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Game of July 11, 2011 at 01:09, 2 players
1. 86 pts dong
2. 50 pts dannyboy

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. denortz   H4    50    50   zoned
 2. ?fjrstu   4H    34    84   zurfs
 3. ?elmrtw   G5    31   115   mower
 4. aaeeins   F5    25   140   enes
 5. eginrtw   L1    68   208   wresting
 6. ?eehlot   J4    68   276   reclothe
 7. aanorsx  K10    47   323   axons
 8. aaelptt   1L    27   350   wept
 9. adiikls   O1    92   442   tailskid
10. cdeiloo   M8    79   521   oceloid
11. aeiortu  14E    64   585   outraised
12. cimnotu  15A    39   624   conium
13. abfgnot  H12    39   663   forb
14. abinrrv  I11    29   692   vara
15. aeghlqt  N10    34   726   haet
16. aeinqru   4A    37   763   requin
17. abdgpty   E1    30   793   tabid
18. aailpvy   1C    36   829   pitaya
19. agijlvy  13B    40   869   jivy

Remaining tiles: aggl

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.2879 Filedong        0  6:38  -783   86     1.6513 dannyboy    1  0:21  -819   50 
  2.6513 Filedannyboy    1  0:21  -819   50            Group: not rated
                                             1.2879 dong        0  6:38  -783   86 

On 1st draw, ZONED H4 50 --- ZONE to arrange in zones (areas distinguished from other adjacent areas) [v]
Other moves: NERTZ H8 48, ZONER H4 48, DOZEN H4 34, DOZER H4 34, TOZED H8 34
ZONED H4 50 dannyboy
DOZER H7 30 dong

On 2nd draw, ZURFS 4H 34 --- ZURF a coffee-cup holder [n]
Other moves: FR(I)TZ 4D 32, ZURF(S) 4H 32, ZU(R)FS 4H 32, Z(A)RFS 4H 32, Z(U)RFS 4H 32
JOTS 5G 11 dong

On 3rd draw, M(O)WER G5 31 --- MOWER one that mows [n]
Other moves: L(A)WER G5 27, L(O)WER G5 27, MEW G5 27, MEWL(E)R G7 27, MEWL(E)R I7 27
W(O)LFER K1 22 dong

On 4th draw, ENES F5 25 --- ENE evening (poetic) [n]
Other moves: AINEE 5K 22, EASE F6 22, SANE F6 22, SENA F6 22, SENE F6 22
M(O)WERS G5 10 dong

On 5th draw, WRESTING L1 68 --- WREST to take away by force [v]
Other moves: STREWING L4 66, TEWING 4A 28, WEFTING K2 28, WRING 4B 24, GEMOTE 5E 22
GENES F4 6 dong

On 6th draw, RE(C)LOTHE J4 68 --- CLOTHE to provide with clothing [v] --- RECLOTHE to dress again [v]
Other moves: HO(S)TELER 2E 64, HOTEL(I)ER 2E 62, HOWLET 1J 36, THOWEL(S) 1I 36, TOWHEE 1J 36

On 7th draw, AXONS K10 47 --- AXON the central process of a neuron [n]
Other moves: AXON K10 45, XOANA K11 42, AX K10 41, OX K10 41, SAX 12J 31

On 8th draw, WEPT 1L 27 --- WEEP to express sorrow by shedding tears [v]
Other moves: PARAE 2J 26, PARLE 2J 26, PATE L12 26, ALAP I10 25, ATAP I10 25

On 9th draw, TAILSKID O1 92 --- TAILSKID a support on which the tail of an airplane rests [n]
Other moves: AIKIDOS 12F 46, SKALD E1 34, KAID E2 32, KILD E2 32, SAKI I9 32

On 10th draw, OCELOID M8 79 --- OCELOID pertaining to an ocelot [adj] --- OCELOT an American wildcat [adj]
Other moves: OCELOID N8 77, DOCILE 12J 32, CLIED E1 30, COILED 4A 30, COLED E1 30

On 11th draw, OUTRAISED 14E 64 --- OUTRAISE to surpass in raising [v]
Other moves: EROTISED 8A 30, ROUTE N10 30, EAR I9 23, EAT I9 23, ARIOT I10 22

On 12th draw, CONIUM 15A 39 --- CONIUM a poisonous herb [n]
Other moves: CONTUSED 8A 36, MUN L10 36, CONIUM 4A 33, CORM H12 33, CUMIN 15A 32

On 13th draw, FORB H12 39 --- FORB any herb which is not grass [n]
Other moves: BARF H12 36, FAB N10 35, FOB N10 35, FANO N10 34, FONT N10 34

On 14th draw, VARA I11 29 --- VARA a Spanish unit of length [n]
Other moves: BARRIO B10 28, BAVIN 4B 25, RAIA I11 23, RANA I11 23, RAVIN 4B 21

On 15th draw, HAET N10 34 --- HAET a small amount [n]
Other moves: HAGLET 4A 33, HAE N10 31, FAH K4 29, QAT 4D 29, HA N10 28

On 16th draw, REQUIN 4A 37 --- REQUIN a voracious shark [n]
Other moves: QUEAN 4B 33, QUERN 4B 33, QUIN 4C 31, REQUIN C10 30, UNERASED 8A 30

On 17th draw, TABID E1 30 --- TABID affected with tabes [adj]
Other tops: RYBAT A4 30
Other moves: BAYT 13C 29, ABID E2 28, PAID E2 28, PYA N1 28, Y*D E3 28

On 18th draw, PITAYA 1C 36 --- PITAYA a cactus of southwestern U.S. and Mexico [n]
Other tops: AIRPLAY A2 36, PALAY 2B 36
Other moves: VAIRY A1 33, AYELP B2 32, TIVY 1E 30, TYPAL 1E 30, PALY 13C 29

On 19th draw, JIVY 13B 40 --- JIVY lively [adj]
Other moves: JA 14B 38, VAIRY A1 33, JAY 13C 32, GAILY 13B 29, JARL 2J 29
VEG B3 7 dong

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