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Game of July 12, 2011 at 17:54, 9 players
1. 541 pts musdrive
2. 480 pts margalang
3. 421 pts narisa

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?eenotz   H4    48    48   zonate
 2. abcdgio   4H    36    84   zodiac
 3. aefgoqs   N1    35   119   fegs
 4. aadjlpr   1L    66   185   jafa
 5. aegnqrt   K3    30   215   qintar
 6. behorrs   3G    39   254   boh
 7. eeilnoo   8J    21   275   oriole
 8. ?eiptuw   G5    80   355   wipeout
 9. aceklpt  H11    38   393   aleck
10. eirrstw  13G    82   475   rewrites
11. adeinor  11D    36   511   dentaria
12. egilnrs  15E    64   575   erlkings
13. deimnoy  12A    37   612   myoid
14. deeinty  13A    38   650   yede
15. aamortu   2B    32   682   trauma
16. abehlnu  14B    43   725   hale
17. befiiot   1G    32   757   fob
18. eintuvv   D1    28   785   vauntie
19. ginopsu   A8    36   821   ignomy

Remaining tiles: psuvx

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7079 Filemusdrive    1 17:23  -280  541     1.7079 musdrive    1 17:23  -280  541 
  2.6091 Filemargalang   1 21:16  -341  480            Group: intermediate
  3.5610 Filenarisa      2 16:09  -400  421     1.6091 margalang   1 21:16  -341  480 
  4.4721 FileMKMac       0 22:18  -481  340     2.6469 rn.roselle  1  9:57  -559  262 
  5.6469 Filern.roselle  1  9:57  -559  262            Group: novice
  6.5016 Filejimbo       0 11:01  -676  145     1.5610 narisa      2 16:09  -400  421 
  7.4718 Filetonikay     0  3:04  -769   52     2.5016 jimbo       0 11:01  -676  145 
  8.5708 FileFaeythe     0  4:57  -769   52     3.5708 Faeythe     0  4:57  -769   52 
  9.4905 Filevictor      0  1:31  -779   42            Group: not rated
                                             1.4721 MKMac       0 22:18  -481  340 
                                             2.4718 tonikay     0  3:04  -769   52 
                                             3.4905 victor      0  1:31  -779   42 

On 1st draw, ZON(A)TE H4 48 --- ZONATE arranged in zones [adj]
Other tops: ENT(R)EZ H7 48
Other moves: NE(R)TZ H8 46, ZOE(A)E H4 46, ZONE(D) H4 46, ZONE(R) H4 46, ZONE(S) H4 46
ZONE(S) H4 46 musdrive, margalang, rn.roselle, narisa
ZONE(D) H4 46 MKMac
(S)EEN H5 6 tonikay

On 2nd draw, ZODIAC 4H 36 --- ZODIAC an imaginary belt encircling the celestial sphere [n]
Other moves: COBIA 3G 30, ABID 10E 29, ACID 10E 29, CADI 10F 29, CODA 10F 29
CODA 10F 29 rn.roselle
CADI 10F 29 narisa
DAB G7 24 musdrive
BAD I3 23 margalang
D*G* I1 19 tonikay
AD(A)GIO 7F 11 MKMac

On 3rd draw, FEGS N1 35 --- FEGS in faith [interj]
Other tops: FAGS N1 35, FOGS N1 35
Other moves: SAFE N4 34, SOFA N4 34, FOES N1 33, FOG 3G 33, OAFS N1 33
FAGS N1 35 narisa, musdrive, margalang
FEGS N1 35 rn.roselle
GAS N2 27 victor
QI K3 11 tonikay

On 4th draw, JAFA 1L 66 --- JAFA a person from Auckland New Zealand (offensive - just another f**ing Aucklander), cf RONZER [n]
Other moves: JAP G7 48, JAAP 3I 47, JAP 3I 44, AJAR G6 43, JAAP G7 43
JAP G7 48 margalang, musdrive, rn.roselle
J(A)P 7G 22 narisa
JAIL K2 22 MKMac
FA 1N 15 victor

On 5th draw, QINTAR K3 30 --- QINTAR a monetary unit of Albania [n]
Other moves: TRANQ G9 28, TRANQ I9 28, ORANG 5H 24, Q(A)NAT 7G 24, TRANQ 8H 24
Q(A)T 7G 22 MKMac, narisa, musdrive, margalang
GRATE 2J 21 rn.roselle
QI K3 11 jimbo

On 6th draw, BOH 3G 39 --- BOH exclamation used to startle [interj]
Other moves: HOB 3G 37, SOH 3G 35, BOHS I7 33, H*B*S 9G 33, OH 3H 33
BOH I7 32 musdrive
HERES 9G 29 narisa
SHORE 9K 25 margalang
ROBES 8K 24 jimbo
HOB G9 21 rn.roselle

On 7th draw, ORIOLE 8J 21 --- ORIOLE an American songbird [n]
Other moves: DIENE J4 18, LEONINE 5F 18, RELIE 8K 18, REOIL 8K 18, RONEO 8K 18
RELIE 8K 18 jimbo
ONE 2L 14 margalang, rn.roselle
LINE G7 13 musdrive
DIE J4 12 narisa
HONE I3 11 MKMac

On 8th draw, WIPE(O)UT G5 80 --- WIPEOUT a fall from a surfboard [n]
Other moves: WIPE(O)UT G9 74, PEWIT G7 34, PEWIT(S) G7 34, PEWI(T) G7 33, PEW(I)T G7 33
PEW G7 32 margalang
WI(S)P 10F 31 rn.roselle, musdrive
(S)WEPT 10H 26 jimbo
(A)PE G8 15 narisa
W(A)P 7G 14 MKMac

On 9th draw, ALECK H11 38 --- ALECK an irritatingly oversmart person [n]
Other tops: EPACT H11 38
Other moves: ECLAT H11 32, KALPA 7J 31, KEP 7M 31, LATKE 7J 31, PLACKET 11A 30
KEP 7M 31 musdrive
PLACKET 11A 30 jimbo
KIN 6F 17 rn.roselle
PACT 11D 16 margalang

On 10th draw, REWRITES 13G 82 --- REWRITE to write again [v]
Other moves: REWRITES 13B 76, REWRITES O7 62, REWIRES 13G 30, REWRITE 13G 30, STREWER 13C 30
REWRITES 13G 32 musdrive
WIT 9M 23 margalang
HOW I3 18 narisa
SLIT 12G 16 jimbo

On 11th draw, DENTARIA 11D 36 --- DENTARIA a flower with toothed roots [n]
Other moves: LOADEN 12H 30, LOADER 12H 30, AIRED 12K 26, OARED 12K 26, AIDER 12K 25
DARE 12K 21 margalang, Faeythe
RAISED N10 18 narisa
ORATED L10 18 musdrive
DANK 15E 9 jimbo

On 12th draw, ERLKINGS 15E 64 --- ERLKING an evil spirit of Germanic folklore [n]
Other moves: GLEIS 12A 24, GREIN 12A 24, ENGILDS D6 22, ENGIRDS D6 22, GILDERS D8 22
GLIDERS D8 22 MKMac, musdrive
LINER 12A 20 margalang, narisa
QINTARS K3 16 tonikay
SINGLED D5 11 jimbo

On 13th draw, MYOID 12A 37 --- MYOID resembling muscle [adj]
Other moves: MEINY 10J 36, MYOID 10J 36, DEMY 12C 35, DOMY 12C 35, MYOSIN N10 34
YOM 9M 27 musdrive
DOME 12C 26 margalang
MODE 12A 26 narisa
YON 12M 14 Faeythe

On 14th draw, YEDE 13A 38 --- YEDE to go or proceed [v]
Other moves: YEED 13A 37, EMYDE A11 33, ENMITY A10 33, EYE 13B 31, EYED 12L 31
YEED 13A 37 musdrive
ENMITY A10 33 narisa
MEND A12 21 margalang
ED 13B 17 Faeythe

On 15th draw, TRAUMA 2B 32 --- TRAUMA a severe emotional shock [n]
Other moves: AMAUT 10I 27, ARUM 12L 26, ATOM 12L 26, MOUST N10 26, AMA 10I 25
MOUST N10 26 narisa
MART 10J 24 musdrive
ATE 2L 14 margalang

On 16th draw, HALE 14B 43 --- HALE healthy [adj] --- HALE to compel to go [v]
Other moves: HAULMY A8 42, BELAMY A8 39, NABE 14B 37, BELAH 10J 36, HABLE 10J 35
HE 14B 32 musdrive
HEN 10J 29 margalang
MYNA A12 27 MKMac

On 17th draw, FOB 1G 32 --- FOB to deceive [v]
Other tops: FEIST N10 32, FIB 1G 32, FIEST N10 32, FOIST N10 32
Other moves: BEFIT 10J 30, EFT 1F 30, OFT 1F 30, BOET 1D 27, FET 1G 26
FIB 1G 32 narisa
FIT 1G 26 margalang
FIE 9M 23 musdrive

On 18th draw, VAUNTIE D1 28 --- VAUNTIE boastful [adj]
Other moves: VAUNT D1 24, VAUTE D1 24, VAIN D1 22, VANE D1 22, VANT D1 22
VIE 1A 22 narisa, margalang
VANE D1 22 musdrive
VOTE M7 12 MKMac

On 19th draw, IGNOMY A8 36 --- IGNOMY loss of one's good name [n]
Other moves: SOP 9K 33, SPUG 12L 28, GOSSIP N10 26, SNIP 12L 26, SOUP 12L 26
OP 10I 22 musdrive
ONES 2L 17 margalang
SIT L11 16 narisa
SOP M7 9 MKMac

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