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Game of July 12, 2011 at 13:22, 14 players
1. 461 pts Stranger
2. 362 pts annelhynz
3. 334 pts matrix

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. eilnswx   H8    40    40   silex
 2. deglruy  11E    36    76   grueled
 3. ?adhmoy   8A   110   186   holydams
 4. deinstt   J8    63   249   dinettes
 5. deeioru  15H    30   279   residue
 6. aefinrw   8J    42   321   dewani
 7. abinort   B2    74   395   abortion
 8. aeijnor   A1    45   440   jeon
 9. alnopwy  12J    35   475   townly
10. ?affprr  O12    48   523   yaps
11. abcegil   N2    88   611   belacing
12. eeefios   O1    27   638   sif
13. aemoprt   4G    76   714   temporal
14. aeeghou   3I    32   746   huge
15. aefsuvz   F2    46   792   zeas
16. aiknoot   5J    34   826   oak
17. aeirttv   C1    28   854   trite
18. afnoqrv   G1    31   885   raft
19. inooquv  12A    51   936   quino

Remaining tiles: covv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6463 FileStranger    1 19:34  -475  461     1.6463 Stranger    1 19:34  -475  461 
  2.5474 Fileannelhynz   1 18:57  -574  362     2.6187 matrix      0 15:13  -602  334 
  3.6187 Filematrix      0 15:13  -602  334     3.6480 reyna       1 13:44  -646  290 
  4.4367 Filecharmz      0 22:19  -627  309            Group: novice
  5.6480 Filereyna       1 13:44  -646  290     1.5474 annelhynz   1 18:57  -574  362 
  6.  -  Fileziwi        0 16:16  -735  201     2.5602 narisa      0 12:11  -755  181 
  7.5602 Filenarisa      0 12:11  -755  181     3.5232 sandy914    0 10:46  -787  149 
  8.3286 FileZEHAVARON   0 20:41  -768  168            Group: not rated
  9.5232 Filesandy914    0 10:46  -787  149     1.4367 charmz      0 22:19  -627  309 
 10.4848 FileAndy1990    0  6:22  -827  109     2.  -  ziwi        0 16:16  -735  201 
 11.  -  Filearivle      0  9:37  -828  108     3.3286 ZEHAVARON   0 20:41  -768  168 
 12.3321 Filetatiana     0  4:22  -847   89     4.4848 Andy1990    0  6:22  -827  109 
 13.4607 Filemagictwig   0  1:13  -903   33     5.  -  arivle      0  9:37  -828  108 
 14.4707 Filemj880       0  0:40  -917   19     6.3321 tatiana     0  4:22  -847   89 
                                             7.4607 magictwig   0  1:13  -903   33 
                                             8.4707 mj880       0  0:40  -917   19 

On 1st draw, SILEX H8 40 --- SILEX a form of silicon [n]
Other moves: LEXIS H4 26, LEXIS H8 26, NIXES H4 26, NIXES H8 26, SILEX H4 26
WILES H4 24 magictwig
WINES H4 24 matrix
SEX H6 20 charmz
LEWIS H8 18 Stranger
WEIL H6 14 ziwi

On 2nd draw, GRUELED 11E 36 --- GRUEL to disable by hard work [v]
Other moves: REDUX 12D 26, LUREX 12D 24, DEY G11 23, DURGY I11 23, GUYED G5 23
DEY G11 23 Stranger, annelhynz
YERD G11 23 matrix
DEG G11 19 mj880
DRUGS 8D 9 magictwig
DIG 9G 9 ziwi
LEG 10H 8 charmz

On 3rd draw, HO(L)YDAMS 8A 110 --- HOLYDAM holiness [n]
Other moves: SHAMOY(E)D 8H 101, HYD(R)OMAS 8A 98, HO(L)YDAM G3 83, (S)HAMOYED J5 82, HYD(R)OMA G2 74
HA(R)DY 10J 43 matrix
HAY 10J 33 Stranger
HOMY 12J 32 annelhynz
HEADY J10 28 charmz
HARMO(N)Y F9 16 ziwi

On 4th draw, DINETTES J8 63 --- DINETTE a small dining room [n]
Other tops: DINETTES J5 63, INSETTED J5 63, INSETTED J8 63
Other moves: TINTED 12J 23, DEIST 10J 22, DENIS 10J 22, DENSITY D2 22, DENTS 10J 22
DENSITY D2 22 charmz, matrix
DENT 10J 19 annelhynz
LINED I11 16 Stranger

On 5th draw, RESIDUE 15H 30 --- RESIDUE something remaining after the removal of a part [n]
Other moves: DEIDER 8J 27, DERIDE 8J 27, DIEDRE 8J 27, OREIDES 15D 27, OSIERED 15I 27
ROUSED 15G 27 matrix
ROSED 15H 24 Stranger
DOSER 15H 21 ziwi
RIDES 15F 18 annelhynz, reyna
DRIES 15F 18 charmz
(L)ORD C8 5 tatiana

On 6th draw, DEWANI 8J 42 --- DEWANI the office of dewan [n]
Other tops: DAWNER 8J 42
Other moves: FAERIE N10 34, FERIAE N10 34, FERINE N10 34, F(L)AWIER C7 34, WAFERY D3 30
ANEW 14L 23 reyna
FA 14N 20 Stranger
WE 14N 20 annelhynz, matrix
WE N14 10 charmz

On 7th draw, ABORTION B2 74 --- ABORTION induced expulsion of a nonviable fetus [n]
Other moves: BARITONE K1 70, TABORINE K1 70, BARITONE 14C 66, ABORTION B6 64, BARITE N10 28
*B* 7L 22 Stranger
OBI 7L 22 matrix
OBA 14M 20 reyna
BON 9M 19 annelhynz
BRAID E4 16 charmz
BAND E5 14 tatiana
BANT N6 12 ziwi

On 8th draw, JEON A1 45 --- JEON a monetary unit of South Korea [n]
Other tops: JEAN A1 45, ROJI 7K 45
Other moves: JOINER 4A 42, RAJ 7K 42, JAI A4 39, JOE A4 39, JOIN 4A 38
JEAN A1 45 annelhynz
JOINER 4A 42 charmz, reyna, ZEHAVARON
JOE A4 39 Stranger, matrix
JIN N6 26 tatiana
JAR M7 19 ziwi

On 9th draw, TOWNLY 12J 35 --- TOWNLY townish [adj]
Other moves: ANOW C1 33, WAY 7K 32, NAW C2 31, NAY C2 31, NOW C2 31
ANOW C1 33 reyna
WAY 7K 32 Stranger
YOW 14M 27 matrix
WANLY N6 27 ziwi
OW C3 26 annelhynz
AWAY M6 18 tatiana
PALE N12 12 narisa
PAW F7 8 charmz

On 10th draw, YAP(S) O12 48 --- YAP to bark shrilly [v]
Other moves: P(U)FFY D4 30, AFFR(A)Y D3 28, FAP 7K 28, FARRAN(D) M7 28, FARRAN(T) M7 28
YAP(S) O12 48 Stranger, reyna
FA 7M 20 matrix
FA 14N 20 annelhynz
FLARE N11 16 narisa
FARD E5 16 arivle
FAN N6 14 charmz
FRAP M6 13 tatiana
RAR(E) M7 5 ziwi

On 11th draw, BELACING N2 88 --- BELACE to adorn with lace [v]
Other moves: CABLING M7 36, ABLING M8 24, AGE C3 24, BALE 7D 24, BILE 7D 24
BAG 7M 21 annelhynz
AB 7L 19 matrix, Stranger
GLACE K4 16 narisa
BEAD E5 14 charmz
BAC M7 13 tatiana
NAG N8 8 ziwi

On 12th draw, SIF O1 27 --- SIF disgusting (syphilitic) (S African slang) [adj]
Other moves: FEE M3 26, FEE O1 24, FES O1 24, FIE O1 24, FOE O1 24
FES O1 24 Stranger, annelhynz, sandy914
FEE O1 24 charmz, matrix, ziwi, narisa, reyna
ABORTIONS B2 13 Andy1990

On 13th draw, TEMPORAL 4G 76 --- TEMPORAL a bone of the skull [n]
Other tops: PROMETAL 4G 76
Other moves: PROTEA C1 36, MORAE M1 35, MORAT M1 35, PORAE M1 35, POTAE M1 35
MORE M1 31 Stranger
RAM M3 28 reyna
TEMPO 12A 23 sandy914
PARTED E3 18 arivle
MOPE K5 16 narisa, Andy1990
MOE 12D 15 annelhynz
REEF 3L 14 ziwi
MEAD E5 14 ZEHAVARON, charmz

On 14th draw, HUGE 3I 32 --- HUGE very large [adj]
Other moves: THEE 13J 30, THOU 13J 30, HOG 3I 29, HUG 3I 29, AGEE C3 28
EH C3 26 reyna, Stranger
GHEE H1 24 matrix
EH 5J 24 annelhynz
HUGE H1 24 sandy914, arivle
HOPE J2 17 Andy1990
HE 3H 16 narisa
HOUR L1 11 charmz

On 15th draw, ZEAS F2 46 --- ZEA the stigma of a cereal plant [n]
Other moves: ZEA F2 45, FAZE 7D 44, FAZES 5D 38, FUZES 5D 38, ZUPAS J2 38
FAZED E4 36 charmz, narisa
ZEAS F6 33 Andy1990
ZA 7F 28 reyna
SAFED E4 18 arivle
GAUZE E11 15 sandy914

On 16th draw, OAK 5J 34 --- OAK a hardwood tree or shrub [n]
Other moves: OKTA 5K 33, KNIT C1 32, KNOT C1 32, TAKI 7K 31, KINA 7D 28
KIT 7M 25 Stranger
ROOKS 5B 18 Andy1990
KO 12D 15 annelhynz, sandy914
ZOO 2F 12 arivle, charmz
ZIN 2F 12 ziwi

On 17th draw, TRITE C1 28 --- TRITE the third string of the lyre [n] --- TRITE used so often as to be made commonplace [adj]
Other tops: IRATE C1 28
Other moves: RATE C2 26, RITE C2 26, TARE C2 26, TATE C2 26, TIRE C2 26
TITE C2 26 Stranger
RIVES 5B 16 narisa
ZEA 2F 12 Andy1990
ZA 2F 11 sandy914
RAVE F11 9 arivle
WAID L12 8 ziwi
GREAT E11 6 charmz

On 18th draw, RAFT G1 31 --- RAFT to transport on a raft (a type of buoyant structure) [v]
Other moves: AFT G2 30, OFT G2 30, F(L)AVOR C7 28, AVO D4 26, FANO 7D 26
FA 7F 16 annelhynz
FAN 6H 16 sandy914
FRO 12C 15 narisa
FRO F10 14 Stranger
FAR F7 6 arivle

On 19th draw, QUINO 12A 51 --- QUINO a game of chance [n]
Other moves: QI 12D 25, QUIN 6G 23, RIVO 1G 21, QUINO 14D 18, VINO 12B 17
QI 12D 25 annelhynz
RIVO 1G 21 sandy914, Stranger
VINO M10 14 narisa
RUIN 1G 12 ziwi
YOU D8 6 charmz
GOON E11 5 arivle

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