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Game of July 11, 2011 at 22:48, 8 players
1. 354 pts sherrymoon
2. 327 pts narisa
3. 248 pts pickrose

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?afitty   H7    82    82   mattify
 2. cdeilmt   8D    66   148   climated
 3. egintuw  12F    28   176   wefting
 4. adehprs   D7    82   258   scarphed
 5. deioouv  14A    30   288   voided
 6. alnoors  10F    62   350   ortolans
 7. aaehlnu  A12    42   392   have
 8. ceeijnr  B10    31   423   jee
 9. aeknruv   C9    32   455   ka
10. ?bioouu  13C    26   481   bedu
11. aennptt   A6    32   513   penna
12. bdnorux  15F    50   563   unbox
13. egiosty  14J    35   598   egoity
14. aaioruv   B2    26   624   varia
15. deilmqr  13M    46   670   qi
16. aeflrrw   3A    28   698   warfare
17. dilmouz   H1    39   737   modi
18. norsstu  O13    30   767   syn
19. egillrt   5G    22   789   gillet
20. ceorsuz   M1    40   829   cozes

Remaining tiles: oruu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.5668 Filesherrymoon  1 10:56  -475  354     1.6779 sunshine12  0  0:19  -799   30 
  2.5562 Filenarisa      2 15:29  -502  327     2.6089 GLOBEMAN    0  1:28  -799   30 
  3.4181 Filepickrose    1 15:31  -581  248            Group: novice
  4.  -  Filejohnedwar   1 19:12  -640  189     1.5668 sherrymoon  1 10:56  -475  354 
  5.5650 Filescrablehed  1  5:25  -703  126     2.5562 narisa      2 15:29  -502  327 
  6.4745 FileBiddy       0  6:15  -759   70     3.5650 scrablehed  1  5:25  -703  126 
  7.6779 Filesunshine12  0  0:19  -799   30            Group: not rated
  8.6089 FileGLOBEMAN    0  1:28  -799   30     1.4181 pickrose    1 15:31  -581  248 
                                             2.  -  johnedwar   1 19:12  -640  189 
                                             3.4745 Biddy       0  6:15  -759   70 

On 1st draw, (M)ATTIFY H7 82 --- MATTIFY to use cosmetics to reduce the shine of skin [adj]
Other tops: FATTI(L)Y H4 82, FATTI(L)Y H6 82, FAT(U)ITY H4 82, FAT(U)ITY H6 82, (M)ATTIFY H6 82
Other moves: FATTI(L)Y H2 76, FATTI(L)Y H3 76, FATTI(L)Y H8 76, FAT(U)ITY H2 76, FAT(U)ITY H3 76
FATTY H4 30 sunshine12
AFT H8 12 johnedwar

On 2nd draw, CLIMATED 8D 66 --- CLIMATE to remain in a certain place [v]
Other moves: MALEDICT 8G 64, DELIMIT 11E 40, LIMITED 11E 40, DEMIC G11 31, IDEM G10 30
(M)ILD 7H 5 johnedwar

On 3rd draw, WEFTING 12F 28 --- WEFT to weave fabric [v]
Other moves: WITNEY 13C 26, TWINGED K2 24, (M)EWING 7H 23, DEWING K8 22, WELTING E6 22
WEND K5 16 johnedwar

On 4th draw, SCARPHED D7 82 --- SCARPH to unite by means of a type of joint [v]
Other moves: RESHAPED J2 68, PEDLARS E5 40, SPHERY 13C 38, PARISH 11E 36, EADISH 11E 35
RACED D6 8 johnedwar

On 5th draw, VOIDED 14A 30 --- VOID to make void (of no legal force or effect) [v]
Other moves: VOWED F10 24, DEV C13 23, DIV C13 23, DOVIE C3 23, OUD C11 23
VOIDED 14A 30 johnedwar
DOVED K4 20 pickrose

On 6th draw, ORTOLANS 10F 62 --- ORTOLAN a European bird [n]
Other moves: SENARY 13C 36, SALVO A11 27, POORIS 11D 25, SOPRANI 11B 25, ARVO A12 24
(M)AROONS 7H 16 Biddy
LOADS K5 12 pickrose
SAND K5 10 narisa
GOAL L12 6 johnedwar

On 7th draw, HAVE A12 42 --- HAVE a wealthy person [n] --- HAVE to be in possession of [v]
Other moves: HALVA A11 36, HALVE A11 36, HYENA 13G 32, NAHAL 11K 31, HAEN 15E 29
HAVE A12 42 pickrose, narisa
HALVA A11 36 Biddy
HEAL 15E 29 sherrymoon
LAVA A12 24 johnedwar

On 8th draw, JEE B10 31 --- JEE to turn to the right [v]
Other tops: CREPE 11A 31, CRIPE 11A 31
Other moves: JEE J6 26, JERID K4 26, NICER 15E 26, NIECE 15E 26, JEED K5 24
JEE J6 26 narisa
JINS M7 20 sherrymoon
CRIED K4 16 pickrose
JEERS M6 14 johnedwar

On 9th draw, KA C9 32 --- KA the spiritual self of a human being in Egyptian religion [n] --- KA to serve [v]
Other tops: NAKER 15E 32, NERKA 15E 32, RANKE 15E 32
Other moves: ANKER 15F 30, KU(M)ERA 7F 30, KNAVE C3 29, NARK 15E 29, NERK 15E 29
RANK 15E 29 sherrymoon
KNEAD K4 20 narisa, pickrose

On 10th draw, BE(D)U 13C 26 --- BEDU a nomadic Arab [n]
Other tops: BE(A)U 13C 26
Other moves: OBI(A) A7 25, OBOLI E5 23, BO(A) A8 22, OB(A) A8 22, OBO(L)I 15F 21
BO(A) A8 22 sherrymoon
B(L)OOD K4 14 narisa
BOOS M7 10 pickrose
BIOS M7 10 johnedwar
(Q)UOIT I4 7 Biddy

On 11th draw, PENNA A6 32 --- PENNA any of the feathers that determine a bird's shape [n]
Other moves: TEPA A7 29, PEA A8 26, PATTLE E4 25, ETNA A7 23, ETA A8 20
PEA A8 26 sherrymoon
PATTED K3 18 narisa
PANNED K3 18 pickrose
PATENTS M4 11 Biddy, johnedwar

On 12th draw, UNBOX 15F 50 --- UNBOX to remove from a box [v]
Other moves: BUDO 15E 33, BUND 15E 33, BURD 15E 33, DOUX 13J 32, UNBOX B3 31
BOX B5 29 scrablehed, sherrymoon
BOUND K4 16 narisa
POX 6A 14 pickrose

On 13th draw, EGOITY 14J 35 --- EGOITY the essence of the ego [n]
Other moves: GOIEST 14I 32, EYOTS 14J 31, EGOIST 14J 29, SOILY E5 28, YOGIS 14I 27
G*YS 14I 24 sherrymoon
TOED K5 10 pickrose

On 14th draw, VARIA B2 26 --- VARIA a collection of various literary works [n]
Other moves: RAYA O12 24, AA 15N 23, IO 15N 23, OU 15N 23, VARIA C3 21
RAYA O12 24 sherrymoon
AA 15N 23 scrablehed
VOID K5 16 narisa
YO O14 15 pickrose
AVIARY O9 13 johnedwar

On 15th draw, QI 13M 46 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: EMYD O12 33, IDEM 13L 33, DIE 15M 32, QADI 3A 28, QAID 3A 28
QI 13M 46 sherrymoon, narisa
QAID 3A 28 scrablehed
QI M13 22 pickrose
IRED 4A 12 johnedwar

On 16th draw, WARFARE 3A 28 --- WARFARE the act of engaging in war [n] --- WARFARE to wage war [v]
Other moves: FLAWED K3 26, WE 11K 26, YALE 13H 26, AE 15N 24, REF C3 23
WARFARE 3A 28 scrablehed
FLAWED K3 26 sherrymoon, narisa
FLEWS M6 16 pickrose
WARS M7 12 johnedwar

On 17th draw, MODI H1 39 --- MODUS a mode [n]
Other moves: DZO H3 38, ULZIE J4 34, LIDO H1 33, LUDO H1 33, MID H1 33
FIZ D3 30 sherrymoon
MOULD K4 16 narisa
DOZE J5 16 johnedwar

On 18th draw, SYN O13 30 --- SYN since [adv]
Other moves: SO 15N 24, NUTSY O10 21, SONSY O10 21, TOSSY O10 21, TOUSY O10 21
SO 15N 24 narisa
TOSSY O10 21 sherrymoon
YO O14 15 pickrose

On 19th draw, GILLET 5G 22 --- GILLET a flighty woman [n]
Other tops: GILLER 5G 22, GRILLE 5F 22, REGILT 5E 22
Other moves: GIFT D1 20, GILET 5G 20, LEGIT 5E 20, LIGER 5G 20, RILLET 5G 20
GIFT D1 20 narisa, sherrymoon
GRILLED K2 18 scrablehed, pickrose

On 20th draw, COZES M1 40 --- COZ a cousin [n]
Other moves: ZEROS M1 36, CRAZES E1 34, OOZES 2H 34, ORZOS 2H 34, OUZOS 2H 34
ZEROS 2E 33 narisa
GILLETS 5G 8 sherrymoon

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