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Game of July 11, 2011 at 17:21, 10 players
1. 590 pts musdrive
2. 541 pts jeff
3. 464 pts rn.roselle

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. afikort   H4    34    34   kofta
 2. ??aegly   5D    90   124   gargoyle
 3. cinorst   L3    81   205   cistron
 4. eenrssw  10J    29   234   ensews
 5. aaerttv   O4    42   276   vatters
 6. aadgnor   4A    27   303   gonad
 7. orrstuu   3B    24   327   sutor
 8. aellnpr   A4    30   357   grapnel
 9. aadeorr   B6    24   381   dear
10. bdeeiio   C6    29   410   debe
11. aeghilq   2A    28   438   qi
12. abehnoy   3I    38   476   beachy
13. chilmor   2I    37   513   ohm
14. cemnnou   2M    29   542   emu
15. aeillor   1D    26   568   loreal
16. eiijnpt   K8    35   603   jinni
17. adnopuw  L12    32   635   dowp
18. cegntuv  15L    24   659   puce
19. aiiituz   N5    28   687   za
20. iiinotv   D9    21   708   vino
21. fgiiitx  J12    37   745   fixt

Remaining tiles: giiiu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7055 Filemusdrive    9 18:43  -155  590     1.7055 musdrive    9 18:43  -155  590 
  2.6731 Filejeff        6 24:07  -204  541            Group: intermediate
  3.6414 Filern.roselle  1 21:57  -281  464     1.6731 jeff        6 24:07  -204  541 
  4.5557 Filenarisa      2 18:36  -313  432     2.6414 rn.roselle  1 21:57  -281  464 
  5.3220 FileChiliB.     0 20:25  -402  343     3.6075 margalang   0 12:04  -503  242 
  6.6075 Filemargalang   0 12:04  -503  242     4.6215 matrix      0  7:12  -578  167 
  7.4944 Filesandy914    1 14:15  -554  191            Group: novice
  8.6215 Filematrix      0  7:12  -578  167     1.5557 narisa      2 18:36  -313  432 
  9.5411 Fileneyetifu    0  4:34  -659   86     2.5411 neyetifu    0  4:34  -659   86 
 10.4560 FileiLody       0  3:21  -680   65            Group: not rated
                                             1.3220 ChiliB.     0 20:25  -402  343 
                                             2.4944 sandy914    1 14:15  -554  191 
                                             3.4560 iLody       0  3:21  -680   65 

On 1st draw, KOFTA H4 34 --- KOFTA fried balls of meat or vegetables [n]
Other tops: KAFIR H4 34, KRAFT H4 34
Other moves: FAKIR H4 32, TROIKA H8 30, KORAI H4 28, KORAT H4 28, KRAIT H4 28
KAFIR H4 34 musdrive
KRAFT H4 34 jeff, rn.roselle
FORK H8 22 ChiliB.
FORK H5 22 narisa, neyetifu

On 2nd draw, GA(R)(G)OYLE 5D 90 --- GARGOYLE an ornamental figure [n]
Other tops: AE(R)OL(O)GY 5E 90, A(M)YLOGE(N) 5D 90, A(R)EOL(O)GY 5E 90, GEALO(U)(S)Y 5D 90, (G)A(R)GOYLE 5D 90, (H)YALOGE(N) 5D 90, (H)Y(P)OGEAL 5E 90
Other moves: A(M)YG(D)ALE 8H 80, (D)EKAL(O)GY 4F 78, GAL(L)EY(S) 9B 76, GA(L)LEY(S) 9B 76, LY(N)AGE(S) 9B 76
G(R)EA(S)Y 9D 25 jeff
GA(B)Y I3 24 matrix
GAY(S) 9E 23 rn.roselle
KEL(L)Y 4H 22 musdrive
YEA(R) I6 20 neyetifu
FAG 6H 11 ChiliB.
LAKE 4F 8 narisa

On 3rd draw, CISTRON L3 81 --- CISTRON a segment of DNA [n]
Other moves: CORNIST 9C 77, CISTRON 9F 74, CITRONS 9B 74, CORTINS 9B 74, CANTORIS E4 70
COINS L1 31 narisa, matrix
CORNS L1 31 rn.roselle, musdrive
CORTINS 9B 24 jeff
COST L3 23 neyetifu
COG D3 12 sandy914
GROINS D5 8 ChiliB.

On 4th draw, ENSEWS 10J 29 --- ENSEW to follow [v]
Other tops: RESEWN 10J 29, RESEWS 10J 29
Other moves: ENSEW 10J 28, RESEW 10J 28, ENSEWS 9C 27, NEWSES 9E 27, RENEWS 9C 27
RESEWS 10J 29 narisa
RENEWS 9C 27 musdrive, jeff
SEWS 10L 25 rn.roselle
SOWER 8K 24 matrix
WEENS 9I 13 ChiliB.

On 5th draw, VATTERS O4 42 --- VATTER one who uses a vat [n]
Other moves: SAVATE O10 39, STARVE O10 30, VASTER O8 30, VARA 4A 28, VERA 4A 28
VATTERS O4 42 musdrive, jeff
STARVE O10 30 matrix, rn.roselle
TRAVES O5 27 narisa
RAVES O6 24 ChiliB., margalang
AVES O7 21 neyetifu

On 6th draw, GONAD 4A 27 --- GONAD a sex gland [n]
Other moves: ORGANA 4A 25, GROAN 4A 24, ARGAN 4A 22, AWRONG N9 22, GARCON 3I 22
GRAD 4B 21 musdrive
WAGON N10 18 jeff, matrix
WRONG N10 18 ChiliB., narisa
DRAGON D2 16 sandy914, margalang
GAY I3 15 rn.roselle

On 7th draw, SUTOR 3B 24 --- SUTOR a cobbler [n]
Other tops: TURGORS A1 24
Other moves: STOUN 9H 23, GROUTS A4 21, TRUGOS A1 21, TURGOR A1 21, UTUS 3A 21
SUTOR 3B 24 musdrive
GROUTS A4 21 jeff, rn.roselle
RUST 9F 19 narisa
TRUGS A1 18 margalang
RUTS 9E 18 sandy914
WORST N10 16 ChiliB., matrix

On 8th draw, GRAPNEL A4 30 --- GRAPNEL a type of anchor [n]
Other moves: GRAPLE A4 27, PARCEL 3I 26, PLACER 3I 26, GAPER A4 24, GRAPE A4 24
GRAPLE A4 27 jeff
GRAPE A4 24 margalang, musdrive, matrix, ChiliB.
GLARE A4 18 rn.roselle
WALLER N10 18 sandy914, narisa

On 9th draw, DEAR B6 24 --- DEAR a loved one [n] --- DEAR greatly loved [adj]
Other tops: AWARDER N9 24, DOER B6 24, ROARED B9 24
Other moves: ADORER B10 22, YEARD I5 22, DAE B6 21, DOE B6 21, ADORE B10 20
DOER B6 24 musdrive
AWARDER N9 24 jeff
WARRED N10 20 narisa
WARDER N10 20 sandy914
DA B6 18 margalang
WADER N10 18 ChiliB.
ROARED 11E 17 rn.roselle

On 10th draw, DEBE C6 29 --- DEBE a large tin (Swahili) [n]
Other moves: DEB C6 23, DIB 2A 23, BID 2A 22, BINDI K8 22, BONED K8 22
BID 2A 22 musdrive
BONED K8 22 jeff
BIDE 11H 21 rn.roselle
BEDE C8 17 narisa
BED C8 16 margalang
DINE K8 15 ChiliB.

On 11th draw, QI 2A 28 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other tops: AWEIGH N9 28
Other moves: AHING K7 27, EHING K7 27, AWHILE N9 26, LAH M1 26, HANGI K8 25
QI 2A 28 musdrive
WEIGH N10 24 narisa
WHILE N10 22 margalang
LEACH 3I 22 jeff
HE 11J 19 rn.roselle
EAGLE M10 12 ChiliB.

On 12th draw, BEACHY 3I 38 --- BEACHY sandy or pebbly [adj]
Other tops: BENCHY 3I 38
Other moves: HONEY 11G 34, BEANY 11G 32, BONEY 11G 32, EBONY 11G 32, YAH M1 32
BEACHY 3I 38 musdrive, jeff
HONEY 11G 34 rn.roselle
HONEY K8 29 narisa
EBONY J10 18 ChiliB.
HAY G8 15 margalang

On 13th draw, OHM 2I 37 --- OHM a unit of electrical resistance [n]
Other moves: CHIMO 11G 32, HM 2J 32, OH 2I 30, HOM 2H 28, WHILOM N10 28
OHM 2I 37 jeff, musdrive
OH 2I 30 margalang, rn.roselle
HELLO J2 18 ChiliB.
CRY N1 16 narisa

On 14th draw, EMU 2M 29 --- EMU a large, flightless bird [n]
Other tops: EMO 2M 29
Other moves: CUM 1G 28, MOC 1G 28, CON 2M 27, EM 2M 27, OM 2M 27
CUM 1G 28 musdrive
OM 2M 27 jeff
COME 11H 24 narisa
NOM 1G 22 rn.roselle, margalang
MEN 9J 11 ChiliB.

On 15th draw, LOREAL 1D 26 --- LOREAL pertaining to the head between the eye and the bill [adj]
Other moves: KEA 4H 23, ARIEL 1E 20, ILEAL 1E 20, ILLER 1E 20, LORAL 1E 20
OILER 1E 20 rn.roselle
ARIEL 1E 20 musdrive
WAILER N10 18 narisa
WALLER N10 18 jeff
LIER 1F 17 sandy914
LAIR 1F 17 margalang
ROLL 1F 17 ChiliB.

On 16th draw, JINNI K8 35 --- JINNI a supernatural being in Muslim mythology [n]
Other tops: JINNE K8 35
Other moves: JINN K8 33, EEJIT M9 29, EEJIT M10 24, PINITE 11F 22, PINITE K8 22
JINNE K8 35 musdrive
JET G8 20 margalang
PINE 11H 18 rn.roselle, jeff
NIP K10 10 ChiliB.
JET J9 10 sandy914, narisa

On 17th draw, DOWP L12 32 --- DOWP the buttocks [n]
Other moves: WINDUP 12J 30, DOUP L12 26, INDOW 12K 26, POWIN 12H 26, UPWIND 12H 26
WINDUP 12J 30 musdrive
WEAPON J9 25 rn.roselle
DOWN L12 24 jeff
WOUND N10 18 ChiliB.
WIND 12J 16 narisa, sandy914

On 18th draw, PUCE 15L 24 --- PUCE [adj] --- PUCE a dark red colour [n]
Other tops: GETUP 15H 24
Other moves: EVEN M10 22, PUNG 15L 21, VENT D9 21, GUV J12 20, UNWET 14J 20
PUCE 15L 24 sandy914
PUNG 15L 21 narisa, rn.roselle, jeff, musdrive
PUNT 15L 18 ChiliB.

On 19th draw, ZA N5 28 --- ZA pizza (slang) [n]
Other moves: ZEA J9 26, ZATI G8 25, ZITI G8 25, ZIT G8 24, ZA G8 23
ZA N5 28 narisa, jeff
ZEA J9 26 musdrive, iLody
ZITE O12 23 rn.roselle
WIZ N10 15 ChiliB.
ZA 8G 11 sandy914

On 20th draw, VINO D9 21 --- VINO wine [n]
Other tops: VINT D9 21
Other moves: VEIN J9 19, VOW 14J 17, VINO J12 16, VINT J12 16, VIN J12 15
VEIN J9 19 musdrive, iLody
VOW 14J 17 ChiliB., rn.roselle, narisa, jeff
VINE O12 11 sandy914

On 21th draw, FIXT J12 37 --- FIX to repair [v]
Other moves: FIX J12 36, INFIX 11C 30, TIX J12 30, XU O1 27, FIXT 7E 22
FIXT J12 37 musdrive
XU O1 27 jeff
NIX 11D 20 narisa, ChiliB., iLody
OX 13L 18 sandy914

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