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Game of July 12, 2011 at 11:08, 11 players
1. 489 pts yab
2. 483 pts sunshine12
3. 410 pts sandy914

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?eiilno   H3    64    64   lionise
 2. adeilsu   8A    77   141   deasiuls
 3. abdeghn   C3    88   229   headbang
 4. abefino   D1    35   264   faine
 5. ?aeiinr   1B    80   344   inferiae
 6. cefilrw   6C    25   369   drew
 7. cnrssuy  11C    36   405   syncs
 8. adejlop   5G    28   433   pooja
 9. demnowz   4K    45   478   zoned
10. aeeimsw   6J    41   519   aswim
11. ehkotxy   2I    44   563   ethoxy
12. afgglot   1K    52   615   aloft
13. aegirtv   9H    64   679   ergative
14. aberttu   3L    36   715   be
15. eegimtu   O7    27   742   emeute
16. ciloqru  12J    34   776   cloque
17. goprrtu  M12    30   806   quop
18. dgiorrt  15J    30   836   tripod
19. agkrrtv  14K    32   868   atok

Remaining tiles: grrv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6697 Fileyab         5 23:03  -379  489     1.6697 yab         5 23:03  -379  489 
  2.6760 Filesunshine12  2 19:15  -385  483     2.6760 sunshine12  2 19:15  -385  483 
  3.5282 Filesandy914    2 21:52  -458  410     3.6489 Stranger    0  4:54  -749  119 
  4.4345 Filecharmz      0 20:43  -542  326            Group: novice
  5.5467 FileELCEE       1  7:36  -712  156     1.5282 sandy914    2 21:52  -458  410 
  6.4065 Filegmills0     1  8:09  -712  156     2.5467 ELCEE       1  7:36  -712  156 
  7.6489 FileStranger    0  4:54  -749  119     3.5597 BouncingS   0  5:25  -767  101 
  8.5597 FileBouncingS   0  5:25  -767  101            Group: not rated
  9.4010 Filespecialk    0  2:46  -832   36     1.4345 charmz      0 20:43  -542  326 
 10.  -  Filesooz33      0  1:22  -837   31     2.4065 gmills0     1  8:09  -712  156 
 11.  -  Filelaurel123   0  5:19  -837   31     3.4010 specialk    0  2:46  -832   36 
                                             4.  -  sooz33      0  1:22  -837   31 
                                             5.  -  laurel123   0  5:19  -837   31 

On 1st draw, LIONI(S)E H3 64 --- LIONISE to treat as a celebrity [v]
Other tops: ELI(S)ION H2 64, ELI(S)ION H3 64, ELI(S)ION H4 64, ELI(S)ION H6 64, ELI(S)ION H7 64, ELI(S)ION H8 64, E(T)IOLIN H2 64, E(T)IOLIN H4 64, E(T)IOLIN H6 64, E(T)IOLIN H7 64, E(T)IOLIN H8 64, I(S)OLINE H2 64, I(S)OLINE H4 64, I(S)OLINE H6 64, I(S)OLINE H7 64, I(S)OLINE H8 64, LIONI(S)E H2 64, LIONI(S)E H4 64, LIONI(S)E H6 64, LIONI(S)E H8 64, LIONI(Z)E H2 64, LIONI(Z)E H3 64, LIONI(Z)E H4 64, LIONI(Z)E H6 64, LIONI(Z)E H8 64, OLI(V)INE H2 64, OLI(V)INE H3 64, OLI(V)INE H4 64, OLI(V)INE H6 64, OLI(V)INE H7 64, OLI(V)INE H8 64
Other moves: ELI(S)ION H5 62, E(T)IOLIN H3 62, E(T)IOLIN H5 62, I(S)OLINE H3 62, I(S)OLINE H5 62
OLI(V)INE H4 14 yab
I(S)OLINE H2 14 BouncingS
ONLI(N)E H4 12 sandy914, sunshine12
LION H8 8 charmz

On 2nd draw, DEASIUL(S) 8A 77 --- DEASIUL motion in the same direction as the sun [n]
Other tops: DUALISE(S) 8A 77
Other moves: DEASIUL G1 72, AUDILES G7 71, DEASIUL G7 71, DUALISE G7 71, AUDILES 10F 70
AUDILES 10B 19 yab
LASED 10F 19 Stranger
ISOLEAD 5F 16 BouncingS
SADE 10H 16 sunshine12
SAD 10H 15 sandy914
SLADE 3G 8 charmz

On 3rd draw, HEADBANG C3 88 --- HEADBANG to nod one's head violently to the beat of loud music [n]
Other moves: HEADBANG C6 86, HANDBAG C3 38, HANDBAG C7 38, HABLE G5 31, BANDAGE C7 30
HAD 7C 25 Stranger
HADE 10F 24 sunshine12
HEADING E4 24 BouncingS, yab
BEGIN E5 16 sandy914
GLAD 3G 9 charmz

On 4th draw, FAINE D1 35 --- FAINE to feign [v]
Other moves: BEANO B2 32, FAIN D1 31, FOEN D1 31, FOIN D1 31, NAIF D1 31
FOEN D1 31 Stranger
FAB B2 25 BouncingS
FOB B2 25 yab
FANE D2 25 sunshine12
BEEF 4A 24 charmz, sandy914
ALBINO 3G 12 laurel123

On 5th draw, INF(E)RIAE 1B 80 --- INFERIAE offerings to the spirits of the dead [n]
Other tops: FAIN(T)IER 1D 80, INFERIA(E) 1B 80
Other moves: DEAIRIN(G) A8 77, (S)ENARII 11C 77, DAIN(T)IER A8 74, DRAI(S)INE A8 74, (B)ILINEAR 3F 68
HEADBANGIN(G) C3 34 sunshine12
(U)NIFIER 1A 27 yab
FRIEN(D) 1D 24 Stranger, charmz
(S)ANE 11C 21 sandy914

On 6th draw, DREW 6C 25 --- DRAW to move by pulling [v]
Other moves: CREW 10G 24, FLOWER 5F 24, FOWLER 5G 24, FROWIE 5F 24, WILLER G5 24
FOWLER 5G 24 charmz, sandy914
WOLFER 5G 24 yab
EF 2A 20 Stranger
IF 2A 20 sunshine12
ROLE 5G 4 laurel123

On 7th draw, SYNCS 11C 36 --- SYNC to cause to operate in unison [v]
Other moves: SCRY 11C 34, SYNC 11C 34, CURNY 10F 31, SCURS 11C 30, SCUR 11C 28
SYNCS 11C 36 yab, sandy914
SCRY 11C 34 charmz
SCURS 11C 30 sunshine12

On 8th draw, POOJA 5G 28 --- POOJA a Hindu worship practice [n]
Other tops: POLJE 5G 28
Other moves: JODEL 5G 26, JOLED 5G 26, OPALED 12G 26, JAPED A4 23, POLJE 3F 23
JOLED 5G 26 sunshine12
JOLED 3F 15 sandy914, laurel123
PLOD 3G 11 charmz
LIONI(S)ED H3 8 yab

On 9th draw, ZONED 4K 45 --- ZONE to arrange in zones (areas distinguished from other adjacent areas) [v]
Other moves: DOZEN 10H 43, DOZE 10H 42, MOZED 4K 42, ZED 4K 37, ZONE 4K 37
ZONED 4K 45 sunshine12, yab
ZONE 4K 37 sandy914
ZONED A4 25 charmz

On 10th draw, ASWIM 6J 41 --- ASWIM afloat [adv]
Other moves: WAME 3L 34, DWAMS O4 33, DEAWIE O4 30, ENMEWS M3 30, MEAWES 2I 30
WEEDS O1 27 sandy914
WAIDE O1 27 charmz
AS 6J 27 sunshine12
EDEMAS O3 27 yab

On 11th draw, ETHOXY 2I 44 --- ETHOXY a univalent chemical radical [n]
Other moves: KEY 3L 35, HYED O1 33, HEY 3L 32, HOKEY I9 32, HOY 3L 32
HOED O1 24 sunshine12
WOX L6 21 sandy914
OX 7N 13 yab
NEXT E11 11 charmz

On 12th draw, ALOFT 1K 52 --- ALOFT in or into the air [adv]
Other moves: GOAF 1L 49, LOFT 1L 44, LOAF 1L 41, GAOL 1L 40, GOAL 1L 40
GOAF 1L 49 sunshine12
GOAT 1L 40 yab
FA 1N 23 sandy914
MAGGOT N6 12 charmz
CLOT F11 8 gmills0

On 13th draw, ERGATIVE 9H 64 --- ERGATIVE a certain grammatical inflection [n] --- ERGATIVE denoting a certain grammatical case [adj]
Other moves: TE 3L 30, RIVAGE 10H 25, RIVET 10H 23, OXEN M1 22, RAVE 10H 22
OXEN M1 22 sandy914
YAGER D11 20 yab
AE 12D 16 sunshine12
WAVER L6 15 sooz33
SAVER G11 12 charmz
CAVER F11 12 gmills0

On 14th draw, BE 3L 36 --- BE to have actuality [v]
Other moves: ABETTER O7 30, BERETTA O8 30, TE 3L 30, BEATER O8 27, BERATE O8 27
BERETTA O8 30 yab
BETTER O8 27 sunshine12, sandy914
BEATER O8 27 charmz
BERET O8 24 gmills0
BITTER M8 16 sooz33

On 15th draw, EMEUTE O7 27 --- EMEUTE a popular uprising [n]
Other moves: GEM B3 21, GEUM O8 21, EUGE 10I 19, EMEU O7 18, GAMETE K8 18
EMEUTE O7 27 yab
METE O8 18 sunshine12
GEM O8 18 charmz
MEG O8 18 sandy914, ELCEE
GAMUT K8 16 gmills0

On 16th draw, CLOQUE 12J 34 --- CLOQUE a fabric with an embossed design [n]
Other tops: CIRQUE 12J 34, CLIQUE 12J 34
Other moves: LIQUOR M8 30, QUILT 11K 28, QUIRE 12K 28, QUIRT 11K 28, QUOIT 11K 28
LIQUOR M8 30 yab
QUIRE 12K 28 sunshine12, ELCEE
QUILT 11K 28 gmills0
SUQ G11 22 BouncingS
CURE 12L 12 sandy914

On 17th draw, QUOP M12 30 --- QUOP to throb [v]
Other moves: UPDREW 6A 18, UPGO 10A 18, YORP D11 18, YOURT D11 18, PUG 8K 17
QUOP M12 30 sandy914, ELCEE, gmills0, sunshine12, yab
PLUG K11 14 charmz
TROOP L9 7 specialk

On 18th draw, TRIPOD 15J 30 --- TRIPOD a stand having three legs [n]
Other tops: TORPID 15J 30
Other moves: DROOG 14J 22, GRIOT 14J 20, GAED 5B 18, PIG 15M 18, POD 15M 18
TRIPOD 15J 30 yab
PIG 15M 18 specialk, charmz, sandy914
POD 15M 18 gmills0, ELCEE
GAED 5B 18 sunshine12

On 19th draw, ATOK 14K 32 --- ATOK a skunk [n]
Other moves: OKA 14M 29, TALK 3F 26, IKAT B1 25, IRK B1 24, ARK B3 23
CARK F11 20 gmills0
YAK D11 20 charmz, yab
JAK J5 14 sunshine12
KI L14 12 sandy914
CRAG F11 11 specialk

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