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Game of July 11, 2011 at 15:51, 12 players
1. 489 pts reyna
2. 481 pts rn.roselle
3. 470 pts mylover81

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?abdenn   H4    74    74   branned
 2. ?deikrt   6C    74   148   tidemark
 3. aeilssu   K6    77   225   saulies
 4. aaceghp  J10    40   265   peach
 5. egiilst   4H    74   339   bilgiest
 6. abdefir   O2    39   378   fatbird
 7. adeimor   8A    86   464   radiomen
 8. aefootu   N1    29   493   tefs
 9. ehnrtuv   E8    78   571   overhunt
10. agnosux   N6    52   623   xu
11. enostwy  15E    52   675   twenty
12. aeiloow   5C    29   704   alow
13. egoorst  D12    23   727   ego
14. ceimnop  L12    32   759   poem
15. aginrst   A5    61   820   starring
16. aenooqr   C2    28   848   qanat
17. acjlooy  15L    39   887   mojo
18. cilouvy  F13    23   910   vow
19. ceiiory   M7    25   935   coyer

Remaining tiles: aiiluz

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.6478 Filereyna       3 21:39  -446  489     1.7055 mylover81   3 17:35  -465  470 
  2.6425 Filern.roselle  2 20:46  -454  481            Group: intermediate
  3.7055 Filemylover81   3 17:35  -465  470     1.6478 reyna       3 21:39  -446  489 
  4.5544 Filenarisa      1 16:03  -537  398     2.6425 rn.roselle  2 20:46  -454  481 
  5.6207 Fileshanice     1 16:30  -560  375     3.6207 shanice     1 16:30  -560  375 
  6.4163 FileJudyS       1 19:19  -562  373            Group: novice
  7.5318 Filesiuyee      0 12:10  -742  193     1.5544 narisa      1 16:03  -537  398 
  8.5615 FileJennyB      1 10:34  -787  148     2.5318 siuyee      0 12:10  -742  193 
  9.4978 Filejimbo       0  3:24  -870   65     3.5615 JennyB      1 10:34  -787  148 
 10.3237 FileChiliB.     0  0:30  -913   22     4.5411 neyetifu    0  0:41  -914   21 
 11.5411 Fileneyetifu    0  0:41  -914   21            Group: not rated
 12.  -  Fileseazel      0  1:36  -917   18     1.4163 JudyS       1 19:19  -562  373 
                                             2.4978 jimbo       0  3:24  -870   65 
                                             3.3237 ChiliB.     0  0:30  -913   22 
                                             4.  -  seazel      0  1:36  -917   18 

On 1st draw, B(R)ANNED H4 74 --- BRAN to soak in water mixed with bran (the outer coat of cereals) [v]
Other moves: B(R)ANNED H6 72, B(R)ANNED H2 70, B(R)ANNED H7 70, B(R)ANNED H8 70, B(R)ANNED H3 68
BANNED H4 24 rn.roselle, reyna
B(R)ANNED H4 24 mylover81
BANDE(D) H4 22 narisa, siuyee
BANNE(R) H4 20 JudyS
BANNED H8 20 shanice

On 2nd draw, TIDE(M)ARK 6C 74 --- TIDEMARK a mark showing the highest or lowest points of a tide [n]
Other tops: (S)TRAIKED 6E 74
Other moves: TINKER(E)D 7F 70, TINK(E)RED 7F 70, DETI(C)KER 9B 69, TI(N)KERED 9D 68, DETI(C)KER 9G 66
(S)KI(R)TED 5E 40 shanice
BRI(C)KED 4H 26 siuyee
BIKED 4H 24 rn.roselle
BR(A)KED 4H 24 mylover81
T(R)I(C)KED 5G 20 jimbo
(R)(A)KED 5H 16 narisa
RAKED 6G 12 JudyS

On 3rd draw, SAULIES K6 77 --- SAULIE a hired mourner [n]
Other moves: ISSUABLE 4C 70, SUASIBLE 4C 70, DEASIULS E6 68, DUALISES E6 68, SAULIES I9 65
LIASES K1 25 jimbo
SALES K2 23 rn.roselle, narisa, reyna
SAILS K2 23 mylover81, siuyee
LASES K2 23 shanice
SLIDES E3 14 JudyS

On 4th draw, PEACH J10 40 --- PEACH to inform against someone [v]
Other moves: AHEAP L11 38, AHEAP J9 37, CHAPE 5A 36, PHAGE J10 36, EPHA J9 34
PEACH J10 40 mylover81
HEAP J10 34 rn.roselle, reyna, shanice
SHAPE 12K 22 JudyS
CHIP D4 22 siuyee
SPACE 12K 20 jimbo
GAPED E2 18 narisa

On 5th draw, BILGIEST 4H 74 --- BILGY smelling like seepage [adj]
Other moves: LEGIT 5B 25, GILET 5B 24, GUILES 8J 24, GUILTS 8J 24, GUSTIE 8J 24
ELS L10 20 reyna
GITE 5B 20 mylover81
LITE 5B 18 rn.roselle
GLIDES E3 16 shanice
LISTED E1 14 siuyee
PIGLET 10J 11 JudyS

On 6th draw, FATBIRD O2 39 --- FATBIRD a wading bird [n]
Other moves: DEBRIEF M3 36, RUBIED 8J 36, FIBER 5B 34, RABIDE(R) 5B 34, BIFTER O1 33
F*RT*D O1 30 JudyS, shanice, siuyee, reyna
FRATE O1 24 mylover81
FA 3M 22 rn.roselle
TABER O4 21 narisa

On 7th draw, RADIOMEN 8A 86 --- RADIOMAN a radio operator or technician [n]
Other moves: MEDIATOR C1 74, ADMIRED E5 44, ROAMED 5A 33, MOIDER N6 32, AIMED 5B 31
AIMED 5B 31 shanice
MOIRE N6 30 reyna
SAME N4 28 mylover81
MEAD N6 28 rn.roselle
HARMED 14J 24 siuyee
HOMED 14J 22 narisa
DRAT C3 10 JudyS

On 8th draw, TEFS N1 29 --- TEF a cereal grass [n]
Other tops: OOFS N1 29
Other moves: EFS N2 27, FETS N1 26, FOES N1 26, OAF 5D 25, OOF 5D 25
FETS N1 26 mylover81
FOES N1 26 narisa
FEAST 12H 24 reyna
FATE 5B 24 rn.roselle
OF 3L 22 shanice
FAST 12I 14 JudyS
FOOT C3 14 siuyee

On 9th draw, OVERHUNT E8 78 --- OVERHUNT to deplete the supply of game in an area by hunting to excess [v]
Other moves: HUER N6 33, HUE N6 32, HE N6 28, HENT L12 28, HERN L12 28
HUER N6 33 rn.roselle, reyna
HURT L12 28 mylover81
HUNT L12 28 shanice
HUNTED C3 22 JudyS
HUNTED E1 20 narisa
HUNTER 14J 18 siuyee

On 10th draw, XU N6 52 --- XU a monetary unit of Vietnam [n]
Other moves: AXON 5C 41, AX D12 37, OX D12 37, TAXON 15E 36, TAXUS 15E 36
XU N6 52 rn.roselle, reyna, mylover81, shanice
TAXUS 15E 36 narisa
TAXON 15E 36 JudyS
HOAX 12E 22 ChiliB.

On 11th draw, TWENTY 15E 52 --- TWENTY a number [n]
Other moves: NOWY 15G 46, SWEY 15G 46, TOWY 15G 46, WEYS 15H 46, NOYES 15H 43
TWENTY 15E 52 narisa
TWENTY 15A 39 shanice
STEWY 15D 36 JudyS
SOY 15H 34 rn.roselle
TOWNY 15E 33 mylover81, reyna

On 12th draw, ALOW 5C 29 --- ALOW in or to a lower position [adv]
Other tops: ALEW 5C 29, WAE D10 29, WOE D10 29, WOO D10 29
Other moves: LAWE(R) 5D 28, LOWE(R) 5D 28, AWHILE 12C 26, LAW 5D 25, LEW 5D 25
WOO D10 29 mylover81, reyna
WHOLE 12D 24 narisa
WILTED C3 22 JudyS
LEW 10D 14 rn.roselle
WE D10 12 JennyB

On 13th draw, EGO D12 23 --- EGO conscious thinking subject [n]
Other tops: SEGNO 14B 23
Other moves: LOGES 9K 22, LOGOS 9K 22, RESHOOT 12B 22, SHEROOT 14I 22, SHOOTER 14I 22
LOGOS 9K 22 reyna, mylover81, shanice
LOGES 9K 22 narisa
GOE L8 18 JennyB
GRATED C3 18 JudyS
RE F10 10 rn.roselle

On 14th draw, POEM L12 32 --- POEM a composition in verse [n]
Other moves: EMIC L7 29, EPIC L7 29, MASONIC 12I 28, PICE L12 28, POME L12 28
POEM L12 32 rn.roselle, JennyB
PIN L8 22 mylover81
P*M 4A 15 reyna
MASON 12I 14 narisa
CAT C4 5 JudyS

On 15th draw, STARRING A5 61 --- STAR to shine as a star (a natural luminous body visible in the sky) [v] --- STARRING the act or starring [n]
Other tops: TARRINGS A6 61
Other moves: STARRING A4 60, TARRINGS A5 60, STRAINT 1H 24, TRANSIT 1H 24, GIANTS M7 22
GRANTS M7 22 JennyB
MING 15L 21 reyna, rn.roselle
MANG 15L 21 narisa, mylover81
MAGS 15L 21 JudyS

On 16th draw, QANAT C2 28 --- QANAT a system of underground tunnels and wells in the Middle East [n]
Other moves: QAT 1L 22, QI I3 21, MANE 15L 18, MANO 15L 18, MARE 15L 18
QAT 1L 22 mylover81, JennyB, narisa, reyna
QI I3 21 rn.roselle, neyetifu, JudyS
MEAN 15L 18 seazel

On 17th draw, MOJO 15L 39 --- MOJO a magic charm [n]
Other moves: CAJON 14A 28, MAYO 15L 27, MOLY 15L 27, MOYA 15L 27, MOYL 15L 27
MOJO 15L 39 JudyS, reyna
MOLY 15L 27 narisa, rn.roselle
YA M13 22 mylover81
JA B3 20 JennyB

On 18th draw, VOW F13 23 --- VOW to make a vow (a solemn promise) [v]
Other tops: CLY M7 23, COY M7 23, YOW F13 23
Other moves: CLOY M7 21, COLY M7 21, IVY B12 21, DOILY C8 19, ICY B12 19
COY C10 17 reyna
IVY 10A 17 rn.roselle
LI D1 14 JennyB
VOL J2 14 JudyS
CLON 14B 12 narisa

On 19th draw, COYER M7 25 --- COY bashful [adj]
Other moves: COY M7 23, CRY M7 23, EYER G8 23, COREY M7 22, EYE G8 22
CRY M7 23 rn.roselle
DECOY C8 21 reyna
YO 4E 18 shanice
OY 13L 10 mylover81
CEIL J1 8 JennyB
COD E4 6 JudyS

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