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Game of July 10, 2011 at 09:08, 9 players
1. 234 pts siuyee
2. 225 pts Andy1990
3. 191 pts ding

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?cdgopu   H4    26    26   couped
 2. aeensty   9F    65    91   andesyte
 3. afinrrt   8K    40   131   fitna
 4. akorsvz   N5    47   178   azons
 5. ?eghlmu   5E    48   226   humogen
 6. eeglosv   O1    41   267   glove
 7. aadersu   L1    29   296   dears
 8. aenrttu   1E    77   373   truanted
 9. adeiiru   8A    29   402   uredia
10. eeilnow   7A    30   432   newel
11. fgioqst   6B    40   472   fog
12. ailmptt   4A    29   501   milpa
13. eiorstt   3H    25   526   striae
14. abeeinr   A1    27   553   brame
15. diilnow   C2    34   587   willowed
16. eiortvx   M8    26   613   texter
17. hiiknoq  L12    44   657   hoik
18. abcjovy  15L    39   696   kybo
19. aiijnov  14J    26   722   jai
20. cinnoov  15F    39   761   convo

Remaining tiles: iiinq

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.5242 Filesiuyee      1 12:00  -527  234     1.7026 mylover81   3  4:28  -622  139 
  2.4805 FileAndy1990    1 13:44  -536  225            Group: intermediate
  3.2820 Fileding        0 27:14  -570  191     1.6065 margalang   1  5:06  -663   98 
  4.7026 Filemylover81   3  4:28  -622  139            Group: novice
  5.6065 Filemargalang   1  5:06  -663   98     1.5242 siuyee      1 12:00  -527  234 
  6.  -  FileI_Like_Pie  0 14:27  -669   92            Group: not rated
  7.3962 Filecharmz      0  8:21  -681   80     1.4805 Andy1990    1 13:44  -536  225 
  8.4265 Filefatcat      0  5:50  -712   49     2.2820 ding        0 27:14  -570  191 
  9.  -  FileMalar_G     0  1:39  -748   13     3.  -  I_Like_Pie  0 14:27  -669   92 
                                             4.3962 charmz      0  8:21  -681   80 
                                             5.4265 fatcat      0  5:50  -712   49 
                                             6.  -  Malar_G     0  1:39  -748   13 

On 1st draw, COUP(E)D H4 26 --- COUP to overturn [v]
Other moves: COP(E)D H4 24, COUP(E)D H7 24, CUP(I)D H4 24, PUD(I)C H4 24, PUD(I)C H8 24
COUP H8 16 I_Like_Pie
PUC(E) H8 14 ding

On 2nd draw, ANDESYTE 9F 65 --- ANDESYTE a volcanic rock [n]
Other moves: STAYNE 3H 31, YENTAS 3C 31, YENTES 3C 31, ENATES 3C 25, SATEEN 3H 25
Y(E)NTAS 8G 9 I_Like_Pie
DENSE 9H 7 ding

On 3rd draw, FITNA 8K 40 --- FITNA a state of trouble or chaos [n]
Other moves: FAINTY K4 24, FRANTIC 4B 24, FRATRY K4 24, FRIARY K4 24, INFARCT 4C 24
RAFT F8 15 ding

On 4th draw, AZONS N5 47 --- AZON a radio-controlled aerial bomb [n]
Other moves: ZOUKS 6F 40, KAZOOS 5D 38, KAZOOS 5E 38, SAZ 10L 38, ZOUK 6F 37
ZAS O7 12 ding

On 5th draw, HUMOGE(N) 5E 48 --- HUMOGEN a fertilizer [n]
Other moves: MUGH(A)L 8A 47, M(O)GHUL 8A 47, MU(C)HEL 8A 44, (P)HLEGM 4J 44, LEUGH 4K 42
HELM(S) I8 13 ding
CHUM 4H 11 charmz
LUGE 6G 7 I_Like_Pie

On 6th draw, GLOVE O1 41 --- GLOVE to furnish with gloves (hand coverings) [v]
Other moves: VEGES L1 39, VEGOS L1 39, SLOVE O1 38, SOLVE O1 38, VELES L1 37
GLOVES 6A 23 siuyee
SHOVE E4 11 charmz
NOSE G9 4 ding

On 7th draw, DEARS L1 29 --- DEAR a loved one [n]
Other tops: AREADS 3C 29, DARES L1 29, DAURS L1 29, DUARS L1 29, DURAS L1 29, DURES L1 29
Other moves: EARDS L1 27, READS L1 27, RUDAS L1 27, RUDES L1 27, ACARUS 4G 26
READS 4A 19 siuyee
DRUG 1L 8 charmz
RAD F8 8 ding
AURAE F9 7 I_Like_Pie

On 8th draw, TRUANTED 1E 77 --- TRUANT to be absent from school for no valid reason [v]
Other moves: EARTHNUT E1 61, ATTUNED 1F 24, NATURED 1F 24, NUTATED 1F 24, TAUNTED 1F 24
TURNED 1G 21 siuyee
TREAD 1H 18 Andy1990
EARTHNUT E1 11 I_Like_Pie
NATURE F8 8 charmz
SANER J9 7 ding

On 9th draw, UREDIA 8A 29 --- UREDIUM a spore-producing organ of certain fungi [n]
Other moves: FYRD K8 22, RUDIE 2B 22, DEAIR 6B 21, ADIEU 4A 19, AIDER 6B 19
IDEA 4B 15 Andy1990
DIRE 6B 14 siuyee
RADE F8 9 ding
HEAD E5 8 charmz

On 10th draw, NEWEL 7A 30 --- NEWEL a staircase support [n]
Other moves: EWE M2 26, NEWIE 2B 26, EWE 7B 24, OWE 7B 24, LOWNE 4A 23
SWINE J9 16 charmz
WILE 2B 16 siuyee
WORN B6 15 Andy1990
SNOW J9 9 ding

On 11th draw, FOG 6B 40 --- FOG to cover with fog (condensed water vapor near the earth's surface) [v]
Other moves: FIG 6D 32, SUQ F4 32, FIGOS 4A 31, QIS 4C 29, GIFTS 4A 27
QI 2D 13 siuyee
SOFT J9 9 charmz
FET J4 8 Andy1990

On 12th draw, MILPA 4A 29 --- MILPA a field that is cleared from a jungle for farming purposes [n]
Other moves: LIMPA 4A 25, PITTA 4A 25, PIU 6F 25, PAM 4D 23, MA 6J 21
MA 6J 21 siuyee
SPAT J9 12 Andy1990
TEMPT M8 9 charmz
TEMP M8 8 ding

On 13th draw, STRIAE 3H 25 --- STRIA a thin groove, stripe, or streak [n]
Other tops: ERS 9B 25, SITTAR 3H 25
Other moves: FYTTES K8 24, REIST 3E 24, ROIST 3E 24, TIROES 2B 24, TORIES 2B 24
TRIMS A1 21 siuyee
TERMS A1 21 Andy1990
TESTER M8 12 ding
UR F5 4 Malar_G

On 14th draw, BRAME A1 27 --- BRAME fierce passion [n]
Other tops: BERME A1 27, BREME A1 27, NEEMB A1 27
Other moves: BEANIE 2A 26, BARM A1 24, BEAM A1 24, BERM A1 24, BRIEFER B2 24
BEAM A1 24 siuyee
BRIM A1 24 Andy1990
SEREIN J9 10 I_Like_Pie
SAR J9 5 ding

On 15th draw, WILLOWED C2 34 --- WILLOW to clean textile fibers with a certain machine [v]
Other moves: DOWL C1 16, SWOLN J9 16, TENIOID M8 16, DO 6J 15, DOWL 10C 15
WILL C1 14 siuyee
SOLIDI J9 11 I_Like_Pie
SLOW J9 9 Andy1990
TEND M8 5 ding

On 16th draw, TEXTER M8 26 --- TEXTER a person who communicates by text messaging [n]
Other tops: EXERT I7 26, EXO J5 26
Other moves: EX J5 25, OXER I7 25, XI 10I 24, IO B1 20, OE B1 20
TEXTER M8 26 siuyee
EX J5 25 Andy1990
SEX J9 12 ding
EX I9 9 Malar_G

On 17th draw, HOIK L12 44 --- HOIK to hitch up [v]
Other tops: HONK L12 44
Other moves: HOKI L12 36, H*NK** 12H 34, HO 10F 29, NOH 10D 28, HO 6J 27
HONK L12 44 margalang, mylover81, Andy1990
HIKE 12J 22 siuyee, fatcat
HIT 11K 12 ding

On 18th draw, KYBO 15L 39 --- KYBO temporary lavatory (keep your bowels open) - scout slang [n]
Other moves: KAYO 15L 33, YA B1 29, YO B1 29, JAI 14J 26, COB K12 22
KYBO 15L 39 mylover81
KAYO 15L 33 margalang
JACKY 15I 21 ding
JOCK 15I 17 fatcat
YACK 15I 13 Andy1990
YAK 15J 10 I_Like_Pie

On 19th draw, JAI 14J 26 --- JAI onward to victory (Indian) [interj]
Other moves: ANI B2 21, JA K13 21, JO K13 21, IO B1 20, JIAO O12 19
JAI 14J 26 mylover81
JO O14 9 Andy1990, ding, margalang
SIN J9 5 fatcat

On 20th draw, CONVO 15F 39 --- CONVO a conversation [n]
Other moves: VINO 15G 30, COO 15H 24, IO B1 20, OO B1 20, COB N13 19
VINO 15G 30 mylover81
ROW 2A 12 Andy1990, margalang
VINO O12 11 I_Like_Pie
JO J14 9 ding
SIN J9 5 fatcat

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