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Game of July 9, 2011 at 15:30, 15 players
1. 482 pts margalang
2. 479 pts reyna
3. 456 pts rn.roselle

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. adeikop   H4    32    32   paiked
 2. ?ghiilo   9C    64    96   chilidog
 3. ?aaenru   E4    78   174   aurelian
 4. aaaeltw   D1    26   200   wate
 5. ainnoos   1D    30   230   wanions
 6. inoprrt   I3    26   256   pinto
 7. finsstu   8J    42   298   unfits
 8. afirstv  12A    32   330   vairs
 9. abddeow  B10    38   368   woaded
10. deenoru   N5    63   431   deuteron
11. aehiqrt  12K    48   479   tranq
12. beeglst   O1    41   520   glebes
13. cefiior  A12    35   555   vire
14. accghlo   A6    41   596   chaco
15. aefglov   2A    31   627   lovage
16. emruyyz  O12    48   675   quey
17. belmrty   A1    39   714   elmy
18. abijotz   5G    42   756   zanja
19. bilmorx   M6    51   807   oxim
20. bfilrtt  14I    22   829   brittle

Remaining tile: f

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6063 Filemargalang   3 21:28  -347  482     1.6063 margalang   3 21:28  -347  482 
  2.6420 Filereyna       1 19:35  -350  479     2.6420 reyna       1 19:35  -350  479 
  3.6415 Filern.roselle  0 21:43  -373  456     3.6415 rn.roselle  0 21:43  -373  456 
  4.5757 Filejonb5       1 25:33  -397  432     4.6710 sunshine12  3 11:13  -423  406 
  5.6710 Filesunshine12  3 11:13  -423  406     5.6721 SuperH      0 18:13  -426  403 
  6.6721 FileSuperH      0 18:13  -426  403     6.6998 mylover81   2 22:53  -428  401 
  7.6998 Filemylover81   2 22:53  -428  401     7.6481 dannyboy    1 11:59  -566  263 
  8.5384 Fileworsie      0 24:11  -429  400     8.6157 shanice     1 10:37  -650  179 
  9.4675 Filetonikay     0 17:45  -454  375            Group: novice
 10.6481 Filedannyboy    1 11:59  -566  263     1.5757 jonb5       1 25:33  -397  432 
 11.6157 Fileshanice     1 10:37  -650  179     2.5384 worsie      0 24:11  -429  400 
 12.  -  Filesheldy      0  7:09  -723  106     3.5239 siuyee      0  2:59  -787   42 
 13.5239 Filesiuyee      0  2:59  -787   42            Group: not rated
 14.  -  Filebeaver      0  2:54  -790   39     1.4675 tonikay     0 17:45  -454  375 
 15.2932 Filedong        0  1:47  -804   25     2.  -  sheldy      0  7:09  -723  106 
                                             3.  -  beaver      0  2:54  -790   39 
                                             4.2932 dong        0  1:47  -804   25 

On 1st draw, PAIKED H4 32 --- PAIK to beat or strike [v]
Other moves: PAIKED H7 30, PIKED H4 30, POKED H4 30, PAIKED H3 28, PAIKED H8 28
POKED H4 30 tonikay, sheldy, rn.roselle, shanice, margalang, worsie, dannyboy
PIKED H4 30 jonb5, SuperH, reyna
PIKED H8 28 beaver

On 2nd draw, (C)HILIDOG 9C 64 --- CHILIDOG a hot dog topped with chili [n]
Other moves: HI(D)ALGO 5E 40, OHI(N)G I7 26, (N)IHIL I6 26, OHI(A) I7 24, PI(R)OGHI 4H 24
PLIGH(T) 4H 22 worsie
HAILI(N)G 5G 20 dannyboy
HOG(S) I3 19 SuperH
OH I7 18 reyna, rn.roselle
HOG I3 18 jonb5
HOG G8 17 margalang
KILO 7H 9 tonikay
HID 9F 8 sheldy

On 3rd draw, AURE(L)IAN E4 78 --- AURELIAN one who studies moths and butterflies [n]
Other moves: (M)URAENA I1 73, (M)URAENA 10I 66, RUNAGA(T)E J5 62, (H)ARANGUE J4 62, AULNA(G)ER F7 61
ARENA(S) K4 22 SuperH
(S)ANER K9 20 dannyboy
RUNE(S) K5 20 tonikay
NEAR(S) K5 20 shanice, worsie
(S)NARE K9 20 rn.roselle, mylover81
U(S)ER K8 18 reyna
HEAR D9 14 margalang
NEAR I2 11 beaver
RANK 7E 9 sheldy
AG J8 3 jonb5

On 4th draw, WATE D1 26 --- WIT to know [v]
Other tops: WALE D1 26, WEAL D1 26, WELT D1 26, WETA D1 26
Other moves: WATAPE 4D 22, TAWA D1 20, TWAE D1 20, TWAL D1 20, WATAP 4D 20
WELT D1 26 jonb5
WALE D1 26 mylover81
WELT I3 19 worsie
TAW I3 16 SuperH
WAE I3 16 tonikay
LAW I3 16 rn.roselle
PLEAT 4H 14 sheldy
WILE G8 12 dannyboy

On 5th draw, WANIONS 1D 30 --- WANION vengeance [n]
Other moves: WANION 1D 27, ANIONS K4 25, NASION K7 25, ONIONS K4 25, ANIONS 8J 24
WAINS 1D 24 dannyboy, SuperH
WINNA 1D 24 mylover81
WINOS 1D 24 reyna
WOONS 1D 24 rn.roselle
NOONS K5 23 shanice, jonb5
SNOW 1A 21 sheldy, worsie, tonikay
SON K9 19 margalang

On 6th draw, PINTO I3 26 --- PINTO a spotted horse [n]
Other moves: PITON C2 25, PIANO 2B 24, TROPIN 2J 24, ORPIN 2J 22, NIP C2 21
PITON C2 25 jonb5
PIT C2 21 mylover81, reyna, rn.roselle
NIP C2 21 dannyboy
TIP C2 21 SuperH
POINT 10I 18 worsie
PORT 10I 17 sheldy
PRINT 4H 14 margalang
PORT 3A 12 sunshine12
PINT 3A 12 tonikay

On 7th draw, UNFITS 8J 42 --- UNFIT to make unsuitable [v]
Other moves: FISTS 12A 32, FUSTS 12A 32, SNIFTS K4 31, SNIFTS K9 31, UNFITS K4 31
FISTS K7 29 tonikay, mylover81
FISTS K5 29 rn.roselle, shanice
SIFTS K9 29 sunshine12
FISTS C2 28 jonb5
FITS C2 26 SuperH, reyna
STUNS K9 23 margalang
FUNS 12B 22 dannyboy
FINS K6 20 worsie
FUNS 11C 7 sheldy

On 8th draw, VAIRS 12A 32 --- VAIR a fur used for lining and trimming of medieval garments [n]
Other tops: FAIRS 12A 32, F*RTS 12A 32, FIARS 12A 32, FIATS 12A 32, FRATS 12A 32, FRITS 12A 32, VITAS 12A 32
Other moves: RAVINS K4 31, FAINS K5 29, FIRNS K5 29, FASTI C2 28, FAST C2 26
FAIRS 12A 32 dannyboy
FRITS 12A 32 mylover81
F*RTS 12A 32 shanice
FAINS K5 29 sunshine12, SuperH, jonb5
FATS C2 26 rn.roselle, reyna
FITS 12B 22 tonikay
FINS K6 20 worsie
FAST 3A 14 margalang

On 9th draw, WOADED B10 38 --- WOAD a blue dye [adj] --- WOADED dyed blue with woad [adj]
Other tops: ADAWED 2B 38
Other moves: WOADED 2B 36, BAAED B10 28, ADAWED B10 26, ALBE F8 25, DAWED 2C 24
VADE A12 24 SuperH, margalang, shanice
BATED N6 18 jonb5
WIDE C11 16 rn.roselle
AWED B12 16 worsie
BA 7M 16 dannyboy
WAVED A10 12 sunshine12
BOAT 3A 12 tonikay

On 10th draw, DEUTERON N5 63 --- DEUTERON the nucleus of heavy hydrogen [n]
Other moves: DENUDER 15B 30, UNEARED 2A 29, NEARED 2B 27, DIENE C11 26, ENDURO A5 26
ODDER 15A 24 rn.roselle, SuperH
DE A14 21 sunshine12, margalang, dannyboy
DO A14 21 reyna, mylover81
OVER A11 14 jonb5
ODE 15A 12 tonikay
DEER 6B 9 worsie

On 11th draw, TRANQ 12K 48 --- TRANQ a drug that tranquilizes [n]
Other moves: HATER 2J 45, HEART 2J 45, QUA 7M 45, RATHE O1 39, SHERIA J1 36
QUA 7M 45 reyna, jonb5, worsie, dannyboy, SuperH, rn.roselle, margalang
HATER C2 28 tonikay
QI O4 24 sunshine12
HEAR M11 21 shanice

On 12th draw, GLEBES O1 41 --- GLEBE the soil or earth [n]
Other moves: GLEBE O1 36, GLEETS 13I 36, BEETS 13J 32, BELATES 2A 30, BETELS C2 29
GLEBES O1 41 sunshine12
BE A14 25 margalang
BEST C2 23 mylover81
BET C2 21 reyna
BAGEL M11 20 SuperH
BAGS M11 18 rn.roselle
AGE M12 8 worsie
GREET L11 7 tonikay
DE 5N 3 jonb5

On 13th draw, VIRE A12 35 --- VIRE to transfer funds [v]
Other moves: FICO A7 32, ODIC 15A 30, FE A14 29, COIF M3 28, COIFFE L4 28
VIRE A12 35 sunshine12, margalang
FE A14 29 tonikay, mylover81, reyna
FE 11J 14 rn.roselle
ORC 2J 11 worsie
QI O12 11 jonb5
FA 2C 5 SuperH

On 14th draw, CHACO A6 41 --- CHACO a type of military hat [n]
Other moves: CHOLA A6 35, CHAO A7 32, HOC 10J 31, HAG 10J 30, HOG 10J 30
CHOLA A6 35 reyna
HALO 2J 28 mylover81
HALO C2 26 tonikay
HOA A8 23 SuperH
CHA 11I 20 rn.roselle, jonb5
HAG M11 19 sunshine12
AH N2 19 margalang
AGO A8 17 worsie

On 15th draw, LOVAGE 2A 31 --- LOVAGE a perennial herb [n]
Other tops: LAVAGE 2A 31, VOLAGE 2A 31
Other moves: FOVEA 11H 28, GIF M7 27, AVALE 2B 26, FOVEA 11G 26, FAHLORE D7 25
GIF M7 27 sunshine12
FIE C11 25 SuperH
GLOVE 11G 22 rn.roselle
FAVA 2A 20 jonb5
FA C2 19 mylover81
GLOVE 3K 18 worsie
SLAG J1 17 margalang

On 16th draw, QUEY O12 48 --- QUEY a young cow [n]
Other moves: MAZEY M11 42, MAZY M11 40, ZYME 11H 40, ELMY A1 39, RITZY 6G 37
QUEY O12 48 sunshine12, reyna, margalang
MAZER M11 36 rn.roselle
RITZ 6G 33 mylover81
ZA M11 22 tonikay, SuperH, jonb5
MERRY L10 10 worsie

On 17th draw, ELMY A1 39 --- ELMY abounding in elms [adj]
Other tops: BLEY A1 39
Other moves: YLEM A1 36, MYRTLE 14J 34, LYE F9 29, BALMY M11 28, BARMY M11 28
BLEY A1 39 margalang
LYE F9 29 sunshine12, reyna
MAYBE M11 28 SuperH
LAMBY M11 26 worsie
MARLY M11 24 jonb5
EM N14 19 mylover81
YELL 2L 14 tonikay
AY M12 10 rn.roselle

On 18th draw, ZANJA 5G 42 --- ZANJA an irrigation canal [n]
Other moves: JABOT M11 37, ZATI M11 37, BAIZA M11 36, JABOT M2 35, BANZAI 5G 34
JAB M11 33 rn.roselle, sunshine12, margalang, reyna, mylover81
JIBE 3L 26 worsie
ZA M11 22 tonikay, jonb5

On 19th draw, OXIM M6 51 --- OXIM a chemical compound [n]
Other moves: OXIM M3 35, XI M7 34, XU 7M 34, MOBILE 14J 32, MAXI M11 30
XI M7 34 rn.roselle, reyna, mylover81
MAXI M11 30 worsie, jonb5
MAX M11 28 sunshine12, tonikay, siuyee, margalang
FOX L8 13 dong

On 20th draw, BRITTLE 14I 22 --- BRITTLE likely to break [adj] --- BRITTLE frail [adj] --- BRITTLE to become brittle [v] --- BRITTLE to become fragile [v]
Other tops: BAFT M11 22, BARF M11 22, TRIFLE 14J 22
Other moves: FIB 4K 21, FIBRE 14K 20, FIBRE 3K 20, FILL F7 19, BALTI M11 18
FIB 4K 21 reyna, jonb5
FILL F7 19 sunshine12
FIT 4K 17 margalang
BAIL M11 16 tonikay
FILE 3L 14 worsie, siuyee
FIT K10 12 dong
FE 14N 10 mylover81

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