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Game of July 9, 2011 at 04:43, 6 players
1. 184 pts reyna
2. 170 pts johnny55
3. 121 pts drabble

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aginotz   H6    88    88   toazing
 2. aenqrrs   6F    33   121   qats
 3. eiilrst   8A    77   198   listeria
 4. ?lopsvy  11E    44   242   spondyl
 5. abehstw   L8    42   284   hawse
 6. adegiir   D2    70   354   digerati
 7. dehnrtu   M3    86   440   thunder
 8. eimoorv  13I    32   472   moire
 9. abijrtu  12A    42   514   jurat
10. cdeeino  14C    66   580   codeine
11. begnouu  A12    39   619   jobe
12. ?abklpt  10J    52   671   kaws
13. aaeflot  15D    66   737   foetal
14. aaelntv   B2    76   813   aventail
15. eiinnru   8J    27   840   inhere
16. ceimnov   E1    36   876   venom
17. bcgioux   L4    37   913   ox
18. bdfgipu  14M    21   934   fub
19. dgipuwy  O12    36   970   upby

Remaining tiles: cdgiw

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6392 Filereyna       2  7:49  -786  184     1.6392 reyna       2  7:49  -786  184 
  2.4860 Filejohnny55    0 10:30  -800  170     2.6258 TwoFold     0  1:40  -922   48 
  3.5139 Filedrabble     1  3:49  -849  121            Group: novice
  4.5390 Fileannelhynz   0  3:47  -890   80     1.5139 drabble     1  3:49  -849  121 
  5.6258 FileTwoFold     0  1:40  -922   48     2.5390 annelhynz   0  3:47  -890   80 
  6.5622 Filescrablehed  0  1:58  -953   17     3.5622 scrablehed  0  1:58  -953   17 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.4860 johnny55    0 10:30  -800  170 

On 1st draw, TOAZING H6 88 --- TOAZE to tease out [v]
Other moves: TOAZING H2 86, TOAZING H3 86, TOAZING H4 86, TOAZING H7 86, TOAZING H8 86
ZING H6 28 TwoFold

On 2nd draw, QATS 6F 33 --- QAT an evergreen shrub [n]
Other moves: QAT 6F 32, SERRAN I5 29, SERRA I5 26, ERAS I7 25, REAN I7 25
QATS 6F 33 drabble
RAN I8 20 TwoFold
RAZERS 9F 17 johnny55

On 3rd draw, LISTERIA 8A 77 --- LISTERIA a rod-shaped bacterium [n]
Other moves: GIRLIEST 12H 70, ROILIEST 7G 67, NIRLIEST 11H 66, NITRILES 11H 66, LAIRIEST 8G 59
SIZIER 9F 17 scrablehed
SIZER 9F 16 johnny55
GRITS 12H 12 drabble

On 4th draw, SPON(D)YL 11E 44 --- SPONDYL a vertebra [n]
Other moves: LOV(E)YS C3 30, SYLV(A)S C8 30, S(A)VOYS C3 30, SOL(A)S I6 29, SOL(O)S I6 29
P(R)IVY 10F 26 drabble
SPY C8 11 johnny55

On 5th draw, HAWSE L8 42 --- HAWSE a part of a ship's bow [n] --- HAWSE to embrace [v]
Other tops: SWATH L11 42
Other moves: BEATHS 10J 40, BEATH 10J 39, BESAW 10J 39, SAHEB L11 38, HEAST L8 36
WASHES C3 26 drabble

On 6th draw, DIGERATI D2 70 --- DIGERATI the elite who make money by internet related commerce [n]
Other moves: GRADE 13I 31, GRIDE 13I 31, RAGDE 13I 29, DIRIGE 13J 28, IRADE 13I 27
HIDE 8L 24 drabble

On 7th draw, THUNDER M3 86 --- THUNDER to produce a loud, resounding sound [v]
Other moves: HURDEN 13I 41, SHUNTED C8 39, SHUNTER C8 37, SHUTED C8 37, HURDEN 13J 32

On 8th draw, MOIRE 13I 32 --- MOIRE a fabric having a wavy pattern [n]
Other tops: VROOM 13K 32
Other moves: MOIRE N2 31, VROOM N1 31, MIRV 13J 30, RHEME 8K 30, MEW 10J 29

On 9th draw, JURAT 12A 42 --- JURAT a statement on an affidavit [n]
Other moves: BAJRI 12A 36, JAB C1 35, JIB C1 35, JUBA 14F 33, JAB 14H 32

On 10th draw, CODEINE 14C 66 --- CODEINE a narcotic alkaloid [n]
Other moves: GENOCIDE 4D 65, JEDI A12 36, JEED A12 36, JEON A12 33, JOIN A12 33

On 11th draw, JOBE A12 39 --- JOBE to reprimand tediously [v]
Other tops: JUBE A12 39
Other moves: JONG A12 36, JEON A12 33, BEGUN C1 30, GOB 13B 30, GUB 13B 30

On 12th draw, KAW(S) 10J 52 --- KAW to cry like a crow [v]
Other moves: P(E)LTA 15D 46, KAW 10J 41, K(A)W 10J 39, KAL(I)PH 4H 38, KAP(A) C3 38
BAKE(R) 5A 20 johnny55

On 13th draw, FOETAL 15D 66 --- FOETAL pertaining to a fetus [adj]
Other moves: FOETAL 15G 46, FOLATE 15G 46, FOETAL 15F 45, FATAL 15G 40, FETAL 15G 40
FATAL 15G 40 reyna
FLIT 3B 14 johnny55

On 14th draw, AVENTAIL B2 76 --- AVENTAIL an air flap in a helmet [n]
Other moves: LATENS C3 28, AHENT 8K 24, ALANE C2 24, ALATE C2 24, LA I8 24
HEEL 8L 21 reyna
THEN 4L 16 johnny55

On 15th draw, INHERE 8J 27 --- INHERE to be an essential characteristic [v]
Other moves: RENIN E1 22, HEIR 8L 21, HERE 8L 21, HERN 8L 21, REIN N5 21
ORE 13A 18 reyna
RUINS I2 6 johnny55

On 16th draw, VENOM E1 36 --- VENOM to inject with venom (a poisonous secretion of certain animals) [v]
Other moves: EMIC L1 34, MICO L2 34, CHIV 4L 32, MIC L2 30, ECO L3 28
VENOM E1 36 reyna
OM A1 16 annelhynz
COMET 3I 12 johnny55

On 17th draw, OX L4 37 --- OX a clumsy person [n] --- OX a hoofed mammal [n]
Other moves: CAUDEX 2A 32, BIOG L2 29, CHIB 4L 28, CHUB 4L 28, DEX 2D 27
DEX 2D 27 johnny55, annelhynz
XI 14M 27 reyna

On 18th draw, FUB 14M 21 --- FUB to cheat [v]
Other tops: FIB 14M 21, GIFT 3J 21
Other moves: IF A1 20, DIPT 3J 19, FID 14M 19, FIG 14M 19, FUD 14M 19
GIFT 3J 21 reyna
UP A1 16 annelhynz
PUGS I3 10 johnny55

On 19th draw, UPBY O12 36 --- UPBY a little further on [adv]
Other tops: YIRD N6 36
Other moves: PI 15N 28, WYND 6K 28, PUDSY I3 27, GIPSY I3 26, GI 15N 24
BY O14 21 annelhynz, reyna, johnny55

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