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Game of July 11, 2011 at 08:08, 10 players
1. 541 pts yab
2. 482 pts Faeythe
3. 455 pts annelhynz

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. acnprtu   H4    26    26   puncta
 2. eemnosu   4G    22    48   spumone
 3. acinrss   N1    84   132   arcsins
 4. aefhrtv   O7    50   182   trefah
 5. aeioptw   1K    33   215   watap
 6. aeilnsx   G8    71   286   alexins
 7. deeinrv  14B    78   364   inversed
 8. ?dooruu  15H    33   397   dolour
 9. ?eeiort  11F    78   475   exoteric
10. aaeglow  10I    34   509   awol
11. eeimnrt   8A    92   601   terminate
12. aggiloy  12J    34   635   yag
13. degjotv   2J    35   670   jog
14. ddeiotv   J4    32   702   moved
15. aeghilq  13B    37   739   qi
16. adefhiu  F10    36   775   hedera
17. egiltyz   B7    34   809   geez
18. billouy   3B    27   836   billyo
19. abfiktu   2F    42   878   kif

Remaining tiles: abitu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6704 Fileyab         5 19:21  -337  541     1.6704 yab         5 19:21  -337  541 
  2.5669 FileFaeythe     1 24:31  -396  482     2.6680 woofy1      2 20:41  -458  420 
  3.5416 Fileannelhynz   1 17:57  -423  455            Group: novice
  4.6680 Filewoofy1      2 20:41  -458  420     1.5669 Faeythe     1 24:31  -396  482 
  5.4876 Filelyndyloo    1 19:41  -475  403     2.5416 annelhynz   1 17:57  -423  455 
  6.5461 Fileslebbarc    0  9:59  -618  260     3.5461 slebbarc    0  9:59  -618  260 
  7.4054 Filecharmz      0 14:36  -718  160            Group: not rated
  8.4933 Filejimbo       0  6:35  -756  122     1.4876 lyndyloo    1 19:41  -475  403 
  9.2818 Fileding        0  3:35  -824   54     2.4054 charmz      0 14:36  -718  160 
 10.  -  Filehineao      0  1:41  -870    8     3.4933 jimbo       0  6:35  -756  122 
                                             4.2818 ding        0  3:35  -824   54 
                                             5.  -  hineao      0  1:41  -870    8 

On 1st draw, PUNCTA H4 26 --- PUNCTUM a point [n]
Other moves: CAPUT H4 24, PUCAN H4 24, UNCAP H8 24, PUNCTA H3 22, PUNCTA H7 22
PACT H8 16 lyndyloo, slebbarc

On 2nd draw, SPUMONE 4G 22 --- SPUMONE an Italian ice cream [n]
Other moves: PENSUM 4H 20, EMEUS G8 19, EMEUS I8 19, OMENS I8 19, EMES G8 18
SOME I3 17 Faeythe
MEN I3 14 annelhynz
SEEM I9 10 lyndyloo
POEM 4H 8 hineao

On 3rd draw, ARCSINS N1 84 --- ARCSIN a trigonometric inverse function [n]
Other moves: ARSENICS M1 76, CERASINS M3 74, ARCSINS I8 66, ACRASINS 9H 64, ARCSINS G9 64
CRASIS N1 32 yab
CRASS N1 26 lyndyloo
SACS N4 24 slebbarc
SCARS N4 21 Faeythe
SANS 3K 16 annelhynz

On 4th draw, TREFAH O7 50 --- TREFAH not kosher also TREF, TREFA, TREIFA [adj]
Other moves: FATHER O5 45, HAFTER O7 44, HAAF 1L 42, THRAVE O7 41, TREFAH 1J 39
TREFAH O7 50 yab
AFEAR 1K 36 slebbarc
FEAT 1L 33 lyndyloo
HEAT 1L 33 annelhynz
HE O1 32 Faeythe

On 5th draw, WATAP 1K 33 --- WATAP a thread made from the roots of various trees [n]
Other moves: WE O1 32, WIPE N9 32, PEWIT N11 29, AWE 5J 28, OWE 5J 28
WATAP 1K 33 yab
WE O1 32 Faeythe
PEAT 1L 27 lyndyloo, slebbarc, annelhynz

On 6th draw, ALEXINS G8 71 --- ALEXIN a substance in the blood that aids in the destruction of bacteria [n]
Other tops: ALEXINS I8 71
Other moves: ALEXINS G9 69, ALEXINS I9 69, XENIA 5K 46, AXE 5J 44, AX 5J 40
AXE 5J 44 annelhynz, Faeythe, yab, woofy1
AXELS I8 39 slebbarc
OXEN K4 22 lyndyloo

On 7th draw, INVERSED 14B 78 --- INVERSE to turn something into the opposite [v]
Other moves: INNERVED 13F 76, INNERVED L3 66, INNERVED 13E 63, INVEXED 11C 36, VERNIX 11B 32
VEXED 11E 32 lyndyloo, slebbarc, woofy1
REINDEX 11A 30 yab
DE F10 23 Faeythe
VIDE I9 22 annelhynz

On 8th draw, DO(L)OUR 15H 33 --- DOLOUR dolor [n]
Other moves: DO(L)OUR N9 32, ODOUR N10 31, ODOUR(S) N10 31, DOU(A)R 15H 30, DO(B)RO 15H 30
DO(L)OUR 15H 33 yab
ROU(N)D 15H 30 woofy1
DOOR 15H 27 slebbarc
DOUR 15H 27 Faeythe
DUX 11E 22 annelhynz, lyndyloo
OXO 11F 10 ding

On 9th draw, EXOTERI(C) 11F 78 --- EXOTERIC intelligible to outsiders [adj]
Other tops: EXERTIO(N) 11F 78, EXTERIO(R) 11F 78, EXTE(R)IOR 11F 78, OXI(M)ETER 11F 78
Other moves: ORIE(N)TATE 8A 77, ORE(C)TIVE D8 74, EROTI(S)E M7 70, EROTI(Z)E M7 70, ERE(C)TION C7 68
EXERTIO(N) 11F 28 woofy1, yab
EXITE(D) 11F 24 lyndyloo
EX(C)ITE 11F 24 ding
TORE(S) N11 21 slebbarc
TEX 11E 20 annelhynz
TO F10 17 Faeythe
RIOTER M10 12 charmz

On 10th draw, AWOL 10I 34 --- AWOL one who is absent without leave [n]
Other moves: WAG 10J 33, W*G 10J 33, AWA 10I 31, AWE 10I 31, AWE F9 30
WAG 10J 33 yab
AWE 10I 31 woofy1
AWE F9 30 Faeythe
WE F10 26 annelhynz
WAVE D12 22 charmz
WOVE D12 22 slebbarc
(C)OWER M11 14 lyndyloo
COWL 7H 10 ding

On 11th draw, TERMINATE 8A 92 --- TERMINATE [v]
Other moves: INTIME 12D 34, RETIME 12D 34, INTERIM 12B 33, INTERMAT 8A 33, EMETIN 5J 32
RETIME 12D 34 woofy1
MET F10 23 annelhynz
RETIME 3B 21 yab
ME F10 20 Faeythe
MINTER 6F 16 slebbarc, lyndyloo
MENT C12 12 charmz

On 12th draw, YAG 12J 34 --- YAG acronym for yttrium aluminium garnet, a synthetic gemstone [n]
Other moves: YAGI 3I 30, YOGA 3I 30, YOGI 3I 30, YEA F10 29, G*Y 15A 28
YEA F10 29 woofy1, Faeythe
YE F10 26 annelhynz
G*Y*M D4 22 yab
GLORY C5 14 charmz
ALIGN C10 12 lyndyloo

On 13th draw, JOG 2J 35 --- JOG to run at a slow, steady pace [v]
Other moves: JOE 15A 34, JET 2J 33, JOE 2J 33, JOT 2J 33, MOVED J4 32
JOG 2J 35 yab, woofy1
JOE 15A 34 Faeythe
JET 2J 33 annelhynz
JOG K3 22 jimbo
JOT K3 20 lyndyloo
JOT A6 10 ding
JET B7 10 charmz

On 14th draw, MOVED J4 32 --- MOVE to change from one position to another [v]
Other moves: DOUTED 5F 30, VID J6 28, IODID 12D 26, OUTED 5G 26, VOMITED D6 26
VOTIVE D10 26 jimbo
VOMITED D6 26 yab
VIVO D12 22 charmz
DEVOID E4 22 lyndyloo
VOE 15A 22 woofy1
DOE 15A 16 Faeythe
VIE B6 14 annelhynz

On 15th draw, QI 13B 37 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: HEGARI F10 36, HEGIRA F10 36, EACH 3L 27, HE 10F 26, HE F10 26
QI 13B 37 annelhynz, yab, lyndyloo, woofy1, Faeythe
QAT A6 12 charmz
QI B13 11 jimbo

On 16th draw, HEDERA F10 36 --- HEDERA ivy [n]
Other moves: FEH F10 35, HEDER F10 35, FED F10 31, EACH 3L 27, FE 10F 26
FEH F10 35 Faeythe
HE F10 26 annelhynz
FE F10 26 yab
OF K4 20 woofy1
HEAD B7 12 lyndyloo
HARD C6 11 charmz
FADS G1 10 jimbo

On 17th draw, GEEZ B7 34 --- GEEZ a mild oath [interj]
Other moves: MILTZ D8 32, ZEE B6 32, ZIN 6F 32, ZIN F6 32, ZITI E5 26
ZIN 6F 32 lyndyloo
ZEE B6 32 annelhynz, Faeythe, woofy1, yab
GLITZY A5 19 jimbo
ZIT E7 12 charmz

On 18th draw, BILLYO 3B 27 --- BILLYO in the phrase "like billyo", extremely [n]
Other moves: BULIMY D4 26, OBOLI 5J 26, YOB 14L 23, LOBULI 3B 21, MOLLY D8 20
MOLLY D8 20 yab
OY K4 20 annelhynz
BO N9 17 Faeythe
OB K4 16 woofy1
LIMB D6 8 jimbo
BIOS G1 7 charmz

On 19th draw, KIF 2F 42 --- KIF hemp smoked to produce euphoria [n]
Other moves: KIT 2F 39, KI 2F 38, KATI 4A 36, FIB 2F 35, KALIF D1 34
KIT 2F 39 yab
KAB 2A 30 woofy1
KILT D1 26 lyndyloo, charmz, jimbo
OF K4 20 annelhynz
KA 12C 19 Faeythe

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