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Game of July 9, 2011 at 14:42, 15 players
1. 575 pts blue.sand
2. 508 pts reyna
3. 507 pts rn.roselle

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?cinruv   H7    80    80   incurve
 2. abdejor  14F    41   121   jade
 3. aefiosy  13G    35   156   feys
 4. ?fstuvw  15E    25   181   vow
 5. aegortu   G2    68   249   outrage
 6. deiklmt   5E    48   297   kirtled
 7. aehoptw  11E    48   345   phorate
 8. deghmno   D8    43   388   homed
 9. aeegnrw   F1    29   417   awn
10. deeiilo   1A    27   444   elodea
11. acenrrs   L8    34   478   carse
12. beinory   H1    38   516   rebit
13. aefinrt   6B    38   554   treifa
14. nooprst  15I    88   642   protons
15. aaeimnx   6I    63   705   axeman
16. aaiinos   8A    24   729   nashi
17. abiilnt   4J    32   761   tibial
18. giloouu   8L    21   782   clog
19. egiinuy   O1    27   809   guyle
20. iinoquz  N10    70   879   quinin

Remaining tiles: oz

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6831 Fileblue.sand   1 10:27  -304  575     1.6831 blue.sand   1 10:27  -304  575 
  2.6414 Filereyna       2 22:33  -371  508     2.6414 reyna       2 22:33  -371  508 
  3.6422 Filern.roselle  1 21:35  -372  507     3.6422 rn.roselle  1 21:35  -372  507 
  4.4668 Filetonikay     0 18:44  -504  375     4.6076 margalang   1  8:27  -674  205 
  5.6076 Filemargalang   1  8:27  -674  205     5.6715 SuperH      0  9:39  -675  204 
  6.6715 FileSuperH      0  9:39  -675  204            Group: novice
  7.5751 Filejonb5       0 11:59  -681  198     1.5751 jonb5       0 11:59  -681  198 
  8.5380 Fileworsie      0  7:26  -711  168     2.5380 worsie      0  7:26  -711  168 
  9.  -  Filearivle      0  8:10  -757  122     3.5754 Faeythe     1  5:02  -776  103 
 10.5754 FileFaeythe     1  5:02  -776  103            Group: not rated
 11.  -  Filebeaver      0  6:29  -823   56     1.4668 tonikay     0 18:44  -504  375 
 12.3219 Filestrykyster  0  0:18  -855   24     2.  -  arivle      0  8:10  -757  122 
 13.4707 Filemj880       0  1:58  -861   18     3.  -  beaver      0  6:29  -823   56 
 14.  -  Filesheldy      0  1:27  -866   13     4.3219 strykyster  0  0:18  -855   24 
 15.  -  Filethaister    0  1:08  -874    5     5.4707 mj880       0  1:58  -861   18 
                                             6.  -  sheldy      0  1:27  -866   13 
                                             7.  -  thaister    0  1:08  -874    5 

On 1st draw, INCURV(E) H7 80 --- INCURVE to curve inward [v]
Other moves: CURVIN(G) H4 78, INCURV(E) H2 78, CURVIN(G) H2 74, CURVIN(G) H3 74, CURVIN(G) H7 74
CURVIN(G) H4 28 blue.sand
VIN(E)R H4 22 rn.roselle
RUNIC H8 20 reyna
RIN(K) H8 6 tonikay

On 2nd draw, JADE 14F 41 --- JADE to weary [v]
Other moves: BOARDER 11E 40, BEJAD(E) 13C 34, JOBED 14D 34, BAJRE(E) 13C 30, JERBOA 11F 30
JADE 14F 41 reyna
JOBED G3 30 blue.sand
J(E)ED 13G 20 tonikay
J(E)ER 13G 19 Faeythe
INCURV(E)D H7 13 rn.roselle

On 3rd draw, F(E)YS 13G 35 --- FEY to clean out [v]
Other moves: F(E)Y 13G 34, *F*YS J10 30, FAYS J11 27, FEYS J11 27, FOYS J11 27
F(E)Y 13G 34 blue.sand, Faeythe
FAYS J11 27 tonikay
FOYS J11 27 rn.roselle
FAY 15E 23 reyna
FAS G13 18 mj880

On 4th draw, V(O)W 15E 25 --- VOW to make a vow (a solemn promise) [v]
Other tops: F(A)W 15E 25, V(A)W 15E 25
Other moves: FUSS J11 24, FUSS(Y) J11 24, ST(A)W 15D 24, ST(O)W 15D 24, WUSS J11 24
V(A)W 15E 25 blue.sand
F(A)W 15E 25 reyna, Faeythe
FUSS J11 24 rn.roselle
F(A)WS J10 17 tonikay

On 5th draw, OUTRAGE G2 68 --- OUTRAGE to arouse anger or resentment in [v]
Other moves: OUTARGUE 10B 63, OUTARGUE 10G 63, OUTRAGES J6 63, OUTRANGE 8C 60, GARROTE 11E 32
TORA D12 20 blue.sand
ROTA D12 20 reyna
REAV(O)W 15B 12 Faeythe
GRATE G4 12 tonikay
AV(O)W 15D 10 rn.roselle

On 6th draw, KIRTLED 5E 48 --- KIRTLE a man's tunic or coat [adj] --- KIRTLED wearing a kirtle [adj]
Other moves: KITE H1 34, DIME H1 33, LIME H1 30, TIME H1 30, MITE H1 28
KITE H1 34 blue.sand
KIDS J10 19 rn.roselle, reyna
MILKS J9 13 Faeythe
RIDE 11H 10 arivle
TIKE 4G 9 tonikay

On 7th draw, PHORATE 11E 48 --- PHORATE an insecticide [n]
Other moves: PEH I7 38, HOWE 6J 34, HAW 6J 33, HEAP 6J 33, HEPT 6J 33
HOPE 6J 33 reyna, rn.roselle
WHOA D12 32 blue.sand
TOPHES J8 17 tonikay

On 8th draw, HOMED D8 43 --- HOME to return to one's home (place of residence) [v]
Other moves: HODMEN D7 39, HOGEN D8 39, HOMED 6J 39, HONED D8 39, HODMEN 6J 38
HOMED 6J 39 rn.roselle, blue.sand, reyna
HONED J2 21 tonikay
MODE J2 13 arivle

On 9th draw, AWN F1 29 --- AWN a bristlelike appendage of certain grasses [n]
Other moves: AWE C8 28, EWE C8 28, GENET H1 28, WAGE C7 28, WEANER 4J 28
GREW C6 27 blue.sand
AW F1 26 rn.roselle
AW H1 20 reyna
WEM 10B 16 tonikay
RANGE J1 8 arivle

On 10th draw, ELODEA 1A 27 --- ELODEA an aquatic herb [n]
Other moves: ELUDE 10F 26, EIDOLA 1A 24, LODE C7 22, IDEE 6I 21, IDOL 6I 21
LODE C7 22 rn.roselle, tonikay
OILED C5 19 blue.sand
DE H1 15 reyna
IDLE 4K 13 arivle

On 11th draw, CARSE L8 34 --- CARSE low, fertile land along a river [n]
Other tops: SERAC L11 34
Other moves: CASERN L9 30, NACHE 8A 30, RACHE 8A 30, RESAT H1 30, SCARE L11 30
RACHE 8A 30 reyna, rn.roselle
SCARE L11 30 jonb5
RACH 8A 27 blue.sand
LANCERS B1 22 arivle
RACES L7 22 tonikay

On 12th draw, REBIT H1 38 --- REBITE to freshen by acid [v]
Other moves: YOB H1 35, YEBO C7 32, EBONY 4K 31, BICORN 8J 30, BICRON 8J 30
BEY C7 29 blue.sand
CORY 8L 27 tonikay, reyna
BONIER 4J 25 jonb5
CONE 8L 18 rn.roselle

On 13th draw, TREIFA 6B 38 --- TREIFA not kosher also TREF, TREFA, TREFAH [adj]
Other moves: FAINER 6J 35, AFIRE 6I 34, FAINE 6J 34, FAINT 6J 34, FEINT 6J 34
FAINT 6J 34 blue.sand
F*RT 6J 31 reyna
FAT 6J 30 rn.roselle
CAFE 8L 27 arivle, worsie, margalang
RATH 8A 21 jonb5
CART 8L 18 tonikay

On 14th draw, PROTONS 15I 88 --- PROTON a subatomic particle [n]
Other moves: POOHS 8A 30, POSHO 8A 30, TOPHS 8A 30, POMOS 10B 28, PONTS 4A 27
POOHS 8A 30 rn.roselle, SuperH
SCOOP 8K 27 worsie, reyna
POSH 8A 27 margalang
CROP 8L 24 blue.sand
COOP 8L 24 strykyster
COPS 8L 24 tonikay
PORTS 4J 21 jonb5
TROOPS B6 14 arivle

On 15th draw, AXEMAN 6I 63 --- AXEMAN a man who uses an axe [n]
Other moves: XENIA 6J 58, AXE 6I 56, XI 6J 53, AX 6I 52, MAXI 2A 46
XENIA 6J 58 rn.roselle
AXE 6I 56 reyna, SuperH
XI 6J 53 margalang
MAXI 2A 46 blue.sand
MAXI 4J 33 jonb5
EXAM J5 29 worsie
EXAM 4K 29 beaver
MAX 9K 20 tonikay
MIXES O11 15 arivle

On 16th draw, NASHI 8A 24 --- NASHI (Japanese) an Asian pear [n]
Other tops: ASCIAN 8J 24, NOAHS 8A 24
Other moves: ANOPIA E8 22, ACAIS 8K 21, ACINI 8K 21, ICONS 8K 21, NISH 8A 21
NOSH 8A 21 blue.sand, worsie
SON 4J 20 reyna, rn.roselle, jonb5
SIN 4J 20 SuperH
CAIN 8L 18 tonikay
COIN 8L 18 margalang
ANIONS N5 8 beaver

On 17th draw, TIBIAL 4J 32 --- TIBIA a bone of the leg [adj] --- TIBIAL pertaining to the tibia [adj]
Other tops: LIBANT 4J 32
Other moves: BAININ N10 28, BILIAN N10 28, TIBIA 14K 28, TIBIA 4J 28, TABI 2A 25
TIBIA 4J 28 blue.sand
LIB 4J 24 tonikay, SuperH
CLAN 8L 18 reyna
RIB 10L 11 worsie
BAN N13 10 margalang
TEX J4 10 rn.roselle
LAND 12A 6 beaver

On 18th draw, CLOG 8L 21 --- CLOG to block up or obstruct [v]
Other tops: OCULI 8K 21
Other moves: CLOU 8L 18, COIL 8L 18, COOL 8L 18, LOGION N10 18, MOO 10D 18
CLOG 8L 21 margalang, rn.roselle
COOL 8L 18 blue.sand, SuperH
MOO 10D 18 reyna
GOOL O1 15 tonikay
GILL O1 15 worsie
GLOB L1 9 jonb5
LOUS O12 5 thaister

On 19th draw, GUYLE O1 27 --- GUYLE to beguile [v]
Other moves: GENII 14K 25, YUG 13L 25, AGLY M6 23, GRISY C5 23, SYE C8 23
YIN 13L 23 blue.sand
YE 14M 19 SuperH
GUILE O1 18 tonikay, rn.roselle
ANY B8 14 worsie
LAG I5 13 jonb5
YEN N13 12 margalang

On 20th draw, QUININ N10 70 --- QUININ an alkaloid [n]
Other moves: ZO 14M 37, ZHO F10 35, OUZO N8 33, RIZ 10L 32, QUINA M2 28
ZO 14M 37 blue.sand, rn.roselle, margalang, SuperH
QUIN N12 26 jonb5, reyna
ZING 1L 24 worsie
QI M3 22 tonikay
QUIT B3 13 sheldy, beaver

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