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Game of July 10, 2011 at 00:43, 10 players
1. 321 pts ksong
2. 298 pts nderera
3. 196 pts pickrose

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?adeirs   H7    68    68   airside
 2. ?aenott  11E    78   146   antidote
 3. afgmnos   8D    67   213   foamings
 4. dghiort  13C    36   249   girthed
 5. efhrsyz  10H    64   313   sez
 6. acdeeor  14I    31   344   ocreae
 7. ailnnot  15C    78   422   antlion
 8. deiilor  12J    32   454   oilier
 9. deefqru  15L    49   503   feed
10. acimqtu  12A    53   556   quat
11. acegkry   O7    45   601   yacker
12. abdehix  A12    42   643   qadi
13. hinoruw   7E    26   669   whoa
14. egjlntu   K2    30   699   jungles
15. almoopr   L1    39   738   pomo
16. abelrsu   M1    45   783   abuser
17. beiirty   N1    44   827   ye
18. bilnsuv   1L    27   854   pays
19. iiintvw   6B    21   875   vint
20. biilpru   D1    22   897   purlin

Remaining tiles: bivwx

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6175 Fileksong       2 12:56  -576  321     1.6175 ksong       2 12:56  -576  321 
  2.5939 Filenderera     1 11:04  -599  298     2.6721 yab         3  8:44  -704  193 
  3.4183 Filepickrose    0  8:14  -701  196     3.6436 reyna       0  2:05  -854   43 
  4.6721 Fileyab         3  8:44  -704  193     4.6529 cymru57     0  1:52  -872   25 
  5.4643 FileMKMac       1  7:05  -787  110     5.6073 GLOBEMAN    0  1:49  -881   16 
  6.4843 Filejohnny55    1  4:46  -792  105            Group: novice
  7.6436 Filereyna       0  2:05  -854   43     1.5939 nderera     1 11:04  -599  298 
  8.6529 Filecymru57     0  1:52  -872   25            Group: not rated
  9.4780 FileAJ0711      0  2:39  -874   23     1.4183 pickrose    0  8:14  -701  196 
 10.6073 FileGLOBEMAN    0  1:49  -881   16     2.4643 MKMac       1  7:05  -787  110 
                                             3.4843 johnny55    1  4:46  -792  105 
                                             4.4780 AJ0711      0  2:39  -874   23 

On 1st draw, A(I)RSIDE H7 68 --- AIRSIDE restricted area of an airport [n]
Other tops: AD(M)IRES H3 68, AD(V)ISER H3 68, AIRS(H)ED H6 68, AIRS(I)DE H7 68, AR(A)ISED H6 68, AR(R)IDES H8 68, AS(P)IRED H6 68, AS(T)ERID H6 68, AS(T)RIDE H7 68, A(G)RISED H6 68, A(R)RIDES H8 68, DAIR(I)ES H4 68, DAI(K)ERS H4 68, DAR(B)IES H4 68, DAR(C)IES H4 68, D*R(K)**S H4 68, DAS(H)IER H4 68, DA(I)RIES H4 68, DEARI(E)S H4 68, DERAI(L)S H4 68, DES(P)AIR H4 68, DIAR(I)ES H4 68, DIAR(I)SE H4 68, DIAS(T)ER H4 68, DIA(L)ERS H4 68, DIA(P)ERS H4 68, DISRA(T)E H4 68, D(E)ARIES H4 68, D(I)ARIES H4 68, D(I)ARISE H4 68, RADI(C)ES H2 68, RADI(X)ES H2 68, REDIA(L)S H2 68, RESID(U)A H8 68, SEA(B)IRD H6 68, SEDARI(M) H2 68, SIDEAR(M) H2 68, SIDERA(L) H2 68, SIDE(B)AR H2 68, SIDE(C)AR H2 68, S(O)REDIA H8 68, S(T)AIDER H8 68, S(T)AIRED H6 68, (A)RAISED H6 68, (B)RAISED H6 68, (F)ARSIDE H7 68, (F)RAISED H6 68, (M)ISREAD H6 68, (P)RAISED H6 68, (T)IRADES H8 68
Other moves: AD(M)IRES H4 66, AD(M)IRES H6 66, AD(M)IRES H7 66, AD(M)IRES H8 66, AD(V)ISER H4 66
READS H8 14 pickrose

On 2nd draw, ANTI(D)OTE 11E 78 --- ANTIDOTE to counteract the effects of a poison with a remedy [v]
Other tops: NOTIT(I)AE 11E 78
Other moves: ATTONE(S) 14B 73, NOTATE(S) 14B 73, (I)(N)TONATE 8H 71, ATTO(R)NED 12A 68, D(E)NOTATE 12H 68
INTO 11H 8 pickrose

On 3rd draw, FOAM(I)NGS 8D 67 --- FOAMING the act of foaming [n]
Other moves: FOAM 12L 34, FANGOS 12J 33, GANOFS 10J 33, GANOF 10J 32, FOAMS 12J 31
FEMS L10 18 pickrose

On 4th draw, GIRTHED 13C 36 --- GIRTH to encircle [v]
Other moves: HID 10J 33, GIRTH 10J 32, HIT 10J 31, DOTH 12L 30, HOGTIED 13C 30
HERD L10 16 pickrose

On 5th draw, SEZ 10H 64 --- SAY to utter [v]
Other moves: SEZ 14H 43, FEZ 10L 40, FEZ 12L 40, SIZY D12 40, HERY 12L 38
SIZE D12 28 pickrose

On 6th draw, OCREAE 14I 31 --- OCREA a sheathing plant part [n]
Other tops: CADEE M9 31, CADRE M9 31, CEDAR M9 31, CEDER M9 31, CODER M9 31
Other moves: OARED 12J 30, CARDER 9C 28, AERO 12J 26, ARCED 12K 26, CAREER 9C 26
OARED 12J 30 ksong
RECODE L10 20 pickrose

On 7th draw, ANTLION 15C 78 --- ANTLION a predatory insect [n]
Other moves: ANTLIONS K1 66, NATIONAL F2 62, LATINO 12J 32, LANT 12J 26, LATI 12J 26
LATINO 15D 25 nderera
NATION 15D 25 cymru57
OAT 12J 24 ksong
TAILS K4 10 pickrose

On 8th draw, OILIER 12J 32 --- OILY covered or soaked with oil [adj]
Other moves: DELI 15L 30, DELO 15L 30, DERO 15L 30, DIEL 15L 30, DIRE 15L 30
DIRE 15L 30 nderera
LORDS K4 12 pickrose

On 9th draw, FEED 15L 49 --- FEED to give food to [v]
Other moves: FEER 15L 46, FERE 15L 46, FREE 15L 46, QUEER O8 42, QUAD F6 34
QUEER O8 42 nderera, pickrose

On 10th draw, QUAT 12A 53 --- QUAT a pimple [n]
Other moves: QI 12D 47, QUAIR O8 42, QUIM 10B 39, CAIQUE N7 37, ACQUIST K3 36
QUITS K4 28 pickrose

On 11th draw, YACKER O7 45 --- YACKER hard toil [n]
Other moves: RAKERY O8 39, RACKER O7 36, RYA 9H 35, ACKER O8 33, CRAYER O7 33
RACKER O7 36 ksong
CRAYER O7 33 nderera

On 12th draw, QADI A12 42 --- QADI a Muslim judge [n]
Other tops: QAID A12 42
Other moves: HEXAD N4 40, HEXADS K3 34, HEXAD 9A 32, HEX 9C 31, AHED 9J 30
HEX 9C 31 ksong

On 13th draw, WHOA 7E 26 --- WHOA used to command an animal to stop [interj]
Other tops: WHIR 9E 26
Other moves: HAO 7G 25, UNWISH K4 24, WHORING J2 24, HORI 9F 23, HOW 7C 23
HOW 7C 23 ksong
HM G7 20 nderera

On 14th draw, JUNGLES K2 30 --- JUNGLE land covered with dense tropical vegetation [n]
Other tops: JUGLETS K2 30
Other moves: JET 9C 29, JUTE 10B 29, JUG J6 27, GJU 10D 26, JEU B10 26
JET 9C 29 nderera
JUG J6 27 ksong, yab

On 15th draw, POMO L1 39 --- POMO the postmodern movement [n]
Other moves: MORA L1 33, LOMA L1 31, ROMA L1 31, JALOP 2K 28, JORAM 2K 28
POMO L1 39 yab
MOP L1 23 ksong
PAM L1 23 reyna
MARK 10L 17 nderera

On 16th draw, ABUSER M1 45 --- ABUSER one that abuses [n]
Other moves: ABUSE M1 43, BURSAE M2 43, BURSAL M2 43, BUSERA M2 43, LUBRAS M2 43
JOBS 2K 26 ksong
PUBS 1L 24 nderera, yab, johnny55
AB M1 20 reyna

On 17th draw, YE N1 44 --- YE you [pron]
Other moves: RE N1 35, TE N1 35, BYTE 9C 32, PATY 1L 27, JOBE 2K 26
YE N1 44 yab, ksong
JOBE 2K 26 johnny55
YET 9C 21 nderera
YE N4 14 MKMac

On 18th draw, PAYS 1L 27 --- PAY to give money or something of value in exchange for goods or services [v]
Other moves: SIB O2 22, SUB O2 22, SLUB O2 21, SNIB O2 21, SNUB O2 21
PAYS 1L 27 ksong, johnny55, nderera, yab

On 19th draw, VINT 6B 21 --- VINT to strip of grapes [v]
Other moves: WHAT F6 18, VINT 10B 17, WHA F6 17, INWIT 6A 16, TINK 10L 13
WHAT F6 18 ksong, johnny55, yab
TINK 10L 13 nderera
THAW F6 12 AJ0711

On 20th draw, PURLIN D1 22 --- PURLIN a horizontal supporting timber [n]
Other moves: BLIP 10B 18, BURP 10B 18, BILK 10L 17, BIRK 10L 17, BRIK 10L 17
BIRK 10L 17 nderera
LIBRI C2 14 yab
BLUR 6J 12 ksong
BLIP C4 11 AJ0711
BUN D4 10 johnny55

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