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Game of July 11, 2011 at 08:54, 7 players
1. 562 pts yab
2. 484 pts Cruiser
3. 468 pts charmz

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?elqsuw   H3    48    48   squeal
 2. ?aeissy   9B    79   127   myiases
 3. cefiloo   8A    33   160   fool
 4. efhkotv  10D    32   192   eth
 5. eimnnot   3A    72   264   mentions
 6. aaekost   2D    40   304   sake
 7. degirrv   1A    37   341   diver
 8. addenor  11F    74   415   adorned
 9. abbefor   1G    48   463   fabber
10. ceginuy   4H    34   497   quince
11. ahimotu  12K    38   535   mouth
12. agoortx  12F    47   582   gox
13. ailnprw  H11    42   624   oxlip
14. aeinrwy  O11    42   666   whiny
15. deijopt   G7    36   702   jee
16. ceioprt   B7    86   788   compotier
17. aeiorwz   3M    40   828   wiz
18. aaegnru   O2    51   879   azurean
19. aadgiot  A11    37   916   diota
20. aaglrtv   6C    28   944   larvae

Remaining tiles: ggt

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6713 Fileyab         2 21:54  -382  562     1.6713 yab         2 21:54  -382  562 
  2.4461 FileCruiser     1 16:51  -460  484            Group: novice
  3.4037 Filecharmz      1 23:21  -476  468     1.5421 annelhynz   1 18:35  -504  440 
  4.5421 Fileannelhynz   1 18:35  -504  440     2.5619 JennyB      1 13:54  -664  280 
  5.5619 FileJennyB      1 13:54  -664  280            Group: not rated
  6.4933 Filejimbo       0  4:35  -806  138     1.4461 Cruiser     1 16:51  -460  484 
  7.4896 Filelyndyloo    0  1:40  -903   41     2.4037 charmz      1 23:21  -476  468 
                                             3.4933 jimbo       0  4:35  -806  138 
                                             4.4896 lyndyloo    0  1:40  -903   41 

On 1st draw, SQUE(A)L H3 48 --- SQUEAL to utter a sharp, shrill cry [v]
Other tops: EQU(A)LS H3 48, QUEL(L)S H4 48, QUE(L)LS H4 48
Other moves: QUEL(L) H4 46, QUES(T) H4 46, QUE(L)L H4 46, QUE(Y)S H4 46, QU(A)LE H4 46
QUEL(L)S H4 48 JennyB
SQUE(A)L H3 48 yab
QUES(T) H6 26 charmz

On 2nd draw, (M)YIASES 9B 79 --- MYIASIS infestation of human tissue by fly maggots [n]
Other moves: (M)YIASES 9D 76, (M)YIASES I6 75, ESSAYIS(H) 3F 74, ESSAYIS(H) 3G 74, ESSAYIS(T) 3F 74
Q(U)EASY 4H 34 charmz, Cruiser, yab
Q(U)AYS 4H 32 JennyB

On 3rd draw, FOOL 8A 33 --- FOOL to deceive [v]
Other moves: COOL 8A 30, FOLIOLE 8C 28, OOF 8A 27, COOF 10A 24, FICOES 3C 24
FACE E8 18 charmz
FIL(M) B6 14 Cruiser
QI 4H 11 yab
SOIL F9 6 annelhynz

On 4th draw, ETH 10D 32 --- ETH an Old English letter [n]
Other moves: THE 10E 31, ETH 7A 30, EH 10E 28, HE 10F 28, KEEF G7 28
KEET G7 25 yab
SHOVE F9 19 Cruiser, annelhynz
F(A)KE 7G 19 charmz
LIKE D8 8 JennyB

On 5th draw, MENTIONS 3A 72 --- MENTION to refer to in a casual manner [v]
Other moves: (A)NTINOME 7H 61, ITEM I4 30, MONTE 11B 30, TIME I3 27, MEINT 11A 24
TIME I3 27 yab
MINE 11B 22 Cruiser
MINUTE 5E 16 charmz
EMIT 11F 12 JennyB
MEET 6F 12 annelhynz

On 6th draw, SAKE 2D 40 --- SAKE benefit, interest, or advantage [n]
Other tops: SOKE 2D 40, TEAKS 2B 40
Other moves: AKA 2E 37, AKE 2E 37, ASK 2D 37, OKA 2E 37, OKE 2E 37
KAMES A1 36 charmz
SAMEK A1 36 yab
KO 2F 34 annelhynz
KAM A1 27 Cruiser
TAMES A1 24 JennyB

On 7th draw, DIVER 1A 37 --- DIVER one that dives [n]
Other tops: DRIVER 1G 37, GIVER 1A 37
Other moves: GIVED 1G 34, RIVER 1A 34, DIVE 1A 31, DIVER 1G 31, DRIVE 1G 31
DRIVER 1G 37 annelhynz, yab
DIVER 1G 31 Cruiser
RIMED A1 27 charmz
GRIDE 11A 25 JennyB

On 8th draw, ADORNED 11F 74 --- ADORN to add something to for the purpose of making more attractive [v]
Other moves: UNADORED 5H 70, DARNED 1G 34, DRONED 1G 34, RANDED 1G 33, DANDER 1G 31
DRONED 1G 34 Cruiser, yab
DEAD 11D 29 JennyB
READD 1G 24 annelhynz
D(A)NDER 7G 10 charmz

On 9th draw, FABBER 1G 48 --- FAB excellent (FABBER, FABBEST) [adj]
Other moves: EARBOB 1G 42, FORB 1G 33, FRAB 1G 33, BARBE 1G 32, BARF 1G 32
FABBER 1G 48 Cruiser
FORB 1G 33 yab
FEAR 1G 27 annelhynz
BARB 10K 21 JennyB
B(A)RB 7G 11 charmz

On 10th draw, QUINCE 4H 34 --- QUINCE a fragrant, acid fruit [n]
Other tops: QUEYN 4H 34
Other moves: GYNIE 12D 33, CUEING 12A 32, GEY 12F 31, DICEY L11 30, YE 2J 30
YE 2J 30 annelhynz
GUNDY L8 24 charmz
GREY I10 12 Cruiser

On 11th draw, MOUTH 12K 38 --- MOUTH to feed into an opening in the head [v]
Other moves: MAHOUT 12A 35, TAHOU 12D 34, MUTHA 12C 33, MOHUA 12K 32, OHM 7A 32
MOUTH 12B 30 yab
HAM 12K 27 annelhynz, JennyB
METHO M3 22 Cruiser
H(A)M 7G 14 charmz

On 12th draw, GOX 12F 47 --- GOX gaseous oxygen [n]
Other moves: TAX 12F 45, HOAX O12 42, RETAX M3 40, AX 12G 37, OX 12G 37
HOAX O12 42 charmz, yab
GARTH O8 27 JennyB
HOOT O12 21 Cruiser
TAX N12 20 annelhynz

On 13th draw, OXLIP H11 42 --- OXLIP a flowering plant [n]
Other moves: AWHIRL O10 36, WHIRL O11 33, WITAN N10 32, HWAN O12 30, PHIAL O11 30
AWHIRL O10 36 yab
PHIAL O11 30 jimbo
HARP O12 27 JennyB
WAP 3M 26 annelhynz
HAIL O12 21 charmz
HAIR O12 21 Cruiser

On 14th draw, WHINY O11 42 --- WHINY tending to whine [adj]
Other moves: WATERY N10 40, WITNEY N10 40, AYRE 2I 38, WAHINE O10 36, AYE 2I 35
WHINY O11 42 charmz
WAHINE O10 36 yab
WHEAR O11 33 Cruiser
YE 2J 30 annelhynz
(A)IRWAY 7H 16 lyndyloo

On 15th draw, JEE G7 36 --- JEE to turn to the right [v]
Other moves: JOT N10 31, JEEP 6F 29, EEJIT 6H 28, JEED 6F 28, EEJIT M3 26
JOT N10 31 yab, annelhynz
J(A)PED 7G 25 lyndyloo, Cruiser
JET M3 20 charmz

On 16th draw, CO(M)POTIER B7 86 --- COMPOTIER
Other moves: PERIOTIC 14B 78, PERIOTIC 14E 66, CREPON 14J 32, PECTIN 14J 32, READORNED 11D 32
POT N10 16 yab
NICER K4 14 Cruiser
PREY 15L 12 annelhynz
PERT M3 12 charmz

On 17th draw, WIZ 3M 40 --- WIZ a very clever or skillful person [n]
Other moves: WEIZE M3 36, ZAIRE 14F 36, WIZEN 14K 34, AREW 15A 33, AROW 15A 33
ARROW 15A 27 Cruiser
ZERO M3 26 jimbo
WO A14 26 annelhynz
ZIN 14M 24 charmz

On 18th draw, AZUREAN O2 51 --- AZUREAN of the colour of azure [adj]
Other moves: GAZAR O1 48, GAZER O1 48, GAZE O1 45, NAZE O1 42, RAZE O1 42
GAZER O1 48 yab, jimbo
GAZE O1 45 charmz
RAZE O1 42 Cruiser
REZ O1 36 annelhynz

On 19th draw, DIOTA A11 37 --- DIOTA an ancient two-handled vase [n]
Other moves: DATTO N10 31, GOTTA N10 31, IOTA A12 28, DRAG 15A 24, GRAD 15A 24
GRID 15A 24 charmz, jimbo
DRAG 15A 24 Cruiser
GRAD 15A 24 annelhynz
TRAGI 15A 24 yab

On 20th draw, LARVAE 6C 28 --- LARVA the immature form of various insects and animals when newly hatched [n]
Other moves: GALA C11 27, VAE 6F 25, TALA C11 24, GAL C11 22, AGAR 10J 21
VAT N10 19 annelhynz
VARY 15L 14 Cruiser
J(A)GRA 7G 14 yab
J(A)R 7G 10 jimbo
TAN 8M 3 charmz

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