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Game of July 11, 2011 at 19:44, 16 players
1. 576 pts PIThompson
2. 564 pts scrab21
3. 536 pts arlo805

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. adgllow   H7    28    28   gallow
 2. ?aersty  13B    87   115   estrays
 3. belnost   F8    64   179   neoblast
 4. bdefosv   H7    39   218   gallowses
 5. ?ceikpt  15H   110   328   spickest
 6. aeilorv   D8    82   410   violater
 7. acdintz   M9    56   466   zincate
 8. aeinors   N4    76   542   erasion
 9. egmoory   O1    37   579   germ
10. adeentx   L4    43   622   extend
11. aghmrty   K1    42   664   rhyta
12. bdimnpu   I2    72   736   dumpbin
13. aaddefo   O6    41   777   dof
14. eeehiru  B10    32   809   hiree
15. adeioov   A7    34   843   video
16. aefiinu   H1    34   877   fine
17. aagioqw   2F    34   911   qaid
18. aijoouw   E4    30   941   ouija

Remaining tiles: agouuw

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7418 FilePIThompson  4 16:07  -365  576     1.7418 PIThompson  4 16:07  -365  576 
  2.6117 Filescrab21     2 19:12  -377  564            Group: intermediate
  3.6108 Filearlo805     3 16:52  -405  536     1.6117 scrab21     2 19:12  -377  564 
  4.6574 FileDavina      4 14:46  -408  533     2.6108 arlo805     3 16:52  -405  536 
  5.6752 Filejeff        4 13:26  -436  505     3.6574 Davina      4 14:46  -408  533 
  6.5030 FileGrace_Tjie  3 13:46  -488  453     4.6752 jeff        4 13:26  -436  505 
  7.6436 Filern.roselle  2 10:26  -548  393     5.6436 rn.roselle  2 10:26  -548  393 
  8.6700 FileSuperH      2 10:27  -582  359     6.6700 SuperH      2 10:27  -582  359 
  9.5567 Filenarisa      1 16:17  -587  354     7.6709 yab         1  7:15  -835  106 
 10.  -  Filetatiana     0 15:57  -691  250     8.6708 ceosickey   0  1:12  -911   30 
 11.4710 Filetonikay     0 18:47  -693  248            Group: novice
 12.5089 Filesandy914    1  9:24  -716  225     1.5030 Grace_Tjie  3 13:46  -488  453 
 13.6709 Fileyab         1  7:15  -835  106     2.5567 narisa      1 16:17  -587  354 
 14.6708 Fileceosickey   0  1:12  -911   30     3.5089 sandy914    1  9:24  -716  225 
 15.4057 Filegmills0     0  1:42  -929   12            Group: not rated
 16.4868 Filevictor      0  1:58  -929   12     1.  -  tatiana     0 15:57  -691  250 
                                             2.4710 tonikay     0 18:47  -693  248 
                                             3.4057 gmills0     0  1:42  -929   12 
                                             4.4868 victor      0  1:58  -929   12 

On 1st draw, GALLOW H7 28 --- GALLOW to frighten [v]
Other moves: AGLOW H8 26, WALDO H4 26, WOALD H4 26, ALLOW H8 24, GALLOW H4 24
GALLOW H7 28 PIThompson, Davina, Grace_Tjie, jeff, arlo805
AGLOW H8 26 scrab21, rn.roselle
GLOW H5 16 tonikay
GLOW H7 16 tatiana

On 2nd draw, E(S)TRAYS 13B 87 --- ESTRAY to stray [v]
Other tops: (B)ETRAYS 13B 87
Other moves: ESTRAY(S) 13B 86, ESTRAY(S) 13G 83, EST(U)ARY 13G 83, (G)RAYEST 13C 83, E(S)TRAYS 13G 82
ESTRAY(S) 13B 36 rn.roselle
STRAYE(D) 13H 31 PIThompson
(S)TAYERS 13B 31 arlo805
YEAR(N)S 13C 27 Grace_Tjie
TRAYS 13D 23 jeff, narisa
(M)ASTERY 13F 22 Davina
WEARY 12H 22 scrab21
TEARS 13D 17 tonikay
SALE 9F 6 tatiana

On 3rd draw, NEOBLAST F8 64 --- NEOBLAST a cell important in regeneration of worms [n]
Other moves: NEOBLAST 8C 61, NOTABLES 8E 61, STONABLE 8D 61, GALLOWSES H7 39, BENETS B10 28
BONES B10 26 jeff, rn.roselle, scrab21
BO 14F 25 PIThompson
BE 14F 25 arlo805
LOBSTER E7 18 narisa
TOE 12B 13 Grace_Tjie
BORE E11 12 tatiana

On 4th draw, GALLOWSES H7 39 --- GALLOWS a structure used for hanging a condemned person [n]
Other tops: VOTED 15D 39
Other moves: VOTES 15D 36, SOFTED 15C 33, STOVED 15E 30, FOES 12A 29, VOES 12A 29
VOTED 15D 39 PIThompson, jeff, rn.roselle, arlo805, Davina, narisa
STOVED 15E 30 scrab21, ceosickey
STOVE 15E 24 tonikay
LOVED 10H 17 tatiana
SOB I6 14 Grace_Tjie

On 5th draw, SPICKE(S)T 15H 110 --- SPICK tidy [adj]
Other moves: PICKETE(D) B7 100, PICKETE(R) B7 100, SKEPTIC(S) 15H 98, PECKIE(S)T B8 92, PICKET(S) E4 83
PICKET 15A 57 Davina, narisa, jeff, scrab21, arlo805, PIThompson
K(R)EEP B10 40 rn.roselle
PIKE(Y) E5 23 tonikay
PIKE E5 22 Grace_Tjie
KEPT B12 20 tatiana

On 6th draw, VIOLATER D8 82 --- VIOLATER one who violates [n]
Other moves: VARIOLE(S) N8 74, VOLARIE(S) N8 74, OVARIOLE 11H 72, VARIOLE E2 72, VALORI(S)E C7 65
OVARIE(S) N9 34 Davina
VALOR(S) N10 32 PIThompson
VILER B10 32 scrab21, rn.roselle
WAVIER 12H 24 arlo805
LOVER(S) N10 20 Grace_Tjie
LOVER B10 20 narisa
LAVER E5 20 tonikay
LOVER 10H 16 tatiana

On 7th draw, ZINCATE M9 56 --- ZINCATE a chemical salt [n]
Other moves: CZAR 15A 45, ZINCED B9 40, IZAR 15A 39, TZAR 15A 39, DIZEN B10 38
ZACK L12 38 scrab21
NAZI J12 33 SuperH
ZINC(S) N11 30 Davina
DAZE M12 28 rn.roselle, Grace_Tjie
CANED B10 28 PIThompson
ZIT(S) N12 24 jeff
ZA C10 24 arlo805
ZO 10C 11 tonikay

On 8th draw, ERASION N4 76 --- ERASION the act of rubbing out [n]
Other moves: ERASION I2 65, IGNAROES 7G 62, NOIRS E10 29, ARIOSE N6 27, NORIAS N5 25
ERASION N4 26 PIThompson
REASON N5 25 scrab21
AROSE N7 24 Davina
ROSE N8 23 Grace_Tjie
SANE N8 23 SuperH, rn.roselle, jeff
NOSE N8 23 arlo805
RAZES 9K 14 narisa
SO N8 13 tonikay
GANS 7H 6 tatiana

On 9th draw, GERM O1 37 --- GERM a microorganism that causes disease [n] --- GERM to sprout [v]
Other tops: GORM O1 37
Other moves: ROOM O1 34, YOGEE B10 34, BOOGYMEN 11F 32, GYRE O1 30, YGOE O1 30
GERM O1 37 scrab21
ROOM O1 34 Davina
MOO O6 27 Grace_Tjie
YORE O1 27 PIThompson, SuperH
MOOR O1 24 arlo805
MERCY 12J 24 jeff
MOOR 15A 18 narisa
ZOO 9M 12 tonikay, rn.roselle
GEM 4M 9 tatiana

On 10th draw, EXTEND L4 43 --- EXTEND to stretch out to full length [v]
Other moves: DANT O8 39, AX 14A 36, DAN O8 36, EX 14A 36, ETNA O6 34
AX 14A 36 jeff, PIThompson
EX 14A 36 rn.roselle, Davina, arlo805, scrab21, SuperH, sandy914
TAXED B10 30 tonikay, Grace_Tjie
XI J14 25 narisa
TEX B12 20 tatiana

On 11th draw, RHYTA K1 42 --- RHYTON an ancient Greek drinking horn [n]
Other tops: TRYMA K1 42
Other moves: HAYER B10 38, HAREM B10 36, HYRAX 5H 36, RYA K3 35, YAGER B10 34
HAYER B10 38 PIThompson
HA K4 33 rn.roselle, Davina, narisa, SuperH, scrab21
YA K4 33 arlo805, Grace_Tjie, jeff
MA K4 30 tonikay
HYE 2M 18 sandy914
GAT 6J 8 tatiana

On 12th draw, DUMPBIN I2 72 --- DUMPBIN a display container with bargains [n]
Other moves: BUMP J3 38, IMBUED B9 34, NUMB J3 34, BID O6 33, MID O6 33
MID O6 33 jeff, arlo805
BID O6 33 Davina
BIPED B10 32 PIThompson, scrab21
MIND J5 21 rn.roselle, SuperH
UP J4 19 Grace_Tjie
MUIR 1H 18 sandy914
BURPING 1I 15 narisa
MAX 5J 12 tatiana
BURP 1I 11 tonikay

On 13th draw, DOF O6 41 --- DOF stupid (South African slang) [adj]
Other moves: FADED B10 36, OF O7 32, DECAF 12K 30, DOD O6 29, DEFOAM 4D 26
DOF O6 41 jeff, SuperH, arlo805, rn.roselle, scrab21
FADED B10 36 PIThompson, sandy914
OF O7 32 Grace_Tjie
FEAR 15A 21 Davina
AFAR 15A 21 narisa
FACE 12K 18 tatiana
FE H1 18 tonikay

On 14th draw, HIREE B10 32 --- HIREE one that is hired [n]
Other moves: ERUVIN 8A 27, HI E10 26, HIE(S) N12 25, HIE 14B 23, HIE C9 23
HIREE B10 32 sandy914
HI E10 26 scrab21
HIE C9 23 SuperH
HEIR 15A 21 Davina, narisa, jeff, PIThompson
HE H1 18 Grace_Tjie, arlo805
HERE B12 14 tatiana
HE 12A 11 tonikay
RIVEN 8B 8 yab

On 15th draw, VIDEO A7 34 --- VIDEO a recording for playing on a television set [n] --- VIDEO to make a video recording [v]
Other moves: DOVIE A6 32, VIDEO A6 32, VIED A8 32, DEVA A7 29, DIVA A7 29
VIDEO A7 34 yab, Davina
VIDEO A6 32 scrab21, jeff
VIED A8 32 narisa, PIThompson, SuperH
DIVE A7 29 Grace_Tjie
VADE A7 29 arlo805
VAC 12K 16 tatiana
DICE 12K 14 sandy914
DO H1 12 tonikay

On 16th draw, FINE H1 34 --- FINE of excellent quality [adj] --- FINE to subject to a fine (a monetary penalty) [v]
Other tops: FANE H1 34
Other moves: AINE H1 25, EINA H1 25, AIRN E11 24, FAN H1 23, FEN H1 23
FINE H1 34 PIThompson, jeff
FANE H1 34 SuperH, Davina, Grace_Tjie
FAN H1 23 scrab21
FA A14 20 arlo805, sandy914
FE A14 20 yab
FACE 12K 18 tatiana, narisa

On 17th draw, QAID 2F 34 --- QAID a Muslim leader [n]
Other moves: QI J14 31, AW N1 23, AGIO J6 21, QI 9C 21, AGA J6 20
QAID 2F 34 Grace_Tjie, PIThompson
QI J14 31 jeff, tatiana, Davina, SuperH, sandy914, arlo805, yab
AW N1 23 scrab21
WON 11K 12 victor

On 18th draw, OUIJA E4 30 --- OUIJA a board used in seances [n]
Other moves: JOCO 12K 26, JUCO 12K 26, JAK L13 25, AW N1 23, JOIN 11J 22
JAK L13 25 SuperH, scrab21
JOIN 11J 22 Davina, Grace_Tjie
WO A14 20 arlo805
JIN 11K 20 PIThompson
JUN 11K 20 sandy914
JAW 13L 13 yab
COW 12M 12 gmills0
QI F2 11 tatiana

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