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Game of July 10, 2011 at 03:48, 8 players
1. 504 pts kellybelly
2. 355 pts TwoFold
3. 260 pts babcia1952

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. gmnoors   H4    24    24   mongos
 2. ?eeeitt   4F    68    92   remittee
 3. arstuyz   M2    44   136   azerty
 4. deirsuu   3B    24   160   usured
 5. diloopr   2H    32   192   dipolar
 6. ehimost   I9    76   268   homiest
 7. ?adouwy   1G    49   317   yakow
 8. aabcghr   B2    38   355   burgh
 9. aaejnst   A6    44   399   sejant
10. acegino  11G    76   475   cameoing
11. eeflotu  14B    76   551   outfeels
12. diiopqr  15A    35   586   qi
13. abceiir   B8    26   612   areic
14. abdillr   L7    81   693   billiard
15. efnovwx   J8    61   754   wexe
16. aadeinu  15E    37   791   adnate
17. aiknnpv  13G    27   818   kae
18. iinnouv  12B    20   838   covin

Remaining tiles: finpuv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7218 Filekellybelly  2 16:09  -334  504     1.7218 kellybelly  2 16:09  -334  504 
  2.6267 FileTwoFold     2 16:25  -483  355            Group: intermediate
  3.  -  Filebabcia1952  0 18:59  -578  260     1.6267 TwoFold     2 16:25  -483  355 
  4.5744 FileFaeythe     1 12:02  -615  223            Group: novice
  5.5955 Filenderera     1  7:52  -640  198     1.5744 Faeythe     1 12:02  -615  223 
  6.4876 Filevictor      0  5:15  -682  156     2.5955 nderera     1  7:52  -640  198 
  7.  -  FileJayJay13    1  6:38  -725  113            Group: not rated
  8.4866 Filejohnny55    0  1:13  -787   51     1.  -  babcia1952  0 18:59  -578  260 
                                             2.4876 victor      0  5:15  -682  156 
                                             3.  -  JayJay13    1  6:38  -725  113 
                                             4.4866 johnny55    0  1:13  -787   51 

On 1st draw, MONGOS H4 24 --- MONGO the waste produced in a woollen-mill from felted cloth [n]
Other tops: GROOMS H8 24
Other moves: GROOM H8 22, GROOMS H4 22, MONGO H4 22, MONGS H4 22, MORONS H4 22
MONGOS H4 24 kellybelly
GROOMS H8 24 JayJay13
MOORS H7 14 babcia1952

On 2nd draw, (R)EMITTEE 4F 68 --- REMITTEE a person to whom a remittance is sent [n]
Other moves: TEENIE(S)T 6E 61, TEENTIE(R) 6E 61, (R)EINETTE 6E 61, TEE(N)IEST 9B 60, EMETI(N)E 4G 16
MITTE(N) 4H 14 JayJay13
TETE G3 13 kellybelly
MEET 4H 6 babcia1952

On 3rd draw, AZERTY M2 44 --- AZERTY an unconventional computer keyboard layout, cf QWERTY [n]
Other moves: RUSTY N2 42, SAZ N4 42, ZESTY M3 42, AZURY G7 37, SAURY 3I 37
ZESTY M3 42 JayJay13
ZA G8 26 kellybelly
STRAYS 9C 14 babcia1952

On 4th draw, USURED 3B 24 --- USURE to practise usury [v]
Other moves: SIRED 3C 22, SURED 3C 22, SEI N4 21, DISEUR 3B 20, DISEUR I3 20
SURED 3C 22 kellybelly
DARE 2L 10 JayJay13
(R)ISER F4 6 babcia1952

On 5th draw, DIPOLAR 2H 32 --- DIPOLAR pertaining to dipole [adj] --- DIPOLE a pair of equal and opposite electric charges [adj]
Other moves: DRIP 4A 30, DROP 4A 30, POLIO 2F 29, POORI 2F 29, PODAL 2J 28
PRO N1 25 kellybelly
SLOOP C3 10 babcia1952
POOS 9E 7 JayJay13

On 6th draw, HOMIEST I9 76 --- HOMEY homelike [adj] --- HOMY homelike [adj]
Other moves: HOMIEST G8 72, HOMIEST I8 72, HOISTMEN 6A 71, SMOOTHIE 8E 64, HOMIES 1D 56
THEM 1F 40 kellybelly
HOM 1G 37 TwoFold
THOSE K4 16 JayJay13
SHOTS 9D 9 babcia1952

On 7th draw, YA(K)OW 1G 49 --- YAKOW a crossbred of a cow and yak [n]
Other moves: D(E)AWY J7 45, WA(L)DO 1D 45, WAY(E)D J8 44, YAW(E)D J8 44, D(E)WY J8 43
WAD 1G 33 kellybelly
WA(R)TY 15F 30 TwoFold
S(H)ADOWY 14I 26 babcia1952

On 8th draw, BURGH B2 38 --- BURGH a Scottish borough [n]
Other moves: AHA J9 37, BATCH 15G 36, BRACHIA 12D 36, BAH J8 35, CABA J8 34
BATCH 15G 36 kellybelly, TwoFold
CARAT 15E 21 victor
BRAGS 14E 10 babcia1952

On 9th draw, SEJANT A6 44 --- SEJANT represented in a sitting position -- used of a heraldic animal [adj]
Other tops: TAJINES 12F 44
Other moves: JAUNSE D1 42, JAUNTS D1 42, SEJANT 15D 42, JANES J6 40, JAUNT D1 40
JAUNTS D1 42 kellybelly
JEST 15F 33 johnny55
JETS 15G 33 victor, babcia1952, nderera
JA A1 31 TwoFold

On 10th draw, CAMEOING 11G 76 --- CAMEO to portray in sharp, delicate relief [v]
Other tops: COINAGES 14B 76
Other moves: GENOMIC 11E 48, ENCOMIA 11E 44, COGNATE 15D 39, COATING 15F 36, COGENT 15D 36
COATING 15F 36 kellybelly
ACTING 15G 33 TwoFold
COTING 15G 33 victor
MACING 11I 22 babcia1952
ANE B8 20 Faeythe
CANT 15F 18 johnny55

On 11th draw, OUTFEELS 14B 76 --- OUTFEEL to surpass in feeling [v]
Other moves: FOUETTE 15D 42, OUTFEEL 15G 33, OUTFELT 15C 33, OUTFELT 15G 33, FETE J10 32
FETE J10 32 TwoFold, kellybelly
FOE H13 31 Faeythe
FLOTE 15F 24 victor
GOLF N11 16 babcia1952

On 12th draw, QI 15A 35 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: QUIPO D2 32, QUIP D2 30, QUOP D2 30, DRIP 4A 28, DROP 4A 28
QI 15A 35 TwoFold, kellybelly
QUIP D2 30 victor, nderera
QI 10L 24 Faeythe
GRIP N11 14 babcia1952

On 13th draw, AREIC B8 26 --- AREIC pertaining to a region of the earth contributing little surface drainage [adj]
Other tops: CARBO 5D 26, CARIBE L8 26, OBIA 10I 26
Other moves: BARIC L8 24, OBI 10I 23, CAGIER N9 22, CANIER M9 22, CE(R)EBRA F2 22
RATE 15G 20 kellybelly, TwoFold
GRAB N11 14 babcia1952
AI B8 13 Faeythe

On 14th draw, BILLIARD L7 81 --- BILLIARD a carom shot in billiards (a table game) [n]
Other moves: ABID C6 34, ABED J9 32, ARID C6 30, DIB C7 29, ARB C7 27
BED J10 25 kellybelly
DAUB D1 18 Faeythe
*B* 5F 13 TwoFold
DRILL L9 12 babcia1952
BULL D2 12 nderera

On 15th draw, WEXE J8 61 --- WEXE to wax [v]
Other moves: AXEL H11 38, AX H11 34, XI 12H 34, EWE J9 33, NEF 2D 31
WEXE J8 61 Faeythe, nderera
AX H11 34 kellybelly
OX 1N 29 TwoFold
DOVE 14L 16 babcia1952

On 16th draw, ADNATE 15E 37 --- ADNATE joined to another part or organ [adj]
Other moves: NAIAD 13C 34, AIDE C7 27, NIDE C7 27, ADIT 15F 26, EDIT 15F 26
DATE 15G 24 kellybelly, Faeythe, TwoFold
NID 12H 24 nderera
DEAF E11 16 babcia1952

On 17th draw, KAE 13G 27 --- KAE a bird resembling a crow [n] --- KAE to serve [v]
Other moves: NAP 2D 25, NAKFA E11 24, PUNKIN D2 24, TIKA K4 24, KA A1 22
KAE 13G 27 TwoFold
KA A1 22 kellybelly
PRINK 13K 22 nderera
GINK N11 18 Faeythe
PAINT D10 14 babcia1952

On 18th draw, COVIN 12B 20 --- COVIN a conspiracy to injure or defraud [n]
Other moves: INION 5E 18, ONION 5E 18, UNION 5E 18, WONTON K1 18, DIVI 14L 16
DIVI 14L 16 nderera
VINO 6F 15 victor, kellybelly
RIVO 13L 14 Faeythe
DIN 14L 8 babcia1952
RUIN 13L 8 TwoFold

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