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Game sheet of ksong (file), Game of July 12, 2011 at 03:31

Word find
Word played
1 ADEHNST             HANDSET H4 80 80  
2 EILLNRT             THILLER 4G 20 100  
3 CIRSTTU             CRITTURS M3 74 174  
4 AAEHKNY             HANKY N10 59 233  
5 ?DDEEOR             ORDE(R)ED O5 83 316  
6 ADGILMN             MADLINGS 8A 89 405  
7 BEMOSYZ             ZYMES 11D 50 455  
8 AEELRUV             REVALUED C1 76 531  
9 GIOPRTV             RIVO 12A 38 569  
10 ?AABFII             ABAFT 10D 42 611  
11 ?EEOOPQ QUO(T)E 6B 35 -35 35 2/4 Q(U)IPO B10 70 681 4/5
12 AEEINSW SAW 15B 26 -8 61 3/4 ISNAE 15A 34 715 4/5
13 ANOOTUU OAT O13 20 -1 81 2/4 UNROOT 1A 21 736 4/5
14 ACIOOPX PAX B4 59   140 1/4       795 4/5
15 EFGIIOR OF 14E 15 -10 155 4/4 REEF 2A 25 820 4/5
16 BEIOOTW WE D4 29 -1 184 1/4 BETOOK 13I 30 850 4/5
17 ACEGINU             UNROOTING 1A 30 880 4/5
18 AEEIJUW JIN 12L 40 -1 224 1/4 JEWIE 14F 41 921 4/5
19 ACGIIOW WON 12L 24 -10 248 1/4 WAGON 12J 34 955 4/5

Total: 248/955 or -707 for 25.96%
Rank: 8080

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