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Game of July 12, 2011 at 05:03, 6 players
1. 337 pts Faeythe
2. 117 pts jimbo
3. 96 pts piggisu

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. deinrtv   H4    28    28   verdit
 2. ?beeeox  10D    39    67   boxes
 3. ?agipvy  11C    40   107   vapid
 4. aknostz  12G    34   141   stanzo
 5. aeinrry  13I    48   189   yearn
 6. denootu  14C    68   257   outdone
 7. eegiorr  K10    26   283   riza
 8. afilnpr   5E    48   331   firepan
 9. adehlru  15A    49   380   aruhe
10. acegist   N8    87   467   cagiest
11. enoostw   8C    65   532   twoonies
12. aceijrt   C2    38   570   traject
13. aeflmoq   6F    41   611   feral
14. eggmnsy   8L    42   653   mycs
15. abdeioo   D1    30   683   dieb
16. gimnoqu   F2    37   720   quoif
17. egillou   M3    24   744   eulogy
18. degiklm  13A    31   775   kild
19. eghilnw   L1    37   812   hewn

Remaining tiles: agiilm

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.5719 FileFaeythe     0 15:05  -475  337     1.6232 ksong       0  2:50  -777   35 
  2.4995 Filejimbo       0  4:10  -695  117            Group: novice
  3.  -  Filepiggisu     0  4:42  -716   96     1.5719 Faeythe     0 15:05  -475  337 
  4.  -  Filebooboo_67   0  5:36  -755   57            Group: not rated
  5.  -  Filetrini_gold  0  4:15  -773   39     1.4995 jimbo       0  4:10  -695  117 
  6.6232 Fileksong       0  2:50  -777   35     2.  -  piggisu     0  4:42  -716   96 
                                             3.  -  booboo_67   0  5:36  -755   57 
                                             4.  -  trini_gold  0  4:15  -773   39 

On 1st draw, VERDIT H4 28 --- VERDIT a judicial decision [n]
Other tops: VERDIN H4 28, VINTED H4 28
Other moves: VINED H4 26, VIRED H4 26, VIRENT H4 26, DIVERT H4 24, DRIVEN H4 24

On 2nd draw, BOXE(S) 10D 39 --- BOX to put in a box (a rectangular container) [v]
Other moves: EXEE(M) 10E 38, EXE(S) 10E 36, OXE(S) 10E 36, BOR(A)X 6F 35, (S)EX 10H 35

On 3rd draw, VAPI(D) 11C 40 --- VAPID insipid [adj]
Other moves: AYI(N) 11D 36, GYP 11C 33, AY(U) 11D 32, GY(R)I 11C 32, VIB(E)Y D8 32

On 4th draw, STANZO 12G 34 --- STANZO a pattern of verse [n]
Other tops: KOBANS D8 34, TZARS 6E 34
Other moves: TZAR 6E 33, KOBAN D8 32, ZAS 9C 32, ZOS 9C 32, AZOTES 5D 30
ZITS 8G 13 jimbo

On 5th draw, YEARN 13I 48 --- YEARN to have a strong or deep desire [v]
Other moves: YARNER 13J 36, YEAN 13I 35, YEAR 13I 35, YARER 13J 34, AYRIE 13K 32
RAZER K10 28 jimbo

On 6th draw, OUTDONE 14C 68 --- OUTDO to exceed in performance [v]
Other moves: DUOTONE 14C 66, UNROOTED 6F 63, NOTED 14F 26, OUTED 14F 26, TONED 14F 26
DE 12D 23 Faeythe
TUNED 5E 12 jimbo

On 7th draw, RIZA K10 26 --- RIZA an ornamental plate [n]
Other tops: IZAR K11 26
Other moves: EGER 15A 23, GIRR 15A 23, GOER 15A 23, GEE 14K 22, GEO 14K 22
RE 12D 19 Faeythe
NO H14 6 jimbo

On 8th draw, FIREPAN 5E 48 --- FIREPAN an open pan for holding live coals [n]
Other moves: FLIP 15A 45, INFRA 15A 37, FAIN 15A 29, FAIR 15A 29, FIRN 15A 29
FLIP 15A 45 Faeythe
FAN 15A 20 jimbo, ksong

On 9th draw, ARUHE 15A 49 --- ARUHE (Maori) the edible root of a New Zealand fern. No -S [n]
Other moves: HALED 6J 36, HARED 6J 36, HARLED 4A 36, HAULD 6J 36, HAULED 4A 36
HAD 15A 24 Faeythe

On 10th draw, CAGIEST N8 87 --- CAGY shrewd [adj]
Other moves: CADGIEST 7F 66, GESTIC L3 37, CAGES L1 35, SCAG 14K 35, SCEAT 14K 35
GRACES 10J 15 Faeythe
STAGE 15I 15 ksong

On 11th draw, TWOONIES 8C 65 --- TWOONIE a Canadian two-dollar coin [n]
Other moves: SEROW 6F 41, WEST 15G 39, WOST 15G 39, WENTS L1 37, WONTS L1 37
WEST 15G 39 Faeythe

On 12th draw, TRAJECT C2 38 --- TRAJECT to transmit [v]
Other moves: JA M9 37, JACARES J2 34, CECA 8L 33, JEAT 4J 33, JAI 4J 31
JA M9 37 Faeythe

On 13th draw, FERAL 6F 41 --- FERAL a person who abandons society's norms [n] --- FERAL wild [adj]
Other moves: FACE 8L 39, FLAME 4A 33, MACE 8L 33, EF 6E 31, FER 6F 29
FACE 8L 39 Faeythe

On 14th draw, MYCS 8L 42 --- MYC a gene that transforms a normal cell into a cancerous cell [n]
Other tops: NYS 15G 42
Other moves: YEGGS L1 41, MY 15G 40, YES 15G 36, MENGS L1 35, GYMS L2 33
YE 15G 26 Faeythe

On 15th draw, DIEB D1 30 --- DIEB a North African jackal [n]
Other moves: BAAED 4B 28, BOODIE 4J 27, ABED 4C 26, ABID 4C 26, DOOBIE 4J 26
BEAD 4A 20 piggisu
DO 15G 18 Faeythe
ABODES O3 12 jimbo

On 16th draw, QUOIF F2 37 --- QUOIF to dress to hair [v]
Other moves: DOMING 1D 30, GONIUM 4J 30, IGNOMY M3 30, MUTING 2A 26, QUIMS O4 26
DOMING 1D 30 piggisu, Faeythe
QUIMS O4 26 jimbo
MINUS O4 10 booboo_67

On 17th draw, EULOGY M3 24 --- EULOGY a formal expression of high praise [n]
Other moves: IDLE 7G 23, GLUILY M3 22, GULLEY M3 22, LIG G1 22, LOGILY M3 22
GULLEY M3 22 Faeythe
QUILL 2F 16 piggisu, booboo_67, trini_gold

On 18th draw, KILD 13A 31 --- KILL to cause to die [v]
Other moves: DIM G1 27, ME 12D 27, MELD 13A 27, MILD 13A 27, IDEM L1 26
MILKED 3I 16 booboo_67, piggisu
LIMES O4 8 trini_gold

On 19th draw, HEWN L1 37 --- HEW to cut with an ax [v]
Other moves: WHEN L1 34, HING L1 32, WING L1 32, HE 15G 26, WE 15G 26
WHINE 3I 15 trini_gold
WHILE 3I 15 booboo_67
WEIGHS O3 14 piggisu

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