E 9F 20, EA(S)T 9F 20
(B)ETA I1 17 hayleyjm
TAE I3 15 ceosickey
VOTE 7H 8 trina

On 3rd draw, MONGERED 3B 80 --- MONGER to peddle [v]
MONGERED 3B 30 ceosickey
MONGERED 8D 15 trina

On 4th draw, BEREFT 6J 37 --- BEREAVE to deprive [v]
Other moves: BE(A)TER 6F 34, FERE 4A 32, BEFRET 6J 31, FUB 2F 31, BEFRET 4J 30
AFTER J5 16 trina

On 5th draw, PATTLE O4 33 --- PATTLE a spade used to clean a plough [n]
Other tops: PATENT O4 33, PATTEN O4 33
Other moves: GAPE 4A 30, PATEN O4 30, PATTE O4 30, PETAL O4 30, LEAP 2C 29
PATENT O4 33 ceosickey

On 6th draw, SCAW 6C 32 --- SCAW a low cape [n]
Other tops: UMIACS B2 32
Other moves: CAW 6D 31, WAB 2F 31, UMIAC B2 30, AW 2E 29, CAW 2A 29
CAW 2A 29 ceosickey
WINS D1 22 trina

On 7th draw, IDIOT 9G 25 --- IDIOT a mentally deficient person [n]
Other tops: DIGIT 9H 25
Other moves: GUID 9E 24, DIG 9H 23, DOG 9H 23, DOIT 9H 23, DOUT 9H 23
BIG 2H 13 trina

On 8th draw, SEXY 4A 53 --- SEXY arousing sexual desire [adj]
Other moves: YESTY 10J 42, LEX 7K 40, TELEX M3 40, EX 7L 36, YEX 10J 36
TELEX M3 40 ceosickey
SEXY M5 22 trina

On 9th draw, SQUAIL A4 45 --- SQUAIL to pelt with sticks [v]
Other moves: MAQUI 10J 36, MANQUE M1 34, QUINELA M2 34, QUIP 4L 30, QUALE M2 28
MANQUE M1 34 ceosickey
EQUAL M6 25 trina

On 10th draw, RIOTOUS N9 70 --- RIOTOUS characterized by rioting [adj]
Other moves: SOUR 2C 29, SOUT 2C 29, SUITOR 10A 26, STROUP 4J 24, STOOR 10A 23
ROUTES M2 14 trina
ROUST L6 13 ceosickey

On 11th draw, BICRONS 2H 37 --- BICRON one billionth of a meter [n]
Other tops: BICORNS 2H 37
Other moves: INCROSS 15H 30, INCROSS 15I 30, SCROD 10A 30, SCION 10A 29, SCORN 10A 29
SCORN 10A 29 ceosickey

On 12th draw, JEAN 1L 78 --- JEAN a durable cotton fabric [n]
Other tops: JEAT 1L 78, JEON 1L 78
Other moves: JEST 15L 57, GAJO M11 49, JOE M13 42, TAJ M11 42, GENOA 2A 41
JEON 1L 78 ceosickey

On 13th draw, PAYED M9 51 --- PAY to give money or something of value in exchange for goods or services [v]
Other moves: YOMPED M8 50, AMPED M9 42, POMADES 15H 42, YEP 3L 40, APEDOMS 15H 39
YOM 10J 31 ceosickey

On 14th draw, GOAF 2C 49 --- GOAF a rick in a barn [n]
Other moves: AUF 2D 36, FANG L12 36, FUNG L12 36, OAF 2D 36, FAUN 2C 35
FUG L12 30 ceosickey

On 15th draw, DAWISH 15J 51 --- DAWISH foolish [adj]
Other moves: WHO O13 45, WIDISH 15J 45, WASH 15L 42, WISH 15L 42, WAID L12 36
WHO O13 45 ceosickey

On 16th draw, ZIN 4K 36 --- ZIN a dry, red table wine [n]
Other tops: ZIT 4K 36, ZOL 4K 36
Other moves: MOZO J8 35, MOZ J8 34, ZO 4K 34, MIZ 4K 33, MOZ 4K 33

On 17th draw, CHOIRING D6 80 --- CHOIR to sing in chorus [v]
Other moves: HOGH O12 32, CHORING D6 28, HI 10J 28, HO 10J 28, OH 10I 28

On 18th draw, LOURE C11 20 --- LOURE an old slow dance [n]
Other moves: LOUR C11 18, LOUT C11 18, OUTLER B9 18, TOUR C11 18, SELL C6 17
TOLU C9 14 ceosickey

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