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Game of July 12, 2011 at 17:10, 10 players
1. 620 pts musdrive
2. 545 pts margalang
3. 542 pts rn.roselle

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aeefrsw   H4    32    32   wafers
 2. ?aeimor   G5    77   109   moraine
 3. abeeikm   I7    33   142   bema
 4. deorttu  11I    24   166   dotter
 5. afghnos   O7    59   225   fogash
 6. elrtuvy  J10    31   256   yourt
 7. aeeilnr  13C    70   326   nearlier
 8. ?aeijnv   N2    89   415   javelin
 9. aeopqrs  N10    43   458   prores
10. acdesuw  15G    42   500   caused
11. adgilou   D6    72   572   dialogue
12. cekntyz   I3    40   612   zek
13. egioptw   J2    39   651   pote
14. bilnotw   8A    42   693   bloatware
15. aeghint   A8   104   797   beathing
16. diinouv   5E    24   821   unmake
17. dinnoxy   B2    68   889   indoxyl
18. ciilnqv   A2    24   913   qi

Remaining tiles: ciilnv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7074 Filemusdrive    5 18:21  -293  620     1.7074 musdrive    5 18:21  -293  620 
  2.6080 Filemargalang   4 18:13  -368  545            Group: intermediate
  3.6454 Filern.roselle  3 17:57  -371  542     1.6080 margalang   4 18:13  -368  545 
  4.5832 FileHasni       2 21:48  -442  471     2.6454 rn.roselle  3 17:57  -371  542 
  5.5587 Filenarisa      0 13:51  -478  435     3.6777 jeff        4 14:23  -492  421 
  6.6777 Filejeff        4 14:23  -492  421            Group: novice
  7.3512 Filekp10        0 11:46  -679  234     1.5832 Hasni       2 21:48  -442  471 
  8.2866 Fileding        0 23:54  -679  234     2.5587 narisa      0 13:51  -478  435 
  9.5264 Filesandy914    0  9:36  -767  146     3.5264 sandy914    0  9:36  -767  146 
 10.4457 Fileremij       1  4:09  -840   73            Group: not rated
                                             1.3512 kp10        0 11:46  -679  234 
                                             2.2866 ding        0 23:54  -679  234 
                                             3.4457 remij       1  4:09  -840   73 

On 1st draw, WAFERS H4 32 --- WAFER to fasten with an adhesive strip [v]
Other moves: FEWER H4 30, SWARF H8 30, SWERF H8 30, WAFER H4 30, FEARES H4 26
WAFERS H4 32 musdrive, margalang, rn.roselle, remij, jeff, Hasni
WARES H4 24 sandy914
SWEAR H7 16 ding

On 2nd draw, MORAI(N)E G5 77 --- MORAINE an accumulation of debris deposited by a glacier [n]
Other moves: WA(G)MOIRE 4H 76, AIRWOME(N) 4E 74, MERO(P)IA G1 74, (P)AROEMIA 5A 68, (P)AROEMIA 5G 68
MORAI(N)E G5 27 musdrive
REM I5 22 margalang
MORE I3 21 rn.roselle
WARME(R) 4H 20 sandy914, jeff
FAME 6H 15 remij
WIRE(D) 4H 14 Hasni
MORSE(L) 9E 9 ding

On 3rd draw, BEMA I7 33 --- BEMA a platform in a synagogue [n]
Other moves: KEMB F9 28, KAME F9 26, KAMI F9 26, KIBE F9 26, KAB F9 25
MEEK I2 25 narisa
BEAK F9 22 musdrive
MABE F9 22 jeff
MIKE 11D 20 sandy914
MAKE 11D 20 margalang
KAME 11D 20 Hasni
BIKE I1 20 rn.roselle
BIKE 11D 20 remij
WAKE 4H 11 ding

On 4th draw, DOTTER 11I 24 --- DOTTER one that dots [n]
Other tops: DETORT 11I 24, DETOUR 11I 24, DOTER H11 24, DOUTER 11I 24, DUETT H11 24, DUETTO 11I 24
Other moves: ROTED H11 23, TOTED H11 23, TRODE H11 23, TRUED H11 23, DOTER 11I 22
DOTER H11 24 jeff, musdrive
ROTED I1 18 margalang, narisa
WROTE 4H 16 Hasni, rn.roselle
RODE I1 12 sandy914
ERODE 11C 12 ding
MAD 5G 6 remij

On 5th draw, FOGASH O7 59 --- FOGASH a fish [n]
Other moves: GNASH O8 47, FOGASH 12C 43, FOHNS O7 41, FAHS O8 38, FANGOS O6 38
FANGOS O6 38 Hasni
FROSH N10 38 musdrive
HANGS O7 35 narisa, margalang
FANGS O7 35 rn.roselle
HAGS O8 32 sandy914
GANTS L8 16 ding

On 6th draw, YOURT J10 31 --- YOURT a light tent of skins [n]
Other moves: VEERY M9 30, VUTTY L8 30, AYE 10I 29, AYU 10I 29, TRULY N10 29
VEERY M9 30 musdrive
AYE 10I 29 jeff, sandy914
YOUR J10 28 rn.roselle
TREY I2 21 margalang
YET I3 20 narisa
VERY M10 20 ding
EYE M11 12 kp10
TRUE 11D 8 Hasni

On 7th draw, NEARLIER 13C 70 --- NEARLY with close approximation [adv]
Other tops: ELATERIN L8 70, NEARLIER 13G 70
Other moves: ELATERIN 14G 66, ENTAILER 14H 66, REMANIE 5E 36, ARENE N10 23, ARERE N10 23
WEANER 4H 18 musdrive
LINER I1 16 rn.roselle
REN I3 14 margalang, narisa
TILER 14J 10 jeff
RE N6 9 sandy914
ALINER M7 8 ding
TEER 14J 4 kp10

On 8th draw, JAVE(L)IN N2 89 --- JAVELIN to pierce with a javelin (a light spear) [v]
Other moves: JAVE(L)INA E6 84, JIVE H12 66, JIV(E) H12 63, JIV(Y) H12 63, JIA(O) H12 54
JIVE H12 66 jeff, margalang, kp10, musdrive
JIVE(S) 15F 50 narisa, rn.roselle
J(O) N6 28 Hasni
JET(S) L9 20 ding

On 9th draw, PRORES N10 43 --- PRORE a ship [n]
Other tops: PROSER N10 43
Other moves: PRAOS N10 41, PRASE N10 41, PRESA N10 41, PROAS N10 41, PRORE N10 41
OPERAS 15E 33 musdrive
POSER 15H 33 jeff
PORES 15F 30 rn.roselle
PEARS 15F 30 narisa
PAR O1 26 margalang, Hasni
QIS H12 22 ding
QI H12 21 kp10

On 10th draw, CAUSED 15G 42 --- CAUSE to bring about [v]
Other moves: CASED 15H 39, SCAW F3 39, WICE H12 39, CAW F4 38, CAW O1 38
CAUSED 15G 42 jeff, musdrive, margalang
WADES 15F 36 narisa, rn.roselle
WIDE H12 36 kp10
CAWS 15G 36 Hasni
TACE L11 12 ding

On 11th draw, DIALOGUE D6 72 --- DIALOGUE to carry on a conversation [v]
Other moves: DAG O1 27, DOG O1 27, GAD O1 27, GOD O1 27, GLAD F3 26
GAD O1 27 jeff, narisa
DOG O1 27 rn.roselle, musdrive, Hasni
GOD O1 27 margalang
LEAD D12 14 kp10
GLADE D9 14 ding

On 12th draw, ZEK I3 40 --- ZEK a prisoner in a labour camp in USSR [n]
Other moves: ZETA 8A 39, MAZEY 5G 38, ZEK C8 37, KYE C7 35, ZEK C5 35
ZETA 8A 39 musdrive
ZA 3M 22 rn.roselle, margalang, ding, Hasni
ZIT 7C 22 narisa
KAY 3M 20 kp10

On 13th draw, POTE J2 39 --- POTE to poke [v]
Other moves: POW O1 38, W*G O1 33, TOW O1 32, WOE J2 31, WOT J2 31
POTE J2 39 jeff, musdrive
POW O1 38 rn.roselle, Hasni
W*G O1 33 margalang
WOT O1 29 narisa
WAG 3M 14 ding
WE 5M 5 kp10

On 14th draw, BLOATWARE 8A 42 --- BLOATWARE [n]
Other moves: BOW O1 38, BONITA E8 32, LOW O1 32, NOW O1 32, TOW O1 32
BOW O1 38 Hasni, musdrive, rn.roselle, margalang
WON O1 29 narisa
BIO K1 21 jeff
NOTA 8A 12 kp10

On 15th draw, BEATHING A8 104 --- BEATH to bathe [v]
Other moves: GNATHITE L5 76, ATHELING B4 72, HAG O1 33, TAHINA E8 33, AH O14 32
BEATHING A8 54 musdrive
HAG O1 33 margalang, rn.roselle
HAN O1 29 Hasni
HAT O1 29 narisa
HAT 3M 12 kp10
JA 2N 9 ding

On 16th draw, UNMAKE 5E 24 --- UNMAKE to destroy [v]
Other tops: NOD O1 24
Other moves: DIV 6J 23, DON O1 23, VIVO 4L 22, DONA E10 21, DIN 6J 20
NOD O1 24 rn.roselle, margalang, musdrive
DON O1 23 narisa, Hasni
IO K2 18 jeff
VAN 3M 12 kp10
TIN L11 6 ding

On 17th draw, INDOXYL B2 68 --- INDOXYL a chemical compound [n]
Other moves: XI B10 52, NOX O1 48, XI O14 42, OXO C6 38, ONYX 4B 37
XI B10 52 Hasni, musdrive, rn.roselle
NOX O1 48 narisa, margalang
OXO C6 38 jeff
POX 2J 12 ding
EX 5N 9 kp10

On 18th draw, QI A2 24 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: QI H12 21, INCIVIL 2B 20, NIL K1 19, QUINT E4 19, AVION 10A 16
QI A2 24 rn.roselle, margalang, Hasni
QI K1 15 musdrive
QI 2A 11 kp10, ding

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