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Game of July 10, 2011 at 12:14, 9 players
1. 439 pts matrix
2. 415 pts reyna
3. 391 pts Grace_Tjie

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. eeilsww   H4    24    24   weise
 2. ?adeloz   6B    87   111   sleazoid
 3. ehinptt   E5    36   147   patient
 4. abeimtx   C1    38   185   mixable
 5. ?aaahis   J2    83   268   aphasia
 6. ceeinnr   1C    33   301   mincer
 7. acdelsy   8J    36   337   alcade
 8. borrsty   D8    39   376   brosy
 9. aeenory   N4    66   442   aerodyne
10. aadenor   B2    31   473   donas
11. aemrrtw   O1    43   516   warm
12. fhinrtu  O11    41   557   firth
13. iilorst   L8    72   629   clitoris
14. dfgopuu  15H    30   659   poufs
15. eglotuu   M5    25   684   togae
16. dgnotuu   L1    26   710   dugout
17. eijlnvv  10B    27   737   jeon
18. eiklnnu   G8    69   806   nunlike

Remaining tiles: gqvv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6220 Filematrix      2 24:06  -367  439     1.6220 matrix      2 24:06  -367  439 
  2.6454 Filereyna       2 20:30  -391  415     2.6454 reyna       2 20:30  -391  415 
  3.4932 FileGrace_Tjie  1 15:40  -415  391            Group: novice
  4.5267 Filesiuyee      3 11:57  -511  295     1.5267 siuyee      3 11:57  -511  295 
  5.5678 FileHasni       0 15:40  -517  289     2.5678 Hasni       0 15:40  -517  289 
  6.4025 Fileleonora     0 14:32  -550  256     3.5666 Faeythe     0 12:27  -617  189 
  7.5666 FileFaeythe     0 12:27  -617  189            Group: not rated
  8.  -  Filejuliswa     0 11:32  -673  133     1.4932 Grace_Tjie  1 15:40  -415  391 
  9.1854 Filerainbow     0 12:15  -733   73     2.4025 leonora     0 14:32  -550  256 
                                             3.  -  juliswa     0 11:32  -673  133 
                                             4.1854 rainbow     0 12:15  -733   73 

On 1st draw, WEISE H4 24 --- WEISE to guide in a certain direction [v]
Other tops: WEELS H4 24, WEILS H4 24, WIELS H4 24, WILES H4 24
Other moves: LEWIS H4 18, LEWIS H8 18, LWEIS H4 18, LWEIS H8 18, SEWEL H4 18
WILES H4 24 reyna
WEELS H4 24 siuyee
SWEEL H8 18 Faeythe
WISE H8 14 Grace_Tjie
LIES H7 8 juliswa

On 2nd draw, (S)LEAZOID 6B 87 --- SLEAZOID a person of low morals or character [n]
Other tops: DIAZOLE(S) 6G 87
Other moves: D(I)AZOLE G6 82, D(I)AZOLE I6 82, DA(M)OZEL 9H 78, D(I)AZOLE 9H 77, DA(M)OZEL G6 75
DI(T)Z 6G 33 Faeythe
ZOA G3 29 reyna
DZO G2 28 Grace_Tjie, matrix
LAZED 9D 26 siuyee

On 3rd draw, PATIENT E5 36 --- PATIENT able to endure disagreeable circumstances without complaint [adj] --- PATIENT calm and uncomplaining [adj] --- PATIENT one who is under medical treatment [n] --- PATIENT to make calm and uncomplaining [v]
Other moves: EPITHET D1 26, EPITHET D6 26, ETH 5C 26, WHIPT 4H 26, TEETH D4 24
WHITEN 4H 24 Faeythe
WHINE 4H 22 siuyee
EH 5D 22 matrix, reyna, Grace_Tjie
LENT C6 6 juliswa

On 4th draw, MIXABLE C1 38 --- MIX to put together into one mass [adj] --- MIXABLE able to be mixed [adj]
Other moves: IAMBI 8A 36, IBEX F11 31, AXMEN 10A 30, MINX 10C 29, AXITE D11 28
MIXE(S) B2 26 siuyee
EXIT D11 24 reyna
AXE D11 22 Grace_Tjie
EXIT 8C 19 matrix
EXAM 8H 13 Faeythe
TEXT 11B 11 leonora

On 5th draw, A(P)HASIA J2 83 --- APHASIA inability to express thoughts in words [n]
Other moves: A(P)HASIA 12A 80, (T)AIAHAS D8 75, (T)AIAHAS D9 75, (T)AIAHAS F9 70, A(P)HASIA G8 62
AHA B1 35 reyna
MASHI(E) 1C 33 Faeythe
HAMS 1A 30 Hasni, Grace_Tjie, leonora, siuyee, matrix
HIS 2B 12 juliswa

On 6th draw, MINCER 1C 33 --- MINCER one that minces [n]
Other moves: ERMINE 1A 27, REMEN 1A 24, CINERIN 2B 22, EIRENIC 2B 22, NEMN 1A 21
MINCER 1C 33 reyna
RIME 1A 21 leonora
RIM 1A 15 Grace_Tjie, matrix
RICE 2B 12 siuyee
CAR 4B 10 juliswa
ENTICER 11C 9 Faeythe
CRANE 2H 7 Hasni
ENE 9E 4 rainbow

On 7th draw, ALCADE 8J 36 --- ALCADE the mayor of a Spanish town [n]
Other tops: CLAYS 12A 36, DECAYS 9H 36, SAYED F8 36, YEADS 12A 36
Other moves: DAY B2 34, DECAY 9H 34, DEY B2 34, DYES F9 34, SYCE 9H 34
CLAYS 12A 36 siuyee
DAY B2 34 reyna, matrix
CLADS 12A 32 Hasni
SAY F8 31 Faeythe
YEAD D9 25 Grace_Tjie
HAY 4J 18 juliswa
CANY 10C 17 leonora
DANS 10C 7 rainbow

On 8th draw, BROSY D8 39 --- BROSY smeared with brose [adj]
Other moves: BOY B2 38, RYOTS F9 33, HOSTRY 4J 32, RYOT F9 32, YOBS F10 32
BOY B2 38 reyna, matrix
BORTS 12A 30 Hasni
BOYS 12B 28 Faeythe
HOBS 4J 18 siuyee
ABORTS 2J 16 Grace_Tjie
DRY N8 15 leonora
BOAR M6 8 juliswa
RESTY O7 8 rainbow

On 9th draw, AERODYNE N4 66 --- AERODYNE an aircraft that is heavier than air [n]
Other moves: RENAYED N2 38, NOY F8 36, ONY F8 36, TAYS 7E 31, TOYS 7E 31
YEARN C10 30 reyna
YEAN K2 29 Hasni
YEAR 4A 22 siuyee
HORNY 4J 22 Grace_Tjie
YA 9M 21 matrix
DRY N8 15 leonora
LEAN K8 8 juliswa
RENY O7 7 rainbow

On 10th draw, DONA(S) B2 31 --- DONA a Spanish lady [n]
Other tops: ANODE O1 31, RONDE O1 31
Other moves: ANEAR C9 27, AREAD O1 27, OARED O1 27, OREAD O1 27, RAZED F4 27
READ O1 26 Hasni
ROAD O1 26 matrix
DAN B2 25 reyna
ARENA O1 23 leonora
DEAR O1 21 Grace_Tjie
READ 4L 14 siuyee
ANY 12B 6 juliswa
DEN 11M 4 rainbow

On 11th draw, WARM O1 43 --- WARM moderately hot [adj] --- WARM to raise the temperature [v]
Other moves: AREW O1 42, TREW O1 42, TREMA O1 39, WAME M7 37, RETAMA M3 35
WARM O1 43 Grace_Tjie, siuyee, matrix
TREW O1 42 leonora
WATER O1 32 Hasni
WARE O1 27 reyna
EAR 4M 4 juliswa
AE 4N 3 rainbow

On 12th draw, FIRTH O11 41 --- FIRTH an inlet of the sea [n]
Other tops: FRITH O11 41, FURTH O11 41
Other moves: FIRTH M1 32, FRITH M1 32, FRUIT O11 32, FURTH M1 32, UH 2E 30
FIRTH O11 41 matrix
RUTH M1 22 siuyee
HUNT M11 19 Grace_Tjie
HINT M1 19 Hasni
FRONT 10B 18 leonora
HA M7 18 reyna
FINE 11K 14 rainbow
LINT K8 8 juliswa

On 13th draw, CLITORIS L8 72 --- CLITORIS a sex organ [n]
Other tops: COISTRIL L8 72
Other moves: TROILIST 14H 70, ZITIS F6 31, ROZITS F4 29, ROZIT F4 25, TORSI 12K 23
ROILS M11 16 reyna
TOES 5L 14 matrix
HIS 4J 12 leonora
SOX 3A 10 juliswa
LIST K8 8 rainbow
STORE 9A 6 Grace_Tjie

On 14th draw, POUFS 15H 30 --- POUF a loose roll of hair [n] --- POUF to give a puffed shape to the hair [v]
Other moves: OP D3 28, POUF C11 28, DUFUS 15H 27, FOUDS 15H 27, FUGUS 15H 27
FOP M2 23 Hasni
FOG C12 22 matrix
FUD M2 20 reyna
FOG M2 20 leonora
UP K11 16 Grace_Tjie
PUT 11J 10 rainbow
DAM 4M 6 juliswa

On 15th draw, TOGAE M5 25 --- TOGA an outer garment worn in ancient Rome [n]
Other moves: GOEL K2 23, GEIT 14J 21, GLOZE F3 21, GULE K10 21, LUGE K10 21
TOG M2 14 Hasni
TUG M2 14 reyna, matrix
UG K11 13 Grace_Tjie
LONG 10C 9 juliswa
AE 5J 4 rainbow
TOO 12J 3 leonora

On 16th draw, DUGOUT L1 26 --- DUGOUT a canoe made by hollowing out a log [n]
Other moves: DONG 14G 23, DUNG 14G 23, TODS 7E 23, OUTGUN L1 22, TONG 14G 22
DUG K10 20 Grace_Tjie
ON D3 20 matrix
OD N1 17 Hasni
DONG 10C 10 juliswa
TANGO 2I 6 leonora
(P)OUT 3J 6 reyna
DOT 12K 4 rainbow

On 17th draw, JEON 10B 27 --- JEON a monetary unit of South Korea [n]
Other moves: JIVY 12A 25, JIZ F4 23, ZINE F6 23, JILT 11I 22, JET 11J 20
JIVY 12A 25 Grace_Tjie
JET 11J 20 reyna
JA 2N 18 matrix, Hasni
VIRL 13J 14 leonora
NONE 10C 6 juliswa

On 18th draw, NUNLIKE G8 69 --- NUNLIKE resembling a nun [adj]
Other moves: JUNKIE B10 34, KINE K10 30, KUNE K10 30, LEKU K10 30, LIKE K10 30
JUNKIE B10 34 matrix, Grace_Tjie
KA 2N 12 Hasni
KY 12C 9 leonora
TORN 6L 4 juliswa

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