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Game of July 9, 2011 at 18:35, 5 players
1. 532 pts jeff
2. 499 pts SuperH
3. 490 pts Davina

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?abiimn   H8    76    76   minibar
 2. aeeiort   I3    67   143   etaerio
 3. ehinort   3F    74   217   etherion
 4. aadelnx   J5    63   280   axed
 5. eiloqrz   L1    50   330   zooier
 6. aeflntt  11E    94   424   antileft
 7. egorsss  15D   113   537   grosses
 8. ?iiostu   N1    78   615   oustiti
 9. adelmow   2A    53   668   meadow
10. abelnot   1C    94   762   notable
11. aceiklv   A1    36   798   amice
12. deipqry   M7    42   840   qi
13. adekprv  13G    36   876   parkade
14. ahnopuu   1L    39   915   zoon
15. adegllu  14B    34   949   glued
16. acflnuu   C9    28   977   canful
17. hlpruwy  B10    28  1005   yu
18. ghjlpwy   A7    56  1061   glyph

Remaining tiles: jrvvw

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6677 Filejeff        1 16:32  -529  532     1.6677 jeff        1 16:32  -529  532 
  2.6725 FileSuperH      2 17:42  -562  499     2.6725 SuperH      2 17:42  -562  499 
  3.6584 FileDavina      3 12:19  -571  490     3.6584 Davina      3 12:19  -571  490 
  4.6427 Filern.roselle  1 13:09  -695  366     4.6427 rn.roselle  1 13:09  -695  366 
  5.1736 Filerainbow     0 17:57  -868  193            Group: not rated
                                             1.1736 rainbow     0 17:57  -868  193 

On 1st draw, MINIBA(R) H8 76 --- MINIBAR a small refrigerator stocked with beverages [n]
Other tops: BAM(B)INI H2 76, BAM(B)INI H4 76, MINIBA(R) H4 76, MINI(C)AB H4 76, MINI(C)AB H6 76, MINI(L)AB H4 76, MINI(L)AB H6 76, (B)AMBINI H2 76
Other moves: BAM(B)INI H3 72, BAM(B)INI H6 72, BAM(B)INI H7 72, BAM(B)INI H8 72, MINIBA(R) H2 72
MANI(A) H4 18 jeff
BAM H6 14 SuperH
B(R)IM H5 14 rn.roselle
NAB(S) H6 10 rainbow

On 2nd draw, ETAERIO I3 67 --- ETAERIO an aggregated fruit like a blackberry [n]
Other moves: ETAERIO G2 63, ETAERIO I2 63, OATER I9 21, ABORTEE 12G 18, BEATIER 12H 18
BOATER 12H 16 jeff
RATE I7 15 rn.roselle
RATE 13G 6 rainbow

On 3rd draw, ETHERION 3F 74 --- ETHERION a previously supposed light gas within air [n]
Other tops: ANTIHERO 13H 74, HEREINTO 3F 74, THORNIE(R) 14A 74
Other moves: HEREINTO 3H 72, HEREINTO 6F 71, THO(R)NIER 14E 70, ETHERION 6F 65, HEREINTO 6H 65
HERN J6 38 rn.roselle
HE J6 28 SuperH
THO(R)NIER 14E 20 jeff
HOT G13 20 Davina
THEIR 4I 16 rainbow

On 4th draw, AXED J5 63 --- AX to work on with an ax (a type of cutting tool) [v]
Other moves: AXEL J5 61, AXE J5 55, AX J5 52, EX J5 52, ADNEXAL 13C 48
AXED J5 63 Davina, jeff, SuperH
XI 11G 9 rainbow

On 5th draw, ZOOIER L1 50 --- ZOOEY resembling a zoo [adj]
Other moves: ZEL G13 44, ZOL G13 44, ZO G13 43, ZERO 2L 39, ZORI 2L 39
ZOL G13 44 SuperH
ZO G13 43 Davina, jeff, rn.roselle
EXO 6I 10 rainbow

On 6th draw, ANTILEFT 11E 94 --- ANTILEFT opposed to leftism [adj]
Other moves: ZEAL 1L 39, ZETA 1L 39, FAE 2F 34, THEFT H2 31, HAFT H3 30
ZEAL 1L 39 rn.roselle, jeff, Davina
FAE 2F 34 SuperH
EXERT 6I 12 rainbow

On 7th draw, GROSSES 15D 113 --- GROSS to earn exclusive of deductions [v]
Other moves: GROSSES 15B 110, GROSSES 15E 107, GROSSES 2A 76, SARGOSES 13G 72, GROSSE(R)S 14B 70
GROSSES 15D 63 jeff
GORES 15D 57 SuperH
GROSS 15E 51 rn.roselle
RES F2 5 rainbow

On 8th draw, OUS(T)ITI N1 78 --- OUSTITI a lock-opening tool [n]
Other moves: OUSTI(T)I N1 74, OUS(T)ITI 2A 72, OUS(T)ITI 4A 68, OU(S)TITIS L8 68, TUITIO(N)S L8 68
ZITS 1L 39 rainbow, Davina, jeff
Z(E)ST 1L 36 SuperH, rn.roselle

On 9th draw, MEADOW 2A 53 --- MEADOW a tract of grassland [n]
Other moves: MEADOW 12J 45, ZOOM 1L 45, DWALM 2B 44, WA(R)MED 14F 44, WO(R)MED 14F 44
ZOOM 1L 45 Davina, jeff
WE 10J 31 SuperH
DOW O7 24 rn.roselle
OW 1N 15 rainbow

On 10th draw, NOTABLE 1C 94 --- NOTABLE a person of distinction [n]
Other moves: NOTABLE O5 83, NOTABLE O7 82, ATONABLE C2 78, ATONABLE 13H 72, ATONABLE 13D 64
ABLET 1A 48 rn.roselle
ABLE 1A 43 Davina
AB 1A 28 jeff
BOLE 1E 28 SuperH
OB 1N 12 rainbow

On 11th draw, AMICE A1 36 --- AMICE a vestment worn about the neck and shoulders [n]
Other tops: HACK H3 36, HECK H3 36, HICK H3 36, KEVIL 12A 36
Other moves: CLAVIE 4A 35, KI(R) 14F 34, VAKIL 12A 34, EMIC A1 33, CLAVIE 12A 32
KAE 13G 13 rainbow
AM A1 12 Davina

On 12th draw, QI M7 42 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: YI(R)RED 14F 40, CYPRID 4A 36, PERDY 12A 33, PREDY 12A 33, YE(R)D 14F 33
QI M7 42 rn.roselle, Davina, SuperH
PIED 10J 30 jeff
OD 1N 9 rainbow

On 13th draw, PARKADE 13G 36 --- PARKADE a multilevel structure for parking vehicles [n]
Other moves: CARKED 4A 34, CRAKED 4A 34, PA(R)RED 14F 34, PEAK 10J 33, CARVED 4A 32
CRAKED 4A 34 jeff
PAVED 12A 31 Davina
KA L8 22 SuperH
KO F14 16 rn.roselle
KAED 13G 15 rainbow

On 14th draw, ZOON 1L 39 --- ZOON the whole product of one fertilized egg, pl ZOA or ZOONS [n] --- ZOON to zoom [v]
Other moves: AHU(R)U 14E 38, OPAH 12L 38, HA(R)O 14F 35, HOA 10J 34, HO 10J 31
HA(R)O 14F 35 Davina
HOA 10J 34 SuperH
OH 1N 15 rainbow

On 15th draw, GLUED 14B 34 --- GLUE to fasten with glue (an adhesive substance) [v]
Other tops: AGUED 14B 34
Other moves: LAUDE(R) 14C 27, AGED 14J 26, AUGE(R) 14D 26, CALLED 4A 26, CULLED 4A 26
CALLED 4A 26 jeff
DEAL 10J 23 SuperH
GLADE 12A 20 Davina
EA 5A 2 rainbow

On 16th draw, CANFUL C9 28 --- CANFUL as much as a can holds [n]
Other moves: ALF 13C 26, FECK J10 21, CALF 10B 20, CAUF 10B 20, CULEX 6F 20
FUN 14M 17 Davina
FAN 14M 17 SuperH
CLAN 12B 14 jeff
DAL L13 5 rainbow

On 17th draw, YU B10 28 --- YU a precious jade [n]
Other tops: WHY D8 28
Other moves: FURY 12C 27, HYP 14M 27, HWYL B5 26, WHAUP 10A 25, HYP B5 24
YU B10 28 Davina
YELK J10 19 jeff
YA 10B 13 SuperH

On 18th draw, GLYPH A7 56 --- GLYPH an ornamental groove [n]
Other moves: HYP A8 41, GYP A8 35, WHY D8 32, HYP 14M 27, HWYL B5 26
GYP A8 35 jeff
HE J10 13 SuperH, Davina

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