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Game of July 10, 2011 at 08:24, 8 players
1. 558 pts kellybelly
2. 379 pts renmar
3. 342 pts Hasni

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?gimnvw   H4    32    32   wiving
 2. agoostu   3C    29    61   outgas
 3. dinortu   5E    32    93   dinitro
 4. aabeent   9D    63   156   abnegate
 5. elmntux   8K    62   218   exult
 6. dimnopt   G7    75   293   piedmont
 7. ?cerssu  15B    97   390   sucrose
 8. delnnos   8A    26   416   lend
 9. aahilrt  11E    48   464   almirah
10. ademopy   4A    44   508   myope
11. aegiktw  13A    82   590   tweaking
12. beilsyz   2A    52   642   sizy
13. adeiqrr   M7   108   750   quarried
14. abcffor  12B    38   788   off
15. ceeinou  14J    30   818   condie
16. abejlov  O12    57   875   jeel
17. abeoruv   4K    26   901   bevor
18. aaehiou   N6    28   929   hila

Remaining tiles: aeou

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7218 Filekellybelly  4 17:38  -371  558     1.7218 kellybelly  4 17:38  -371  558 
  2.6084 Filerenmar      0 18:41  -550  379            Group: intermediate
  3.5673 FileHasni       2 13:24  -587  342     1.6084 renmar      0 18:41  -550  379 
  4.2829 Fileding        0 19:37  -766  163            Group: novice
  5.5442 Fileneyetifu    1  7:45  -833   96     1.5673 Hasni       2 13:24  -587  342 
  6.5697 FileFaeythe     1  1:34  -855   74     2.5442 neyetifu    1  7:45  -833   96 
  7.  -  FileColin_G     0  4:31  -905   24     3.5697 Faeythe     1  1:34  -855   74 
  8.  -  Filesukulpat    0  3:19  -914   15            Group: not rated
                                             1.2829 ding        0 19:37  -766  163 
                                             2.  -  Colin_G     0  4:31  -905   24 
                                             3.  -  sukulpat    0  3:19  -914   15 

On 1st draw, WIV(I)NG H4 32 --- WIVE to marry a woman [v]
Other tops: V(O)WING H4 32, W(A)VING H4 32, W(I)VING H4 32
Other moves: M(A)WING H4 28, M(E)VING H4 28, M(E)WING H4 28, M(O)VING H4 28, M(O)WING H4 28
W(A)VING H4 32 neyetifu
M(E)WING H4 28 renmar

On 2nd draw, OUTGAS 3C 29 --- OUTGAS to remove gas from [v]
Other moves: GUSTO 3F 21, GAST 3F 20, GOATS 3D 20, GOUTS 3D 20, GUST 3F 20
GOATS 3D 20 renmar
GAS G3 13 kellybelly
AGO I2 11 neyetifu

On 3rd draw, DINITRO 5E 32 --- DINITRO containing two nitro groups [adj]
Other moves: DINT 4A 20, DIRT 4A 20, DIURON G7 20, DOIT 4A 20, DORT 4A 20
DIRT 4A 20 kellybelly
WOUND 4H 18 renmar
GROUND 9H 11 Colin_G
TIN E3 6 neyetifu

On 4th draw, ABNEGATE 9D 63 --- ABNEGATE to deny to oneself [v]
Other moves: BANT 4A 24, BEATEN G7 24, BEEN 4A 24, BEET 4A 24, BENT 4A 24
BEEN 4A 24 kellybelly, neyetifu
BEET 6C 15 renmar
TREE J4 6 Colin_G

On 5th draw, EXULT 8K 62 --- EXULT to rejoice greatly [v]
Other moves: EXUL 8A 39, LUXE 8A 39, NEXT 8A 39, NEXT 4A 37, NEUM 8A 34
MUX 10B 27 renmar
TEX 4K 22 kellybelly
TEX K8 10 ding
DE E5 3 neyetifu

On 6th draw, PIEDMONT G7 75 --- PIEDMONT an area lying at the foot of a mountain [n]
Other moves: MIDPO(I)NT 7C 67, DIMP 8A 43, DIMP 4A 34, MIND 8A 32, POND 8A 32
DIMP 8A 43 kellybelly
MIND 8A 32 renmar
MID 6D 20 neyetifu
PIX L6 12 ding
MEED K7 7 Colin_G

On 7th draw, SUCR(O)SE 15B 97 --- SUCROSE a type of sugar [n]
Other tops: CRUSE(T)S 15D 97, CRUS(H)ES 15D 97, CRUS(I)ES 15D 97, CURSE(R)S 15D 97, CUSSER(S) 15D 97, CU(I)SSER 15D 97, CU(R)SERS 15D 97, CU(S)SERS 15D 97, C(A)USERS 15D 97, RESCU(E)S 15A 97, R(E)SCUES 15A 97, SC(O)USER 15C 97, SUCR(A)SE 15B 97, S(A)UCERS 15A 97, (P)ERCUSS 15A 97
Other moves: CUS(S)ERS 15D 96, C(O)RMUSES 11D 94, SCUM(B)ERS 11D 94, SCUM(M)ERS 11D 94, CERUS(E)S 15A 91
S(A)UCERS 15A 47 kellybelly
CRU(I)SES 15C 41 Hasni
SECUR(E)S 15G 38 renmar
(S)TRESS O7 6 ding

On 8th draw, LEND 8A 26 --- LEND to give the temporary use of [v]
Other tops: DONNE 4A 26, SELD 8A 26, SEND 8A 26, SLED 8A 26, SNED 8A 26, SNOD 8A 26, SOLD 8A 26
Other moves: NONES 7K 25, DONE 7K 24, SP(I)NODE 7F 23, DONNES B10 22, LONE 7K 22
LEND 8A 26 kellybelly
DONE 7K 24 Hasni
DEMONS 11E 18 renmar
LEND N8 7 ding
LOSE N8 6 sukulpat

On 9th draw, ALMIRAH 11E 48 --- ALMIRAH a cupboard for sacred vessels [n]
Other moves: HAIR 4A 28, HART 4A 28, RAH 4D 27, LAITH 4K 26, LATAH 4K 26
HART 4A 28 kellybelly
HAIL 4K 19 Hasni
HART 4K 19 renmar
HAIL A5 7 ding
DART D8 5 sukulpat

On 10th draw, MYOPE 4A 44 --- MYOPE one who is affected with myopia [n]
Other moves: YOMP 4A 42, YOMPED 12J 42, MOPEY 12K 39, MOYA 7K 38, MYOPES B10 38
PAY 7K 35 kellybelly
MOPED 12J 29 renmar
MOD 2A 15 Hasni
TEMPO O8 10 ding
AERO I9 4 sukulpat

On 11th draw, TWEAKING 13A 82 --- TWEAK to pinch and twist sharply [v] --- TWEAKING the act of tweaking [n]
Other moves: KETMIA A1 36, TWEAK 4K 36, WAITES B10 34, GAWK 12J 32, WAGE 7K 32
WAKE 12J 32 renmar
WAGE 7K 32 kellybelly
KITE 4K 22 Hasni
KILT N6 18 ding

On 12th draw, SIZY 2A 52 --- SIZY thick and adhesive [adj]
Other moves: BEZILS 12J 45, SIZY L11 45, SIZEL L11 43, BEZIL 12J 41, BIZES 12J 41
SIZY L11 45 renmar
BIZ 2A 40 kellybelly
BIZ 4K 32 Hasni
ZITS O6 13 ding

On 13th draw, QUARRIED M7 108 --- QUARRY to dig stone from an excavation [v]
Other moves: QUERIDA M7 56, EARD 12A 28, QUIRED M7 27, EQUID M6 26, QUARER M7 26
QUARRIED M7 58 kellybelly, renmar
QUIRED M7 27 Hasni
QUAD M7 25 ding

On 14th draw, OFF 12B 38 --- OFF to go away [v]
Other tops: AFF 12B 38
Other moves: BIFF 12L 32, FRAB N12 31, ARF 12B 29, OAF 12B 29, ORF 12B 29
FRAB N12 31 kellybelly
BOFF 4K 28 Hasni
WAS B13 12 ding

On 15th draw, CONDIE 14J 30 --- CONDIE a tunnel [n]
Other moves: COUDE 14J 28, ECURIE 10J 26, EEN 5A 25, EON 5A 25, ION 5A 25
COUDE 14J 28 kellybelly
ION 5A 25 Hasni
CORE 10K 17 Faeythe
TINE O8 4 ding

On 16th draw, JEEL O12 57 --- JEEL to congeal [v]
Other moves: BENJ L12 52, JAVEL O11 48, JEBEL O11 45, JELAB 4K 43, JAVEL 4K 41
JEEL O12 57 Faeythe, kellybelly, Hasni
JOB K13 12 ding

On 17th draw, BEVOR 4K 26 --- BEVOR a piece of armor for the lower face [n]
Other tops: ABOVE 4J 26, BRAVE 4K 26, BRAVO 4K 26
Other moves: BANE L12 24, BONA L12 24, BONE L12 24, AB 1A 22, OB 1A 22
BRAVE 4K 26 kellybelly, Hasni
VOR K4 6 ding

On 18th draw, HILA N6 28 --- HILUM a small opening in a bodily organ [n]
Other tops: HONE L12 28
Other moves: AH 1A 26, EH 1A 26, OH 1A 26, UH 1A 26, HAN L12 24
HONE L12 28 kellybelly
AH 1A 26 Hasni
HAIR O1 21 ding

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