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Game of July 9, 2011 at 12:26, 13 players
1. 463 pts margalang
2. 351 pts lyndyloo
3. 345 pts renmar

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. degllmo   H4    24    24   modge
 2. abefinr   4C    26    50   ferbam
 3. aorstuv   5H    72   122   outsavor
 4. ?aaenoy   O2    39   161   anyroad
 5. aaorttw   3A    29   190   arow
 6. deehlmo   A1    39   229   heame
 7. acegisv   M3    38   267   vivaces
 8. ?eirttt   E4    78   345   retraitt
 9. adehlot   N8    80   425   loathed
10. diinort   L9    72   497   dinitro
11. beeiinu  15H    24   521   biniou
12. ceeiiln  M11    27   548   ice
13. eilnoru   J3    62   610   outliner
14. aellops  O12    38   648   slap
15. efnosxz   8A    69   717   senza
16. aegklqw   2C    36   753   welk
17. adefgiy  D11    34   787   edify
18. agjopqu  15A    48   835   quay
19. ggjnopx  C11    50   885   pox

Remaining tiles: ggjn

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6082 Filemargalang   3 17:40  -422  463     1.6082 margalang   3 17:40  -422  463 
  2.4842 Filelyndyloo    1 19:04  -534  351     2.6115 renmar      2 21:30  -540  345 
  3.6115 Filerenmar      2 21:30  -540  345     3.6083 matrix      2 13:43  -543  342 
  4.6083 Filematrix      2 13:43  -543  342     4.6989 mylover81   2  7:21  -551  334 
  5.6989 Filemylover81   2  7:21  -551  334     5.6184 ksong       1 12:59  -565  320 
  6.6184 Fileksong       1 12:59  -565  320     6.6417 reyna       2  1:19  -787   98 
  7.5535 FileBez         2 13:32  -603  282     7.6462 Stranger    0  1:24  -863   22 
  8.4303 Filemanfred     0 10:45  -712  173            Group: novice
  9.5666 FileHasni       1  6:52  -757  128     1.5535 Bez         2 13:32  -603  282 
 10.6417 Filereyna       2  1:19  -787   98     2.5666 Hasni       1  6:52  -757  128 
 11.  -  Fileasna        0  7:45  -824   61     3.5648 scrablehed  0  3:06  -845   40 
 12.5648 Filescrablehed  0  3:06  -845   40            Group: not rated
 13.6462 FileStranger    0  1:24  -863   22     1.4842 lyndyloo    1 19:04  -534  351 
                                             2.4303 manfred     0 10:45  -712  173 
                                             3.  -  asna        0  7:45  -824   61 

On 1st draw, MODGE H4 24 --- MODGE (Dial.) to do shoddy work , MODGING, MODGED [v]
Other moves: GOLEM H8 22, MODEL H4 22, GOLEM H4 20, LOMED H8 20, MODGE H8 20
MODEL H4 22 Hasni, matrix
GELD H6 12 lyndyloo

On 2nd draw, FERBAM 4C 26 --- FERBAM a fungicide [n]
Other moves: FAINER I5 25, NAIFER I5 25, BONFIRE 5G 24, FAINE I5 24, FIREMAN 4D 24
INFARE I1 22 Stranger
BRIEF I1 20 matrix
FARING 7C 15 scrablehed
FINGER 7E 12 lyndyloo
FOB 5G 8 Hasni

On 3rd draw, OUTSAVOR 5H 72 --- OUTSAVOR to surpass in a distinctive taste or smell [v]
Other moves: OUTRAVES 8B 62, VROT 3A 26, TAVS I1 25, VOR 3B 24, AVO 3A 22
VATS I1 22 lyndyloo
VARS I1 22 margalang
VORS 9E 18 Hasni
BAST F4 8 asna

On 4th draw, ANYROA(D) O2 39 --- ANYROAD anyway [adv]
Other moves: ONEYR(E) O1 36, ON(E)YRE O1 36, (P)YRONE O3 36, YREN(T) O4 33, YRNE(H) O4 33
AN(N)OY N2 30 matrix
RA(I)NY O5 21 lyndyloo, margalang
REA(D)Y O5 21 Hasni
FAN C4 6 asna

On 5th draw, AROW 3A 29 --- AROW in a row [adv]
Other tops: OWT N5 29, TROW 3A 29
Other moves: ROW 3B 27, TOW 3B 27, OW N5 26, WO 6N 26, OW 3C 25
OWT N5 29 Hasni
TROW 3A 29 margalang
TOW 3B 27 matrix
WAFT C2 20 lyndyloo
TAR 5B 10 Bez
TROT E3 8 asna

On 6th draw, HEAME A1 39 --- HEAME home (Spenser) [adv]
Other moves: HOMO N2 37, MODEL 2A 37, LEAMED A1 36, LOAMED A1 36, ODAH A1 36
HEALED A1 33 margalang, lyndyloo
HEAD A1 30 Hasni, renmar
MEAD A1 27 matrix
HEELED 8G 12 asna

On 7th draw, VIVACES M3 38 --- VIVACE a musical passage played in a brisk, spirited manner [n]
Other tops: VESICA 2J 38
Other moves: VIVACE M3 34, SCAVAGE L3 30, SCAVAGE L1 28, CAVIES 9C 25, CADGE 6F 24
CAVES L4 22 renmar, lyndyloo
CAVES 9D 21 margalang
VIVA M3 20 Bez
ACES 8F 6 asna

On 8th draw, RETR(A)ITT E4 78 --- RETRAITT a portrait [n]
Other moves: TITR(A)TE L8 69, TITTER(S) L8 69, TITR(A)TE N9 68, TITTER(S) N9 68, TRITE(S)T 9C 68
TITTER(S) L8 19 renmar
TI N2 14 ksong
TIRE(S) 9D 14 margalang
BRITT(L)E F4 12 Bez, lyndyloo
HER 1A 6 asna

On 9th draw, LOATHED N8 80 --- LOATHE to detest greatly [v]
Other moves: LOATHED B5 67, LOATHED I8 65, HOAED D8 40, HALOED L8 39, HALTED L8 39
HEALD L8 37 mylover81
HALED L8 37 ksong, margalang
LOATHED N8 30 renmar
DEATH D9 25 scrablehed
THAT J5 15 manfred
HOLT 10B 15 asna
HATED 10C 11 lyndyloo

On 10th draw, DINITRO L9 72 --- DINITRO containing two nitro groups [adj]
Other moves: DINITRO B5 65, DINITRO G8 63, DINITRO I8 63, IODIN O11 35, IRID O12 29
IODIN M11 28 margalang
IRON O12 26 manfred
DOT O13 18 mylover81
NOR O13 14 ksong
TRINED 13J 14 lyndyloo
DONE 13K 10 renmar

On 11th draw, BINIOU 15H 24 --- BINIOU a small Breton bagpipe [n]
Other moves: BI N2 22, *B* 6M 21, BEEN O10 21, BEIN O10 21, BIEN O10 21
BEEN O10 21 mylover81, ksong
BEEN D9 20 renmar, Bez
BEE 5D 17 margalang
BEEN 11I 12 lyndyloo
IN O14 9 manfred

On 12th draw, ICE M11 27 --- ICE to cover with ice (frozen water) [v]
Other moves: CILI(A) 8A 21, LINY 4L 20, EINE O11 18, INCLE D11 18, CENTILE 10B 17
LINY 4L 20 Bez
NEE O10 14 ksong
LIN O13 14 mylover81
CENT 10B 12 margalang
LICHI 12K 11 manfred
CLE(A)N 8B 7 lyndyloo
C(A)N 8D 7 renmar

On 13th draw, OUTLINER J3 62 --- OUTLINER one that outlines [n]
Other tops: OUTLINER 10C 62
Other moves: OUTLINER 11C 58, LUR K10 25, OUR K10 25, UR K11 21, LINY 4L 20
OUR K10 25 renmar
LINE(A)R 8A 18 matrix
NOR O13 16 ksong, margalang, mylover81
REN O13 16 manfred
LUN(A)R 8B 5 Bez
REN(A)L 8B 5 lyndyloo

On 14th draw, SLAP O12 38 --- SLAP to strike with the open hand [v]
Other tops: SLOP O12 38
Other moves: PASEO D8 32, PLEAS D8 32, SLAE O12 32, SLOE O12 32, ASLOPE 12D 30
PLEAS D8 32 ksong
POLLS 12A 28 Bez
PALES 12A 28 mylover81
POLES 12A 28 matrix
LEAPS 12A 24 lyndyloo, manfred
SOP O13 22 margalang
PAL L4 20 renmar

On 15th draw, SENZ(A) 8A 69 --- SENZA without [prep]
Other moves: ZONES 12A 56, FEZ I1 46, FOXES 12A 46, SEZ D6 46, ZOS D8 46
ZONES 12A 56 margalang
ZOS D8 46 mylover81
FEZ I1 46 matrix
ZO D8 43 ksong
FENS 12B 22 renmar
OXEN G8 21 Bez
SIZE 9D 14 lyndyloo

On 16th draw, WELK 2C 36 --- WELK to wither [v]
Other tops: WALK 2C 36, WEAK 2C 36
Other moves: KA N2 30, WEAK 14F 29, KAE L4 28, WAKE 2C 28, WEKA 2C 28
KA N2 30 mylover81, ksong
WEAK 14F 29 manfred
WEEK B7 21 renmar
W*NK C6 17 lyndyloo
WELK G8 17 Bez
QI I14 11 margalang

On 17th draw, EDIFY D11 34 --- EDIFY to enlighten [v]
Other moves: FAYED I9 29, AY 3F 27, EF 3F 27, FA N2 26, FADGE I9 26
YA N2 26 margalang
FY N1 26 matrix
FA N2 26 mylover81
DAY L4 25 ksong
DEITY 6B 21 renmar
FEED B6 16 Bez
DING C6 9 lyndyloo

On 18th draw, QUAY 15A 48 --- QUAY a wharf [n]
Other moves: JAP C11 45, QUOP 14F 43, JA N2 42, JAG C11 41, JOG C11 41
QUAY 15A 48 mylover81, Bez, lyndyloo, matrix, margalang, renmar, reyna
QUIP 13B 30 manfred
QUAD 12A 24 ksong

On 19th draw, POX C11 50 --- POX to infect with syphilis [v]
Other moves: GOX C11 47, NOX C11 44, JOG C11 41, OX C12 39, JINX 13C 36
POX C11 50 margalang, Bez, reyna, mylover81, renmar, ksong, matrix
JINX 13C 36 lyndyloo
OXEN B6 13 manfred

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