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Game of July 11, 2011 at 07:24, 9 players
1. 583 pts kellybelly
2. 452 pts Hasni
3. 392 pts jimbo

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?aiikqz   H4    56    56   zaikai
 2. ?aegloo   4H    86   142   zoogloea
 3. aefforw   O4    36   178   affear
 4. ehnstuw   8D    64   242   unswathe
 5. ilmnost   J1    68   310   monoliths
 6. aeijotv   1G    42   352   ojime
 7. adeeirr   2A    72   424   readier
 8. abegint   A2    92   516   rebating
 9. adhilrx   3C    39   555   xi
10. adeeiru   4A    38   593   bredie
11. cdenowy   L8    45   638   downy
12. aaemnsu  10E    32   670   amuse
13. clnorty  11B    31   701   crony
14. elprtuv   C9    24   725   vertu
15. adhorsv   5C    43   768   dosh
16. aiopprt   N9    34   802   apport
17. agiltuv  M12    23   825   gait
18. abclnuv   M3    30   855   vocab

Remaining tiles: ellnqu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7223 Filekellybelly  6 12:46  -272  583     1.7223 kellybelly  6 12:46  -272  583 
  2.5748 FileHasni       3 22:48  -403  452            Group: novice
  3.4905 Filejimbo       0 22:34  -463  392     1.5748 Hasni       3 22:48  -403  452 
  4.4860 Filelyndyloo    1  9:54  -603  252     2.5413 annelhynz   0  9:01  -709  146 
  5.5413 Fileannelhynz   0  9:01  -709  146     3.5432 ELCEE       0  1:49  -829   26 
  6.3988 Filecharmz      0  8:59  -720  135            Group: not rated
  7.5432 FileELCEE       0  1:49  -829   26     1.4905 jimbo       0 22:34  -463  392 
  8.  -  Filepjcat       0  1:39  -845   10     2.4860 lyndyloo    1  9:54  -603  252 
  9.  -  Filejjjude2000  0  0:33  -851    4     3.3988 charmz      0  8:59  -720  135 
                                             4.  -  pjcat       0  1:39  -845   10 
                                             5.  -  jjjude2000  0  0:33  -851    4 

On 1st draw, ZAIK(A)I H4 56 --- ZAIKAI the business community of Japan [n]
Other tops: Z(A)IKAI H4 56
Other moves: KAZI(S) H4 44, K(H)AZI H4 44, Q(U)IZ H5 42, Q(U)IZ H6 42, Q(U)IZ H7 42
Q(U)IZ H7 42 kellybelly
Q(U)IZ H8 42 jimbo
Q(U)IZ H5 42 Hasni

On 2nd draw, Z(O)OGLOEA 4H 86 --- ZOOGLOEA a jellylike mass of bacteria [n]
Other tops: ZOOGL(E)AE 4H 86, ZOOGL(O)EA 4H 86, ZOOG(L)EAL 4H 86, ZO(O)GLOEA 4H 86
Other moves: ZOOGLEA(E) 4H 84, ZOOGLEA(L) 4H 84, ZOOGLEA(S) 4H 84, (Z)OOGLEA G8 62, ZOOGLEA 4H 34
ZO(N)AL 4H 26 kellybelly
OGLE(S) 10D 25 jimbo
ZOO 4H 12 Hasni

On 3rd draw, AFFEAR O4 36 --- AFFEAR to frighten [v]
Other moves: WOF 3M 35, OFF 3M 32, ORFE I7 29, AFFEER N1 28, ARF I7 28
AFFEAR O4 36 kellybelly
AFORE O4 24 jimbo

On 4th draw, UNSW(A)THE 8D 64 --- UNSWATHE to unbind [v]
Other moves: UNSEW 10F 37, NEWTS 10D 35, EWTS 10E 34, HEST 10F 34, SEWN 10H 34
NEWTS 10D 35 jimbo
HEST 10F 34 kellybelly
WHENS 10K 26 Hasni
HOUSE J3 10 pjcat

On 5th draw, MONOLITHS J1 68 --- MONOLITH a large block of stone [n]
Other moves: INMOST 10D 33, LIMNS 10D 32, LIMOS 10D 32, AMNIOS 5H 31, MISO 10F 31
MIST 10F 31 kellybelly
SOM 10H 30 Hasni
MINTS 10D 28 jimbo

On 6th draw, OJIME 1G 42 --- OJIME a bead on a cord which fastens a Japanese container [n]
Other moves: JA 3M 38, JO 3M 38, JAM 1H 36, MOTIVE 1J 36, JIVE 10L 35
JO 3M 38 kellybelly, Hasni
MOTIVE 1J 36 jimbo
JAM 1H 36 lyndyloo

On 7th draw, READIER 2A 72 --- READY prepared [adj]
Other moves: READIER N7 68, RERAISED F3 65, DEARER L8 35, DEARIE L8 35, DREARE L8 35
DEARER L8 35 kellybelly, Hasni
DRAINER E4 16 jimbo
DESIRE F6 13 lyndyloo

On 8th draw, REBATING A2 92 --- REBATE to deduct or return from a payment or bill [v]
Other moves: BEATING N8 80, BEATING N7 70, BEANING E5 40, GRABEN A1 36, ENTIA 1A 34
REBATING A2 42 kellybelly
GREAT A1 21 jimbo, Hasni
BANTING E6 20 lyndyloo

On 9th draw, XI 3C 39 --- XI the fourteenth letter of the Greek alphabet [n]
Other moves: DRAIL L8 33, DAHLIA 5G 32, HEXAD B1 32, RADIX L6 32, HAD 3C 30
XI 3C 39 kellybelly, Hasni
HOAX M3 28 lyndyloo
LAX C1 20 jimbo

On 10th draw, BREDIE 4A 38 --- BREDIE (South Africa) a meat and vegetable stew [n]
Other moves: BEEDI 4A 36, BREDE 4A 36, DEARIE L8 35, BRED 4A 34, BREED 4A 34
BREDIE 4A 38 kellybelly
DIRE L8 24 Hasni
RUINED E5 14 lyndyloo, jimbo

On 11th draw, DOWNY L8 45 --- DOWNY fluffily soft [adj]
Other moves: DECOY L8 43, DYNE 5C 43, DOYEN L8 39, DONE 5C 34, ENDOW N6 33
DOWNY L8 45 kellybelly, Hasni
OWNED N6 31 annelhynz
DEWY L8 30 lyndyloo
COWED M3 26 jimbo
WOODEN M2 22 charmz

On 12th draw, AMUSE 10E 32 --- AMUSE to occupy pleasingly [v]
Other tops: NAMES 10D 32, NEMAS 10D 32
Other moves: AMAS 10E 31, AMUS 10E 31, EMUS 10E 31, MASA 10F 31, MASE 10F 31
NAMES 10D 32 Hasni, lyndyloo
AMUSE 10E 32 kellybelly
MEANS 10D 28 jimbo
MANES 11J 14 charmz

On 13th draw, CRONY 11B 31 --- CRONY a close friend [n]
Other tops: CORNY 11B 31
Other moves: COONTY M2 30, CORNY 11A 30, CRONY 11A 30, CYTON 11C 30, RYOT 11D 30
CORNY 11B 31 kellybelly
CRY 11D 27 annelhynz
YONT M11 24 Hasni
CLOY M2 18 charmz
ONLY 11K 14 jimbo

On 14th draw, VERTU C9 24 --- VERTU a love or taste for the fine arts [n]
Other tops: PLOVER M2 24
Other moves: PE 10N 23, PURLER C9 22, CRUVE B11 20, CURVE B11 20, PROVE M2 20
PROVE M2 20 lyndyloo
CURVE B11 20 kellybelly
CREPT B11 18 annelhynz, Hasni
REVOLT M1 18 charmz
VENT 11J 14 jimbo

On 15th draw, DOSH 5C 43 --- DOSH money [n]
Other moves: SODA 5C 35, SOD 5C 31, DOS 5C 30, HOA M9 26, DASH 14A 25
HOA M9 26 kellybelly
HOARD M3 22 charmz
SHOD 14C 21 lyndyloo
SHARD 14C 20 jimbo
OH N6 19 annelhynz
SHA 14C 15 Hasni

On 16th draw, APPORT N9 34 --- APPORT motion due to psychic forces [n]
Other moves: APP 3L 28, APO 3L 22, APT 3L 22, POA M9 22, TROPPO M2 22
POA M9 22 kellybelly, Hasni
APPORT M1 20 lyndyloo
OPT N6 20 annelhynz
POOP M3 16 jimbo
PARTY 12H 13 charmz

On 17th draw, GAIT M12 23 --- GAIT to train a horse to move in a particular way [v]
Other moves: GAU M12 21, VLEI N2 19, GAVOT M1 18, LOVAT M3 18, VOILA M3 18
VOILA M3 18 lyndyloo
AT 1B 17 kellybelly
VOLT M3 14 charmz
IT N6 13 annelhynz
GUILTY 12G 11 Hasni
GLUT 14K 5 jimbo
TA 6A 4 jjjude2000

On 18th draw, VOCAB M3 30 --- VOCAB a vocabulary [n]
Other moves: BAC O13 29, CAB O13 29, UNVOCAL M1 26, BAL O13 23, BAN O13 23
BAC O13 29 kellybelly
CAVE N1 18 annelhynz
BA 3M 18 Hasni
COB M3 14 charmz
BLUNT 15I 8 jimbo

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