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Game of July 10, 2011 at 02:59, 6 players
1. 567 pts yab
2. 514 pts TwoFold
3. 492 pts sherrymoon

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. afimstw   H4    32    32   waifts
 2. ?ainoot   G9    61    93   amotion
 3. deehors   4C    80   173   reshowed
 4. ?beloqu   C3    90   263   breloque
 5. bdeelvx  B10    42   305   bevel
 6. eekrrtu  15D    42   347   kerne
 7. aadeinr  12D    70   417   dentaria
 8. ceioort   J1    65   482   coeditor
 9. agmnosv   L8    46   528   vangs
10. chilntu   1J    42   570   cultch
11. aejmnpx   B2    49   619   jape
12. aeinrty   N1    38   657   carney
13. eilnosz   A5    53   710   zines
14. dimnorw   O5    36   746   mown
15. addfirt   K5    29   775   fid
16. adgoruy   6A    31   806   idly
17. giortux  C13    38   844   xi
18. aimprtu   F8    27   871   tamin
19. ggoprtu   3E    22   893   oup
20. agilrtu  E11    20   913   geare

Remaining tiles: giltu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6723 Fileyab         4 24:12  -346  567     1.6723 yab         4 24:12  -346  567 
  2.6267 FileTwoFold     2 16:22  -399  514     2.6267 TwoFold     2 16:22  -399  514 
  3.5641 Filesherrymoon  1 22:00  -421  492            Group: novice
  4.3640 Filekghdcm      0 15:46  -659  254     1.5641 sherrymoon  1 22:00  -421  492 
  5.5760 FileFaeythe     0  7:07  -787  126     2.5760 Faeythe     0  7:07  -787  126 
  6.5242 Filesiuyee      0  0:55  -889   24     3.5242 siuyee      0  0:55  -889   24 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.3640 kghdcm      0 15:46  -659  254 

On 1st draw, WAIFTS H4 32 --- WAIFT cast up goods [n]
Other moves: WAFTS H4 30, WAIFS H4 30, WAIFT H4 30, ASWIM H8 26, WAIFTS H3 26
WAIFS H4 30 yab
SWIFT H4 24 TwoFold
WATS H5 14 sherrymoon

On 2nd draw, A(M)OTION G9 61 --- AMOTION the removal of a corporate officer from his office [n]
Other tops: IO(D)ATION 6C 61, O(R)ATION G9 61, O(R)ATION I9 61, O(V)ATION G9 61, O(V)ATION I9 61
Other moves: A(M)OTIONS 9A 59, IO(D)ATION 6H 59, OSTINA(T)O 9G 59, OS(T)INATO 9G 59, O(R)ATIONS 9A 59
WOOIN(G) 4H 16 yab
WANT(S) 4H 14 sherrymoon
WAI(S)T 4H 14 TwoFold

On 3rd draw, RESHOWED 4C 80 --- RESHOW to show again [v]
Other tops: SHOWERED 4E 80
Other moves: HEROISED 13C 76, SOREHEAD 5B 74, RESHOED F3 73, HEROISED 6D 66, DEHORNS 15B 45
HORNED 15D 42 sherrymoon, TwoFold
RESHONE 15B 33 yab

On 4th draw, BR(E)LOQUE C3 90 --- BRELOQUE a watch chain [n]
Other tops: BRELOQU(E) C3 90
Other moves: QUOT(A)BLE 12D 86, OBLIQUE(D) 6E 76, OBLIQUE(R) 6E 76, OBLIQUE(S) 6E 76, BELIQUO(R) 6E 72
QUIL(T) 6F 33 sherrymoon
BLUE 3A 18 TwoFold
OBL(I)QUE 14G 17 yab

On 5th draw, BEVEL B10 42 --- BEVEL to cut at an angle [v]
Other moves: BEDEL B10 38, BLEED B10 38, AXED 5H 36, BEVEL 3I 36, BLENDE 15D 36
AXED 5H 36 yab
HEX F4 29 sherrymoon
VEX I3 26 TwoFold
DELVE J4 11 kghdcm

On 6th draw, KERNE 15D 42 --- KERNE a medieval foot soldier [n]
Other moves: TEEK I6 36, EEK I7 33, EEK 3E 30, EUK 3E 30, RENKER 15E 30
KERNE 15D 42 yab
TEEK I6 36 Faeythe
TRUNK 15D 30 sherrymoon
KNEE 15F 24 TwoFold
REFUTER 7F 12 kghdcm

On 7th draw, DENTARIA 12D 70 --- DENTARIA a flower with toothed roots [n]
Other moves: DINER D7 29, ARANEID 5F 28, DINE D7 28, DIRE D7 28, RIND D7 28
DINER 3I 24 TwoFold
RAINED I10 19 sherrymoon
TRAINED 12G 18 kghdcm
DAN A13 17 yab
QAID 8C 15 Faeythe

On 8th draw, COEDITOR J1 65 --- COEDITOR one that coedits [n]
Other moves: TERCIO A5 29, RECTO A6 26, RITE D7 26, COOT A8 25, TERCIO 3I 24
CERO A7 23 yab
REC A13 19 TwoFold
TRICE 11K 18 sherrymoon
EROTICA K6 18 kghdcm
TRICE J10 11 Faeythe

On 9th draw, VANGS L8 46 --- VANG a rope on a ship [n]
Other moves: MANGS L8 42, MONGS L8 42, NGOMAS L7 42, MANGOS L7 40, MANOS L8 40
MOANS L8 40 TwoFold
MACONS 1H 33 sherrymoon
MASCON 1G 33 kghdcm
SOCMAN 1H 33 yab
MANGO 11K 24 siuyee
MEGA 3I 17 Faeythe

On 10th draw, CULTCH 1J 42 --- CULTCH clean trash, eg string, paper [n]
Other tops: CLINCH 1J 42, CLUNCH 1J 42, CLUTCH 1J 42, UNCHIC 1H 42
Other moves: CLINCH 1F 39, CLUNCH 1F 39, CLUTCH 1F 39, CULTCH 1F 39, UNCHIC 1E 39
CULTCH 1J 42 yab
LUNCH 1G 30 TwoFold
TICH 1H 27 Faeythe
HIC 1H 24 sherrymoon
QUIN 8C 14 kghdcm

On 11th draw, JAPE B2 49 --- JAPE to mock [v]
Other moves: JAP B2 46, MAX A13 42, PAX A13 42, REVAMP 8J 39, MAP B2 36
MAX A13 42 TwoFold
REVAMP 8J 39 kghdcm
EXAMEN 3J 30 yab
JANE 10J 27 sherrymoon
PAX 9K 20 Faeythe

On 12th draw, CARNEY N1 38 --- CARNEY carny [n] --- CARNEY to coax [v]
Other tops: CAIRNY N1 38, CENTRY N1 38
Other moves: RIVERY 8J 36, YEARN 3I 33, YENTA 3I 33, YENTE 3I 33, YITE D7 32
VERY 8L 30 TwoFold
VARY 8L 30 sherrymoon
RAVINE 8J 27 kghdcm
TEARY A5 26 yab

On 13th draw, ZINES A5 53 --- ZINE a magazine for specialist interests, especially a Web-based one [n]
Other tops: ZEINS A5 53, ZONES A5 53
Other moves: LOZENS O5 52, SOZINE O5 52, ZEIN A5 50, ZELS A5 50, ZINE A5 50
ZINES A5 53 TwoFold
SOZINE O5 52 yab
ZINES 10J 36 sherrymoon
ROVES 8J 8 kghdcm

On 14th draw, MOWN O5 36 --- MOW to cut down standing herbage [v]
Other moves: DORMIN O5 35, ROWND O5 34, WIND D7 34, DOWN O5 32, MIND D7 32
MOWN O5 36 yab, TwoFold
SWIM E4 18 sherrymoon
MAN H11 11 kghdcm

On 15th draw, FID K5 29 --- FID a square bar used as a support for a topmast [n]
Other tops: FAD K5 29
Other moves: DIRT D7 28, FAD A13 28, DIF K5 27, FAR K5 26, FIR D7 26
FAD A13 28 sherrymoon, TwoFold, yab
GRID 11L 6 kghdcm

On 16th draw, IDLY 6A 31 --- IDLY in an idle manner [adv]
Other moves: DAGGY 11J 29, YAD A13 28, YAG A13 28, DAY A13 26, ABROAD 3B 25
YAG A13 28 yab, TwoFold
YA M9 20 sherrymoon
RAG A13 16 kghdcm

On 17th draw, XI C13 38 --- XI the fourteenth letter of the Greek alphabet [n]
Other moves: XU M9 36, HOX F4 29, EXIT 13B 27, NIX 10L 26, NOX 10L 26
XI C13 38 sherrymoon, yab
XU M9 36 TwoFold
GRIT J10 9 kghdcm

On 18th draw, TAMIN F8 27 --- TAMIN a fabric [n]
Other tops: RAMIN F8 27, TEMPURA 3I 27
Other moves: AMIN F9 26, PRAM F7 26, MINA F10 25, MINT F10 25, PAM F8 25
IMPART N8 18 yab
PREM E10 16 sherrymoon
RASP E2 12 kghdcm

On 19th draw, OUP 3E 22 --- OUP to bind with thread [v]
Other moves: REPOUR 3I 21, OP 3F 19, POORT 14E 19, TORA 5E 19, UP 3F 19
PROST E1 14 sherrymoon
PONG 10J 13 yab
GRIP J10 11 kghdcm

On 20th draw, GEARE E11 20 --- GEARE to jeer, to scoff [v]
Other tops: GERLE E11 20
Other moves: ARIOT 11D 19, AGGRI 11K 18, ARGIL I11 18, AIR M3 17, GAG 11J 17
GRIT J10 9 kghdcm
GANT 10J 9 yab, sherrymoon

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